Lifelong racist insults HBCU grads ...

First of all, Robert Byrd was not Biden's best friend. I’ve explained this over and over. Yes during Jim Crow, Byrd was a stone cold racist. Byrd was a Dixiecrat that stayed in the Democratic Party. Later in life Byrd apologized for and denounced his participation in the KKK. After this, Byrd became a champion for civil rights, voting for several civil rights issues.. So much so that the NAACP gave him a grade A for civil rights and even mourned his death. Also, Hillary Clinton as well black congressman have taken pictures with Byrd and subsequently attended his funeral. The bottom line that Biden is not the only one that was close to Byrd. He along with the NAACP and black congressmen saw the transformation and eventually forgave the man. If Sen. Byrd remained a racist and segregationist, Biden and the others would have nothing to do with the man.
Yes I'm sure Byrd's flip wasn't politically expedient at all. Not like his career would have been over eventually if he didn't right?

"As Robert Byrd passes, an era in race relations ends. Byrd started his political life as an Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan. In 1944, Byrd wrote the following in a letter to Senator Theodore Bilbo: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act for 14 hours.

Byrd changed his mind later in life. In some respects, that change seems to have been politically motivated; maybe it was only politics at first. In 1997, he had this advice for up-and-coming politicians: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." That sounds like a coldly calculated assessment of political risk. Byrd made no secret of the decision he made to downplay his segregationist views in order to advance in Washington and move toward the mainstream.
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So how in your mind is the best way to reach out to black voters and attract them to the Republican Party.
Be honest with them. Be real.
Leverage the black celebrities, athletes and people in the public eye to speak to them.
Hold rallies/town halls in black areas (Trump has a rally in the Bronx today).
Don't pander to them like dems do.
Don't tell them they're victims or that the system is against them.
Speak the truth about dem policies and if they've really made an impact in their lives or whether they just sound good in theory.
I keep telling y’all. The students aren’t passing because of the schools or teachers are bad. They are not passing because doing the school work is not important to them or to the parents. This goes back to when they first set foot in elementary school and then carries over through high school. The parents or in a lot of cases the parent aren’t interested in their child’s success in school from the beginning. There is no discipline at home. They don’t study. Hand in homework. The parent(s) don’t encourage them to study or do homework. Don’t make sure that their homework is done, let alone done correctly. These non-disciplined students are disruptive in class. So if you put these same kids into a private school you are going to get the same results. It is the fault of the students/parents that they se failing.
This we're in agreement on 100%.
It's something Coleman Hughes addresses in his talks.
It's a cultural problem.
Because they believe in lies. There is literally evidence to the contrary. This is how incredibly blind you and others like you are. The evidence says the complete opposite, yet you continue to believe. When will you wake up? Stop being led by your nose and follow the evidence, not what people (lying Democrats) tell you.

Probably because they know it's not worth the time. The people on those platforms are too gone to the propaganda and they know their time is better served elsewhere.

Nobody talks more about himself than Biden. This whataboutism is just more TDS showing.
Well, I guess that's it. I tried. You, the Boneman and others I guess are happy with the 10% or 12% black GOP support. I'm trying too tell you on how to increase black GOP support but y'all dismiss me as usual. By not willing to go on urban radio is proof that the GOP does not want blacks to be inclusive in the party like Barry Goldwater wanted.
Yeah a lot of blacks in these cities are pissed off at these migrants being placed into the abandon schools and community centers in their neighborhood. Having said that, these folks are literally dumped to these cities and these folks have to go somewhere. That is why the Chicago mayor have stopped these buses from coming to the city sent by Gov. Abbott. Law suits have been filed against these bus companies. Therefore I believe that both parties are culpable in this migrant crisis. If I was mayor of Chicago or NYC, I would have put the migrants back on a bus and sent back to Texas.
Sounds like the boarder should get secured. That would solve all of these problems.
As far as school vouchers, it's simple. The public school teachers are scared that they are going to lose their jobs if less and less kids go to school elsewhere. Also, school vouchers does not guarantee better academic performance from these lower income kids. Poor parenting and the lack emphasis on education from the parents or parent are the main culprits in underperforming students. So, it doesn't matter where these kids go to school. They are not going to do well if the parents aren't checking over their work, making sure that they do the work. Or even making sure that even get to school. These kids can't even do homework because they don't have the necessary supplies like pen/pencil and paper or whatever at home. the parents do not ensure that the child has this stuff. If these kids "escaped" like you say, it will have nothing to do on how they vote. In reality, the question is will they vote at all?
Sounds like these are shitty schools and teachers if they are afraid of losing their jobs. If they are that poor at their job as to where people want to go elsewhere, then they SHOULD lose their job. The free market works. Allowing a union to stop that from happening is hurting kids. This is the worst kind of market rigging.
The right wingers want everything private including social security. Back in the financial crisis in the early 2000s, can you imagine how many folks would have lost their social security money if it was invested in private financial institutions instead?
So your reasoning to not have a better solution is the blips in time when it might not do so well vs the rest of the time when it severely out performs the government solution? Solid logic.
To me Biden’s speech is about hope that the graduates can make it despite white supremacy. White supremacy ain’t over by the way.

