who is Tim Waltz? Is he sleezy enough to fit in?

52% of America and pretty everyone in MSM. I keep trying to understand how it was stopped. I assume there must have been some military action of some sort. Missing video is in Pelosi’s safe, only to be seen by MSM and Democrat elites so they can verbalize for their minions.
They have crossed over into the twilight zone. There has to be a sampling error to project 2% above average. 😊
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BTW ... didn't heard a peep from Trump about a 2024 rigged election when he was ahead of Biden. Now that he's falling behind? The Trump 'elections are rigged' train leaves the station in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ........
^^My post from last week?^^


From the world's biggest snowflake, over the weekend:

Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she “A.I.’d” it, and showed a massive “crowd” of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST! She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the “crowd” looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake “crowds” at her speeches. This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by CHEATING - And they’re even worse at the Ballot Box. She should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Anyone who does that will cheat at ANYTHING!
BTW ... didn't heard a peep from Trump about a 2024 rigged election when he was ahead of Biden. Now that he's falling behind? The Trump 'elections are rigged' train leaves the station in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ........
Then you haven't been listening - or more likely, it has not reported in the lib regime media.

Trump said the dem heavies dumped Biden because he could not win, despite the process by which millions voted for him in the primaries.

Now Pelosi and Biden himself have confirmed that he was dumped because they know he couldn't beat Trump. That dumping constitutes a subversion of democracy and rigging of the election by switching out the candidate who won all the dem primaries.

If you don't agree, JM, then what do you call it?
Then you haven't been listening - or more likely, it has not reported in the lib regime media.

Trump said the dem heavies dumped Biden because he could not win, despite the process by which millions voted for him in the primaries.

Now Pelosi and Biden himself have confirmed that he was dumped because they know he couldn't beat Trump. That dumping constitutes a subversion of democracy and rigging of the election by switching out the candidate who won all the dem primaries.

If you don't agree, JM, then what do you call it?
Oh, forgot to add...

^^The true cult members might just be delusional enough to believe him.^^
They will find a way to justify the Trump conspiracy theories that it was AI, because if Harris and the Dems are liars, then how can we be sure that they haven't gotten 15,000 witnesses to lie and say her crowds aren't AI! blahblahblahblah..... party convention is fixed because Biden isn't allowed to drop out Hahahahahahah ..... And Antifa and the FBI were impersonating Trump cultists on January 6th.

gamma knife GIF by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Next prediction: Anyone that dares to point this sh!t out on this board gets name-called in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, .......
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What you 'forgot' to add was a reply to my question.

Not surprising because there is no good reply from the lib dem standpoint.
Here's your answer cultycultcult boy: A political party's candidate decides not to run after pressure from party insiders that he ends up agreeing with? That is most certainly not a subversion of democracy. Show me any rule, law, or private party absolute that states that a candidate has to accept the nomination, even when ahead in non-binding delegates. Go ahead...I'll wait. There is none, oh master of red herrings. Do you understand the difference between a political party primary and a government certified general election? Apparently not.

Finally; do you find it surprising that Trump has started to claim that Harris should be disqualified because Trump claims election interference because he says she is photoshopping rally pictures, even when there are about 15,000 live witnesses to the rally? Damn, the cult leader is really getting desperate if that's the best he's got. Oh wait! He's also got "Biden has to run because Donald Trump says so."

You call me all kinds of names and constantly denigrate my intelligence. So how could this poster that you think so little of predict a few days before it happened that Trump was about to claim that the coming election will be rigged? lol
Here's your answer cultycultcult boy: A political party's candidate decides not to run after pressure from party insiders that he ends up agreeing with? That is most certainly not a subversion of democracy. Show me any rule, law, or private party absolute that states that a candidate has to accept the nomination, even when ahead in non-binding delegates. Go ahead...I'll wait. There is none, oh master of red herrings. Do you understand the difference between a political party primary and a government certified general election? Apparently not.
If he "agreed with the pressure", why would he still be saying:

"Biden still didn’t acknowledge that he was badly trailing Trump in the race, saying that polls indicated a matchup between him and Trump “would have been down on the wire.” "

