One Really Violent Day


True Freshman
Oct 9, 2022
If you’re not sure if Trump wants to be a lunatic strongman dictator? He does.

Listen to his exact words from today, talking about how police should address retail theft:

“They have to be taught. Now, if you had one really violent day… It’s so bad. One rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know? It will end immediately.”
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If you’re not sure if Trump wants to be a lunatic strongman dictator? He does.

Listen to his exact words from today, talking about how police should address retail theft:

“They have to be taught. Now, if you had one really violent day… It’s so bad. One rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know? It will end immediately.”
Another light on crime, bleeding heart liberal I see.
If you’re not sure if Trump wants to be a lunatic strongman dictator? He does.

Listen to his exact words from today, talking about how police should address retail theft:

“They have to be taught. Now, if you had one really violent day… It’s so bad. One rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know? It will end immediately.”
I tried to Google the quote. When and where did he say this? Can you post the link, please?
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Another light on crime, bleeding heart liberal I see.
You don’t know me. Do you wanna play a “who has a stronger law enforcement and military background” contest with me? You’d lose.

And I vote Republican most of the time, as long as the Republican respects the rule of law and is not a blithering fool.
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Sounds like "The Purge" only one hour instead of one day.

Good movie series. Religious fanatics came up with the idea. That kinda fits with the current Christian attitudes.

"Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all."
If you’re not sure if Trump wants to be a lunatic strongman dictator? He does.

Listen to his exact words from today, talking about how police should address retail theft:

“They have to be taught. Now, if you had one really violent day… It’s so bad. One rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know? It will end immediately.”
I love it. Crack some skulls. Teach people the hard way that stealing is wrong and there are consequences, sometimes painful.
I love it. Crack some skulls. Teach people the hard way that stealing is wrong and there are consequences, sometimes painful.
Yeah? No.

Violent summary justice on the scene, at times because someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time?

How about arrests based on probable cause and convictions based on proof beyond a reasonable doubt instead? That would be a better way to prevent the breakdown of civil society.
I love it. Crack some skulls. Teach people the hard way that stealing is wrong and there are consequences, sometimes painful.
Kind of like when you’re demanding some girl show you her genitals before she goes into the bathroom and you get your ass handed back to you? Painful consequences like that?
Kind of like when you’re demanding some girl show you her genitals before she goes into the bathroom and you get your ass handed back to you? Painful consequences like that?
"And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."
Kind of like when you’re demanding some girl show you her genitals before she goes into the bathroom and you get your ass handed back to you? Painful consequences like that?
why are lefty lib dems so soft on crime?

Let me guess...You think everyone deserves a trophy? Better yet, let's not keep score for fear of labeling someone a 'loser'?

And you're write, I will 100% physically prevent a man dressed as a woman from going into the women's bathroom. If you have daughters, which i doubt, I feel sorry that they're father isn't willing to defend them.
Like how you parent your kids. Totally normal.
I got the wooden spoon and occasionally the belt when I was a kid and needed some sense knocked into me.
It must have worked since i didn't grow up a liberal.
You don’t know me. Do you wanna play a “who has a stronger law enforcement and military background” contest with me? You’d lose.

And I vote Republican most of the time, as long as the Republican respects the rule of law and is not a blithering fool.
I would like to play that game. What do you have?
Apparently you grew up to be pretty angry and prone to accepting violence.
And I'm Catholic, how funny is that? I grew up in a household where mom n dad were judge, jury and executioner. That's their job. When you got out of line, there were consequences and those consequences taught lessons. Some lessons are learnt the hard way.

It's probably why my kids don't have purple hair, have a bunch of crap hanging out of their face and marching in pro-Hamas ralllies.
why are lefty lib dems so soft on crime?

Let me guess...You think everyone deserves a trophy? Better yet, let's not keep score for fear of labeling someone a 'loser'?

And you're write, I will 100% physically prevent a man dressed as a woman from going into the women's bathroom. If you have daughters, which i doubt, I feel sorry that they're father isn't willing to defend them.
I have a daughter. I taught her to be vigilant and not live her life in fear.

