Words from Smith and Loyer

That is a nice byproduct of a victory and heartwarming the way they care for their coach. Especially in this NIL era. Just great.

But when the tip comes, competitive juices flow & the 5 out there are playing for themselves and each other as a team. Best of luck to them!
That is a nice byproduct of a victory and heartwarming the way they care for their coach. Especially in this NIL era. Just great.

But when the tip comes, competitive juices flow & the 5 out there are playing for themselves and each other as a team. Best of luck to them!
They will be playing the game to their best ability during those 2 hours or so and they will be playing for themselves and their teammates AND coaches AND family AND Gene. They will be totally focused on the game and giving their best effort for each other, but not sure it stops there?

It seems in a cursory review that sometimes in life you see events that take place where something happens above the normal expectation and many times it is when a person does something for another that depends on that person because the person in many cases can't do it for himself. We see heroic times where people exhibit enormous strength to save someone in need, run into fires to get someone out, run up towers to try to save people and/or motivated by doing something for another more so than their own desires and so it exists and has existed under many faces forever.

Those that consider themselves Christians find the same scenario today in Easter. There you have the same human desires, but push past your own desires for others, because they too were dependent on You.