Because of white supremacy, it’s the reason why Morehouse College and other HBCUs were founded in the first place.
Here we go again.....
Give me an example of how white supremacy is impacting black college graduates?

This is the victimhood mentality the race baiters keep selling and people like you keep buying.
Be honest with them. Be real.
Leverage the black celebrities, athletes and people in the public eye to speak to them.
Hold rallies/town halls in black areas (Trump has a rally in the Bronx today).
Don't pander to them like dems do.
Don't tell them they're victims or that the system is against them.
Speak the truth about dem policies and if they've really made an impact in their lives or whether they just sound good in theory.
If the GOP won't go on urban radio, how in the so and so are they going to do rallies and town halls in black areas. Going on urban radio often is the best way to implement your last sentence suggestion. Your other suggestions is meh.
I keep telling y’all. The students aren’t passing because of the schools or teachers are bad. They are not passing because doing the school work is not important to them or to the parents. This goes back to when they first set foot in elementary school and then carries over through high school. The parents or in a lot of cases the parent aren’t interested in their child’s success in school from the beginning. There is no discipline at home. They don’t study. Hand in homework. The parent(s) don’t encourage them to study or do homework. Don’t make sure that their homework is done, let alone done correctly. These non-disciplined students are disruptive in class. So if you put these same kids into a private school you are going to get the same results. It is the fault of the students/parents that they se failing.
This may be true, but it all started because these kids parents were stuck in shit schools in the first place. Teachers unions are killing education in this country.
Perhaps republicans need to stop being racist and white nationalists and then they won’t called as such.

If it wasn’t for Barry Goldwater perhaps blacks would have stayed in the Republican Party.
You have no proof of racist Republicans nor white supremacy other than the shit you make up in your head. NONE. I dare you to give me one REAL example, but you can't.
Well, I guess that's it. I tried. You, the Boneman and others I guess are happy with the 10% or 12% black GOP support. I'm trying too tell you on how to increase black GOP support but y'all dismiss me as usual. By not willing to go on urban radio is proof that the GOP does not want blacks to be inclusive in the party like Barry Goldwater wanted.
Honestly man, and this isn't to be argumentative, but these politicians have an army of highly paid consultants whose sole job is to figure out the messaging and increase votes.
Do you not think they done extensive analytics and metrics, spent considerable time and resources, determining the benefits or lack there of, of going on urban radio?
It's super simple. If they believed it would help them, they would be all over it. But the reality is, the audience is too small and too one-sided to put themselves in a position where it could do more harm than good.

Why doesn't Biden go on Fox or Patriot radio and try to influence the middle America vote?
Sounds like the boarder should get secured. That would solve all of these problems.

Sounds like these are shitty schools and teachers if they are afraid of losing their jobs. If they are that poor at their job as to where people want to go elsewhere, then they SHOULD lose their job. The free market works. Allowing a union to stop that from happening is hurting kids. This is the worst kind of market rigging.

