Trump holds massive rally in the Bronx

The past 50 years or so the Dems have been in favor of a lot policies that not only benefitted everyday Americans but blacks specifically.

The Affordable Care Act
Before the ACA, a lot of blacks did not have employees based health care. Black independent truck drivers. Black business owners. Blacks that worked part time and the employees did not offer health care.
Republicans are against the ACA.

Affirmative action
Even though affirmative action was the brainchild of a black Republican named Arthur Fletcher in the early 60s. Since then the Dems have always, til this day have been fighting to keep affirmative action. Blacks have benefitted by being able to go to college and the workplace. Republicans are against affirmative action.

Black farmers
Democrats have been fighting to get black farmers the money that their white counterparts always gets. Obama got them money that was owed to them since the 90s. Biden and the dem congress tried to get them money but the white farmers fought it, sued and won. Republicans are against black farmers getting money.

Clean Air and Water
Many blacks urban area live near factories. Clean air regulations ensure all people live with air that they breathe. NW Indiana where I live is the steel capital of the US with 4 steel plants and the largest oil refinery on the Midwest. There have been hiccups now and then but due to regulation we have clean air and clean Lake Michigan beaches. Republicans are against regulation.

Police reform
The Dems tried to pass a police reform bill that would have made police officers more accountable for mistakes and illegal police tactics. The repubs voted against it.

The automotive insustey
A lot of blacks work in the automotive industry. Obama and the democrat led congress saved the auto industry back in 2010. Republicans was against it. Mitt Romney said let them fail.

As far as single mothers, crime, and violence. That is something that you can’t legislate. That comes from within.

Your turn. You tell me what Republican policies have helped blacks in America?

I applaud Republicans for being against the inefficient govt programs & regulations you listed #1,3 & 5 that costs everyone money & devalues our retirement through inflationary policy (including blacks btw).

#2 Dying of its own merits
#4 State issue
I applaud Republicans for being against the inefficient govt programs & regulations you listed #1,3 & 5 that costs everyone money & devalues our retirement through inflationary policy (including blacks btw).

#2 Dying of its own merits
#4 State issue
Well, the Boneman asked and I answered. You just confirmed why blacks don’t fool with the Republican Party. And I didn’t even get into the racism in the party. The Boneman wanted policies.
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Well, the Boneman asked and I answered. You just confirmed why blacks don’t fool with the Republican Party. And I didn’t even get into the racism in the party. The Boneman wanted policies.

Like last election, the Dems again will cater to the black & minority vote hard.....and after they get some of it -- they forget about them. And then once elected the Dem inflationary green energy & border policy destroyed the very people they said they wanted to help.

You can't really believe the Biden inflationary Green & border policies have poor and middle class of all colors better off than they were before they elected him??

If you do there are words for that.....Sucker, chump, dupe. Etc.
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You just confirmed why blacks don’t fool with the Republican Party. And I didn’t even get into the racism in the party. The Boneman wanted policies.
Crow actually blamed blacks yesterday for the sorry mess our nation is in, but you will no doubt mindlessly vote for him anyway. Start at 00:00 to hear him shamefully shift the blame.

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Did Trump call a black male 'boy"? I must have missed it.
Don't know if he called a black male boy, knowing him he probably called them much worse, but he sure prevented blacks form renting his apartments.

He also didn't want blacks counting his money. He went on to say that he prefer men wearing yarmulkes counting his money.