We won but.......

Everyone is glad that we won. I think what I was trying to say is that I know this team should have blown Northwestern away. Biggie, Thompson and Davis go for a total of 8 points is what is disappointing. This year, Purdue has blown leads and gone stretches when they can not score. If we played to our potential (yes, I said potential) we would be a top 10 team. Am I happy that we have a 20+ win season of course but that is not the point. Does it make me a bad fan that I want to see this team win some games come March?
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As stated above NW has tallented players and has recently performed well agains the top of the league. Had we won at MIchigan, it would have been a short turnaround trap game. I feel that CMP corrected the largest, readily correctable deficiency (rebounding) for NW. He now has three days to plan and prepare for IU. I'm cautiously confident we will be able to sustain high level of effort both halves leading to a close win.
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Spread was 11.5, won by 10. No matter how good of a team you have, half of the time its going to be a below average performance by definition.

Also not sure how leading UM on the road at halftime qualifies for this contrived "5 straight poor halves" streak..

Matt Painter himself said the team should've been up double digits at the end of the first half, and that was apparent to anyone who watched it.
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Northwestern was a trap game for Purdue. They are not a bad ball club. Northwestern lost @ MD by 6 in ot. They lost @ Iowa by 14. I'm sure coach Painter and the team are trying to improve. You suggesting otherwise is what is asinine.

I never suggested otherwise. I simply stated that if we apply your principle "we won, that's all that matters" to the coaches and players, that would likely lead to negative results. So if that's the case, why should the fans have that attitude?

I don't want to fight about this, or troll. We're all Purdue fans and we all want them to do well. I just feel like the last few games have been concerning for me, and I'm sure it's concerning for CMP as well.

Also let's not act like Northwestern is some good team because they stayed close in a couple games against two teams. They're a sub-100 RPI team that's already lost 9 games in the B10 and will likely lose more.

I'm not saying Purdue's season is derailed or anything, because they still have every opportunity right in front of them (except winning the B10 regular season, but oh well). But there is no denying that they need to play better if they want to make a nice run in March, and that's all I'm saying.
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Come Saturday Boilers will shoot 80% from the lane, and go 8 - 11 from three, walk away with a 11 pt WIN.....We are do for a breakout game where everything is clicking along, what better place to accomplish it......BOILER UP!!
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mathboy: I've actually thought something very similar. I've resisted saying it because I don't want to sound like "wait until next year." But, if Caleb stays (I think he will), I do think next year's team has the potential to be very good.

A starting lineup of PJ/Carsen Edwards, Cline, Vince Edwards, Swanigan, and Haas will be formidable with enough support players (Smotherman, Mathias, Stephens, Taylor) to give us a serviceable bench.
While I hope Caleb doesn't declare for the draft, it would hardly come our of nowhere if he does. Nor would it be the first questionable decision made by a young college player on that front.

Maybe this season has sobered him, but I'm sure the idea is in his head.
I never suggested otherwise. I simply stated that if we apply your principle "we won, that's all that matters" to the coaches and players, that would likely lead to negative results. So if that's the case, why should the fans have that attitude?

I don't want to fight about this, or troll. We're all Purdue fans and we all want them to do well. I just feel like the last few games have been concerning for me, and I'm sure it's concerning for CMP as well.

Also let's not act like Northwestern is some good team because they stayed close in a couple games against two teams. They're a sub-100 RPI team that's already lost 9 games in the B10 and will likely lose more.

I'm not saying Purdue's season is derailed or anything, because they still have every opportunity right in front of them (except winning the B10 regular season, but oh well). But there is no denying that they need to play better if they want to make a nice run in March, and that's all I'm saying.

We won and that's all that matters. If so, then why should they spend time in practice going over things that need corrected? Shouldn't we be satisfied and settle for just winning?
Because putting teams away is not what shoot for at Purdue. We just "want to be in position to win at the end of the end." Both the football and basketball programs have lacked a killer instinct for some time.
What an IDIOT! Won 19 games by 10 plus. Wow! Northwestern has won 17 games. We won by the amount Vegas said. IDIOT
we were never going to get Mac, I thinking missing out on Glyn Watson was worse.
Purdue never missed on Watson..if "miss" means he never picked Purdue. If you are saying Purdue never offered and that is a mistake...perhaps? I believe he wanted to go to Purdue
I'm in FL on vacation. Played golf today with two very nice gentlemen, both originally from Indiana. One played halfback for Ara Parseghian and the other was a D1 starting guard in basketball in the 70's. When I told them I was a Purdue alum and fan, their very first question was "how has Purdue lost a game this year?" Neither had negative things to say about Painter or Purdue and both had watched the NW game last night. They both said Purdue, despite its excellent record, was a team not playing up to its potential. I think anyone can see the kind of team we potentially have...the team that played the first half against Iowa and MSU. If we can come close to matching that for 40 minutes, we might have something.
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I'm in FL on vacation. Played golf today with two very nice gentlemen, both originally from Indiana. One played halfback for Ara Parseghian and the other was a D1 starting guard in basketball in the 70's. When I told them I was a Purdue alum and fan, their very first question was "how has Purdue lost a game this year?" Neither had negative things to say about Painter or Purdue and both had watched the NW game last night. They both said Purdue, despite its excellent record, was a team not playing up to its potential. I think anyone can see the kind of team we potentially have...the team that played the first half against Iowa and MSU. If we can come close to matching that for 40 minutes, we might have something.

100% agree. This team's potential is honestly though the roof. While a 21-6 (9-5) record looks good on paper, this team could have been much, much better. We should be a serious contender to win the league outright with the talent we have, not be all but eliminated with 4 games left.

Fans' frustrations come from the fact that we aren't playing up to our potential.

That being said, these next few games, the B10 tournament, and the NCAA tournament can change all that. And I'm still holding out hope that it does. It starts this Saturday in Bloomington. Win that one, and I think Purdue has a decent shot at winning out the rest of the regular season.
I'm in FL on vacation. Played golf today with two very nice gentlemen, both originally from Indiana. One played halfback for Ara Parseghian and the other was a D1 starting guard in basketball in the 70's. When I told them I was a Purdue alum and fan, their very first question was "how has Purdue lost a game this year?" Neither had negative things to say about Painter or Purdue and both had watched the NW game last night. They both said Purdue, despite its excellent record, was a team not playing up to its potential. I think anyone can see the kind of team we potentially have...the team that played the first half against Iowa and MSU. If we can come close to matching that for 40 minutes, we might have something.
If Purdue were playing this way and the rules were like the 70's or 80's or 90's I would agree. My money says they didn't think about that and was unable to see some of the limitations of this team with a huge reduction in the shot clock from years ago... :)
100% agree. This team's potential is honestly though the roof. While a 21-6 (9-5) record looks good on paper, this team could have been much, much better. We should be a serious contender to win the league outright with the talent we have, not be all but eliminated with 4 games left.

Fans' frustrations come from the fact that we aren't playing up to our potential.

That being said, these next few games, the B10 tournament, and the NCAA tournament can change all that. And I'm still holding out hope that it does. It starts this Saturday in Bloomington. Win that one, and I think Purdue has a decent shot at winning out the rest of the regular season.
Opinions are great. We all have them. But let's try to be as objective as possible for a moment.. What is the potential of a team with slow, semi-athletic guards/wings who struggle to shoot consistently from 3 point range? What is the potential of a team comprised of mostly 3 and 4 star recruits?
Yes, this team has certain advantages, but do opponents. For example, teams with quick, athletic guards and skilled stretch 4's and 5's can exploit us, similar to how we exploited teams 7 or 8 years ago.
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