who is Tim Waltz? Is he sleezy enough to fit in?

I’ve seen a handful of your posts in various threads. You’d be wise to look up the word “mature” yourself. Just a friendly FYI.

And yeah, if you want me to vote for you and repeatedly call me stupid if I don’t vote for you (and apply that to anything else in life), chances are I’m just going to want you to just go the eff away, issues be damned. Sometimes it’s really just that simple.
Issues be damned really is that simple, for the simple minded.

There are several definitions of mature, but none of them seem to include installing tampons in boys restrooms as an example.

I'll stick with 'hard to focus on the issues' as a good definition of not being mature (short of senility like Joe's), but I am open to other definitions you want to put forward, if you can stay focused long enough to do so.
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Never said the border wasn’t an issue. Just that it wasn’t open.

Look, I’m more than willing to have discussions with people who are being rational and want to actually have a discussion. But when someone just says “the border is open”, it’s clear that person isn’t serious and shouldn’t be treated as such.

I appreciate you providing stats. The border is absolutely an issue and I have zero issue with it being a central issue of the election. But let’s not be naive about things. Every single administration continues to kick the can down the road on this issue. There was a bipartisan border bill drawn up earlier this year and republicans shot it down. It wouldn’t have solved all the issues, but may have addressed some. The blame goes to a lot of different folks here. Both sides have been equally terrible dealing with it.
I don't recall the issues, but seem to recall the pubs didn't want it due to all the other things in the bill and wanted a separate bill to vote on, which the dems didn't want to do. Both sides over the years have wanted to slip things into bills...that is not new. However, this administration wanted a flow across the border of illegals that is true
Never said the border wasn’t an issue. Just that it wasn’t open.

Look, I’m more than willing to have discussions with people who are being rational and want to actually have a discussion. But when someone just says “the border is open”, it’s clear that person isn’t serious and shouldn’t be treated as such.

I appreciate you providing stats. The border is absolutely an issue and I have zero issue with it being a central issue of the election. But let’s not be naive about things. Every single administration continues to kick the can down the road on this issue. There was a bipartisan border bill drawn up earlier this year and republicans shot it down. It wouldn’t have solved all the issues, but may have addressed some. The blame goes to a lot of different folks here. Both sides have been equally terrible dealing with it.
Now you expose your media bias because you show your lack of knowledge that a Republican Border Bill was passed by the House several months before the Senate Bill. Schumer refused to bring it to the floor for a vote on behalf of Biden. It would have done far more and ended some of the ridiculous Biden border policies. Fetterman actually said it should be voted on. But it NEVER got a vote.

Here it is. HR 2 passed in May 2023. So when people say “Trump killed the border bill.” Well Biden/Harris killed the better one months prior.

Please review and tell us what you oppose.
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There was a bipartisan border bill drawn up earlier this year and republicans shot it down. It wouldn’t have solved all the issues.

Glad they shot the bill down. Details matter. I noticed that once the Rs said no.....the Dems did not come back with a better bill or make any attempts at imprint the problems with that bill.....or deal with the house version brought in earlier. You notice that?

Both sides have been equally terrible dealing with it.

True both sides have some blame....but to say equal blame or that they have been equally terrible.....nonsence.

But the scope of the numbers crossing this administration vs say Trump's administration to keep it current.......shows it is NOT EQUAL blame & the parties are not equally terrible. No logical mind can examine the sheer numbers of that crossed into the USA illegally alone the last 3.5 years and say the Republicans are to blame for any of that
I don't recall the issues, but seem to recall the pubs didn't want it due to all the other things in the bill and wanted a separate bill to vote on, which the dems didn't want to do. Both sides over the years have wanted to slip things into bills...that is not new. However, this administration wanted a flow across the border of illegals that is true
I have read the bill. It actually removed Presidential authority to close the border under executive order at the behest of the Executive. It now limited to that stupid rolling average. Trump wants to shut immediately. This bill would have taken that away. Of course he would oppose.
Issues be damned really is that simple, for the simple minded.

There are several definitions of mature, but none of them seem to include installing tampons in boys restrooms as an example.

I'll stick with 'hard to focus on the issues' as a good definition of not being mature (short of senility like Joe's), but I am open to other definitions you want to put forward, if you can stay focused long enough to do so.
A quick scan of a handful of your posts shows that you might be one of the least mature posters on here, and believe me, that’s no small feat. Congrats to you.

Talk to me when you can converse like you made it past fifth grade. I’m not going waste any more time on someone who uses stupid nicknames and tries to pivot away when he gets called out.
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Glad they shot the bill down. Details matter. I noticed that once the Rs said no.....the Dems did not come back with a better bill or make any attempts at imprint the problems with that bill.....or deal with the house version brought in earlier. You notice that?

True both sides have some blame....but to say equal blame or that they have been equally terrible.....nonsence.

