Question....What does Harris know about running a business?

UC SF is not that now, if it ever was. She flunked the bar exam on the first try.

Nobody is saying she is currently a whore. Lighten up. Choose joy.

Personally, I'm tired of lawyers being as dominant. I want business people that understand the daily grind, who generate wealth and can treat money as their own. I want people that generate money rather than take it and redistribute it. We have one hell of a spending problem and although one side is more guilty than the other, both have taken care of themselves and tried to buy votes to stay in power. I had a brother-in-law that died in 92 was on 60 minutes for a handful of minutes on collective bargaining in Ohio that involved the public sector and ran for congress (can't recall now if state or US?) prior to 60 minutes as a democrat. Was on Leonard Woodcocks staff as well. I remember him making a comment that one advantage of electing a wealthy politician is that they didn't have to divert money their way like so many. I know who he would vote for today...and why
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I've never called her a whore. She has proven that on her own sleeping with Willie Brown to get promotions. As my true Boilers on here know, my wife passed of a Glioblastoma in 2010. And she would not have liked Biden nor Harris and belonged to the NTA and NEA.

Regarding name-where's your ire with BNI for doing that regarding Trump.
Moreover, for you to mock Harris for who she dated when single 30 years ago, but will get down on your knees to service the original nepo baby who inherited over $1,000,000 and properties from Fred Trump? And slept with everything that moved while married, including a long-term relationship with McDougal AND a few flings with a porn star when his wife/wives were home nursing his newborn?

The hypocrisy and different standard for women that you reveal is pathetic.
Moreover, for you to mock Harris for who she dated when single 30 years ago, but will get down on your knees to service the original nepo baby who inherited over $1,000,000 and properties from Fred Trump? And slept with everything that moved while married, including a long-term relationship with McDougal AND a few flings with a porn star when his wife/wives were home nursing his newborn?

The hypocrisy and different standard for women that you reveal is pathetic.
AS I've said before, the personal flaws of TRump have nothing to do with him generating wealth. He did that on his own. Kamala has not done that at all, whether one believes or not that she sleep her way to the top. Her actual accomplishments whatever she may list have no connection to teh needs of this country at this time. In fact there is every reason to believe that she will elevate the problems...and if so, we won't recognize this country.

I know you said your reasons for disliking Trump (people don't argue about that), but you have an unfounded optimism IMO on Kamala, I can't grasp. If she wins most likely due to ballot harvesting which is a legal way to gather some fraudulent votes or just keeping the public in the dark about her political thoughts. The irony that is humorous with the DNC convention is all the praise of her wonder and accomplishments...her "JOY" and her vision and yet she is not out in the public announcing all her wonderful thoughts...which if they were that good they would be a selling point, rather than something to hide. Collectively on the whole, society is just not very bright... :(
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It's a sad deal where families see these prices, but turn around & vote Dem because of various non-policy reasons like sex, race or personality. Don't feel sorry for these types - if you have stupid non policy priorities, you get what you get

Sadder still are the families that see the prices, but aren't wise enough to link it to Dem policy. Either not intelligent enough to understand, or gullible enough to believe the lie of corporate greed the Dems try to sell to unwitting dupes. I feel sorry for both these types
moments ago I just paid an elevated cost on license plate "stickers". This cost "of nothing" was a tax given to the state of money already taxed. It was higher, as everything was a year older. It will be met by an insurance hike as well so that they too adjust for teh inflation. The gasoline increase already has a huge tax inside it for the state since previous spending was too high, extra tax was sought someplace. The vehicles can't hoover in the air and so they will be on a property that also had elevated taxes on it...again paid for by an income. There never is enough tax money because there exists too much spending...much to generate voters as politicians compete to see who can buy enough votes to stay or get in office. Debt is always too much spending and the dems try again to divide as they suggest the 1% don't pay their fair share when in fact they pay most...or get this..."tax cuts for the rich"...

Now, if Kamala would get her way current taxation is not enough quite possible until all freedom is removed "if" she had her way. There has been rumblings connected to her as previous to her by some on that side of the aisle for a "wealth" tax...1917 Russia again
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Really? Why not?
Trump ran it like a business and we were in great shape.
Biden ran it like a typical politician and it's all gone to hell.
As far as falling asleep in your history class in high school. You fell asleep in civics class as well. Bush the Younger was also a businessman. How did that work out for the country. The 3 EQUAL branches of government does not allow one president to have the power to run a country like a business. An authoritarian government perhaps. What Chump did do is try to run his administration like a Cosa Nostra.

