Women years ago and today?


Gold Member
Sep 27, 2008
An interesting short video between Jordan Peterson (who most “should” know) and Erik Kaufmann a self-described liberal national conservative. The conversation gets into changes primarily with women over time as primary predictors for woke today and historically whatever the dominant ideology of the past. It talks about the shift and differences in women in the 70s and today. Quite interesting…could a maternal instinct be in play?

It's almost funny that the very DEI that these college women have bought into resulted in this admin's new woke DEI regulations that have kept things from getting done. For example they only have 7 or 8 EV charging stations complete after budgeting tons of $ for thousands of them a couple years ago. Couple of articles on this below.

"2004+ Female effect".... as seen, Younger college women have been poling heavy for Dems since around then. Easily manipulated in the victim-victimizer Marxist DEI training in college.

Children especially, paying taxes and the wisdom of age seem to gradually shift priorities slightly in older women who don't poll as heavy for Dems.

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It's almost funny that the very DEI that these college women have bought into resulted in this admin's new woke DEI regulations that have kept things from getting done. For example they only have 7 or 8 EV charging stations complete after budgeting tons of $ for thousands of them a couple years ago. Couple of articles on this below.

"2004+ Female effect".... as seen, Younger college women have been poling heavy for Dems since around then. Easily manipulated in the victim-victimizer Marxist DEI training in college.

Children especially, paying taxes and the wisdom of age seem to gradually shift priorities slightly in older women who don't poll as heavy for Dems.

A lot of women and girly men are much more driven emotionally. How else would one define their passion defying logical reasoning? If the polls are does anyone reconcile ole Joe getting over a percent...his policies?
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A lot of women and girly men are much more driven emotionally. How else would one define their passion defying logical reasoning? If the polls are does anyone reconcile ole Joe getting over a percent...his policies?

It certainly isn't based on logic when Biden policies have cost every family $7-12,000 per year in extra costs due to his green energy trickle down inflation policies. You would have to be emotionally driven to pull the Biden lever, there just is no other explanation......other than stupidity of not understanding how this guy is costing you $$....and there is a lot of that in the voting public.
It certainly isn't based on logic when Biden policies have cost every family $7-12,000 per year in extra costs due to his green energy trickle down inflation policies. You would have to be emotionally driven to pull the Biden lever, there just is no other explanation......other than stupidity of not understanding how this guy is costing you $$....and there is a lot of that in the voting public.
Just out of curiosity, do you believe one can logically prefer a circumstance that costs them more money due to factors other than money? Or does logic dictate that money must be the only factor in all decisions?
Just out of curiosity, do you believe one can logically prefer a circumstance that costs them more money due to factors other than money? Or does logic dictate that money must be the only factor in all decisions?

What other factors I can name several that top $ -- in life. God, family, safety for example.

Can't think of any factors though involving these political fools in both parties that top my pocketbook....what is it for you?
What other factors I can name several that top $ -- in life. God, family, safety for example.

Can't think of any factors though involving these political fools in both parties that top my pocketbook....what is it for you?
I'm not sure the specifics really matter that much, as people could have different sets of things they would put before money. I was just wondering if you felt it was possible to choose, for logical reasons, an outcome that costs more money. So, since you've identified some of those possible reasons yourself, I'd suggest that your statement "it certainly isn't based on logic when Biden policies have cost every family $7-12,000 per year" can't actually be true. It COULD, in fact, be based on logic.
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I'm not sure the specifics really matter that much, as people could have different sets of things they would put before money. I was just wondering if you felt it was possible to choose, for logical reasons, an outcome that costs more money. So, since you've identified some of those possible reasons yourself, I'd suggest that your statement "it certainly isn't based on logic when Biden policies have cost every family $7-12,000 per year" can't actually be true. It COULD, in fact, be based on logic.

So tell us, we are curious to know......

Given Biden's 4 more years of his Green Energy inflation, what value is Biden pushing that is logically worth $28,000 to $48,000 to your family?

