Haley '24

I have a very hard time believing you’d be OK with an AA history class taught by a conservative or a white person.
In fact, no liberal or democrat would be OK with that.
There you go with that liberal, democrat thing again. See, that’s why I like to educate y’all. These classes have been around for decades. You seem to can’t get out of the mode of agendas. African American studies is not about spreading agendas. AA studies classes covers a wide range covering culture, music, politics, history, literature, etc. of African Americans. There are ever bachelor degrees offered in African American studies. White students take these classes also for electives or even degrees just like the black students. Open to everyone, not just black students.

I bet you that folks of any background majoring in sociology, history, political science, journalism just name a few take some of these African American classes for electives.
Why? Isn’t it like, less than 1% of the population that identifies as whatever? I don’t see the importance in teaching the “look at me” segment of society.

But, I’m still trying to figure out what the difference is between black and white queer studies.
You must not watch TV much. Almost every commercial either has actual gay people in them. Or commercials that insinuate the gay lifestyle subtly. I know and talk to a few teachers in high school. They say that the queer stuff in so prominent now that if a student want to be called by a pronoun like “them” and “they” the teachers are required to obliged them. The teachers also say that it has become very hard to tell gender of some of these students. They wear gender neutral clothing and hairstyles.

Therefore, with this indoctrination of queer, fluid, transgender in the schools by the students themselves, you can bet these topics are now covered in the current school curriculums in such classes like social studies, sociology etc. in some form or another. So now if there is an African American studies class, why would they be any different and talk about the queer issues also. This leads back to my point when DeSantis singles out the AA studies class because of the queer stuff, among other reasons.he never says anything about that stuff being discussed already in mainstream classes in high school.
Because there story was never told until recently. This is one of the reasons that we have a Black History Month. This is how stories about these black women and other blacks in history get acknowledged. You always bring up every chance you get about blacks in the inner cities committing crimes and raised by single mothers. But you don’t seem interested in blacks that positively contribute to science and engineering. Or contribute, positively to society in other ways.

I asked you to learn more about Katherine Johnson. You failed.

Since this is Black History Month, why don’t you and others google Benjamin Banneker and Louis Latimore and learn about these folks.
P.S. There is no certain agenda by the way.
As an Engineer I was impressed with all the hand calculations done by these women of color to verify the computer accuracy. Good job by them.
I ask the question, were they selectively recognized because they were Black?
The moon landing was a tremendous feat of Engineering by hundreds if not thousands of people.
Other than the documentary you sited and a few documentaries about the astronauts, little is known of the behind the scenes work.
First of all, they are black traitors that perpetuate white supremacy. Secondly, they are just regular folks with no interesting story to tell. I do listen to David Webb every now and then on the “Patriot” channel on SiriusXM. He is not as horrible as Owens and Elder.
Here, you just solved your own issue: You don't like people like Owens, Webb or Elder because you don't like their positions on political and social issues. You claiming they perpetuate 'white supremacy', whatever that is, is just your subjective opinion. They don't believe what you believe, therefore, you don't like them. So, now do you understand why a lot of people didn't like or vote for Obama? It wasn't about skin color.
You must not watch TV much. Almost every commercial either has actual gay people in them. Or commercials that insinuate the gay lifestyle subtly. I know and talk to a few teachers in high school. They say that the queer stuff in so prominent now that if a student want to be called by a pronoun like “them” and “they” the teachers are required to obliged them. The teachers also say that it has become very hard to tell gender of some of these students. They wear gender neutral clothing and hairstyles.

Therefore, with this indoctrination of queer, fluid, transgender in the schools by the students themselves, you can bet these topics are now covered in the current school curriculums in such classes like social studies, sociology etc. in some form or another. So now if there is an African American studies class, why would they be any different and talk about the queer issues also. This leads back to my point when DeSantis singles out the AA studies class because of the queer stuff, among other reasons.he never says anything about that stuff being discussed already in mainstream classes in high school.
Should society really be coddling to the 1% of the population who colors their hair purple and claims to be a unicorn?
Why don't we have a class that teaches about handicap studies?
How about one that addresses the issues faced by people with vision/hearing problems?
How about a class that studies why some people have work ethic and others don't?

