
Illinois is better than Wake Forest.

Regardless, it makes me happy to see IU trolls here with their tired put-downs and never clever banter. If they weren't here, instead staying on their own board, that would exude a confidence and control and a "just another win" attitude that would fly in the face of their historical internet chest-beating/ass-showing. It would probably make me a little uncomfortable as it would indicate that we don't, in fact, own their domes, completely occupying the minute space that is left after decades of huffing computer duster and eating acid.

However, I can now rest easy as here they are, showing their insecure asses per usual, and dropping their worn out degradation left and right. Thanks bros. Keep up the unfunny.

Nailed it.

Deep down, they know that homer calls are the only reason Purdue's continuous hoops dominance over IU wasn't extended, and they will milk this for all it's worth...

Between their hero Jared's sick proclivities, fat Bobby's repudiation of ALL things IU, and relying on the colossally stupid Mark Cuban to shill for the school on TV, they're frighteningly short of validation.
Don't forget the huge difference of games that Purdue has won over IU in head to head games. I would call that DOMINATION!
Mackey Arena is a much better place to watch basketball. Assembly Hall set back basketball viewing by 80 years. The architect was smoking dope when they built that (an IU grad). Never a poorer venue built. Then the geniuses that is IU, decided to dress that pig up and spend 60 million on a useless renovation. LOL, 4000 decent seats and the rest suck. Now that's INDIANA BASKETBALL right there folks. When that building collapses, just hope and prey no boiler fans are in there.
mackey arena can't get half as loud as assembly hall.
True, the sound of breaking wind is pretty loud in AssHall.

By the way, welcome to this board. Nice that this is your first post, and you put it here. Evidently we are that important to you! On the other hand, maybe you have larger number of poswts under a different name, which means you want to hide your identity when you post here - and that speaks volumes to your personal integrety, right?

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I saw the game. I have read multiple game summaries. All agree. Purdue lost. Purdue fans cry and make excuses for the last 76 years (IU has 5 national championships in that span). Cody Zeller did not play. Purdue lost. Case closed.
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I saw the game. I have read multiple game summaries. All agree. Purdue lost. Purdue fans cry and make excuses for the last 76 years (IU has 5 national championships in that span). Cody Zeller did not play. Purdue lost. Case closed.
Weren't two of those championships in the runner-up contest? That what the NCAA was back then. The NIT was where the best teams went. SO, be careful when you say "world championships" because it is wildly inaccurate for at least 2 of the 5.

Oh yen, the coach that won the other three has a losing record against our coach of the period.
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I saw the game. I have read multiple game summaries. All agree. Purdue lost. Purdue fans cry and make excuses for the last 76 years (IU has 5 national championships in that span). Cody Zeller did not play. Purdue lost. Case closed.
I hate to take this side but enough is enough. Yes there were some bad calls, bad bounces, bad passes, but the bottom line is we lost and that will never change.
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I agree with Heller here. The referee called it Goal Tending. RIght or wrong, that was the call.

I did learn a lot about Goal Tending from this exchange, so it was a worthwhile thread to discuss. Thanks to all who looked up the rules. It was a good discussion, and the kind of topic the founders of internet message boards probably envisioned taking place. NIce to see it here, and not the nonsense from Captainmeatpants. LOL.
so you'd rather have the series advantage over 3 titles?
I'm sure there are good things about titles, but I'd be lying if I said that it hasn't been wonderful fun reminding hoosier morons over and over and over again that Purdue always has been and always will be better in basketball than iu....
Yep, the game will always be known as the "Goaltending" game, whereas the Boilers ended up in the loss column. Helluva comeback........helluva call............all in the past now.
I'm sure there are good things about titles, but I'd be lying if I said that it hasn't been wonderful fun reminding hoosier morons over and over and over again that Purdue always has been and always will be better in basketball than iu....