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Finally; do you find it surprising that Trump has started to claim that Harris should be disqualified because Trump claims election interference because he says she is photoshopping rally pictures, even when there are about 15,000 live witnesses to the rally? Damn, the cult leader is really getting desperate if that's the best he's got. Oh wait! He's also got "Biden has to run because Donald Trump says so."
No, of course I am not surprised.
You call me all kinds of names and constantly denigrate my intelligence. So how could this poster that you think so little of predict a few days before it happened that Trump was about to claim that the coming election will be rigged? lol
I don't recall calling you any names other that your various fake usernames or a hybrid. Give me an example if you can.

Btw, I appreciate that you have stopped using jboiler23, as that was denigrating to Purdue.
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No, of course I am not surprised.

I don't recall calling you any names other that your various fake usernames or a hybrid. Give me an example if you can.

Btw, I appreciate that you have stopped using jboiler23, as that was denigrating to Purdue.
Just to settle the issue - my understanding is that the handle JM (whoever that might have been) was offed by the mods.

Does it make you feel better to think that there is only one person that disagrees with you when in fact there are many? No idea from this poster who jboiler23 is - not me.

For instance, I DO NOT also post as Boiler Buck of Boilermaker03, no matter how many times your conspiracy filled mind thinks I do.
Just to settle the issue - my understanding is that the handle JM (whoever that might have been) was offed by the mods.

Does it make you feel better to think that there is only one person that disagrees with you when in fact there are many? No idea from this poster who jboiler23 is - not me.

For instance, I DO NOT also post as Boiler Buck of Boilermaker03, no matter how many times your conspiracy filled mind thinks I do.
Did you post as HoosierFanJM and as katstratch?
If he were not forced out, why would he still be saying:

"Biden still didn’t acknowledge that he was badly trailing Trump in the race, saying that polls indicated a matchup between him and Trump “would have been down on the wire.” "
Depends which pollster ones believes. Anyway, polls are a generally informative snapshot of some, not a conclusion by any means.
The current snapshot is indicating that the American public is completely sick of the abomination that is Donnie J. Trump.

If only the Republicans would have nominated a sane conservative, there would likely be a Republican President come next January. Instead, they inserted the wanna-be dictator's daughter-in-law as political party chairperson, didn't require the whack job to debate, required a loyalty pledge to him by all other Repub candidates, and therefore greatly, greatly increased the chances that a likeable but way too liberal Dem will be the next President. Trump could f up almost anything and everything - this election cycle is just the latest example.
Depends which pollster ones believes. Anyway, polls are a generally informative snapshot of some, not a conclusion by any means.
Irrelevant. Biden was saying what he believed, and he said the same many times.

The current snapshot is indicating that the American public is completely sick of the abomination that is Donnie J. Trump.
Whose snapshot is that?

If only the Republicans would have nominated a sane conservative, there would likely be a Republican President come next January. Instead, they inserted the wanna-be dictator's daughter-in-law as political party chairperson, didn't require the whack job to debate, required a loyalty pledge to him by all other Repub candidates, and therefore greatly, greatly increased the chances that a likeable but way too liberal Dem will be the next President. Trump could f up almost anything and everything - this election cycle is just the latest example.
You can be sure that if any repub had gained traction, Trump would have debated him or her. He never ducks debates with true opponents (ask Joe) or question from reporters. He just held a one-hour press conference last week.

So far, Harris has ducked press conferences and questions, beyond telling reporters that her people will look into having a press conference 'by the end of the month.' The basement strategy redux.
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Irrelevant. Biden was saying what he believed, and he said the same many times.

Whose snapshot is that?

You can be sure that if any repub had gained traction, Trump would have debated him or her. He never ducks debates with true opponents (ask Joe) or question from reporters. He just held a one-hour press conference last week.

So far, Harris has ducked press conferences and questions, beyond telling reporters that her people will look into having a press conference 'by the end of the month.' The basement strategy redux.
Well stated -- politicians (Trump, Harris, and Biden included) meet with the media on the terms they think are most advantageous to them.

