The worst cops to get pulled over by far are women. I will catch hell but some jobs just are not meant for women like some arent for men. been pulled over twice ages ago both fro improper plate display. First was an old work pickup I was doing summer construction. Old plate bolts at bottom were rusted on and I hung my new one threw the top holes with wire. Some B***H followed me through town and decides to pull m eover and basically block a busy intersection as I was stuck in a turn lane. People were pissed, she was just a flat out b***h to me ..............I couldn't believe it as A She had no clue what it was wired to. I had registration to both plates with me and she was just nasty as hell to me. 2nd was a detective , I had a loaner car from car lot. Guy had stuck plate in rear window. I was on my way to pick up a pizza. It took 30 minutes guy was a complete dick, takes plate out and sticks the magnets to trunk. I get to pizza place and no ruined and GD if the car lot guy pulls in and puts plate back in window! I stopped in shopping center and put it back out. Cops can be real dicks no question about it. Half of them shouldnt be given a gun. Other time I got T boned by a stupid driver in snow coming and my car was totalled and before cell phones,I am stranded, Cop gives me a ride home. Women cops regardless of what TV shows us and hot ones should not be cops in general.