It was a serious question. Would you rather have the series advantage or national titles?
It was a serious question. Would you rather have the series advantage or national titles?
And here is a serious reply. Would you rather be known as a school that took a huge part in the greatest accomplishment of the past century that gave us the technology to communicate like this, have a statue to the first man to walk on the moon with the potential to put up several others should you choose or a bunch of banners thirty five years old and older hanging from a crumbling building to,something largely insignificant to most of the world?
And here is a serious reply. Would you rather be known as a school that took a huge part in the greatest accomplishment of the past century that gave us the technology to communicate like this, have a statue to the first man to walk on the moon with the potential to put up several others should you choose or a bunch of banners thirty five years old and older hanging from a crumbling building to,something largely insignificant to most of the world?

Another non-answer to the question. If you don't want to answer the question, then don't. That's fine. But posting a reply to a sports related question by bragging about astronauts just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'd rather have the basketball championships than have alumni that have walked on the moon. I'm not concerned about how old the banners are, and I'm definitely not concerned about their significance to the rest of the world. They are significant to me. I asked a question, I wanted a legit answer, preferably "series advantage" or "titles", but I would've been interested to read something at least basketball related.
Another non-answer to the question. If you don't want to answer the question, then don't. That's fine. But posting a reply to a sports related question by bragging about astronauts just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'd rather have the basketball championships than have alumni that have walked on the moon. I'm not concerned about how old the banners are, and I'm definitely not concerned about their significance to the rest of the world. They are significant to me. I asked a question, I wanted a legit answer, preferably "series advantage" or "titles", but I would've been interested to read something at least basketball related.
You just choose it to be a non answer because to you, basketball is all you have. There wouldn't be an Internet without the space program.

I have no problem saying that at all. Proud PU alum and I would gladly trade the series lead for 3 National Championships.

Now the Candy Striped Pants.... no way!!!
Another non-answer to the question. If you don't want to answer the question, then don't. That's fine. But posting a reply to a sports related question by bragging about astronauts just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'd rather have the basketball championships than have alumni that have walked on the moon. I'm not concerned about how old the banners are, and I'm definitely not concerned about their significance to the rest of the world. They are significant to me. I asked a question, I wanted a legit answer, preferably "series advantage" or "titles", but I would've been interested to read something at least basketball related.

Because from your trailer, you can claim to be an iu fan and because of that, part of those banners are yours. Sadly, that's all you have.
ok. well you didn't answer the question. so im not sure why you responded to it

LOL -- there's no limit to the things you're "not sure of" , is there?
Of course I answered...
Your refusal to acknowledge the truth in my answer makes my point perfectly: it's delightful watching you morons squirm uncomfortably at the fact that Purdue always has been, and always will be better in hoops than IU.

Carry on with the squirm- fest....
I'm sure there are good things about titles, but I'd be lying if I said that it hasn't been wonderful fun reminding hoosier morons over and over and over again that Purdue always has been and always will be better in basketball than iu....
So you must only speak to "hoosier morons" that are over or around 65 years of age or older. And after all those wins you can pound your chest over, then you start in on the recent success and the national titles you've gathered...oh yeah no you don't.
So you must only speak to "hoosier morons" that are over or around 65 years of age or older. And after all those wins you can pound your chest over, then you start in on the recent success and the national titles you've gathered...oh yeah no you don't.
Yes-- this is a NICE squirm-- well done!!

I don't believe there's an age requirement to be a Hoosier moron... The Purdue-obsessed clods whose lives depend on posting Hoosier moron nonsense here appear to run the spectrum in terms of age.
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LOL -- there's no limit to the things you're "not sure of" , is there?
Of course I answered...
Your refusal to acknowledge the truth in my answer makes my point perfectly: it's delightful watching you morons squirm uncomfortably at the fact that Purdue always has been, and always will be better in hoops than IU.

Carry on with the squirm- fest....

But you didn't answer. You merely responded. I asked what was more important, series advantage or title, and you didn't want to answer the question, so you typed up some nonsense that refuses to answer the question directly.
I would have to assume that means you envy the national championships, otherwise you would just say you didn't care about them and you'll take the series advantage.
Which by the way is what I would expect, and is totally normal. I feel like almost anyone would take the national championship history over a series advantage. I was just checking to see if anyone actually felt the opposite way. So far, no one has.