Haley '24

Yep, Joe needs to go. Even the majority of the dems feel that way. Problem is there’s no one to replace him on the ticket that appeals to most Americans.

The Republican campaign is gonna be crazy.

Saw today that any Republican that wants to be on the debate stage will have to sign a pledge to support the eventual nominee.

Wait for the pubs here to try and make that sound totally normal.
I am not a repub, but what is non-normal about political parties setting the rules by which the candidates participate?
If I recall correctly, I asked you several years ago to learn more about Dr. Ben Carson. You failed, calling him a sambo or whatever racist term you used.
I don't recall you asking me to learn more about Dr. Ben Carson. But anyhow I know a lot about Dr. Ben Carson. I've read his book years ago called "Gifted Hands". Even prior to that and thanks to Black History Month, Carson has been featured in various topics on black history. Urban radio stations have been talking about him for years. Dr. Ben Carson, along with Justice Clarence Thomas, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates were part of that affirmative action program to get into Yale University.

I used to have a lot of respect for Dr. Ben Carson. That changed soon after Obama was elected and Carson inserted himself into politics right after he ridiculed Obama about the health care plan and other topics right in front of Obama and the first lady at the Prayer Breakfast that was supposed to be politics free. Right on queue, Faux News invites him to be on all of their shows to discuss what he just did at the breakfast and a politician was born. Then he later said dumb stuff like slaves were immigrants to the US and crap like Obamacare is like slavery. All that to appeal to the republican white supremacy base.

You can't take away the man's brilliance, particularly when he helped separate those conjoined twins. But his politics have certainly rubbed most blacks the wrong way.

As far as the terms I used until the moderators shut it down. If you read the book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. You will know why I used those terms, which is not racist actually to describe the black traitors.
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DeSantis whitewashes black history every chance he gets. Banning books. Banning AP African American history classes. That is racist. He is not the only Republican doing so. Red states have been doing this for decades.
He didn't "ban" AP African American history classes. The Board rejected the proposed class based upon the last quarter of the syllabus. The AP group is going back and will resubmit. If somebody told you that he banned "AP African American History Classes" they are lying to you. But this is what democratic leaders do to minority groups. They push garbage like this to distract their constituents from the crime, underperforming schools, poor public services, taxes brought about by them,

I have asked you this before w/o response. Chicago has been run by democrats for 100 years. Cook County almost as long. Illinois has had a D governor for all but 4 of the last 20 plus years. D super majority in legislature. Madigan ran House for 40 years. Attorney General. D. Literally every pol that touches a Chicagoan is a Democrat.

Chicago Mayor. Black. Cook County President. Black. CPD Chief. Black. CPS. Cook County Court. Cook County Prosecutor. Almost everybody of government headed by a POC.

Yet the life of the average black Chicagoan sucks and life limited hope. Why is this?
DeSantis is a total weirdo who is probably going to do poorly when he has to go outside his bubble in Florida and appeal to voters who want real issues solved.
Florida is one of the largest State's in the country and most diverse. And people from all over the country are moving there - especially from NYC. Why?

In 2018 Desantis won the governor's race by 30k votes. 4 years later he won by 1.6 million votes. Do you understand this? After 4 years he expanded his margin by over 1 1/2 million votes. Is this because he is a fascist? Winning almost every county, including democratic strong hold Miami-Dade. Winning almost 60% of the Latino vote. Why? Can this many people want to live under an authoritarian regime?

And on RCP he is the only politician polled nationally with a positive favorability. +13 most recent Harvard-Harris. In reality, as he expands beyond his 23 million-person bubble his favorability grows. But keep watching The View. Its working out great for you.
He didn't "ban" AP African American history classes. The Board rejected the proposed class based upon the last quarter of the syllabus. The AP group is going back and will resubmit. If somebody told you that he banned "AP African American History Classes" they are lying to you. But this is what democratic leaders do to minority groups. They push garbage like this to distract their constituents from the crime, underperforming schools, poor public services, taxes brought about by them,

I have asked you this before w/o response. Chicago has been run by democrats for 100 years. Cook County almost as long. Illinois has had a D governor for all but 4 of the last 20 plus years. D super majority in legislature. Madigan ran House for 40 years. Attorney General. D. Literally every pol that touches a Chicagoan is a Democrat.

Chicago Mayor. Black. Cook County President. Black. CPD Chief. Black. CPS. Cook County Court. Cook County Prosecutor. Almost everybody of government headed by a POC.