You see, the whole gender/queer/alphabet soup thing is to appease one group and one group only. Most Americans are not in favor of it, regardless of political leanings. The far left (will heavy assistance from the MSM) has found a way to blackmail corporate America into this whole 'inclusion' garbage.
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As an Engineer I was impressed with all the hand calculations done by these women of color to verify the computer accuracy. Good job by them.
I ask the question, were they selectively recognized because they were Black?
The moon landing was a tremendous feat of Engineering by hundreds if not thousands of people.
Other than the documentary you sited and a few documentaries about the astronauts, little is known of the behind the scenes work.
To BNI, it's not the accomplishment, it's the skin color that's most impressive.
There you go with that liberal, democrat thing again. See, that’s why I like to educate y’all. These classes have been around for decades. You seem to can’t get out of the mode of agendas. African American studies is not about spreading agendas. AA studies classes covers a wide range covering culture, music, politics, history, literature, etc. of African Americans. There are ever bachelor degrees offered in African American studies. White students take these classes also for electives or even degrees just like the black students. Open to everyone, not just black students.

I bet you that folks of any background majoring in sociology, history, political science, journalism just name a few take some of these African American classes for electives.
As I've said, there's nothing wrong with teaching an AA or black history class. The issue is in what context is it taught.
Do you think the classes taught prior to 2015 are similar to the ones taught after Ferguson or Floyd?
And again, unless you've reviewed the syllabus or sat in on the classes, you have no idea what's being taught, how the message is delivered or the goal of the professor.
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As an Engineer I was impressed with all the hand calculations done by these women of color to verify the computer accuracy. Good job by them.
I ask the question, were they selectively recognized because they were Black?
The moon landing was a tremendous feat of Engineering by hundreds if not thousands of people.
Other than the documentary you sited and a few documentaries about the astronauts, little is known of the behind the scenes work.
That is the point of Black History Month, I never heard of Katherine Johnson and the other black women at NASA until about 15 years ago. President Obama awarded her with the Medal of Freedom Medal. In the movie, "Hidden Figures", the other black woman at NASA featured, Dorothy Vaughn "borrowed" the book about the computer language FORTRAN. Read it, learned it and then taught the other black women, called "computers".
To BNI, it's not the accomplishment, it's the skin color that's most impressive.
Yeah. I am a black man and like many other black people in the US that are extremely proud of black people in history that overcame tremendous odds that succeeded. There are so many black inventors and scientists in history that don't get acknowledged in mainstream history classes and books. I mention positive things about black people in the US and of course you knock it.
I am not a repub, but what is non-normal about political parties setting the rules by which the candidates participate?
Trump really won’t agree to that, he might say he will but we all know he won’t play nice if he loses. Trump really isn’t a Republican, he’s whatever benefits him at the time. DeSantis and Haley would be their strongest ticket, Tim Scott might be solid as well. In my opinion Trump would be their worst choice, I think he might be the only one that loses if Biden is the nominee. Also, if that’s the choices I’ll leave my ballot blank, neither one at this point should be leading the U.S.
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Yeah. I am a black man and like many other black people in the US that are extremely proud of black people in history that overcame tremendous odds that succeeded. There are so many black inventors and scientists in history that don't get acknowledged in mainstream history classes and books. I mention positive things about black people in the US and of course you knock it.
It's just identity politics as usual. To you, the defining characteristic is the skin color, not the accomplishment. It's just like the message Dr. King was trying to get across. Content of character, not color of skin. Or in this instance, the contribution to science and NASA, not the fact that this it was unique because it was black people who did it.
Trump really won’t agree to that, he might say he will but we all know he won’t play nice if he loses. Trump really isn’t a Republican, he’s whatever benefits him at the time. DeSantis and Haley would be their strongest ticket, Tim Scott might be solid as well. In my opinion Trump would be their worst choice, I think he might be the only one that loses if Biden is the nominee. Also, if that’s the choices I’ll leave my ballot blank, neither one at this point should be leading the U.S.
There's not way the dems can roll Biden out there for another run. He might not even make it through this term. But, they also have an extremely weak bench and it's the Repubs election to lose. Trump needs to understand that his best move for the American people is to back the favorite and not miss this layup.
Should society really be coddling to the 1% of the population who colors their hair purple and claims to be a unicorn?
Why don't we have a class that teaches about handicap studies?
How about one that addresses the issues faced by people with vision/hearing problems?
How about a class that studies why some people have work ethic and others don't?

