Student loan forgiveness

It is far more sinister than that. Biden and the Dems campaigned on ABOLISHING student debt and many who are mired in college debt are awaiting it to happen. Also, Biden has extended student loan relief three times since becoming president. It is a virtual certainty that he will do it again in September to carry the Dems through the midterm elections.

The message has become clear: If we continue to keep a Democrat president in office, student debt payments will be extended into perpetuity.
What do you mean by abolish? Because if you mean he campaigned on just wiping it out with the stroke of a pen, he didn’t campaign on that.
Mainly, because we don't think kids that have no clue about who they are yet should be making life altering decisions. Not sure why that is such a difficult decision to comprehend.
sometimes when I start to struggle in understanding the other side, I take a review course from this guy and then things start to go together again. I only need to listen to him a bit when I start to recede back to thought, instead of feelings. I recommend him for any struggling with the dems of today...

Is on the way. I’m starting to think that I’m one of the few who has to pay for things.

The cares act was a 4 trillion dollar transfer to the richest people in the country. I don’t mind paying my loans.. I took them out, but why should cares recipients get subsidized when I don’t?
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So you prefer that millionaires and billionaires pay less taxes than to have regular folks’ student loans forgiven? I rather have student loans forgiven.
I’d say they should stop robbing the US Citizens and pay their debts!
I want a Cadillac, should I get one, not pay the bills and want Biden to pay for it instead? The most dumb logic I’ve ever seen. Do not teach young men and women to be responsible.
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I understand some of that, but did you expect someone to bail you out for your stupidity?
When I was 18, life after graduation was forever. It was a thousand years into the future. I didn't expect someone to bail me out simply because I didn't think about it at all. My entire being was: Stay out of the Vietnam draft, gat a college degree, getting some puuntang and finding someone to buy me some beer on Friday night.
The cares act was a 4 trillion dollar transfer to the richest people in the country. I don’t mind paying my loans.. I took them out, but why should cares recipients get subsidized when I don’t?
The answer is minting trillion dollar coins from platinum. Heck, let's make four of them. Jeepers, why not make 30 and pay off the national debt in one afternoon?
No, it's a fair comparison. The repubs didn't bat an eye when the savings and loans execs got all that bail out money. Because the very rich got that money, the repubs were quiet as a church mouse. What's wrong with common folks getting a "bail out"?

I don't know if you had student loans or not. However, answer this question. If you did have $80,000 in student loans for example and the government passed a bill to forgive that loan. Would you accept the $80,000 to pay back that loan?

If I had student loans and the govt offered to forgive them, of course I'm going to take advantage of that program.
I have a car lease, a mortgage and a boat loan. Why shouldn't the govt also offer to forgive those?
And I’m not sure why republicans are so obsessed with the genitals of children but here we are.
Because democrats want everyone who feels different to receive special treatment for their feelings. Dems used to only play the race card. Now, they play the gender bender card just as often.
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I don't want to pay my house payment swear this country is on the downhill. What a bunch of useless, entitled cryasses. Can't read, can't add, can't cook anything that doesn't come from McDonald's.
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Community colleges can be very limited in degree selection and sometimes to pursue the career you want, private schools might be the only place you get accepted. Also, some don't do well in the large class size environment and are more likely to thrive in a smaller, more personal setting a private school offers.

For some, sure, community college can be a good choice, but you are not getting an engineering degree from one, so would've been pointless for me.
the people coming out of school with an engineering degree are not generally the ones defaulting on student loans.
It's the people getting worthless degrees in things like gender studies, art appreciation or theater, where there's no demand if if there is, the pay is extremely low.
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the people coming out of school with an engineering degree are not generally the ones defaulting on student loans.
It's the people getting worthless degrees in things like gender studies, art appreciation or theater, where there's no demand if if there is, the pay is extremely low.

No, not usually, but it's the general assertation against private schools and for community colleges that I was objecting to. You can certainly get a lot of worthless degrees from community colleges, at least they cheaper, but I don't really see that as much better.
Remember when Bush the Younger bailed out the savings and loans industry with billions of dollars. If I remember right, they got that money with no strings attached. How Republican of you to support that mess after they squander a lot of that money with nothing benefitting everyday people.