(Biden has cost my family $34,980 so far over the 2020 baseline.)

We have emotional high strung voters.....and we have logical thoughtful voters. While ALL don't fit that exactly.....a majority of Dem voters are emotional voters.

Look @ the abortion issue. Abortion available in majority of states. Furthermore, types of morning after pills and available early term chemical abortion effectively make abortion issue a moot point. But there are still crazed emotional Dems that think abortion is an issue, done as high as #1 to them.....many of these, in states with no or later 12+ week restrictions. That's pure emotion, not based on the situational facts.

Climate change.... Emotional Dems all for that. No evidence ANY actions taken or planned will have ANY results in global temp or Carbon levels. All emotional, feel good backers.

Hamas Crazy Dem protestors.....all emotional.....just watch them.

Like I said not apply to even in Republican party where most are logical & thoughtful -- on the far RIGHT they have a small minute % of crazed emotional voters. Look at the crazies climbing the Capital wall on J6. That's emotional. Very few....but still they are there.

The minute % of never Trumper Republicans are another.....while Trump has all the policies they like, they are crazed emotional nuts about his mannerisms, and won't vote for him. That's pure emotion.
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So tell us, we are curious to know......

Given Biden's 4 more years of his Green Energy inflation, what value is Biden pushing that is logically worth $28,000 to $48,000 to your family?

(Biden has cost my family $34,980 so far over the 2020 baseline.)

We have emotional high strung voters.....and we have logical thoughtful voters. While ALL don't fit that exactly.....a majority of Dem voters are emotional voters.

Look @ the abortion issue. Abortion available in majority of states. Furthermore, types of morning after pills and available early term chemical abortion effectively make abortion issue a moot point. But there are still crazed emotional Dems that think abortion is an issue, done as high as #1 to them.....many of these, in states with no or later 12+ week restrictions. That's pure emotion, not based on the situational facts.

Climate change.... Emotional Dems all for that. No evidence ANY actions taken or planned will have ANY results in global temp or Carbon levels. All emotional, feel good backers.

Hamas Crazy Dem protestors.....all emotional.....just watch them.

Like I said not apply to even in Republican party where most are logical & thoughtful -- on the far RIGHT they have a small minute % of crazed emotional voters. Look at the crazies climbing the Capital wall on J6. That's emotional. Very few....but still they are there.

The minute % of never Trumper Republicans are another.....while Trump has all the policies they like, they are crazed emotional nuts about his mannerisms, and won't vote for him. That's pure emotion.
I mean, your statement that Republicans are mostly logical and Democrats are mostly emotional is simply your opinion. Were I to say the opposite, it would just be my opinion. And, both of those positions ignore that people can be logical, but fall victim to fallacies or lack of sufficient knowledge to make and informed decision (see Dunning-Kruger), thus resulting in a voting position that is NOT based on emotion, and yet still is not supported by reality. Humans are flawed thinkers, even when trying not to be. We also do not have access to the minds of the people we'd be talking about. We might think someone is making an emotional decision when they're not, or think someone is making a logical decision when they're not. So, I don't see much point in having an argument in which neither side of it could possibly be demonstrated to actually be true.
I mean, your statement that Republicans are mostly logical and Democrats are mostly emotional is simply your opinion. Were I to say the opposite, it would just be my opinion. And, both of those positions ignore that people can be logical, but fall victim to fallacies or lack of sufficient knowledge to make and informed decision (see Dunning-Kruger), thus resulting in a voting position that is NOT based on emotion, and yet still is not supported by reality. Humans are flawed thinkers, even when trying not to be. We also do not have access to the minds of the people we'd be talking about. We might think someone is making an emotional decision when they're not, or think someone is making a logical decision when they're not. So, I don't see much point in having an argument in which neither side of it could possibly be demonstrated to actually be true.

I gave several examples as evidence.
You just babbled.