So your reasoning to not have a better solution is the blips in time when it might not do so well vs the rest of the time when it severely out performs the government solution? Solid logic.
The most telling statistic in these situations is to see where CTU leadership sends their kids to school.
That tells you all you need to know.
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Start with better schools, but the Dems in control of those areas won't allow it.
I keep telling you, it is not the schools or teachers. It is the kids that go to the schools that are jacked up. These kids do not want to go to school, let alone study and turn in school work. School vouchers to private schools only works for kids that want to learn. Kids that do not want to learn will still do poorly in Catholic or whatever private school they would go to.
Well, I guess that's it. I tried. You, the Boneman and others I guess are happy with the 10% or 12% black GOP support. I'm trying too tell you on how to increase black GOP support but y'all dismiss me as usual. By not willing to go on urban radio is proof that the GOP does not want blacks to be inclusive in the party like Barry Goldwater wanted.
You tried what? You want to be lied to? That's what you're saying it's going to take to get the black vote. We're here, trying to get you to see the truth, and all you want is to be lied to. That's what's sad here man. That's why we keep saying you're stuck on the plantation. You are being had and there's nothing we can do to change your mind about it because you want to be lied to. Until you WANT to see the hard truth, you are going to continue to hurt other black people by voting Democrat.
I keep telling you, it is not the schools or teachers. It is the kids that go to the schools that are jacked up. These kids do not want to go to school, let alone study and turn in school work. School vouchers to private schools only works for kids that want to learn. Kids that do not want to learn will still do poorly in Catholic or whatever private school they would go to.
You always say "I keep telling you", but everything you say after that is bullshit. You have no facts on anything you keep saying you "try to tell us". NONE. It's all talking points.

@Joetboiler gave you REAL inside information and what did you do with that? You whittled it down to an extreme minority in your head. You need to open your mind to real data vs unprovable talking points.
You have no proof of racist Republicans nor white supremacy other than the shit you make up in your head. NONE. I dare you to give me one REAL example, but you can't.
DONALD J. CHUMP. And the people who would vote and support a clown like him. You can start there. This all started with racist republican Barry Goldwater and Nixon. That's when the big shift in black GOP support went over to the dems. Ford wasn't too bad. Lee Atwater and Reagan were racists. Currently these MAGA Flavor Aid drinking congressman and senators are racists. Then there are the black GOP grifters like Clarence Thomas, Mark Robinson, Tim Scott and others that perpetuate this white supremacy.
If the GOP won't go on urban radio, how in the so and so are they going to do rallies and town halls in black areas. Going on urban radio often is the best way to implement your last sentence suggestion. Your other suggestions is meh.
I sense you don't like the idea of leveraging athletes, celebrities and other blacks in the public eye because this is likely the most damaging to the dems.
DONALD J. CHUMP. And the people who would vote and support a clown like him. You can start there. This all started with racist republican Barry Goldwater and Nixon. That's when the big shift in black GOP support went over to the dems. Ford wasn't too bad. Lee Atwater and Reagan were racists. Currently these MAGA Flavor Aid drinking congressman and senators are racists. Then there are the black GOP grifters like Clarence Thomas, Mark Robinson, Tim Scott and others that perpetuate this white supremacy.
Man...they've got you hook, line and sinker.
Any conservative black is a self hating black grifter.
Pretty soon, 20% of the black voting population will be self-hating grifters.
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I sense you don't like the idea of leveraging athletes, celebrities and other blacks in the public eye because this is likely the most damaging to the dems.
That's fine and that is already being done as there are conservative athletes that has been on various talk shows throughout the years. Of course they've been on Faux News. However, that is only reaching a very small audience. With urban radio, you reach a more broader audience. Conservative listeners call the urban radio shows all the time. Add in conservative politicians to spread their message and platforms and you may get more black support. It's not hard. Just have to be willing to do it if they really claim that they care about the black vote.
Man...they've got you hook, line and sinker.
Any conservative black is a self hating black grifter.
Pretty soon, 20% of the black voting population will be self-hating grifters.
I did not say that every black conservative is a black grifter. Only the ones that perpetuate white supremacy. Folks like Colin Powell and Michael Steele are black conservatives and they did not perpetuate white supremacy. mentioned Powell before and someone here says that he is not a real republican. See, that's what I'm talking about.

"Pretty soon, 20% of the black voting population will be self-hating grifters." Not if the GOP keep doing the status quo.
To me Biden’s speech is about hope that the graduates can make it despite white supremacy. White supremacy ain’t over by the way.
So his statement, "You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot", was to give them hope.

