Sumlin’s career winning percentage is .601 for 13 seasons, and Spack’s is .603 over 16 years, counting his four 10-plus win seasons, including this year’s. Purdue has had one lone 10-win season in its football history, and its all-time winning percentage is now down to .513. Yet we need to aim higher? For fresh outsiders? With no Purdue connections? Well, that’s what led us to 1-11 twice in 12 years.
Those who ignore history repeat it. Nix alumni Sumlin and Spack vs. outsiders Hazell and Walters? Or Brohm and his ever-illustrious 36-34 ledger, leading to the team’s abandonment, mass desertions and a nationally televised 63-7 New Year’s Day bowl loss, setting the program back years? Try that again? Not on my dime. The buck stops here if we go down that foreign road again. We need someone who knows Purdue and the work and won’t bail out as soon as he smells opportunities. A football alum.