Yet the life of the average black Chicagoan sucks and life limited hope. Why is this?
DeSantis did ban, or at least threaten to ban the AP African American Studies class unless they changed stuff in the class that he did not like. The college board caved and made the changes and now the class is back.

Y’all keep bringing up the democratic run cities. Y’all fail to mention that the poorest and uneducated states are ran by republicans like MS and AL. The state with highest crime rate is Alaska, ran by republicans.
DeSantis did ban, or at least threaten to ban the AP African American Studies class unless they changed stuff in the class that he did not like. The college board caved and made the changes and now the class is back.

Y’all keep bringing up the democratic run cities. Y’all fail to mention that the poorest and uneducated states are ran by republicans like MS and AL. The state with highest crime rate is Alaska, ran by republicans.
The state doesn’t need to subsidize Black queer studies and the like. Duh.
The state doesn’t need to subsidize Black queer studies and the like. Duh.
I’m not into this queer stuff either. However, similar to the African American studies courses I took at Purdue, covers all aspects of African Americans from history to current events like social-economic issues in the black community. Whether we like it or not, the queer issue is current issue in all communities. Therefore, it was part of the discussion in this course before they took it out. You can bet the queer topics are already discussed in sociology, social studies , and psychology classes with no objection. DeSantis is just using the queer and so-called CRT as as excuse. If he could ban the entire AP African American studies class totally he would.
I’m not into this queer stuff either. However, similar to the African American studies courses I took at Purdue, covers all aspects of African Americans from history to current events like social-economic issues in the black community. Whether we like it or not, the queer issue is current issue in all communities. Therefore, it was part of the discussion in this course before they took it out. You can bet the queer topics are already discussed in sociology, social studies , and psychology classes with no objection. DeSantis is just using the queer and so-called CRT as as excuse. If he could ban the entire AP African American studies class totally he would.
It was a high school class even if they call it "AP".

There is plenty of time and opportunity for kids to study useless topics like the black queer experience when they get to college. Nobody is being denied the right to waste their time.
I’m not into this queer stuff either. However, similar to the African American studies courses I took at Purdue, covers all aspects of African Americans from history to current events like social-economic issues in the black community. Whether we like it or not, the queer issue is current issue in all communities. Therefore, it was part of the discussion in this course before they took it out. You can bet the queer topics are already discussed in sociology, social studies , and psychology classes with no objection. DeSantis is just using the queer and so-called CRT as as excuse. If he could ban the entire AP African American studies class totally he would.
Like I said, the state doesn’t need to subsidize queer studies. Folks can go waste their own money on that.
It was a high school class even if they call it "AP".

There is plenty of time and opportunity for kids to study useless topics like the black queer experience when they get to college. Nobody is being denied the right to waste their time.
Yeah I know it’s a high school class. Like I said, they are already discussing that queer stuff in other high school classes. The queer stuff is just a very small aspect of the class. Only only sentence about it the curriculum documents. Just a smoke screen by DeSantis and other red states to try to disrupt any teachings black issues and/or history. DeSantis also tries to invoke CRT into this class. This class has no intentions of teaching CRT which is ONLY taught in law schools.
Like I said, the state doesn’t need to subsidize queer studies. Folks can go waste their own money on that.
The state is already subsidizing queer studies as it is already discussed in sociology and psychology classes. Y’all act like queer studies is the main focus of the AP African American studies class. It is not.
The state is already subsidizing queer studies as it is already discussed in sociology and psychology classes. Y’all act like queer studies is the main focus of the AP African American studies class. It is not.
Then it’s incremental improvement- the state doesn’t need to subsidize queer studies.

Same with all the intersectionality, Marxism and BLM stuff.
Then it’s incremental improvement- the state doesn’t need to subsidize queer studies.

Same with all the intersectionality, Marxism and BLM stuff.
Relax folks. It’s just an African American studies class which been around for decades. I can assure y’all that black people are not organizing a revolt. Nor a race war. Not sure what y’all are frighten of.
Relax folks. It’s just an African American studies class which been around for decades. I can assure y’all that black people are not organizing a revolt. Nor a race war. Not sure what y’all are frighten of.
Then it should be no big deal that the queer and commie stuff got removed, right?
Then it should be no big deal that the queer and commie stuff got removed, right?
Personally, I don’t mind it being removed. But my point is that they aren’t removing it from the sociology and psych classes. You know they are discussing those issues in some class in high school in one form or another with no questions asked.
I don't recall you asking me to learn more about Dr. Ben Carson. But anyhow I know a lot about Dr. Ben Carson. I've read his book years ago called "Gifted Hands". Even prior to that and thanks to Black History Month, Carson has been featured in various topics on black history. Urban radio stations have been talking about him for years. Dr. Ben Carson, along with Justice Clarence Thomas, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates were part of that affirmative action program to get into Yale University.