Do you agree with that statement? Do you think Kamala was 10X better than anyone else who Crow could have picked to be VP, for example?

Or how about the poc nitwits in the dem Pro-Hamas squad? Or Rep. Hank Johnson, so stupid he asked in testimony if the island of Guam would tip over by placing a military base on it.

These dem poc's are 10x dumber than anyone else, obviously, but there they are in the House.

So his statement, "You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot", was to give them hope.

Do you agree with that statement? Do you think Kamala was 10X better than anyone else who Crow could have picked to be VP, for example?

Or how about the poc nitwits in the dem Pro-Hamas squad? Or Rep. Hank Johnson, so stupid he asked in testimony if the island of Guam would tip over by placing a military base on it.

These dem poc's are 10x dumber than anyone else, obviously, but there they are in the House.

To get it out of the way. I don't know about 10x better as i don't think that you can quantify it but Harris is more than qualified to be VP.

Since Biden was talking to a mostly black audience, the graduating students, parents, etc., his speech writer most likely had input from Biden's black advisors. Assuming that you are non-black, you and others may not have heard this before. If y'all have black friends, they may have heard this. Black parents for decades have told their children that they have to be better than their white counter parts to make it in this country. I've heard this from my parents. My friends have heard this from their parents. Since then, I've heard this from time to time throughout the years. It's a phrase used to encourage black kids to work hard to over come any obstacles that you may find during your academic and/or employment career.
If the GOP won't go on urban radio, how in the so and so are they going to do rallies and town halls in black areas. Going on urban radio often is the best way to implement your last sentence suggestion. Your other suggestions is meh.
Trump is holding a rally in the Bronx tomorrow.

Think he will tell blacks the system is against them so they cannot succeed?
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To get it out of the way. I don't know about 10x better as i don't think that you can quantify it but Harris is more than qualified to be VP.

Since Biden was talking to a mostly black audience, the graduating students, parents, etc., his speech writer most likely had input from Biden's black advisors. Assuming that you are non-black, you and others may not have heard this before. If y'all have black friends, they may have heard this. Black parents for decades have told their children that they have to be better than their white counter parts to make it in this country. I've heard this from my parents. My friends have heard this from their parents. Since then, I've heard this from time to time throughout the years. It's a phrase used to encourage black kids to work hard to over come any obstacles that you may find during your academic and/or employment career.
So you think Crow was encouraging the new HBCU grads by telling them the odds are so heavily stacked against them by a racist system (that he has supported for 50 years as a DC insider).
To get it out of the way. I don't know about 10x better as i don't think that you can quantify it but Harris is more than qualified to be VP.

Since Biden was talking to a mostly black audience, the graduating students, parents, etc., his speech writer most likely had input from Biden's black advisors. Assuming that you are non-black, you and others may not have heard this before. If y'all have black friends, they may have heard this. Black parents for decades have told their children that they have to be better than their white counter parts to make it in this country. I've heard this from my parents. My friends have heard this from their parents. Since then, I've heard this from time to time throughout the years. It's a phrase used to encourage black kids to work hard to over come any obstacles that you may find during your academic and/or employment career.

"I'll take "Pandering" for $1000 Alex"
DONALD J. CHUMP. And the people who would vote and support a clown like him. You can start there.
That's not evidence nor proof and you damn well know it.
This all started with racist republican Barry Goldwater and Nixon. That's when the big shift in black GOP support went over to the dems. Ford wasn't too bad. Lee Atwater and Reagan were racists.
More lies. The black vote went Dem in the 1930's. I've proven that to you with facts and data. Lee Atwater was taken out of context on purpose to push this Republican racist lie. The things that Atwater mentioned as being "coded" wording for racism were things that the Democrats were still using if you took the time to look into it. Busing for example was something the Democrats were against that would have helped blacks.

It was even said that Reagan's campaign was completely devoid of racism because he could win on the merits.
Currently these MAGA Flavor Aid drinking congressman and senators are racists.
Still no evidence whatsoever.
Then there are the black GOP grifters like Clarence Thomas, Mark Robinson, Tim Scott and others that perpetuate this white supremacy.
And yet again, no evidence or proof.