Also, Chump had the advantage of inheriting a good economy from Obama and ended up messing that up.
moments ago I just paid an elevated cost on license plate "stickers". This cost "of nothing" was a tax given to the state of money already taxed. It was higher, as everything was a year older. It will be met by an insurance hike as well so that they too adjust for teh inflation. The gasoline increase already has a huge tax inside it for the state since previous spending was too high, extra tax was sought someplace. The vehicles can't hoover in the air and so they will be on a property that also had elevated taxes on it...again paid for by an income. There never is enough tax money because there exists too much spending...much to generate voters as politicians compete to see who can buy enough votes to stay or get in office. Debt is always too much spending and the dems try again to divide as they suggest the 1% don't pay their fair share when in fact they pay most...or get this..."tax cuts for the rich"...

Now, if Kamala would get her way current taxation is not enough quite possible until all freedom is removed "if" she had her way. There has been rumblings connected to her as previous to her by some on that side of the aisle for a "wealth" tax...1917 Russia again

It should be noted that Indiana Republicans raised 30+ state taxes &many state fees including licences....not to mention gas and property taxes. Most of these increases are engineered so now they are built in to the system so "votes" no longer have to be made.

But yes, Fed Dems have even more generous helping theirselves to our money via taxes, fees and regulations.

All of the above pales in comparison how Dem policy has raised prices on everything costing all American families $10,000+ per year.
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As far as falling asleep in your history class in high school. You fell asleep in civics class as well. Bush the Younger was also a businessman. How did that work out for the country. The 3 EQUAL branches of government does not allow one president to have the power to run a country like a business. An authoritarian government perhaps.
You mean like transferring student loans to other taxpayers as a way of buying votes?
It should be noted that Indiana Republicans raised 30+ state taxes &many state fees including licences....not to mention gas and property taxes. Most of these increases are engineered so now they are built in to the system so "votes" no longer have to be made.

But yes, Fed Dems have even more generous helping theirselves to our money via taxes, fees and regulations.

All of the above pales in comparison how Dem policy has raised prices on everything costing all American families $10,000+ per year.
and the dems continue to want to spend MORE on their hope and joy
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Look at this chart which shows the real employment rate.
And is a good indicator of the economy and economic growth.
Notice the sharp decline during the Obama years, the stabilization, prior to Covid during the Trump years and the leveling off and slow decline during Biden.

All of the Biden jobs were people going to work after Covid and the rate STILL isn't what it was Trump prior Covid.
Bidens claim of historic job creation is smoke and mirrors.
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Look at this chart which shows the real employment rate.
And is a good indicator of the economy and economic growth.
Notice the sharp decline during the Obama years, the stabilization, prior to Covid during the Trump years and the leveling off and slow decline during Biden.

All of the Biden jobs were people going to work after Covid and the rate STILL isn't what it was Trump prior Covid.
Bidens claim of historic job creation is smoke and mirrors.
down almost a million (818,000) from the yearly projection. This didn't happen in the last week and so they have been telling people how good it was for a long time in spite of people seeing the lack of reality in their comments. still, there is hope and joy to substitute. There is something "magical" in the air...

Look at this chart which shows the real employment rate.
And is a good indicator of the economy and economic growth.
Notice the sharp decline during the Obama years, the stabilization, prior to Covid during the Trump years and the leveling off and slow decline during Biden.

All of the Biden jobs were people going to work after Covid and the rate STILL isn't what it was Trump prior Covid.
Bidens claim of historic job creation is smoke and mirrors.
for grins and giggles I get this email where the dems are seeking 50,000 people to wish Kamala and Doug a happy ten year anniversary (military guy sent it as he gets a kick out of reading their email requests. The first question is "if" I approve of Kamala's "crucial accomplishments"...yeah that was stated. What would those be? ;) The others were if I was committed and of course to donate money
As far as falling asleep in your history class in high school. You fell asleep in civics class as well. Bush the Younger was also a businessman. How did that work out for the country. The 3 EQUAL branches of government does not allow one president to have the power to run a country like a business. An authoritarian government perhaps. What Chump did do is try to run his administration like a Cosa Nostra.

Also, Chump had the advantage of inheriting a good economy from Obama and ended up messing that up.
Please click this link.
Is this what you're referring to when you talk about a POTUS acting in an authoritarian manner?
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down almost a million (818,000) from the yearly projection. This didn't happen in the last week and so they have been telling people how good it was for a long time in spite of people seeing the lack of reality in their comments. still, there is hope and joy to substitute. There is something "magical" in the air...

820,000 jobs LESS than what they told us??

Surely, you are not telling me that the Harris/Biden Admin has LIED to us on how well the job front is??
Say it ain't so!
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Meaning Crow/Harris could have issued one at any time if he cared about the drugs, sex trafficking, and criminals coming across an open border.
He did a couple of months ago after Chump told the republican congress leadership not to go through with the bi-partisan but conservative leaning bill that would have helped the border.
He did a couple of months ago after Chump told the republican congress leadership not to go through with the bi-partisan but conservative leaning bill that would have helped the border.
Exactly, but not in the first three years of his 'presidency', showing he was fine with that disaster.