I used to have a lot of respect for Dr. Ben Carson. That changed soon after Obama was elected and Carson inserted himself into politics right after he ridiculed Obama about the health care plan and other topics right in front of Obama and the first lady at the Prayer Breakfast that was supposed to be politics free. Right on queue, Faux News invites him to be on all of their shows to discuss what he just did at the breakfast and a politician was born. Then he later said dumb stuff like slaves were immigrants to the US and crap like Obamacare is like slavery. All that to appeal to the republican white supremacy base.

You can't take away the man's brilliance, particularly when he helped separate those conjoined twins. But his politics have certainly rubbed most blacks the wrong way.

As far as the terms I used until the moderators shut it down. If you read the book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. You will know why I used those terms, which is not racist actually to describe the black traitors.
Sooo, a little update if interested. I'm just the messenger because I already spend too much time on the forums.---
2.10.23 – Star News Network

“DeSantis Administration Further Investigates AP African American Studies Revision After College Board Reveals CRT Authors ‘Going to Be Freely Available to Students and Teachers’”

By Susan Berry, PhD

[COMMENTS FROM DONNA GARNER: Because of the pressure from Florida’s Gov. DeSantis and his Florida Department of Education, the College Board (under the direction of David Coleman who was Obama’s architect of the Common Core) seemed to cave by saying on 2.1.23 that the College Board had revised its radical, leftist, woke, Black-queer, AP African-American Studies course.

At the time, Stanley Kurtz warned the public not to breathe a sigh of relief because the College Board is a master of deception.

Because David Coleman could not keep his mouth shut and came out spouting publicly on NPR (on 2.3.23) that the College Board had invented a type of work around, the Florida Department of Education decided to take a deeper dive into the revisions. Guess what they found buried in these supposed “changes?”

Now every AP teacher will be given free access to AP CLASSROOM
[an online resource] which means that every AP African-American Studies student will have easy, online access to AP CLASSROOM.

AP CLASSROOM is stuffed with the writings of CRT, far-left authors who spout intersectionality, Marxist/Communist doctrine, race/gender bias, Black Queer Studies, and LGBTQ indoctrination. Since it is online, most parents will not even know that their children’s teachers are utilizing it.

Gov. DeSantis and his administration are now pressuring the College Board to release ALL of their AP African-American Studies curriculum, including AP CLASSROOM.

If David Coleman had not bragged to NPR about his work-around, the College Board might have gotten away with its deceptive scheme.]

Excerpts from this article:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration has requested the College Board release all of its materials regarding its revised Advanced Placement African American Studies (APAAS) curriculum following an NPR interview in which the College Board president touted radical leftist material would still be very much available to high school students taking the course.

With Florida’s Stop WOKE Act banning the promotion of the tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in grades K-12, the DeSantis administration rejected the initial APAAS course because it included writings such as those by radical Marxist and former Communist Party member Angela Davis, and others associated with portions of the course called theMovement for Black Lives,” and “Black Queer Studies.”

“We have guidelines and standards in Florida,” DeSantis said about the decision to reject the AP framework. “We want education, not indoctrination.”

“Who would say that an important part of Black history is queer theory?”
the governor added. “That is somebody pushing an agenda on our kids. And so, when you see they have stuff about intersectionality and abolishing our prisons, that’s a political agenda.”

The College Board
came back with another, still biased, version of the course, but one that seemingly had eliminated a significant portion of the radical leftwing content, much to the dismay of the New York Times, which lamented the revisions that supposedly left CRT tenets and authors, as well as Black Lives Matter material, in the dust following DeSantis’s firm rejection of the course in his state.

In an interesting turn of events, however, DeSantis’s Department of Education (FDOE) has asked for further information about the revised APAAS course in the wake of an interview College Board President David Coleman – referred to during the Obama era as the “architect of the Common Core State Standards” – gave to NPR.