You see, the whole gender/queer/alphabet soup thing is to appease one group and one group only. Most Americans are not in favor of it, regardless of political leanings. The far left (will heavy assistance from the MSM) has found a way to blackmail corporate America into this whole 'inclusion' garbage.
Work ethic, that’s a good one. 😂 It just surprises me how lazy the people of this country have become. Just way too much free candy.
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There's not way the dems can roll Biden out there for another run. He might not even make it through this term. But, they also have an extremely weak bench and it's the Repubs election to lose. Trump needs to understand that his best move for the American people is to back the favorite and not miss this layup.
He won't.
I don't think Trump will win the nomination. I'm not even sure why he'd want to aggravation when he can still be a very strong force behind the scenes.
I think DeSantis in '24 with Haley as VP, or vice versa is such a strong ticket.
I don't think DeSantis's antics will play well with people who oppose cancel culture. He strikes me as being popular with the base but incredibly unlikable outside it. Kind of like Bob Dole in 1996.
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It's just identity politics as usual. To you, the defining characteristic is the skin color, not the accomplishment. It's just like the message Dr. King was trying to get across. Content of character, not color of skin. Or in this instance, the contribution to science and NASA, not the fact that this it was unique because it was black people who did it.
To you, everything is about politics. Or some kind of agenda. Blacks aren't thinking about politics, or an agenda when we learn about someone in our community that was an inventor or scientist or whatever. Again, we are proud of the fact of what they did as well as being black under adverse conditions they still achieved. You probably heard throughout the years of the first black astronaut, the first black astrophysicist, the first black this, the first black that. They may not mean anything to you but it does to us. Ask the black people that you say you know. You are definitely a person for whom an African American studies course would have done some good.
That is the point of Black History Month, I never heard of Katherine Johnson and the other black women at NASA until about 15 years ago. President Obama awarded her with the Medal of Freedom Medal. In the movie, "Hidden Figures", the other black woman at NASA featured, Dorothy Vaughn "borrowed" the book about the computer language FORTRAN. Read it, learned it and then taught the other black women, called "computers".
IMO a well deserved honor.
It took a complete effort to get the men on the Moon.
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I don't think DeSantis's antics will play well with people who oppose cancel culture. He strikes me as being popular with the base but incredibly unlikable outside it. Kind of like Bob Dole in 1996.
Disagree. A vast majority of the people opposed to cancel culture are supportive of conservative policies like DeSantis pushes. He or Haley should get the vast majority of the undecided vote after a lot of those went to Biden who turned out to be a disaster.
That is the point of Black History Month, I never heard of Katherine Johnson and the other black women at NASA until about 15 years ago. President Obama awarded her with the Medal of Freedom Medal. In the movie, "Hidden Figures", the other black woman at NASA featured, Dorothy Vaughn "borrowed" the book about the computer language FORTRAN. Read it, learned it and then taught the other black women, called "computers".
Great movie.
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To you, everything is about politics. Or some kind of agenda. Blacks aren't thinking about politics, or an agenda when we learn about someone in our community that was an inventor or scientist or whatever. Again, we are proud of the fact of what they did as well as being black under adverse conditions they still achieved. You probably heard throughout the years of the first black astronaut, the first black astrophysicist, the first black this, the first black that. They may not mean anything to you but it does to us. Ask the black people that you say you know. You are definitely a person for whom an African American studies course would have done some good.
I don't care if someone is black. I'm not going to treat them any differently because of it.

Should white people be all excited that a white guy won the slam dunk contest? When's the last time that happened (has it ever?). Are there a bunch of news articles talking about it, not because the guy is a good dunker, but because he's white?
DeSantis did ban, or at least threaten to ban the AP African American Studies class unless they changed stuff in the class that he did not like. The college board caved and made the changes and now the class is back.

