I don't recall you asking me to learn more about Dr. Ben Carson. But anyhow I know a lot about Dr. Ben Carson. I've read his book years ago called "Gifted Hands". Even prior to that and thanks to Black History Month, Carson has been featured in various topics on black history. Urban radio stations have been talking about him for years. Dr. Ben Carson, along with Justice Clarence Thomas, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates were part of that affirmative action program to get into Yale University.
I used to have a lot of respect for Dr. Ben Carson. That changed soon after Obama was elected and Carson inserted himself into politics right after he ridiculed Obama about the health care plan and other topics right in front of Obama and the first lady at the Prayer Breakfast that was supposed to be politics free. Right on queue, Faux News invites him to be on all of their shows to discuss what he just did at the breakfast and a politician was born. Then he later said dumb stuff like slaves were immigrants to the US and crap like Obamacare is like slavery. All that to appeal to the republican white supremacy base.
You can't take away the man's brilliance, particularly when he helped separate those conjoined twins. But his politics have certainly rubbed most blacks the wrong way.
As far as the terms I used until the moderators shut it down. If you read the book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. You will know why I used those terms, which is not racist actually to describe the black traitors.