I asked for proof and you've provided none because you have none. Just imaginary hobgoblins conjured up to keep scaring you back to your masters.
He didn't say that. His own daughter and grandkids are Jewish.

He also won't be calling any black males 'Boy" like your leader.
He will vote for the Democrats no matter what they say or do. The cult membership is alive and well.
Have some examples - or just repeating what you heard on turban radio?
I doubt he even gets urban radio via SiriusXM as he claims. The government doesn't provide it as a welfare perk. He likely is getting his info at the local Lake County Yellow Dem precinct office down on the corner.
That's not evidence nor proof and you damn well know it.

More lies. The black vote went Dem in the 1930's. I've proven that to you with facts and data. Lee Atwater was taken out of context on purpose to push this Republican racist lie. The things that Atwater mentioned as being "coded" wording for racism were things that the Democrats were still using if you took the time to look into it. Busing for example was something the Democrats were against that would have helped blacks.

It was even said that Reagan's campaign was completely devoid of racism because he could win on the merits.

Still no evidence whatsoever.

And yet again, no evidence or proof.

I asked for proof and you've provided none because you have none. Just imaginary hobgoblins conjured up to keep scaring you back to your masters.
I never said that blacks started the migration to the Dems in the 60s. Yes they started going to the Dems on the 30s in part because of FDR’s New Deal. Unfortunately for blacks, racist FDR did not include them in most of the New Deal stuff. Blacks were even excluded from the welfare system that FDR started. But if was on the 60s when Barry Goldwater basically kick black out of the Republican Party. After that it was a rap. Blacks in droves went over to the Democratic Party and never looked back.

What are you talking about that Lee Atwater’s statements were taken out of context? Dude, he is on tape teaching racist democrats that came over to the Republican Party on how not to be overtly racist. He yells them that they can’t say the n-word anymore. You use code words instead. Dude, we’ve been through this several times.
I never said that blacks started the migration to the Dems in the 60s. Yes they started going to the Dems on the 30s in part because of FDR’s New Deal. Unfortunately for blacks, racist FDR did not include them in most of the New Deal stuff. Blacks were even excluded from the welfare system that FDR started. But if was on the 60s when Barry Goldwater basically kick black out of the Republican Party. After that it was a rap. Blacks in droves went over to the Democratic Party and never looked back.
You literally said they made the big shift because of Goldwater and Nixon. The reality is though that 70% of the black vote went D in the 1930's and that's undisputed.

How did Goldwater kick blacks out of the party? Do you even realize how stupid that sounds? Yes, let's completely get rid of an entire voting block and commit political suicide. Nobody would ever do that. What WOULD happen is the other party making up lies and spin to draw said voting block to their side. That happens all the time. What you suggest is just idiotic and only a child would believe in such things.
What are you talking about that Lee Atwater’s statements were taken out of context? Dude, he is on tape teaching racist democrats that came over to the Republican Party on how not to be overtly racist. He yells them that they can’t say the n-word anymore. You use code words instead. Dude, we’ve been through this several times.
First of all, no. He's not talking to democrats that came over to the republican party. That's just total bullshit. There never was a big switch. That's another progressive made up lie. They did try to get some voters to switch over, but that was ill conceived. Dixiecrats lived and died as Democrats. The South didn't solidly go Red until the 2000's. I showed you all of the voting from Senate seats to Governor races before proving that point.

Also, Atwater literally says not to quote him before saying all of that stuff. In other words, he doesn't want that attributed to him. By the end, he states that the whole thing about race is going away "one way or another". In other words, they (he) don't want to be using racial language and would rather it be gone anyway.

Second, you always conveniently only link the worst part of his entire interview, thus cutting out all of the other context. He literally says in his interview that Reagan used NO racism in his campaign and he was able to win on economic policy.

You're ignoring my original question for proof of racism or white supremacy which you know you cannot provide.
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You literally said they made the big shift because of Goldwater and Nixon. The reality is though that 70% of the black vote went D in the 1930's and that's undisputed.

How did Goldwater kick blacks out of the party? Do you even realize how stupid that sounds? Yes, let's completely get rid of an entire voting block and commit political suicide. Nobody would ever do that. What WOULD happen is the other party making up lies and spin to draw said voting block to their side. That happens all the time. What you suggest is just idiotic and only a child would believe in such things.