Younger Bush was a R in name only. Worthless President gave us the John Roberts wastetoid.
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The answer is minting trillion dollar coins from platinum. Heck, let's make four of them. Jeepers, why not make 30 and pay off the national debt in one afternoon?
Those four coins were already given out in the early part of the pandemic. The rich and very poor get subsidized and those in the middle get nothing
If I had student loans and the govt offered to forgive them, of course I'm going to take advantage of that program.
I have a car lease, a mortgage and a boat loan. Why shouldn't the govt also offer to forgive those?
Of course you would. But yet you criticize a program that may be signed into law that would forgive the loans of current student debt holders.
I don't want to pay my house payment swear this country is on the downhill. What a bunch of useless, entitled cryasses. Can't read, can't add, can't cook anything that doesn't come from McDonald's.
What was the cares act? That didn’t go to pay anyone’s anything in my neighborhood
Mainly, because we don't think kids that have no clue about who they are yet should be making life altering decisions. Not sure why that is such a difficult decision to comprehend.
Interesting how y’all are all about FREEDOM except when you’re not, even when it has nothing to do with you. And how you’re against government interfering, except when you’re not, even when it has nothing to do with you. And how you call democrats pedophiles, except you’re the ones concerned about what’s between a child’s legs.
Community colleges can be very limited in degree selection and sometimes to pursue the career you want, private schools might be the only place you get accepted. Also, some don't do well in the large class size environment and are more likely to thrive in a smaller, more personal setting a private school offers.

For some, sure, community college can be a good choice, but you are not getting an engineering degree from one, so would've been pointless for me.
There are plenty of state schools. If you want to go to private schools, then foot the bill...
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It’s your logic. If you don’t like it, then quit using it.
There was a time when discussion of the serious matters of gender identity and gender dysphoria with individuals let alone non-adults was thought to be best (and only) handled by people who studied and trained for several years in psychology and child psychology. Years of rotations and dissertations. Now we have States (like Illinois and NJ) that mandate that somebody who took two years of college and got a teaching certificate can handle teaching gender identity to my 5 year old child.

So I don’t have an obsession with their genitals. You do . Because your side is going bat shit crazy to talk about it.
What it ended up being was the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human History. Who disputes that?
Not even close to what Obama/Bernanke did. And completely dishonest to term it all as a bailout for rich mortgage payers. Maybe reformulate what you want to argue.
Interesting how y’all are all about FREEDOM except when you’re not, even when it has nothing to do with you. And how you’re against government interfering, except when you’re not, even when it has nothing to do with you. And how you call democrats pedophiles, except you’re the ones concerned about what’s between a child’s legs.

I am, but more for adults that are then able to be responsible for their actions. Kids don't posses the comprehension level to fully understand the consequences of their decisions. That is why we have to protect them.

And since you can't comprehend that, man I hope you are incapable of reproducing for the good of humanity.
I am, but more for adults that are then able to be responsible for their actions. Kids don't posses the comprehension level to fully understand the consequences of their decisions. That is why we have to protect them.

And since you can't comprehend that, man I hope you are incapable of reproducing for the good of humanity.
How is sticking your nose into someone else’s business “protecting” them? The answer is, you’re not. Actually, you’re just harassing them and their families, which is really the ultimate goal. Republicans, at least lately, could not give two shits about anyone they deem different. Until some idiot politician brought up the word “trans”, you never gave it a second thought. Full stop.
Of course you would. But yet you criticize a program that may be signed into law that would forgive the loans of current student debt holders.
People are going to act in their own best self interests, especially when it comes to financial interests.
But, loan forgiveness isn't just a financial argument. I believe there's a moral and ethical component involved.

You took out a loan. You promised to pay it back. You couldn't pay it back and therefore, you broke your promise (you were in breach of contract with has implications).
There has to be consequences for bad decisionmaking. In the 'real world', that means repossession or foreclosure. But in the world of democrats and liberals, that means "we'll won't hold you accountable."
People are going to act in their own best self interests, especially when it comes to financial interests.
But, loan forgiveness isn't just a financial argument. I believe there's a moral and ethical component involved.

You took out a loan. You promised to pay it back. You couldn't pay it back and therefore, you broke your promise (you were in breach of contract with has implications).
There has to be consequences for bad decisionmaking. In the 'real world', that means repossession or foreclosure. But in the world of democrats and liberals, that means "we'll won't hold you accountable."
Naturally you missed the point. You keep harping on folks that can’t pay back the loan. The loan forgiveness program is not just about them. Most people with student loans so not default. Therefore, this program with help everyone that have the student loan. Then what people going to do with the extra money? Spend it and help the economy. Perhaps pay back other obligations like car loans and mortgages. You said yourself that you wouldn’t turn it down. If you are so worried about moral obligations, shouldn’t you not accept the loan forgiveness and pay your student loan back yourself.

Similarly with the black traitors like that go on Faux News and criticize slavery reparations. You know darn well that if reparations get signed into law that they ain’t going to accept that money.
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Then don’t go buy something they can’t afford. It’s that simple.
Well it's not THAT simple. Did they know when they were 19 how life was going to work out? Sure, you can argue they should have done better financially during their career, made better decisions, worked a second job, whatever. But I think it's safe to say when they were in college they thought they would be able to pay back the loan and fully intended to.
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Some people simply cannot manage money. Back in the 1990s I was assigned to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service and they developed a credit card for service members only and for use in the Exchange only. It was called the Military Star and had a credit limit of $5,000. On the first day that card was released, there were over 200 service members who maxed out the full $5.000 credit on their cards . . . on the first day!