But the scope of the numbers crossing this administration vs say Trump's administration to keep it current.......shows it is NOT EQUAL blame & the parties are not equally terrible. No logical mind can examine the sheer numbers of that crossed into the USA illegally alone the last 3.5 years and say the Republicans are to blame for any of that
You say tomatoe, I say tomato. The point is, both parties have failed miserably on this issue over the years. If you want to scream into the void that one is worse than the other, have at it, because it’s just semantics at that point.
Guess you didn’t read where I said they weren’t perfect. But they aren’t dire either. I’m guessing you sleep just fine at night so spare me the elitism nonsense.

Oh and I wanted to add regarding the illegal aliens. What in the hell are you even talking about?
Elites don’t have knowledge of what average lives are like. I have worked with or in association with poverty-related programs for 30 plus years. Much in the investigation of corruption and fraud and leading civil and criminal investigations. Large part with Tribal governments. So I have a pretty good pulse on the use and need of these programs. And traveling through the country and US territories I feel pretty confident about my knowledge.

And here’s the right track wrong track numbers. Pretty bad. Tells me people aren’t happy.
A quick scan of a handful of your posts shows that you might be one of the least mature posters on here, and believe me, that’s no small feat. Congrats to you.

Talk to me when you can converse like you made it past fifth grade. I’m not going waste any more time on someone who uses stupid nicknames and tries to pivot away when he gets called out.

The tone and vacuous nature of your response here is quite puerile.

You say tomatoe, I say tomato. The point is, both parties have failed miserably on this issue over the years. If you want to scream into the void that one is worse than the other, have at it, because it’s just semantics at that point.

The data says otherwise.
A quick scan of a handful of your posts shows that you might be one of the least mature posters on here, and believe me, that’s no small feat. Congrats to you.

Talk to me when you can converse like you made it past fifth grade. I’m not going waste any more time on someone who uses stupid nicknames and tries to pivot away when he gets called out.
You say that like a child on a playground.

Called out on what?
During that time blame was put on the supply chain and fuel prices which affects everything and are still high. Fauci gets little intention as everything was turned over to him with knowledge a mile deep and an inch wide to "guide" a country several miles wide. When you have non-business people running a business for the first time you open the door to many errors. Biden like others have not lived in the real world competing in the market place. You can always find enough people familiar with D.C. and legislation to fill other spots, but you need someone that has managed money. Governors get some of that, but they have little choice since they must balance it. Real inflation...not playing with a calculation is felt by many.

There are many things much worse today under Biden IMO, besides debt, inflation in everything and daily costs, but my biggest concern that I have harped on in this site for a few years is the open borders for over 175 people from countries we know nothing about. History has shown that if not forced to assimilate they won't...they will hold up in their communities with third world understandings and breed like rabbits dragging the overall culture down. That is not the threat with assimilation. Many were forced to learn English years ago which led to assimilation. Reagan wanted to make that the language of the USA and he didn't. He also wanted to eliminate the department of education which he didn't. Both would have been good moves.

BTW although much smaller in magnitude there have been illegals for sometime, but they were mostly Mexican. It takes 2.1 births to sustain a population. The USA for many years has not had that. If you take the difference in the census of 2024 and subtract the census population say in 1984 or so, you will find the difference greater than 1,000,000/year. Now, I don't know how accurate the Census is, but illegals have came over before Biden, but they were mostly Mexican and smaller numbers. I've seen the border several times in Texas/California and it is NOT secure and hasn't been, but the USA was not advertising for them to come previously. I had two first cousins that worked the border that are deceased. I would loved to had their first hand comments.
I forced myself to read through this word salad and this is all I came away with: you don’t like anyone who isn’t white and doesn’t speak English.

Man, wait until you find out what this country is known for. It’s gonna rock your world.
The tone and vacuous nature of your response here is quite puerile.

The data says otherwise.
“The data” has shown that it’s always been bad. You’re free to keep trying to make a point, but you’re wasting your time. I agree with you overall about the border being bad, but you’re just mad I’m not falling lockstep into whatever you’re saying.

And I really could not care less what you think of my tone. What are you, the hall monitor?
Aren’t you the one that was yammering on about abortions happening after birth?

Enough said.

Yes some few abortions that survive the late term procedure are then allowed to die after birth by not giving the baby lifesaving medical care one would give to other babies in distress, but only comfort care.

I provided you 2 independent sources that said that. Yet you still lack understanding by tripling down on it. Just because it's rare, doesn't make it not true.
Think you nailed the gist of the problem....not just with this poster, but a small but significant sized - sometimes voting block of empty headed voters.

