Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen 'voters' wrongly listed on voter rolls amid lawsuit

And these were people who got their ID before 1996. But you acknowledge why it's biased to used the term in your second sentence. You know they're probably not all illegals, but you called them that anyway.
It's not bias, it was an assumption based on the gaping hole that our southern border has been.
Weird way to try to justify to yourself that this was still Democrats' fault. I wasn't trying to make any claim of judgement, just stating the facts that more of those affected are registered Republican than are registered Democratic. But make up whatever nonsense about those Republican voters actually being Democrats trying to sabotage the primary all you want, I suppose, so that you can go on pretending this is some Democratic plot to allow illegal Venezuelans from insane asylums to vote.
What's weird about it? It's pretty straight forward. One party is trying to secure elections. The other isn't.
And the reason they haven't been required to retroactive prove citizenship is that this glitch was only recently discovered, and it would be an undue burden to require it now, this close to the election.
Would it? How do we know that they ever did prove citizenship? It's not like illegal immigration is a new thing.
Also, given what you said earlier about the federal election being the "main concern," all of these people were could've voted in those races even if the court ruled that their status had to be changed, so, if it were a Democratic plot to steal, they still would've been able to do it.
The point I was making about that was that IF they were illegal immigrants, they shouldn't be able to vote at all. I thought that was a pretty clear point when I made it.
It's not bias, it was an assumption based on the gaping hole that our southern border has been.
You just keep telling yourself that, but there was never any evidence that this particular group of people were "illegals," and you went ther anyway. And I'm pretty sure whatever thing you would "assume," (ie, believe to be true before investigation) represents your bias.
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What's weird about it? It's pretty straight forward. One party is trying to secure elections. The other isn't.
Seems an oversimplification, but even if true, don't you see how that has no relevance to this particular news story? What was weird is that you felt compelled to come up with some scenario (voting in the other party's primary) whereby you could say "no, it was Democrats, actually" when informed that more of the affected voters are Republicans than Democrats.
Would it? How do we know that they ever did prove citizenship? It's not like illegal immigration is a new thing.
We actually do know, from reading, that they never did prove their citizenship because the computer glitch in question mistakenly tagged them (or whatever) has having done so when they hadn't. So, your "how to we know..." question is a pretty dumb one. But that fact, and the fact that illegal immigration isn't new, has nothing to do with whether requiring them to do it now, before the 2024 election, is an undue burden. It's a non-sequitur.
The point I was making about that was that IF they were illegal immigrants, they shouldn't be able to vote at all. I thought that was a pretty clear point when I made it.
It wasn't clear, because that's not what you said. You said "I think we can all agree that Federal elections are the main concern here and all of those "voters" could vote in Federal elections." As you're now well aware, all of these people were going to be able to vote in the Federal Election no matter what.

Anyway, I'm pretty much done with this particular "evidence of voter fraud" that turned out to be a complete nothing-burger with regards to said voter fraud narrative.
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Anyway, I'm pretty much done with this particular "evidence of voter fraud" that turned out to be a complete nothing-burger with regards to said voter fraud narrative.
The dems are so skilled at election fraud, they would never do anything this obvious, right KatJM23?
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The dems are so skilled at election fraud, they would never do anything this obvious, right KatJM23?
been swamped and will be out for a while, but thought some might find this interesting if it hasn't already been posted. Now it doesn't mention the 325,000 children missing or the fentanyl deaths and is only up to 7 million, but NONE of these should be here

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been swamped and will be out for a while, but thought some might find this interesting if it hasn't already been posted. Now it doesn't mention the 325,000 children missing or the fentanyl deaths and is only up to 7 mission, but NONE of these should be here

How can that be? The border has not been open according to the dem libs on this forum.