Tonight may even be a better night to be an American

It's almost like there's video of it or something. Don't worry, I know you're not swayed by something like video evidence.
Yes. It's "right wing propaganda" from the "bubble" I live in. I'll go ahead and get the buzzwords out of the way to save you a post.

When will you ever get new and original material?
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Can you imagine their response if a right winged mob member shoved a police officer into AOC while the rest of the right winged mob crowded around AOC and her family hurling insults?

I’m guessing AOC would have been far less dramatic about it than Rand Paul was, who really was going for the Twitter Emmy with his tweet.
I’m guessing AOC would have been far less dramatic about it than Rand Paul was, who really was going for the Twitter Emmy with his tweet.
Hahahahahahaha AOC would have been far less dramatic. You truly are out of your mind.

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Most of the people in Kenosha I would guess are people who just want to be part of the action and have no affiliation with any group or have any agenda whatsoever. Did you ever see a crowd after a championship in sports? They behave in the same mindless manner but are angry instead of happy.
Is this what you are describing? It looks more like the officer lost his balance while a protestor pushed against his bicycle....much ado about nothing.
Assault definitely may be a little hyperbolic but those "protestors" shouldn't have been bumping into police like that. It's between "assault" and "much ado about nothing" in my opinion. Just leave these folks alone. Everybody is tired of seeing it.
Democrats encourage this terrible behavior though so none us should really be surprised that it's happening without them condemning it. Ladies and gentlemen, Democrat Maxine Waters.

From watching the videos there anger stems from him being the Senator from KY and Louisville police murdering a woman in the bed of her own home.

That’s a good question!
Rand Paul literally introduced legislation to get rid of No Knock warrants. How could they possibly have an issue with him?
I didn’t say they don’t need a civics lesson. I think they’d like to see the police officers in prison.
See it's idiotic to think those police officers deserve to be charged or be in prison (read the whole thing before you go off).

Let's look at the facts of the case from the officers perspective.

Your chief comes to your team and tells you that you have a no knock warrant for a dangerous drug dealer (hence the no knock warrant). As an officer, you are already thinking this could get ugly. YOU ARE GIVEN THE ADDRESS to serve the no knock warrant. You go there with your team and break in the door. Immediately you are being shot at in a dark room. Remember, you think this is a dangerous drug dealer's home. You return fire in self defense. As it turns out YOU WERE GIVEN THE WRONG ADDRESS.

The misinformation lead to the death of an innocent woman. It is not the officers fault this woman died. It's the people who were responsible for getting the address correct. Taylor's boyfriend thought their house was being broken into and started firing in self defense (which is to be expected). The officers were also in the right to return fire given the situation they were put in.
They followed the same guidelines that restaurants have INDOORS. Now what may have spread the virus last night was the angry mob of people attacking everyone who was exiting the WH. No social distancing and screaming in the faces of strangers with no masks on.
That's absolutely not true unless they have very lax restrictions in DC. You can't sit that close to someone at a bar. You leave a space or have a screen. Every other table is empty.
People were sitting right next to each other, yelling at least very dog whistle. That's spreading. We'll see if anything turns up.
That's absolutely not true unless they have very lax restrictions in DC. You can't sit that close to someone at a bar. You leave a space or have a screen. Every other table is empty.
People were sitting right next to each other, yelling at least very dog whistle. That's spreading. We'll see if anything turns up.
If you go to a restaurant right now with a group of 12, you are all sitting elbow to elbow at the table.

Additionally, those that were there are all dignitaries. I'm sure they are getting tested frequently. Regardless, it's not that big of a deal, and no one on the left would have had issues with it if it weren't the RNC. For example, no one on the left is concerned about the spread of the virus from the thousands that are on the street protesting every night.
If you go to a restaurant right now with a group of 12, you are all sitting elbow to elbow at the table.

Additionally, those that were there are all dignitaries. I'm sure they are getting tested frequently. Regardless, it's not that big of a deal, and no one on the left would have had issues with it if it weren't the RNC. For example, no one on the left is concerned about the spread of the virus from the thousands that are on the street protesting every night.
That's right, there are allowances made but that doesn't change the fact that social distancing is the practice. That was about 150 at the table last night.

Frankly, I'm sick and fcking tired of you people and your president bitching about the economy while he sets no example for the country to solve the problem that is holding back the economy. Companies are not bringing people back to work in the numbers needed. Workers are still concerned about the virus.