Y’all keep bringing up the democratic run cities. Y’all fail to mention that the poorest and uneducated states are ran by republicans like MS and AL. The state with highest crime rate is Alaska, ran by republicans.
I don’t think you know the definition of “ban.” And there are several organizations which offer AP classes. This was just the largest. Others can offer a better quality course.

Second. Mississippi and Alabama are run by Rs recently AFTER 120 years of uninterrupted Democratic rule. And since Rs took over Alabama has drastically improved. It’s now a hotspot for aviation tech and Huntsville is one of the best cities to live in. People vote with their feet and it’s growing. Unlike blue states and cities.

As for Alaska (and congrats on regurgitating the Dem talking points) it does have a very high crime rate but this is highly skewed by violent crime/domestic violence on the over 70 Alaska Native villages. Many who do not have a police force. So people commit crimes in these poor remote areas w/o concern. I have 20 plus years working in a Federal capacity with Indian Tribes and I can explain why a State has very little ability to control crime on sovereign Indian country.

Do you yet realize your sources:leaders are trying to distract you from the damage and distraught they have exacted on your community?
Disagree. A vast majority of the people opposed to cancel culture are supportive of conservative policies like DeSantis pushes. He or Haley should get the vast majority of the undecided vote after a lot of those went to Biden who turned out to be a disaster.
DeSantis, Haley, or even Tim Scott will never get the vote of the crazy MAGA cult. The repubs did a major disservice to themselves by not putting Chump out to the pasture as soon as the 2020 election was over. Chump has set the repubs back for the next 2 election cycles.
I don't care if someone is black. I'm not going to treat them any differently because of it.

Should white people be all excited that a white guy won the slam dunk contest? When's the last time that happened (has it ever?). Are there a bunch of news articles talking about it, not because the guy is a good dunker, but because he's white?
But you like to bring up inner city violence, single mothers, and culture all the time. Yet don't care one bit about the positive things in the black community when I bring up the black inventors and scientists that have done wonderful things in this country. I know that you have no interest in watching the movie "Hidden Figures", the movie about Katherine Johnson and the other black women at NASA. Stream the movie somewhere and learn. I've asked you to google Katherine Johnson, Louis Latimore, and Benjamin Banneker. But you have not. Please do and learn something for a change. That is the problem with you. You are not willing to learn about any other cultures.

As far as the white dude that won the slam dunk contest. If white folks want to be excited for him, more power to them. There are white folks excited that he won by the way. Rick Barry's son Brent won the contest back in the 90s.
DeSantis, Haley, or even Tim Scott will never get the vote of the crazy MAGA cult. The repubs did a major disservice to themselves by not putting Chump out to the pasture as soon as the 2020 election was over. Chump has set the repubs back for the next 2 election cycles.
No.. If Trump doesn't get the nomination or pulls his name, the MAGA crowd, which you'd probably consider me to be, will get behind the nominee. There's no way they'd risk another 4 years of democrat leadership by not voting.
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But you like to bring up inner city violence, single mothers, and culture all the time. Yet don't care one bit about the positive things in the black community when I bring up the black inventors and scientists that have done wonderful things in this country. I know that you have no interest in watching the movie "Hidden Figures", the movie about Katherine Johnson and the other black women at NASA. Stream the movie somewhere and learn. I've asked you to google Katherine Johnson, Louis Latimore, and Benjamin Banneker. But you have not. Please do and learn something for a change. That is the problem with you. You are not willing to learn about any other cultures.

