Sweet Sixteen: Purdue vs. Texas Tech: Stats, Predictions, and Game Thread

No. Playing better athletes. Mathias taken out. Carsen taken out. Leaves Vince and PJ. Not enough.

Not really. Purdue is making stupid mistakes and Carsen is forcing it. He hasn't been taken out. Purdue needs better ball movement, which isn't happening right now.
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ok, you now realize what the refs are going to call and not going to call. make some adjustments, and don't blame the refs. Play some better ball. make some shots. Don't turn the ball over. A quick three point shot to start the second half and it will be a 2 point ball game. WV was beating Villinova by 5 in the second half and lost by 12. it can be done.
The first 5 minutes of the second half will determine the winner of this game. Both coaches have to make offensive adjustments.

I'm just glad Painter was smart enough to put PJ back in but unhappy it took him so long. That seven minutes he was off the court is why we're now as far behind.
A couple halftime observations:

1: Purdue has 10 TO’s due mostly to dumb plays. They average 10 a game.
2: Purdue has only 4 assist...they average 16 per game
3: Purdue has not taken a single FT...they aren’t being aggressive
4: TT only with 5 fouls...that is simply unbelievable with the game I watched.
5: I absolutely hate to say this but this appears to be another big game where Mathias gets shut out or relegated to an inconsequential night. I know he hasn’t hit some big shots and has had some big games, but Purdue isn’t going to win if he doesn’t get his averages.
6: Purdue could lose this game by 15 or more points if they aren’t careful to start the second half. If they come out like they did against Butler for the second half, TT will get to double digits quick.