First of all, no. He's not talking to democrats that came over to the republican party. That's just total bullshit. There never was a big switch. That's another progressive made up lie. They did try to get some voters to switch over, but that was ill conceived. Dixiecrats lived and died as Democrats. The South didn't solidly go Red until the 2000's. I showed you all of the voting from Senate seats to Governor races before proving that point.

Also, Atwater literally says not to quote him before saying all of that stuff. In other words, he doesn't want that attributed to him. By the end, he states that the whole thing about race is going away "one way or another". In other words, they (he) don't want to be using racial language and would rather it be gone anyway.

Second, you always conveniently only link the worst part of his entire interview, thus cutting out all of the other context. He literally says in his interview that Reagan used NO racism in his campaign and he was able to win on economic policy.

You're ignoring my original question for proof of racism or white supremacy which you know you cannot provide.
If you want to know how blacks were kicked out of the Republican Party, watch the entire video. Clay Cane lays it out well.
A lot of meaningless history here.

What matters is Dems have bought votes of the poor for decades. This includes more Whites and Latinos than Blacks. And unfortunately still do today.

During these decades a few have improved their lot through education, but more by far have been trapped in poverty due to the abusively poor Dem controlled Union schools in these areas where Dem green energy inflation and prices are crippling their families.

Then illegal migrants getting Dem funds once earmarked for our own poor citizens of all races are starting to open some eyes of the poor.

The best 2 things that can be done to break the poverty cycle are educational choice and dropping most handout programs in favor of daycare assistance so the poor can advance on their own abilities.

Polls show a growing % of poor White, Latinos and Blacks are figuring the Dem scam above out, and are transitioning to independents or Republicans. That really bothers the Dems who are slowly losing their grip on the poor vote.....and their vote is all they really ever cared about. So they are going nuts.
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If you want to know how blacks were kicked out of the Republican Party, watch the entire video. Clay Cane lays it out well.
Dude, you've linked this guy before. He's full of shit and provides no evidence. In fact, much of his statements are factually incorrect.

First he claims that troops were withdrawn from the South because they were tired of protecting black areas. That's just flat out bullshit. Troop were withdrawn as an agreement once those states came back into the Union. Had nothing to do with abandoning the blacks.

Second, he claims that the south went Republican in the 1950's and 1960's. That's not true at ALL. As I pointed out in great detail in another thread, the South didn't go full Republican until almost 2000. It became increasingly Republican as it became less racist. He then goes on to say that it was because the Democrats voted in Civil Rights is why blacks left the Republicans. What this moron doesn't tell you is that the Republicans put up a Civil Rights bill many times over a 100 year period and was shot down by Democrats every time. In 1964 there were more Republicans by percentage that voted for it than Democrats. In both houses, 82% of Republicans voted for Civil Rights vs 69% for Democrats. 78% of the no vote were Democrats, including a 60 day filibuster by Democrats.

This guy is not someone to go to for facts my man. He's out in left field and apparently he's taking you with him.
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Dude, you've linked this guy before. He's full of shit and provides no evidence. In fact, much of his statements are factually incorrect.

First he claims that troops were withdrawn from the South because they were tired of protecting black areas. That's just flat out bullshit. Troop were withdrawn as an agreement once those states came back into the Union. Had nothing to do with abandoning the blacks.

Second, he claims that the south went Republican in the 1950's and 1960's. That's not true at ALL. As I pointed out in great detail in another thread, the South didn't go full Republican until almost 2000. It became increasingly Republican as it became less racist. He then goes on to say that it was because the Democrats voted in Civil Rights is why blacks left the Republicans. What this moron doesn't tell you is that the Republicans put up a Civil Rights bill many times over a 100 year period and was shot down by Democrats every time. In 1964 there were more Republicans by percentage that voted for it than Democrats. In both houses, 82% of Republicans voted for Civil Rights vs 69% for Democrats. 78% of the no vote were Democrats, including a 60 day filibuster by Democrats.

This guy is not someone to go to for facts my man. He's out in left field and apparently he's taking you with him.

BNI linking the same crap links over & over again.....say it ain't so. 🥱 Lol

Like a broken record.....or is it a broken brain? I can't tell, looks the same on here @ times. 😎