Trump oughta reassess - the more the public sees him, the more they are reminded everything they hate about him. Mar-A-Lago is built at sea-level yet he needs to hang out at a place that has a basement.
Here's your answer cultycultcult boy: A political party's candidate decides not to run after pressure from party insiders that he ends up agreeing with?
"That he ends up agreeing with"
Seriously? Up until the very last minute, Biden and all the Sr dem leadership, including Harris, was backing him, including the lies that he was mentally sharp. Biden himself was steadfast in his determination not to drop out.
What do you think changed his mind? You think they talked him out of it?
No, highly unlikely.
It went more like this:

Biden: "I'm not dropping out, I think I can beat Trump"
Dem Leadership and Money brokers: "Joe, you can't beat Trump. Period. But.....we'll make it very worth you and your family's while to drop out. No one for generations in your family will ever have to worry about money again"
Biden: "sounds good. Someone write my drop out speech for me"
That is most certainly not a subversion of democracy. Show me any rule, law, or private party absolute that states that a candidate has to accept the nomination, even when ahead in non-binding delegates. Go ahead...I'll wait. There is none, oh master of red herrings. Do you understand the difference between a political party primary and a government certified general election? Apparently not.

Finally; do you find it surprising that Trump has started to claim that Harris should be disqualified because Trump claims election interference because he says she is photoshopping rally pictures, even when there are about 15,000 live witnesses to the rally? Damn, the cult leader is really getting desperate if that's the best he's got. Oh wait! He's also got "Biden has to run because Donald Trump says so."

You call me all kinds of names and constantly denigrate my intelligence. So how could this poster that you think so little of predict a few days before it happened that Trump was about to claim that the coming election will be rigged? lol
Just to settle the issue - my understanding is that the handle JM (whoever that might have been) was offed by the mods.

Does it make you feel better to think that there is only one person that disagrees with you when in fact there are many? No idea from this poster who jboiler23 is - not me.

For instance, I DO NOT also post as Boiler Buck of Boilermaker03, no matter how many times your conspiracy filled mind thinks I do.
There's a long trail of lefty lib dem bodies strewn down this message board. Bob, PurdueFan1, HoosierJM, Purdue35.
I think they're all just super soft and retire to their safe space where they won't get triggered from micro aggressions.
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Well stated -- politicians (Trump, Harris, and Biden included) meet with the media on the terms they think are most advantageous to them.

Trump oughta reassess - the more the public sees him, the more they are reminded everything they hate about him. Mar-A-Lago is built at sea-level yet he needs to hang out at a place that has a basement.
lol - Babylon Bee can be on point satire. Also interesting that Harris took one of Trump's worst ideas - not taxing real live bona fide (server tip) income, and said "me too!' for a free hand-out.

Btw - they all do that on policy. Unless of course you believe that Trump was completely pro-choice until he was completely no abortion under any circumstances until he was more nuanced.

  • 1999: Trump was asked whether he would ban abortions, or at least “partial-birth” abortions. He said he would not, and that he is “pro-choice in every respect.” “I’m very pro-choice.”

  • 2018: Donald Trump on Friday called on the Senate to pass a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks.

    “I call upon the Senate to pass this important law and send it to my desk for signing,” Trump said in his address to the March for Life, an annual march against abortion in Washington, D.C. The 20-week abortion bill passed the House last year but has not been called for a vote in the Senate, where it’s unlikely to pass because of a slim Republican majority.

    Trump touted the various anti-abortion policies his administration has enacted, including action the Health and Human Services Department took Friday rescinding Obama-era guidance aimed at preventing states from defunding Planned Parenthood.

    “Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence and that is the right to life,” Trump said. “We are protecting the sanctity of life and the family as the foundation of our society.”

    In his introduction of Trump, Vice President Pence called Trump the “most pro-life president in American history.”

  • April, 2024: Asked if he would sign a national abortion ban if it passed Congress, the former president shook his head: “No.”

    “You wouldn’t sign it?” the reporter asked.

    “No,” Trump said again.
Well stated -- politicians (Trump, Harris, and Biden included) meet with the media on the terms they think are most advantageous to them.