Your obsession with genitals is weird and creepy AF, though.
I got the wooden spoon and occasionally the belt when I was a kid and needed some sense knocked into me.
It must have worked since i didn't grow up a liberal.
You grew up to believe physical punishment is the best way to correct behavior, in children or adults. It dovetails with your admiration for men who appear tough and strong and believe threats and violence are the best way to solve problems. It's a pretty clear picture.
You grew up to believe physical punishment is the best way to correct behavior, in children or adults. It dovetails with your admiration for men who appear tough and strong and believe threats and violence are the best way to solve problems. It's a pretty clear picture.
Pretty much. But once I was old enough and the spoon and belt no longer worked, I got grounded, which was worse.
I respect strength and discipline. i believe in consequences for bad behavior, and those consequences have to be severe enough for someone to not experience them again.
Probably the reason why Freddie Gray got arrested over 30 times and George Floyd had 5 felonies.
This is such a dumb take. Am I supposed to follow my daughter around everywhere? Follow her into the bathroom? Quit being so ignorant.

I taught my kids to be able to analyze situations, think for themselves, and learn from mistakes. Not to think that daddy is going to protect them from the bad man dressed funny in the bathroom.

I'm more worried about the bad man with the orange hair that is has been accused of assaulting 26 women and found liable for sexual assault. You know, the one who is quoted as saying that when you're a star you can grab em by the pussy. Find me the trans people in the girls bathroom with that many assault allegations and I'll worry about them too.
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I taught my kids to be able to analyze situations, think for themselves, and learn from mistakes. Not to think that daddy is going to protect them from the bad man dressed funny in the bathroom.
Not to mention, the much bigger threat for my daughter is from straight men, not a trans person. So in reality, bone would be the person she grabbed the mace for.
Pretty much. But once I was old enough and the spoon and belt no longer worked, I got grounded, which was worse.
Imagine that! The physical violence against you wasn't as effective in correcting bad behavior as being held accountable with non-violent consequences.

You said it, and I agree.

And the same goes for law enforcement. Arrest with probable cause, convict with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. If law enforcement has appropriate cause to use force? Use it then and only then. Save the police from all of that community resentment and take the criminals out of circulation.

Or we could try Trump's plan of "One really violent day" by the police. Donald Trump is an unqualified idiot.
Not to mention, the much bigger threat for my daughter is from straight men, not a trans person. So in reality, bone would be the person she grabbed the mace for.
You guys still don't get it......the threat of the trans person is not necessarily one of violence (although that's happened on occasion), the threat is to the right to privacy, the threat of not having to see a man's penis in the ladies locker room, the threat of knowing there's some weirdo guy dressed as a lady in there who might be getting his jollies hanging out in the ladies room. It's as much of the mental and psychological violation as it is of physical assault.
You guys still don't get it......the threat of the trans person is not necessarily one of violence (although that's happened on occasion), the threat is to the right to privacy, the threat of not having to see a man's penis in the ladies locker room, the threat of knowing there's some weirdo guy dressed as a lady in there who might be getting his jollies hanging out in the ladies room. It's as much of the mental and psychological violation as it is of physical assault.
If a trans person is standing in the women's bathroom with their pecker hanging out? That's a public indecency violation.


As for 'no exposed penises in the women's locker room and showers'? I am 100% in agreement with you.
Pray tell; where is that allowed?
Imagine that! The physical violence against you wasn't as effective in correcting bad behavior as being held accountable with non-violent consequences.

You said it, and I agree.

And the same goes for law enforcement. Arrest with probable cause, convict with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. If law enforcement has appropriate cause to use force? Use it then and only then. Save the police from all of that community resentment and take the criminals out of circulation.

Or we could try Trump's plan of "One really violent day" by the police. Donald Trump is an unqualified idiot.
Another lefty liberal myth: Spanking a child is physical violence.
No it's not. It's not assault and it's not beating. It's getting their attention quickly and effectively. The sting on the butt quickly wears off, but the memory of the process is what prevents the behavior from occurring again.
Imagine that! The physical violence against you wasn't as effective in correcting bad behavior as being held accountable with non-violent consequences.

You said it, and I agree.