Like a spoiled child, you want something but are unwilling to make the sacrifice or do the work to get it. Trump is all in on the vaccine at this point, that's pretty much it.

Lol. The protesters on the streets have he'll of a lot more masks on than the crowd last night. But they aren't the ones 40% of America is emulating.
That's right, there are allowances made but that doesn't change the fact that social distancing is the practice. That was about 150 at the table last night.

Frankly, I'm sick and fcking tired of you people and your president bitching about the economy while he sets no example for the country to solve the problem that is holding back the economy. Companies are not bringing people back to work in the numbers needed. Workers are still concerned about the virus.

Like a spoiled child, you want something but are unwilling to make the sacrifice or do the work to get it. Trump is all in on the vaccine at this point, that's pretty much it.

Lol. The protesters on the streets have he'll of a lot more masks on than the crowd last night. But they aren't the ones 40% of America is emulating.
My goodness you are such a pvssy. We won’t get everyone back to work until the vaccine comes out. We won’t be moving passed this stage until the vaccine comes out.

And no, you are absolutely wrong. The thugs on the streets aren’t hardly wearing masks at all, and they are screaming in people’s faces who are just walking by or trying to have a meal. Im not shocked you are defending them.
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Best thing was the racists on the street trying to compel everyone through intimidation to mimic their facist symbol. When one didn’t they screamed in her face, literally inches away. I guess it’s all ok since the guy screaming at a woman was wearing a mask and they’re peaceful protestors.
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My goodness you are such a pvssy. We won’t get everyone back to work until the vaccine comes out. We won’t be moving passed this stage until the vaccine comes out.

And no, you are absolutely wrong. The thugs on the streets aren’t hardly wearing masks at all, and they are screaming in people’s faces who are just walking by or trying to have a meal. Im not shocked you are defending them.
I'm not defending them. Where did I defend the looters and the rioters? Say it, link it. Stop putting freaking words in my mouth. Being dishonest doesn't make your point.

Were all those people on the Mall today thugs?
I'm not defending them. Where did I defend the looters and the rioters? Say it, link it. Stop putting freaking words in my mouth. Being dishonest doesn't make your point.

Were all those people on the Mall today thugs?
You haven’t condemned them either... doesn’t your side say silence is violence? Lol.

I have no clue what mall you are talking about.

There was a thing at the Washington mall yesterday
If they were screaming in the face of people peacefully walking by, or demand white people raise a fist in support of Black power, or were looting/rioting, then yes they are thugs.

If they weren’t doing those things, then no they aren’t thugs.
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If they were screaming in the face of people peacefully walking by, or demand white people raise a fist in support of Black power, or were looting/rioting, then yes they are thugs.

If they weren’t doing those things, then no they aren’t thugs.
But you never refer to the vast majority of protesters who aren't thugs. You lump them all together whenever you reference protesters. BLM are terrorists, you don't differentiate.
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You lump them all together whenever you reference protesters.
That seems to be the strategy of the GOP to lump all protesters into one group, whether they are peaceful or not. Also, all protesters are Democrats , thus all Democrats are for violence. Went to church last Sunday and the sermon was dealt with the evils of Democrats. Not mentioning anything about the GOP. I guess they don't want any Democrats in the congregation.
But you never refer to the vast majority of protesters who aren't thugs. You lump them all together whenever you reference protesters. BLM are terrorists, you don't differentiate.
The BLM movement creates an environment for thugs/terrorists to exist. The same for White Supremacy groups. The same for ANTIFA.

I have no issue with those who voice their opinions with violence, intimidation, or destruction. I have a big issue with ANY person who engage in violence, intimidation, or destruction.

Once again, I condemn the thugs/terrorists on both sides. The Country may be in a better place if the left did the same.
The BLM movement creates an environment for thugs/terrorists to exist. The same for White Supremacy groups. The same for ANTIFA.

I have no issue with those who voice their opinions with violence, intimidation, or destruction. I have a big issue with ANY person who engage in violence, intimidation, or destruction.

Once again, I condemn the thugs/terrorists on both sides. The Country may be in a better place if the left did the same.

So then a group like the NRA creates an environment for mass shootings then, right? I want to make sure I’m following your logic.
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