Trump oughta reassess - the more the public sees him, the more they are reminded everything they hate about him. Mar-A-Lago is built at sea-level yet he needs to hang out at a place that has a basement.
Just more proof Trump is not a political hack/insider/establishment pawn like Biden and Harris, who hide from the voters.

Biden's DEI press secretary came through for Trump today - not intentionally, of course. First the Wolz mis-pick, now this. Expect more to come.
There's a long trail of lefty lib dem bodies strewn down this message board. Bob, PurdueFan1, HoosierJM, Purdue35.
I think they're all just super soft and retire to their safe space where they won't get triggered from micro aggressions.
Or they all had better things to do. I can see why. This place Is pretty terrible (well this board is the worst. The others don’t seem much better). From what I can tell, there are about six of you that troll this place and then when the first disagreement happens, you pile on.

Well, except for tj. He just tries to bore you to death with a ten-paragraph essay about the time he was 13 back in 1940 and grapes cost a cent per bunch and gosh those were juicy grapes and then veers off into the next topic but the border is always to blame no matter what
Or they all had better things to do. I can see why. This place Is pretty terrible (well this board is the worst. The others don’t seem much better). From what I can tell, there are about six of you that troll this place and then when the first disagreement happens, you pile on.
Not to pile on, but why are you hanging around if the forum is not up to your lofty standards?

JM has left several times but come back, the latest under the Orwellian username 'telling the truth'. Even though it may seem like he is abused on here for his naive views, he seems to enjoy it. Maybe you will come to enjoy it too if you stick around. I hope you do. It will be good for you.
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Or they all had better things to do. I can see why. This place Is pretty terrible (well this board is the worst. The others don’t seem much better). From what I can tell, there are about six of you that troll this place and then when the first disagreement happens, you pile on.

Well, except for tj. He just tries to bore you to death with a ten-paragraph essay about the time he was 13 back in 1940 and grapes cost a cent per bunch and gosh those were juicy grapes and then veers off into the next topic but the border is always to blame no matter what
I tried to assume a grade level, but apparently that doesn't work for some. There was another person here in the past with a different moniker and he too found reading a problem. I can't recall if he complained about the site and then went to the basketball forum and told or not? I do know it used to be much worse when you had some libs that thought they had better ideas. Grapes do sound good. Do you have sour grapes? I just wish I could buy them at pre Biden price. Course the border costs raised spending and that probably indirectly led to increased grape prices
  • Haha
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I tried to assume a grade level, but apparently that doesn't work for some. There was another person here in the past with a different moniker and he too found reading a problem. I can't recall if he complained about the site and then went to the basketball forum and told or not? I do know it used to be much worse when you had some libs that thought they had better ideas. Grapes do sound good. Do you have sour grapes? I just wish I could buy them at pre Biden price. Course the border costs raised spending and that probably indirectly led to increased grape prices
Hilarious post, thanks. I think this is the first time someone went to the hoops forum and "told" on us.

Even so, I really hope 95 sticks around as we need him to fill the entertainment void left after Bob slunk away in shame after the Biden debate debacle. I just hope 95 is tough enough to stick it out.
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Hilarious post, thanks. I think this is the first time someone went to the hoops forum and "told" on us.

Even so, I really hope 95 sticks around as we need him to fill the entertainment void left after Bob slunk away in shame after the Biden debate debacle. I just hope 95 is tough enough to stick it out.
oh yeah. If I wake up for anything my mind starts working and I may not sleep for a while. It happened a few days ago and I was up from 1:30 until around 5:30 and ended up drinking a few cups of coffee and reading email and eventually got on the forum. It was an early encounter for him posting with that moniker and he posted he was on a flight to Paris, but that was on the basketball forum at that time. Not long after (a day or so) he went to the basketball forum and complained to them before returning to the general forum "several times" afterwards. Having people that disagree and have many factual reasons for disagreeing seems to be a minefield he wasn't used to encountering. Much of the disagreement is people presenting logical things and not just repeating what others said. I doubt he is swayed by thought as much as emotion as many are.