Sometimes I wonder if you are actually running a parody account to make fun of naive dem libs.
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He did a couple of months ago after Chump told the republican congress leadership not to go through with the bi-partisan but conservative leaning bill that would have helped the border.

Isn't the Biden/Harris admin flying them in..??

That's the joke anyway
..crossings down because they are coming by plane. Lol what a 🤡show
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820,000 jobs LESS than what they told us??

Surely, you are not telling me that the Harris/Biden Admin has lied to us on how well the job front is??
Say it ain't so!
It is hard to believe and has caused me personal grief and suffering coming to grips with this. I thought it was ALL done at this time. After the state sponsored media censoring and with an endless supply of propaganda that would make Goebbels proud, supplying Hillary questions in a primary, the FBI and Russia, the big guy and 10%, hiding Hunter's laptop, not being able to define what a women is, but knowing they needed a woman, encouraging destructive riots for several months affecting the peons and telling us the border was controlled, threatening packing the courts, promoting Merchan's unlawful court to the public, at one time wanting to outlaw "gas" appliances, threatening the SCOTUS with term limits, pretending grandma and grandpa were insurrectionist although many were encouraged to enter the capital while hiring a film director to promote this film allowing no conflicting evidence, getting us into a war that could have been prevented, leaving billions of money and military equipment for terrorist and leaving behind families in Afghanistan I mistakenly thought it might finally be done. Why list more? This is almost enough for people to rise against the government which is the worry since "Michelle" made reference to "domestic" threats being enough to mention. BTW, why the talk of "assault" weapons that don't exist? Why not the talk on pistols or hammers...and even forks that cause more deaths? Perhaps an AR and like is the only threat to a tyrannical government? What other reason since it is not to lower violent deaths
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Exactly, but not in the first three years of his 'presidency', showing he was fine with that disaster.

Sometimes I wonder if you are actually running a parody account to make fun of naive dem libs.
The border issue is low priority for the dems, that's a given. Since it is seemingly a high priority for the repubs, why wasn't the border fixed back in 2017 and 2018 when the repubs had control of the WH, Congress, and Senate. It later took Pelosi and the dem controlled House to allocate the jive little money Chump got for part of the wall they did build. The repubs absolutely did nothing when they had the power.
The border issue is low priority for the dems, that's a given. Since it is seemingly a high priority for the repubs, why wasn't the border fixed back in 2017 and 2018 when the repubs had control of the WH, Congress, and Senate. It later took Pelosi and the dem controlled House to allocate the jive little money Chump got for part of the wall they did build. The repubs absolutely did nothing when they had the power.
It was vastly better under the 'Remain in Mexico' policy that Trump forced on Mexico, and which Crow ended by Exec Order as soon as he got into office.

Of course it is a low priority for the dems - it mainly affects inner city blacks and poor working class people, not wealthy dem elites who call the shots. More parody on your part?
It was vastly better under the 'Remain in Mexico' policy that Trump forced on Mexico, and which Crow ended by Exec Order as soon as he got into office.

Of course it is a low priority for the dems - it mainly affects inner city blacks and poor working class people, not wealthy dem elites who call the shots. More parody on your part?
So, why didn't the repubs do something when they had the power for 2 years?
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Which two years?

Btw, more disgusting disrespect of Kam by mispronouncing her name. I am sick and tired of it, as I know are you and katstench.

2017 and 2018 I believe.

People mispronounce names all the time. However, when the republicans have mispronounced her name, it is obvious that it is done maliciously. Then some make a little snide remark after they do it.
2017 and 2018 I believe.

People mispronounce names all the time. However, when the republicans have mispronounced her name, it is obvious that it is done maliciously. Then some make a little snide remark after they do it.
I think it is racist if people don't do it on purpose, just like Bubba. Here she is, the new puppet leader of the dems, and Bubba doesn't even bother to learn her name.

On closing the border, a lot of repubs want an open border because it is good for their donors - plus they like cheap lawn care, nannies, etc. Hacks like McConnell and Lankford have always hated Trump because he was outside the establishment.

I wonder if the nanny Kamala's hubby knocked up was an illegal immigrant working under the table? Such a family man.

Looks like Trumpy and some of his acolytes are lashing out because Trump is fading and getting his ass handed to him. A racial, sexual escapade accusatory, misogynistic tantrum from Trump and the cult members is a sure sign of a sweating hard, super-worried, orange cult leader!
Which two years?

Btw, more disgusting disrespect of Kam by mispronouncing her name. I am sick and tired of it, as I know are you and katstench.