Stanley Kurtz,
a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, wrote Thursday at National Review about the significance of the DeSantis administration’s request for further information given the comments made by Coleman during the interview:

{DeSantis’s tenacity in the face of the huge uproar from the left over his already considerable APAAS victory is plenty consequential. By continuing to expose the College Board’s distortions, along with its interventions in what are by right state and local curricular decisions, DeSantis is shaking America’s education establishment to its foundations. That establishment has dragged control of our schools away from parents and placed it in the hands of academic ideologues instead. Thanks to DeSantis, the power of America’s education establishment is now in doubt.}

Perhaps the most significant contribution DeSantis has made in this case has been to stand up to the College Board’s status as the sole decider of college equivalency testing. Of course, when the College Board sets its standard for what it believes is essential content to be learned at the college level, that vision trickles down to what is taught in the lower grades as well.

[Obama’s architect of the Common Core] told NPR’s All Things Considered Friday that it is “not accurate” to say some black authors were removed from the original curriculum:

{Let me clarify about the Black authors for a moment ’cause we’ve got really exciting news to clarify for your listeners what’s going on. Because of this confusion that thoughtful authors like Kimberle Crenshaw, for example, on intersectionality, or bell hooks or other thinkers are somehow no longer represented in the framework, we took out all secondary sources, whether it was by Skip Gates or Evelyn Higginbotham, regardless of their political qualities.}

The “exciting news” apparently is that the College Board has stuffed the writings of CRT authors into a “free resource called AP Classroom,” Coleman said, adding, “and every teacher and student in AP African American Studies is going to have access to it.”

Coleman said the College Board has purchased the permissions for texts such as CRT activist Kimberle Crenshaw’s Mapping the Margins on the “intersectionality” of race and gender bias, and the poems of radical feminist Audre Lorde.

“No authors have been banned from the course,” Coleman reiterated. “And, in fact, we’re going to lift them up and make them freely available.”

The College Board president
[David Coleman, Obama’s architect of Common Core] also flatly denied the APAAS course had been restructured “to appease Governor DeSantis or other critics who have accused the College Board of being woke,” as the NPR host stated.

“What was attacked were secondary sources and all the secondary sources,” Coleman said. “What was not discussed in all the political commentary was the core facts and evidence of the course. Everyone’s in agreement. It seems that that was brilliantly handled.”

On Wednesday, the Daily Caller first reported the DeSantis administration was requesting further information about the APAAS course revision.

The FDOE [Florida Department of Education] sent a letter Tuesday, which The Star News Network obtained, to Brian Barnes, senior director of the College Board Florida Partnership, that provided an entire timeline of the communications between the DeSantis administration and the College Board since January 2022, regarding the state’s concerns the APAAS course was in violation of state law.

The letter stated:

  • On 1/12/2023, FDOE sent a letter to the College Board indicating that the course could not be approved as written.
  • By no coincidence, we were grateful to see that the College Board’s revised February 1, 2023, framework removed 19 topics, many of which FDOE cited as conflicting with Florida law, including discriminatory and historically fictional topics.
FDOE [Florida Department of Education] then referenced Coleman’s interview with NPR:

{[T]o help FDOE staff with their comprehensive review of your resubmission, we are requesting with your resubmission that you include the additional information referenced in the February 3, 2023 NPR interview at
College Board responds to backlash over AP African American studies curriculum : NPR.}

“Specifically, the NPR interview references ‘a free resource called AP Classroom, and every teacher and student in AP African American studies is going to have access to it,’” the letter states. “Since these are free resources included with the revised AP course, please include these free resources, including Mr. Coleman’s highlighted resources on ‘intersectionality,’ with your submission.”

“And what an interesting list that will be,” Kurtz suggested. “How much radical and CRT-based material will be in ‘AP Classroom’? Will any such material be balanced by an equal number of resources from black conservatives? Will AP Classroom include critiques of intersectionality and CRT, or only advocacy? Will the College Board seek permissions to reprint such balancing material?”

“In light of the College Board’s deceptive revisions of its controversial AP U.S. History curriculum in 2015, the FDOE is fully justified in seeking such clarification,” Kurtz observed.
We’re not discussing sociology classes. Nice attempt at moving the goalposts.
Yiu are missing my point. DeSantis wants to remove discussions about queer topics from the African American class. But does want to stop queer topics from any sociology and psych classes. I’m not moving the goal posts. Just pointing out the hypocracy and racism displayed by DeSantis picking in the African American studies class. The class is an elective. If you don’t want your child to take the class, don’t sign them up. Simple as that.
Because there story was never told until recently. This is one of the reasons that we have a Black History Month. This is how stories about these black women and other blacks in history get acknowledged. You always bring up every chance you get about blacks in the inner cities committing crimes and raised by single mothers. But you don’t seem interested in blacks that positively contribute to science and engineering. Or contribute, positively to society in other ways.