And the same goes for law enforcement. Arrest with probable cause, convict with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. If law enforcement has appropriate cause to use force? Use it then and only then. Save the police from all of that community resentment and take the criminals out of circulation.

Or we could try Trump's plan of "One really violent day" by the police. Donald Trump is an unqualified idiot.
But they don't take criminals out of circulation. If they did, how do you explain Freddie Gray having over 30 arrests and George Floyd having 5 felonies?
How many chance should a person get before it's determined that they're not interested in following the rules like the rest of us?
But they don't take criminals out of circulation. If they did, how do you explain Freddie Gray having over 30 arrests and George Floyd having 5 felonies?
How many chance should a person get before it's determined that they're not interested in following the rules like the rest of us?
Different argument, and one we'd probably agree on. That's what those 'three strikes' laws were designed for, and where they should be applied. But it's not going to be a life sentence for misdemeanors, even a bunch of them.
You guys still don't get it......the threat of the trans person is not necessarily one of violence (although that's happened on occasion), the threat is to the right to privacy, the threat of not having to see a man's penis in the ladies locker room, the threat of knowing there's some weirdo guy dressed as a lady in there who might be getting his jollies hanging out in the ladies room. It's as much of the mental and psychological violation as it is of physical assault.
Take the trans part out and this is always the threat. You’re just using your hatred of trans people to mask the actual greater threat. What a shame it is that you live your life in such fear.
If a trans person is standing in the women's bathroom with their pecker hanging out? That's a public indecency violation.


As for 'no exposed penises in the women's locker room and showers'? I am 100% in agreement with you.
Pray tell; where is that allowed?
You need to read up on Riley Gaines' experience.

"The 22-year-old last year described the “extreme discomfort” she felt at being in the same dressing room as Thomas revealed her “different” genitalia."
Another lefty liberal myth: Spanking a child is physical violence.
No it's not. It's not assault and it's not beating. It's getting their attention quickly and effectively. The sting on the butt quickly wears off, but the memory of the process is what prevents the behavior from occurring again.

You're putting words in my mouth; I didn't say it was "assault" or "beating." But by definition it is physical violence.

So tell me -- why was getting grounded more effective than getting hit?
You need to read up on Riley Gaines' experience.

"The 22-year-old last year described the “extreme discomfort” she felt at being in the same dressing room as Thomas revealed her “different” genitalia."
Yeah - that's f'd up. Agree with you if and when that is the situation!
Take the trans part out and this is always the threat. You’re just using your hatred of trans people to mask the actual greater threat. What a shame it is that you live your life in such fear.
It's not fear. It's disgust and pitty. And no, it's not a phobia or ism or ist either.
It's the simple, logical, belief that if you're a man pretending to be a woman, you're still a man and you should be using the men's room and the men's locker room, regardless if you grow your hair, paint your nails and put on a dress. That doesn't change the fact that you have a penis.
It's not fear. It's disgust and pitty. And no, it's not a phobia or ism or ist either.
It's the simple, logical, belief that if you're a man pretending to be a woman, you're still a man and you should be using the men's room and the men's locker room, regardless if you grow your hair, paint your nails and put on a dress. That doesn't change the fact that you have a penis.
It is fear. You’re nothing more than a scared old man who is willing to sit outside of a woman’s bathroom and intimidate people and demand to see their genitals. You just end up looking like a deranged creeper.
It's not fear. It's disgust and pitty. And no, it's not a phobia or ism or ist either.
It's the simple, logical, belief that if you're a man pretending to be a woman, you're still a man and you should be using the men's room and the men's locker room, regardless if you grow your hair, paint your nails and put on a dress. That doesn't change the fact that you have a penis.
What if that penis gets thhhhwwwacked off and replaced by surgically created female genitals?

Then which locker room?
You're putting words in my mouth; I didn't say it was "assault" or "beating." But by definition it is physical violence.

So tell me -- why was getting grounded more effective than getting hit?
What's your definition of physical violence? Is detaining a suspect physically physical violence?
Is setting a hard screen in basketball?
I didn't say grounding was more effective, you said that. I said it was worse.