I caught it at the time! ;) I hope RFK endorses Trump and Trump promises him a position like "CIA" or "FDA". We might learn a lot!!!
I caught it at the time! ;) I hope RFK endorses Trump and Trump promises him a position like "CIA" or "FDA". We might learn a lot!!!
CIA would be the best except they will probably kill him so they can keep the secret files on the JFK murder intact. Wonder what they could be hiding...?
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Looks like Trumpy and some of his acolytes are lashing out because Trump is fading and getting his ass handed to him. A racial, sexual escapade accusatory, misogynistic tantrum from Trump and the cult members is a sure sign of a sweating hard, super-worried, orange cult leader!
You think he is fading after Kameleon's idiot VP stolen-valor, snitch-state nominee and her idiot price control speech?

Are you in with Uncle Bni on his parody prank?

I think it is racist if people don't do it on purpose, just like Bubba. Here she is, the new puppet leader of the dems, and Bubba doesn't even bother to learn her name.

On closing the border, a lot of repubs want an open border because it is good for their donors - plus they like cheap lawn care, nannies, etc. Hacks like McConnell and Lankford have always hated Trump because he was outside the establishment.

I wonder if the nanny Kamala's hubby knocked up was an illegal immigrant working under the table? Such a family man.
Now we getting somewhere. The repubs talk a good game about the border but their actions say otherwise. I don’t just listen to urban radio. I listen to both sides. I also listen to the “Patriot” channel, a conservation channel on SiriusXM. A conservative that owned a drywall business and hires illegals called in and said that if Chump deports all the illegals that it will turn the construction industry upside down. That’s my point, the conservatives are not going to admit that they don’t mind the border chaos. If they did they would have done something in 2017.
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Now we getting somewhere. The repubs talk a good game about the border but their actions say otherwise. I don’t just listen to urban radio. I listen to both sides. I also listen to the “Patriot” channel, a conservation channel on SiriusXM. A conservative that owned a drywall business and hires illegals called in and said that if Chump deports all the illegals that it will turn the construction industry upside down. That’s my point, the conservatives are not going to admit that they don’t mind the border chaos. If they did they would have done something in 2017.
Who minds it are the inner city people whose services and streets are being overrun by drugs, sex trafficking, and crime that come across the open border - and whose job wages are being suppressed.

Obviously you don't care about those people, nor do well-off dems or repubs, but Trump does as proven by his Executive Actions as President. Try to be more awake and not so woke, Uncle.
I would like to hear one single PERSONAL experience from any of the posters who are sooooo offended by immigration problems how THEY have personally been affected by it.

Who has lost a job to an immigrant? Who has been attacked by one? Who has them in THEIR neighborhood and can describe the effects first hand?

Let’s hear it!
I would like to hear one single PERSONAL experience from any of the posters who are sooooo offended by immigration problems how THEY have personally been affected by it.

Who has lost a job to an immigrant? Who has been attacked by one? Who has them in THEIR neighborhood and can describe the effects first hand?

Let’s hear it!
My friend had his car stolen in Chicago. I had my windows in the rental car in California smashed out and my laptop and camera along with $2000.00 in cash stolen. People said don’t call the police as they won’t come out for something like this. Don’t know if it was an immigrant or whomever as they were not seen or caught. .
My friend had his car stolen in Chicago. I had my windows in the rental car in California smashed out and my laptop and camera along with $2000.00 in cash stolen. People said don’t call the police as they won’t come out for something like this. Don’t know if it was an immigrant or whomever as they were not seen or caught. .
So a smash and grab? That sucks, but I’m looking for ANYONE that has had their lives personally affected by IMMIGRATION.
CIA would be the best except they will probably kill him so they can keep the secret files on the JFK murder intact. Wonder what they could be hiding...?
Wouldn't we all like to KNOW!!! If safer, being in charge of the FDA would also open some eyes. I would love for him to validate even more of the deep state workings? What if Edward Snowden had more?
I would like to hear one single PERSONAL experience from any of the posters who are sooooo offended by immigration problems how THEY have personally been affected by it.

Who has lost a job to an immigrant? Who has been attacked by one? Who has them in THEIR neighborhood and can describe the effects first hand?

Let’s hear it!
Typical lib. Not able to look at it from the viewpoint of the thousands who have suffered from the policy - including a list of citizens, some children, who have been raped and/or murdered.

As long as you are ok, what is the problem, right lib? You sound as disgusting as Nancy Pelosi - or even HoosierFanJM.
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Wouldn't we all like to KNOW!!! If safer, being in charge of the FDA would also open some eyes. I would love for him to validate even more of the deep state workings? What if Edward Snowden had more?
I really think you nailed it with CIA.
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