But still waiting....what is of more value to you than the $thousands Biden has cost, and will cost your family again if you vote for his green inflation energy policies again?
I gave several examples as evidence.
Examples that you can't demonstrate are actually emotional (you just THINK they are), or that someone couldn't arrive at those positions logically. That was my point.
You just babbled.

But still waiting....what is of more value to you than the $thousands Biden has cost, and will cost your family again if you vote for his green inflation energy policies again?
It doesn't matter one iota to the idea that you've already acknowledged that logic could lead someone to hold a position that is more expensive for them.
Examples that you can't demonstrate are actually emotional (you just THINK they are), or that someone couldn't arrive at those positions logically. That was my point.

It doesn't matter one iota to the idea that you've already acknowledged that logic could lead someone to hold a position that is more expensive for them.

I guess if you are too cowardly to list your value over thousand$ in money that causes you to vote for Biden, or Kennedy we are done here.

Sadly ironic, and humorous given the discussion, but what you just demonstrated to me an emotion......being afraid...cowardice. LOL.

Have a great day anyway!
I guess if you are too cowardly to list your value over thousand$ in money that causes you to vote for Biden, or Kennedy we are done here.

Sadly ironic, and humorous given the discussion, but what you just demonstrated to me an emotion......being afraid...cowardice. LOL.

Have a great day anyway!
I'll gladly demonstrate being NON-emotional by rejecting your attempt to bait me into your desired response by calling me a coward. I have no emotional (nor logical or intellectual, for that matter) need to prove my courage, or whatever, to you.

But, since you already agreed with me that money need not be someone's primary consideration, I agree, I guess we are done here.
What other factors I can name several that top $ -- in life. God, family, safety for example.

Can't think of any factors though involving these political fools in both parties that top my pocketbook....what is it for you?
There are WAYYYYYYY too many reasons to not push the button for Biden. Rather, reduce the list by asking what reason (maybe more than one?) someone would vote for Biden...just don't read it while drinking or eating something.
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I gave several examples as evidence.
You just babbled.

But still waiting....what is of more value to you than the $thousands Biden has cost, and will cost your family again if you vote for his green inflation energy policies again?
there are idiots on both sides. No question about that, but look at the people that are elected and it is easy to see the dems hold the majority of idiots. We also know that women typically are more emotional than men. We know women prefer things of interest that deal with people and men prefer things more than people. AGain, A Conflict of Visions lays out each side pretty well.

I like ole Hank Johnson. He keeps getting elected
there are idiots on both sides.

Yep, referenced that several posts above. Even gave examples on both sides.

Not sure if JBoiler23 is an idiot or not? But he/she certainly isn't making a case against being one in this thread.
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Yep, referenced that several posts above. Even gave examples on both sides.

Not sure if JBoiler23 is an idiot or not? But he/she certainly isn't making a case against being one in this thread.
And yet, you agreed with me? Does that make you one, too?
If you think this post is agreement, you are doubling down on making your case as a possible idiot. You don't want that, one would think, so please re-read & understand this time.......

Post in thread 'Women years ago and today?'
By naming factors that you'd put above money, you've agreed with me that people might legitimately put other factors above money. Not sure what's difficult to understand about that.
By naming factors that you'd put above money, you've agreed with me that people might legitimately put other factors above money. Not sure what's difficult to understand about that.

Those are NOT political factors.
Can a politician offer you God?
Can a politician offer you Family?

NO. That's what to understand.
You are tripling down.....
Those are NOT political factors.
Can a politician offer you God?
Can a politician offer you Family?

NO. That's what to understand.
You are tripling down.....
But they could be. It's hyperbolic, but let's say one party wants to raise your taxes but the other wants to imprison your family. You'd choose the taxes, right? Or one party wants to raise your taxes but the other wants to outlaw religion. Same deal, yes?

Alternatively, you do acknowledge that someone COULD choose something you would identify as a "political factor" that is more important to them than their own bank balance and vote accordingly? Or are you back to suggesting that the only logical choice is the one that makes sure you have the most money?