If I bring in a worldly thought from Thomas Sowell that has spent decades studying cultures and state "something" becomes overturned when an actor on CNN or another media says something that disagrees with Sowell...and yet Thomas has many books and has debated many of his topics for years and the actor in the news outlet has no credentials of accomplishment in any of those areas....but it is recent. There exists a certain group of people that automatically think "new" data is good and old data is not, but that isn't true unless the old data is proven untrue...which is rarely the case.

A lack of historical perspective and driven heavily by emotion defines many of the libs...
Not to pile on, but why are you hanging around if the forum is not up to your lofty standards?

JM has left several times but come back, the latest under the Orwellian username 'telling the truth'. Even though it may seem like he is abused on here for his naive views, he seems to enjoy it. Maybe you will come to enjoy it too if you stick around. I hope you do. It will be good for you.
Great question. Waiting for football season to start to see if activity picks up on the other boards. It’s not looking too promising.

I don’t really care about other posters. If you want to think some have left and come back under different names because they think people on this board are worth another go-around, knock yourself out.

Thankfully football starts soon and I’ll find out soon enough.
I tried to assume a grade level, but apparently that doesn't work for some. There was another person here in the past with a different moniker and he too found reading a problem. I can't recall if he complained about the site and then went to the basketball forum and told or not? I do know it used to be much worse when you had some libs that thought they had better ideas. Grapes do sound good. Do you have sour grapes? I just wish I could buy them at pre Biden price. Course the border costs raised spending and that probably indirectly led to increased grape prices
I appreciate you keeping pudding time to one paragraph, tj.
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You may not have said those things but that is what your party is for.

So let me get this straight….no one under 25 pays for anything (because college is free, just take out a loan). And no one over 65 pays for anything because SS.

Oh, and the kickers….no one pays for healthcare and illegal immigrants get free everything until they get a job, which the government doesn’t allow.

And people wonder where inflation comes from because the “Trump tax cuts” didn’t leave enough money in the government to pay for the Democrats wish lists above.
Thanks for admitting You were lying about things I did or did not say. That’s the first step.

The rest of your stuff is just nonsense. You’re in such a conspiracy rabbit hole about everything I’m honestly surprised you leave your house.
Or they all had better things to do. I can see why. This place Is pretty terrible (well this board is the worst. The others don’t seem much better). From what I can tell, there are about six of you that troll this place and then when the first disagreement happens, you pile on.

Well, except for tj. He just tries to bore you to death with a ten-paragraph essay about the time he was 13 back in 1940 and grapes cost a cent per bunch and gosh those were juicy grapes and then veers off into the next topic but the border is always to blame no matter what
You sure do spend a lot of time here......It's almost as if you're back under a different name????
  • Haha
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So who stopped the insurrection?

so why not disclose which party or candidate that you support. No keep being a chameleon, who only argues with conservatives and doesn’t argue with the resident liberals.

Pretty easy to critic when you sit on the sidelines
I’m laughing if you think I’m being a chameleon, as if I owe you something. I owe you exactly two things: jack and $hit.

With that being said, I think Donald Trump is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. And I voted for both Bush’s lol The divisiveness, the name-calling, the lack of much substantive policy, praising people like Putin, claiming the election was stolen and stoking the chaos of January 6, to name a few.

I know folks on here like to revert to “but he had mean tweets” like that’s the standard or something for a president. That’s just a lazy response. A president is supposed to work for the good of the country, not just the half who like him. And the president is not supposed to denigrate anyone who doesn’t fawn over him.

A president surrounds himself with people who will challenge him and follow the law. Not just a bunch of yes men. When almost every person in his administration was either fired or quit, that’s a him problem, not a them problem, and anyone who thinks otherwise needs a ticket back to reality.

All he does now is air grievances and complain about things like crowd size. He talks zero policy and spends time complaining about everything. The assassination attempt was horrific but then he turned right around and did fundraising off of it. That’s messed up.

The worst part of all of this is that it would have been so easy to be done with him, yet no republicans had the fortitude to wipe the slate clean. That, in my opinion, is the most pathetic thing about the Republican Party right now. It’s full of useful idiots who have tied themselves to a man who only cares about himself. When folks like Marjorie Taylor Green are a notable mouthpiece for the party, you’re in trouble.