I asked you to learn more about Katherine Johnson. You failed.

Since this is Black History Month, why don’t you and others google Benjamin Banneker and Louis Latimore and learn about these folks.
P.S. There is no certain agenda by the way.
That’s the problem with liberals. They’re not impressed by the accomplishment, they’re impressed by the accomplishment because of the skin color.
This is why Dems are always race hustling: division protects their voting base.
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Yiu are missing my point. DeSantis wants to remove discussions about queer topics from the African American class. But does want to stop queer topics from any sociology and psych classes. I’m not moving the goal posts. Just pointing out the hypocracy and racism displayed by DeSantis picking in the African American studies class. The class is an elective. If you don’t want your child to take the class, don’t sign them up. Simple as that.
First, what the hell are “queer topics”?
Second, who thinks teaching about queer topics has any relevance in education?
Whatever queer topics are, are they different for blacks and whites?
No wonder parents in some of these liberal school districts are fed up……Teach damn math, English and science, the rest will fall into place.
You see that is your problem, you assume to much. You assume there is more in the book than than just the incident.

As far as Katherine Johnson at NASA, heck yeah you should be impressed with her and the dozen or so black women that worked there. You may not be impressed, but astronaut John Glenn was highly impressed. He famously said that he is not going up into space until Katherine Johnson checks the figures programmed into the computers. Katherine Johnson was a mathematician that calculated the exact trajectory John Glenn needed to to safely enter the earth’s atmosphere. If it wasn’t for Johnson, John Glenn would still be traveling in space at 18,000 mph. Or he would have burned to death during re-entry. I would highly recommend everyone to stream the movie called “Hidden Figures” to learn more about these women.

Perhaps you may learn something from Tim Scott’s book. I don’t jive with his politics but he may have a nice story to tell. For goodness sakes do not even think about getting a book from Candace Owens.
Why can’t I learn about black history from Candace Owens, Larry Elder, David Webb, Herschel Walker, Condi Rice? They all have books out. Should I read them?

I mean, they’re black Americans, haven’t they’ve had the same experience as other black Americans. What makes them different?
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He didn't "ban" AP African American history classes. The Board rejected the proposed class based upon the last quarter of the syllabus. The AP group is going back and will resubmit. If somebody told you that he banned "AP African American History Classes" they are lying to you. But this is what democratic leaders do to minority groups. They push garbage like this to distract their constituents from the crime, underperforming schools, poor public services, taxes brought about by them,

I have asked you this before w/o response. Chicago has been run by democrats for 100 years. Cook County almost as long. Illinois has had a D governor for all but 4 of the last 20 plus years. D super majority in legislature. Madigan ran House for 40 years. Attorney General. D. Literally every pol that touches a Chicagoan is a Democrat.

Chicago Mayor. Black. Cook County President. Black. CPD Chief. Black. CPS. Cook County Court. Cook County Prosecutor. Almost everybody of government headed by a POC.

Yet the life of the average black Chicagoan sucks and life limited hope. Why is this?
I lived in Chicago for 20 years. It was highly segregated and you had the bad south and west sides and the nice north side (with a few crummy pockets of Uptown, Rogers Park,). The Daleys ran the machine, but at least they let the police do their jobs. Now, in the last 10 years, the police have been handcuffed and now lots of Chicago is dangerous.
Relax folks. It’s just an African American studies class which been around for decades. I can assure y’all that black people are not organizing a revolt. Nor a race war. Not sure what y’all are frighten of.
Would be OK if an AA class were taught by a conservative professor? Would you be concerned about he content and message?
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Yeah I know it’s a high school class. Like I said, they are already discussing that queer stuff in other high school classes. The queer stuff is just a very small aspect of the class. Only only sentence about it the curriculum documents. Just a smoke screen by DeSantis and other red states to try to disrupt any teachings black issues and/or history. DeSantis also tries to invoke CRT into this class. This class has no intentions of teaching CRT which is ONLY taught in law schools.
That is a lib talking point you keep repeating, but how would you know where it is taught?