If you ever watched "the man on the street" type tv interviews at the beach or downtown it is amazing to me the basic government, history and common knowledge about inflation or the border, etc. a few people don't know.....yet some of these vote on occasion. No wonder some idiots can be fooled to think corporate greed has caused price inflation.
It is hard to believe some are so detached from what is going on
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Think you nailed the gist of the problem....not just with this poster, but a small but significant sized - sometimes voting block of empty headed voters.

If you ever watched "the man on the street" type tv interviews at the beach or downtown it is amazing to me the basic government, history and common knowledge about inflation or the border, etc. a few people don't know.....yet some of these vote on occasion. No wonder some idiots can be fooled to think corporate greed has caused price inflation.
Here is an example of just such a person - who is alleged to have been a social studies teacher, no less. What a dunce.

You’re free to keep trying to make a point, but you’re wasting your time.

When it comes to you, that might be the only true thing you have said.

Trouble is you are not the only reader here. Other readers can learn from seeing your wrong opinions, and then a logical presentation of why they are wrong.
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Being mean and narcissistic is independent of being a strong negotiator and policy-maker. A lot of corporate CEOs are like this, but that's part of what makes them great CEOs. They're concerned with results and outcomes, not feelings.
Again, look at Bob Knight. Grade A butthole of a person, but undeniably a great basketball coach.
Strong negotiator? Are you kidding me? In 2015 as a candidate he bragged about being a strong negotiator and to hire good people. Dude, as president he has done neither. He scores of people, cabinet and cabinet level positions in his admin either resigned or was fired. He ran his administration like a Cosa Nostra. If you think that is good then you should be ashamed. Then talk about policies his policies sucked.
When it comes to you, that might be the only true thing you have said.

Trouble is you are not the only reader here. Other readers can learn from seeing your wrong opinions, and then a logical presentation of why they are wrong.
I like it when they use the race card to deflect from real problems like the open border ;)
He had scores of people, cabinet and cabinet level positions in his admin either resigned or was fired. He ran his administration like a Cosa Nostra. If you think that is good then you should be ashamed. Then talk about policies his policies sucked.

While some of that is true about Trump, it is ironically funny you brought that up, as it doesn't come close to Kamalot who lost 92% of her people. 92%.

At least firings were done under T. With all the MANY screw ups in the Biden admin.....Ol' Joe never fired anyone I know of. For example 13 died in the jacked up Afghan withdrawal......none fired. Millions of illegals break our laws, and tons died from fentanyl flowing from the one fired.
While some of that is true about Trump, it is ironically funny you brought that up, as it doesn't come close to Kamalot who lost 92% of her people. 92%.

At least firings were done under T. With all the MANY screw ups in the Biden admin.....Ol' Joe never fired anyone I know of. For example 13 died in the jacked up Afghan withdrawal......none fired. Millions of illegals break our laws, and tons died from fentanyl flowing from the one fired.
Ahh yes. Pretty much everyone around him quit or were fired. But THEY were all the problem. Not him. I thought he only hired the best though?
I forced myself to read through this word salad and this is all I came away with: you don’t like anyone who isn’t white and doesn’t speak English.

Man, wait until you find out what this country is known for. It’s gonna rock your world.
Why is EVERYTHING with lefty libs about race?

You should read up on Dr. Martin Luther King and what he was teaching.
Strong negotiator? Are you kidding me? In 2015 as a candidate he bragged about being a strong negotiator and to hire good people. Dude, as president he has done neither. He scores of people, cabinet and cabinet level positions in his admin either resigned or was fired. He ran his administration like a Cosa Nostra. If you think that is good then you should be ashamed. Then talk about policies his policies sucked.
Tell me 2 policies from Trump that you think 'sucked'.

And you can't parrot the "giving tax breaks to billionaires and corporations", because you heard it on black radio and you don't really understand what it means. You just think it's bad because black radio told you it was bad (I'm 100% confident non of them know what it means either).
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Ahh yes. Pretty much everyone around him quit or were fired. But THEY were all the problem. Not him. I thought he only hired the best though?
Pompeo was the best secretary of state in this century by a wide margin.

Pence was a very good vp, especially compared with Biden, Harris, and Cheney.
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Because tj was making it about race? I mean duh.
NO, you made it about race. I listed reality. the race card is a diversion used when you cannot or will not discuss the mentioned. It is an easy go to to deflect away from reality. It isn't just you, others do it as well.
Tell me 2 policies from Trump that you think 'sucked'.

And you can't parrot the "giving tax breaks to billionaires and corporations", because you heard it on black radio and you don't really understand what it means. You just think it's bad because black radio told you it was bad (I'm 100% confident non of them know what it means either).
Yeah tax breaks for the rich sucks. This goes back to Reagan. Bush the Elder even called it “voodoo economics”.

Also, the massive steel tariffs on China steel. Being from NW Indiana, the steel capital of the US, I thought was a good idea hat first. Our democratic congressman and other congressman from other steel making districts in the US were backing this. Turned out to be horrible for the US. Turned into a trade war.
Tell me 2 policies from Trump that you think 'sucked'.