As far as the white dude that won the slam dunk contest. If white folks want to be excited for him, more power to them. There are white folks excited that he won by the way. Rick Barry's son Brent won the contest back in the 90s.
I have some travel coming up this week. Maybe I'll download that movie and watch it. No promises because I'm going on vacation and might choose something I don't have to think about when watching. But I have work travel again next week so maybe I will then.
I have some travel coming up this week. Maybe I'll download that movie and watch it. No promises because I'm going on vacation and might choose something I don't have to think about when watching. But I have work travel again next week so maybe I will then.
Cool. Hidden Figures is good movie for those interested in NASA, particularly the early days of Gemini. In the meanwhile, why don’t you Google Katherine Johnson.
No.. If Trump doesn't get the nomination or pulls his name, the MAGA crowd, which you'd probably consider me to be, will get behind the nominee. There's no way they'd risk another 4 years of democrat leadership by not voting.
If Chump steps aside and tells them to get behind the repub nominee, there may be a slight chance they will. But you know and I know Chump is not stepping aside quietly and the cult won’t back the nominee. Chump will claim fraud or the fix is in, even in the repub primary.
I don't think DeSantis's antics will play well with people who oppose cancel culture. He strikes me as being popular with the base but incredibly unlikable outside it. Kind of like Bob Dole in 1996.
You mean like the nearly 70% of Latinos who voted for him? Also, In the most recent rankings have Florida ranked #1 for state credit ranking and depending on the formula is anywhere 1-5 best atmosphere for business. Add to it it had the largest in-migration.

And I do look forward to a national debate when he says “my administration signed a bill that gender identity should not be. Introduced or taught for 3rd grade and under” because he Democratic nominee will have to explain to the country why it is important. I watched the Florida gubernatorial debate and Christ had some word salad about anti-this or that but at the end of the day most people said yeah my 6 year old for doesn’t need that. That’s why he won by 1.6 million in a state that 4 years early was purple with more registered democrats.
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No.. If Trump doesn't get the nomination or pulls his name, the MAGA crowd, which you'd probably consider me to be, will get behind the nominee. There's no way they'd risk another 4 years of democrat leadership by not voting.
There are some that think Trump will drop out…….but I don’t know how he possibly saves face, which will be a requirement for him. I guess he could continue with the “rigged” argument, saying he doesn’t have a chance because EVERYONE is out to get him.

But if he doesn’t get the nomination, no way does he go away quietly……..and MAGA will do whatever he says.

You are now a RINO, plain and simple. Just like DeSantis. Your greatest president ever said so.

You want it both ways. Love the trump policies but just can’t vote for him. Must have been all those mean tweets.
But you like to bring up inner city violence, single mothers, and culture all the time. Yet don't care one bit about the positive things in the black community when I bring up the black inventors and scientists that have done wonderful things in this country. I know that you have no interest in watching the movie "Hidden Figures", the movie about Katherine Johnson and the other black women at NASA. Stream the movie somewhere and learn. I've asked you to google Katherine Johnson, Louis Latimore, and Benjamin Banneker. But you have not. Please do and learn something for a change. That is the problem with you. You are not willing to learn about any other cultures.

As far as the white dude that won the slam dunk contest. If white folks want to be excited for him, more power to them. There are white folks excited that he won by the way. Rick Barry's son Brent won the contest back in the 90s.
In the most recent assessment 55 Chicago Public Schools report not a single child proficient in math or reading. I don’t blame the kids. Or even the families in many situations. I blame the adults in charge. And who are those adults? Who kept these kids out of school and destroyed their futures? Oh I forget. They had a lawn sign so they get a pass.

I would love to see thousands more Katherine Johnsons but unfortunately the kids sentenced to the schools (especially now with billionaire Gov Jelly Belly killing school vouchers) are never going to get that chance.

Why doesn’t this make you angry? Because I am. And everybody knew it was going to happen.
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Cool. Hidden Figures is good movie for those interested in NASA, particularly the early days of Gemini. In the meanwhile, why don’t you Google Katherine Johnson.
I'm not into NASA or space movies (although for some reason, I do like movies like War of the Worlds and Independence Day), but I'm interested in the story of Hidden Figures.
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If Chump steps aside and tells them to get behind the repub nominee, there may be a slight chance they will. But you know and I know Chump is not stepping aside quietly and the cult won’t back the nominee. Chump will claim fraud or the fix is in, even in the repub primary.
If he goes, he definitely won't go quietly, that's for sure. But I also don't think he wants to nuke the party on his way out either.
As I've said, I hope he pulls out and doesn't run. I think any combination of Haley, DeSantis, Scott, Cotton, Manchin, Tulsi, and a few others would be a strong ticket.
There are some that think Trump will drop out…….but I don’t know how he possibly saves face, which will be a requirement for him. I guess he could continue with the “rigged” argument, saying he doesn’t have a chance because EVERYONE is out to get him.

