Is there any evidence? Not theories; not coincidental circumstances. Evidence?
In this country, you can't just investigate people because you feel like it. I know, that goes against what Donnie tells you to think! I am quite sure that a lot of people have looked at those circumstances and probably tried to find some sort of way to point the finger at the Clintons but not one person out of, say 50 million RWNJs has been able to do it in such a way that a court or other legal authority will order an investigation?
That should tell you everything you need to know.
Oh wait, I forgot, the entire other side is corrupt, and even most Republicans are corrupt, except Lord Donald. Yes. That's right. That's the most likely explanation - mass corruption on the part of thousands of people covered up so well that there's not one stinking piece of legit evidence or one person willing to come forward with The Truth!
Just like the 2020 election, right?