Post your right wing Trump wack jobs here

Your outrage IS fake. You are just a little drama boy. You are probably first in line at the Trump rally tonight so you can catch his every word.

Trump's false promise seems very similar to Obama/Biden saying under Obamacare you could keep your provider and your premiums would go down... We now know those were lies too...
Politicians make false promises to the American people all the time. Your fake outrage is simply because it's trump making the false promise and not Biden.

Not surprised if that turns out to be a staged photo, but aguendo, are the nitwits who posted and reposted this saying they don't understand the difference between radical Christian fundamentalists who oppose the killing of unborn babies - and the murderous ISIS crazies who cut off heads and slaughter innocent people who are 'infidels'?

Those nitwits who posted and reposted this can't really be that dense, can they tman?
Not surprised if that turns out to be a staged photo, but aguendo, are the nitwits who posted and reposted this saying they don't understand the difference between radical Christian fundamentalists who oppose the killing of unborn babies - and the murderous ISIS crazies who cut off heads and slaughter innocent people who are 'infidels'?

Those nitwits who posted and reposted this can't really be that dense, can they tman?

I think both are crazies. Extremes in any religion are bad. I am a Christian and don't think fundamentalists in the US are living in a way that the Jesus I was taught about.

Also, I am pretty sure Muslims are against abortions so not sure what your are saying there.
I think both are crazies. Extremes in any religion are bad. I am a Christian and don't think fundamentalists in the US are living in a way that the Jesus I was taught about.

Also, I am pretty sure Muslims are against abortions so not sure what your are saying there.
The photo you reposted said 'Explain the Difference' as if there isn't any. I think there is obviously a big difference between the two. Don't you?

Yes, extremes in any religion are bad, but some are 'much more bad' than others. Don't you think the nitwits who posted and reposted this photo should have been able to figure that out?
Per Carl Bernstein says privately 21 Republican senators hate Trump including both Hoosier senators:

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Per Carl Bernstein says privately 21 Republican senators hate Trump including both Hoosier senators:

I have read several books about this administration and I think both Mike Pence and Karen Pence dislike Trump although both are careful not to show their feelings. Pence’s dream/plan to become president has now turned to dust. His obsequious behavior is very well documented in videos So it would be nearly impossible for him to escape his ties with Trump.
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I have read several books about this administration and I think both Mike Pence and Karen Pence dislike Trump although both are careful not to show their feelings. Pence’s dream/plan to become president has now turned to dust. His obsequious behavior is very well documented in videos So it would be nearly impossible for him to escape his ties with Trump.
74 million people voted for Trump, take away Ca and Ny and he wins the popular vote.
Trump got votes because of his policies, obviously, not his personality.
If a conservative candidate, without a twitter account and who has a likable personality runs, they could easily take back the WH. Do you really think Biden would have won if it weren't for massive mail in ballots, ballots mailed to people who don't usually vote?
That should tell you a lot about how the majority of people in this Country feel about the far left liberal policies.
Take away Florida and Texas and Biden wins the electoral college 306-165.
I can play this game also.
Take out the Electoral college delegates from Ca and Ny and Trump wins the electoral college 232-222.
Take out Ca and Ny and the conservatives own the House, Senate and White House.
So you agree that arbitrarily ignoring votes by people we disagree with is asinine?
I think all legal votes should count.
If you are registered, have never voted before, get a mail in ballot and vote.
Yes your vote should count.
Where we disagree is when States, illegally change the vote certification requirements for mail in ballots only..
I think all legal votes should count.
If you are registered, have never voted before, get a mail in ballot and vote.
Yes your vote should count.
Where we disagree is when States, illegally change the vote certification requirements for mail in ballots only..

"One unusual feature of the Elections Clause is that it does not confer the power to regulate congressional elections on states as a whole, but rather the “Legislature” of each state. The Supreme Court has construed the term “Legislature” extremely broadly to include any entity or procedure that a state’s constitution permits to exercise lawmaking power. Thus, laws regulating congressional elections may be enacted not only by a state’s actual legislature, but also directly by a state’s voters through the initiative process or public referendum, in states that allow such procedures."
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I think all legal votes should count.
If you are registered, have never voted before, get a mail in ballot and vote.
Yes your vote should count.
Where we disagree is when States, illegally change the vote certification requirements for mail in ballots only..
They didn't (see Bob's post above about the interpretation of the elections clause), but my point was regarding you saying Trump would've won the popular vote if we ignore California and New York. While that's true, I guess, what's the point in even saying it? It's basically saying, "If Trump hadn't lost the popular vote, he would've won the popular vote."
Provide evidence. Note: you said “illegally” but the courts have pretty much all rules that it was entirely legal. So... yeah. Take the L.
Also, in at least one of the states where election rules changes have come into question (I'm not going to look up others because it's NOT just the actual legislative body in the state that has the power to make said changes), you find this:

The relevant portion: "Allies of the president — including GOP Rep. Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell, a congressional candidate who lost to Democratic Rep. Conor Lamb — are also trying to block certification in Pennsylvania state court. Their longshot case argues that the state’s mail voting law, which was passed by a Republican-controlled legislature and was used for elections before November, was unconstitutional."
They didn't (see Bob's post above about the interpretation of the elections clause), but my point was regarding you saying Trump would've won the popular vote if we ignore California and New York. While that's true, I guess, what's the point in even saying it? It's basically saying, "If Trump hadn't lost the popular vote, he would've won the popular vote."
Follow the posts above and you will understand why I even brought it up.
Regarding above and the Constitution.
The SC disagrees with your take, they stepped in twice already in Pa to disallow the counting of votes that didn't meet the original criteria.
So who certifies the vote and the delegates for each state.
It isn't the Mayor, Governor or State Judges.
These offices do not have authority to write law.

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