But if he doesn’t get the nomination, no way does he go away quietly……..and MAGA will do whatever he says.

You are now a RINO, plain and simple. Just like DeSantis. Your greatest president ever said so.

You want it both ways. Love the trump policies but just can’t vote for him. Must have been all those mean tweets.
Oh trust me Bobby, if he somehow were to get the nomination, I'd vote him today, tomorrow and twice on Sunday (just like we used to in Chicago). But, that's assuming he's the nominee and the only choice. I hope he's not.
I love his policies, definitely think he's got some flaws as an individual, but as far as what kind of POTUS he was, it's undeniable he was the best we've ever had. Didn't say the best person, but the best President.
As much as I don't like Bob Knight, you can't argue with his success. You might not like him as a person or the means by how he succeeded, but he succeeded none the less.
In the most recent assessment 55 Chicago Public Schools report not a single child proficient in math or reading. I don’t blame the kids. Or even the families in many situations. I blame the adults in charge. And who are those adults? Who kept these kids out of school and destroyed their futures? Oh I forget. They had a lawn sign so they get a pass.

I would love to see thousands more Katherine Johnsons but unfortunately the kids sentenced to the schools (especially now with billionaire Gov Jelly Belly killing school vouchers) are never going to get that chance.

Why doesn’t this make you angry? Because I am. And everybody knew it was going to happen.
The adults in charge, as you say assuming you are talking about the school teachers and administrations, has nothing to do with the low test scores. I live near Gary, IN and Chicago. I’ve been seeing this for decades. The low test scores are the result the kids themselves and the parents, a lot from single family homes not putting emphasis on learning. They don’t read to the kids when they are toddlers. When the child gets older in elementary school, they don’t check after the homework to make sure that it is done correctly. There is no discipline at home and that is carried over to the schools.

In my opinion, the kids have a form or PTSD from all of the violence they see in the neighhoods. They see the murders first hand. This goes back generations as the mothers are young themselves that their moms never put in any emphasis on educations. The cycle continues.

By the time the child gets to middle school and then high school they are several grades behind. School administrators can’t discipline the child at home. School administrators can’t check over the homework. You repubs like to blame the democrats leaders for COVID school lockdowns. These low scores have been around decades before COVID.
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I'm not into NASA or space movies (although for some reason, I do like movies like War of the Worlds and Independence Day), but I'm interested in the story of Hidden Figures.
Cool. You will see how the early days of the NASA space program got off the ground. Pun intended.
If he goes, he definitely won't go quietly, that's for sure. But I also don't think he wants to nuke the party on his way out either.
As I've said, I hope he pulls out and doesn't run. I think any combination of Haley, DeSantis, Scott, Cotton, Manchin, Tulsi, and a few others would be a strong ticket.
Are you kidding me? Chump nuked the Republican Party the day he came down that escalator when he announced he was running in 2016. Chump has already started name calling. Calls DeSantis DeSanctemonious now. As long as the republican candidates continue to try and please the deplorables, Chump ain’t going no where.
Are you kidding me? Chump nuked the Republican Party the day he came down that escalator when he announced he was running in 2016. Chump has already started name calling. Calls DeSantis DeSanctemonious now. As long as the republican candidates continue to try and please the deplorables, Chump ain’t going no where.
He will be unable to get enough donors for his campaign. I agree, he is going no where.
He will be unable to get enough donors for his campaign. I agree, he is going no where.
I’m telling y’all, the repubs better do something about Chump. They won’t win another presidential election, or at least the popular vote.
Are you kidding me? Chump nuked the Republican Party the day he came down that escalator when he announced he was running in 2016. Chump has already started name calling. Calls DeSantis DeSanctemonious now. As long as the republican candidates continue to try and please the deplorables, Chump ain’t going no where.
Who do you mean by the deplorables?

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