Why is it in American's best interest to support Ukraine? Since we purchase oil from Russia, it sounds like we're fighting ourselves in this situation.
If we purchase oil from Russia, it's through intermediaries (since direct purchase is banned) and it's not very much at all:
Crude oil imports (Top 15 countries)
Crude oil imports (Top 15 countries)
(thousand barrels per day)
Country Jul-24 Jun-24 YTD 2024 Jul-23 YTD 2023
Canada 4,373 3,971 4,116 3,634 3,833
Mexico 413 575 480 746 731
Venezuela 308 226 206 153 117
Saudi Arabia 280 273 308 392 387
Guyana 258 293 208 65 89
Brazil 254 181 213 195 147
Colombia 209 187 213 208 194
Nigeria 207 117 160 164 177
Iraq 202 202 192 204 220
Ecuador 169 153 133 192 135
Libya 92 41 83 20 66
Argentina 74 43 64 54 44
Trinidad And Tobago 57 56 40 49 33
Kazakhstan 40 58 43 60 32
United Kingdom 39 64 62 46 42