Relax folks. It’s just an African American studies class which been around for decades. I can assure y’all that black people are not organizing a revolt. Nor a race war. Not sure what y’all are frighten of.
I'm 'frightened' of more young people buying into the victimhoop myth and thus not moving ahead into careers and adulthood with confidence they can do great things without government handouts.
Would be OK if an AA class were taught by a conservative professor? Would you be concerned about he content and message?
This is why is good to have these discussions to educate y’all on some of these issues that impact black Americans that most of y’all have no idea about.

Again, you assume that these African American studies courses are taught by liberals. These courses are taught by a wide range of folks of all types of backgrounds. Your problems is that everything is liberal or conservative. I thought y’all were against identity politics. So yeah, it would be fine that these classes are taught by conservatives. Some are actually. Some are taught by white professors.
That’s the problem with liberals. They’re not impressed by the accomplishment, they’re impressed by the accomplishment because of the skin color.
This is why Dems are always race hustling: division protects their voting base.
I don’t care what liberals think or impressed with. When I speak here I speak from a black person point of view first. If it is liberal leaning then so be it. Blacks are impressed and proud when we learn about black inventors and scientists, particularly the ones that aren’t talked about in the main stream history books and classes. Learning about black history, the good and the bad is leaning about history. Has nothing to do with being democratic, or Republican for that matter.
Why can’t I learn about black history from Candace Owens, Larry Elder, David Webb, Herschel Walker, Condi Rice? They all have books out. Should I read them?

I mean, they’re black Americans, haven’t they’ve had the same experience as other black Americans. What makes them different?
First of all, this is a free country. You can read any book you want. The books from the folks you mentioned aren’t history books. For black history, the go to book would be anything from Dr. Henry Louis Gates, history professor from Harvard. A book by Condoleezza Rice would be a would read. I ain’t reading crap from Candace Owens, Elder, Webb, etc.
First, what the hell are “queer topics”?
Second, who thinks teaching about queer topics has any relevance in education?
Whatever queer topics are, are they different for blacks and whites?
No wonder parents in some of these liberal school districts are fed up……Teach damn math, English and science, the rest will fall into place.
Unfortunately, we have people that identify as queer, fluid, transgender what have you. There are high school and college that identify as such. Therefore, any high school or college class that deal social issues like social studies, sociology, psychology. This includes African American studies. All these classes will be discussing these issues you can best believe.
First of all, this is a free country. You can read any book you want. The books from the folks you mentioned aren’t history books. For black history, the go to book would be anything from Dr. Henry Louis Gates, history professor from Harvard. A book by Condoleezza Rice would be a would read. I ain’t reading crap from Candace Owens, Elder, Webb, etc.
Why don’t you want to read anything from Owens, Elder or Webb? After all, they check the boxes: educated, successful, black.
What’s the difference?
I don’t care what liberals think or impressed with. When I speak here I speak from a black person point of view first. If it is liberal leaning then so be it. Blacks are impressed and proud when we learn about black inventors and scientists, particularly the ones that aren’t talked about in the main stream history books and classes. Learning about black history, the good and the bad is leaning about history. Has nothing to do with being democratic, or Republican for that matter.
You speak from one black persons point of view. I know you like to think you speak for black America, but you don’t.
This is why is good to have these discussions to educate y’all on some of these issues that impact black Americans that most of y’all have no idea about.

Again, you assume that these African American studies courses are taught by liberals. These courses are taught by a wide range of folks of all types of backgrounds. Your problems is that everything is liberal or conservative. I thought y’all were against identity politics. So yeah, it would be fine that these classes are taught by conservatives. Some are actually. Some are taught by white professors.
I have a very hard time believing you’d be OK with an AA history class taught by a conservative or a white person.
In fact, no liberal or democrat would be OK with that.
Unfortunately, we have people that identify as queer, fluid, transgender what have you. There are high school and college that identify as such. Therefore, any high school or college class that deal social issues like social studies, sociology, psychology. This includes African American studies. All these classes will be discussing these issues you can best believe.
Why? Isn’t it like, less than 1% of the population that identifies as whatever? I don’t see the importance in teaching the “look at me” segment of society.

But, I’m still trying to figure out what the difference is between black and white queer studies.
Why don’t you want to read anything from Owens, Elder or Webb? After all, they check the boxes: educated, successful, black.
What’s the difference?
First of all, they are black traitors that perpetuate white supremacy. Secondly, they are just regular folks with no interesting story to tell. I do listen to David Webb every now and then on the “Patriot” channel on SiriusXM. He is not as horrible as Owens and Elder.

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