And you can't parrot the "giving tax breaks to billionaires and corporations", because you heard it on black radio and you don't really understand what it means. You just think it's bad because black radio told you it was bad (I'm 100% confident non of them know what it means either).
I'll go with the constant denigrating of American institutions, from law enforcement to the courts to other elected officials to the media to the members of his own cabinet, culminating with the constant disparagement of our election system and its integrity.

Not an official 'policy' you say?
Well it was an official, constant edict and theme from the then-President. That whiny, snowflake, America-hating bastard sent a bunch of cranky old evidence-free wanna-be internet detectives straight down the 'tin foil hat voting machines are rigged' rabbit hole.

And a bunch of them still haven't come out. Don't believe me? Look at this by one of your poster brethren:

Good lord, his kids and grandkids must be incredibly saddened by what happened to him since he fell into the Trump cult. An older, educated guy that fell all the way in and still hasn't climbed out from the rabbit hole. It's not uncommon, and really sad.

BTW ... didn't heard a peep from Trump about a 2024 rigged election when he was ahead of Biden. Now that he's falling behind? The Trump 'elections are rigged' train leaves the station in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ........

Also, watch the old guy who is all the way down the rabbit hole respond with either a way too long non-sensical diatribe or, if he's really stumped, a laugh emoji, in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, .....
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  • Haha
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NO, you made it about race. I listed reality. the race card is a diversion used when you cannot or will not discuss the mentioned. It is an easy go to to deflect away from reality. It isn't just you, others do it as well.
When you talk about things like acclimating, I’ve read all I need to read. Then you just clamp down with some of your other posts for good measure.

I know you think you’re imparting some real pearls of wisdom with the mini-dissertations that you post on here, but you just take the long way to tell everyone you’re an old man scared of people who are different than you. Seems like a waste of time to me but maybe it’s your hobby?
I'll go with the constant denigrating of American institutions, from law enforcement to the courts to other elected officials to the media to the members of his own cabinet, culminating with the constant disparagement of our election system and its integrity.

Not an official 'policy' you say?
Well it was an official, constant edict and theme from the then-President. That whiny, snowflake, America-hating bastard sent a bunch of cranky old evidence-free wanna-be internet detectives straight down the 'tin foil hat voting machines are rigged' rabbit hole.

And a bunch of them still haven't come out. Don't believe me? Look at this by one of your poster brethren:

Good lord, his kids and grandkids must be incredibly saddened by what happened to him since he fell into the Trump cult. An older, educated guy that fell all the way in and still hasn't climbed out from the rabbit hole. It's not uncommon, and really sad.

BTW ... haven't heard a peep from Trump about a 2024 rigged election when he was ahead of Biden. Now that he's falling behind? The Trump 'elections are rigged' train leaves the station in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ........
The difference between conspiracy and truth many times is…time, actual investigation and unfiltered messages…not opinions by ideology or those that may not like the data, signed racist arrogant a$$ that also doesn't like the open border. Also interested in the shell casings and the appearance of two different shooting sounds...or the SCOTUS leak or Epsteins murder...none known today...or even teh cocaine dropped in the secured area of the white house...
When you talk about things like acclimating, I’ve read all I need to read. Then you just clamp down with some of your other posts for good measure.

I know you think you’re imparting some real pearls of wisdom with the mini-dissertations that you post on here, but you just take the long way to tell everyone you’re an old man scared of people who are different than you. Seems like a waste of time to me but maybe it’s your hobby?
actually that is research over many cultures and years by Thomas Sowell. You must be smarter than he? Not that I expect a short video to provide the insight of a book, but it does show an area he has researched

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The difference between conspiracy and truth many times is…time, actual investigation and unfiltered messages…not opinions by ideology or those that may not like the data, signed racist arrogant a$$ that also doesn't like the open border. Also interested in the shell casings and the appearance of two different shooting sounds...or the SCOTUS leak or Epsteins murder...none known today...or even teh cocaine dropped in the secured area of the white house...

I stand corrected; I was one for two!
  • It was a pretty short non-sensical diatribe filled with a brief laundry list of fodder for conspiracy theories from the absurd to the unknown.
  • On the other hand, I got my predicted 'making old guy's head explode laugh emoji'!
You really need to listed to your kids and grandkids and stop hunting for conspiracies on the internet. You don't have to believe me - trust your family members; they want to have you back the way you were before Trump in 2015.
The difference between conspiracy and truth many times is…time, actual investigation and unfiltered messages…not opinions by ideology or those that may not like the data, signed racist arrogant a$$ that also doesn't like the open border. Also interested in the shell casings and the appearance of two different shooting sounds...or the SCOTUS leak or Epsteins murder...none known today...or even teh cocaine dropped in the secured area of the white house...