You asked, so I’m telling. No need to respond, because you’re not going to change my mind, just like I’m not trying to change yours.
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You sure do spend a lot of time here......It's almost as if you're back under a different name????
Like I said before, if you want to sit here and think you’re worth that to someone, knock yourself out buddy. As I also said, I’m waiting to see if things pick up on the other boards when football starts. If not, I’m out, and you and your buddies can go back to thinking you’ve bullied someone else off of here.
The worst part of all of this is that it would have been so easy to be done with him, yet no republicans had the fortitude to wipe the slate clean.
What do you think you mean by 'wiping the slate clean.' About 8 repubs ran against him in the primaries and lost.

Do you think party heavies should have visited him and told him that despite all the voting in the primaries, they were replacing him with someone they think has a better chance to be elected? Is that how democracy is supposed to work in your view, with party bosses ignoring the voters?

Come to think of it, maybe you do think that given the knife to Joe's back despite his overwhelming victory in the dem primaries. Was that acceptable to you?
What do you think you mean by 'wiping the slate clean.' About 8 repubs ran against him in the primaries and lost.

Do you think party heavies should have visited him and told him that despite all the voting in the primaries, they were replacing him with someone they think has a better chance to be elected? Is that how democracy is supposed to work in your view, with party bosses ignoring the voters?

Come to think of it, maybe you do think that given the knife to Joe's back despite his overwhelming victory in the dem primaries. Was that acceptable to you?
I’m talking about after the last election. And please stop with the whataboutism. It honestly makes you look even more foolish because it makes you look like you’re avoiding the subject at hand.

Trump should have been banished after the election was over in 2020. So many republicans denounced him right after January 6 and then for whatever reason they turned. My guess is mostly because they quickly realized it was in their own selfish political interests to do so. None of the 8 who ran against him had a chance because none of them had any true support from the party. By then it was too late.
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Thanks for admitting You were lying about things I did or did not say. That’s the first step.

The rest of your stuff is just nonsense. You’re in such a conspiracy rabbit hole about everything I’m honestly surprised you leave your house.
Ok thanks for confirming you’re a democrat by avoiding a real conversation.

As for my lies, please list them Mr Innuendo
I’m laughing if you think I’m being a chameleon, as if I owe you something. I owe you exactly two things: jack and $hit.

With that being said, I think Donald Trump is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. And I voted for both Bush’s lol The divisiveness, the name-calling, the lack of much substantive policy, praising people like Putin, claiming the election was stolen and stoking the chaos of January 6, to name a few.

I know folks on here like to revert to “but he had mean tweets” like that’s the standard or something for a president. That’s just a lazy response. A president is supposed to work for the good of the country, not just the half who like him. And the president is not supposed to denigrate anyone who doesn’t fawn over him.

A president surrounds himself with people who will challenge him and follow the law. Not just a bunch of yes men. When almost every person in his administration was either fired or quit, that’s a him problem, not a them problem, and anyone who thinks otherwise needs a ticket back to reality.

All he does now is air grievances and complain about things like crowd size. He talks zero policy and spends time complaining about everything. The assassination attempt was horrific but then he turned right around and did fundraising off of it. That’s messed up.

The worst part of all of this is that it would have been so easy to be done with him, yet no republicans had the fortitude to wipe the slate clean. That, in my opinion, is the most pathetic thing about the Republican Party right now. It’s full of useful idiots who have tied themselves to a man who only cares about himself. When folks like Marjorie Taylor Green are a notable mouthpiece for the party, you’re in trouble.

You asked, so I’m telling. No need to respond, because you’re not going to change my mind, just like I’m not trying to change yours.
That’s funny because most of the threads I read posted by you are asking the conservatives here for facts and data. But you can’t offer up any Mr Innuendo
That’s funny because most of the threads I read posted by you are asking the conservatives here for facts and data. But you can’t offer up any Mr Innuendo
This response has nothing to do with what I said and I’m not even going to try to interpret it since I don’t speak gibberish, but otherwise great discussion.