***Election results thread***

Trump will be back. All the support that got him elected in 16 and almost elected in 20 will still be there in 24, only more so as people can compare him to the bungling that is to come.

Why would he go away? He obviously has enjoyed being the prez.
No, he/they won't be back, his cult will just move on to the next reality TV show. Trump will end his last years making money on rallies to dwindling crowds, he is too old for it to become as pathetic as Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler, but I will bet at some point he sells his autographs.
See, PD, this is where your natural comical talent shines through even though you don't understand it.

Posting a video portraying the madman that Joe said, in the last debate, the US had good relations with until WWII began. Subtle and clever commentary on Joe, it is! Nicely done. There may be hope for you after all!
No, he/they won't be back, his cult will just move on to the next reality TV show. Trump will end his last years making money on rallies to dwindling crowds, he is too old for it to become as pathetic as Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler, but I will bet at some point he sells his autographs.
All the repubs have are establishment types like Joe, none of whom will be able to compete with Trump in four years.

Trump is an outsider and will remain so, and his followers will stick with him in my view.
Agree, and so do the dems - and the latter are about to get it self-administered in the coming year.
Don't doubt they both do, one of the good outcomes of this election is that it's the end of the boomers. What happens next, who knows, but that generation, that has dominated American life since the '50/60's will now move on, historically, personally, they will still be parents and grandparents...
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When there is a massive failed experiment on Republican side you see a blue wave. Didn't see that. Despite a pandemic, Republicans picked up seats in house. Looks like Republicans held the senate. Looks like Trump lost a close election.

Pence wouldn't be my first choice, but he isn't damaged goods. We heard that nonsense about Republican Senators being damaged goods....and would be swept out in a blue wave. Didn't happen.

OK, but Republican senators aren't national candidates. And to be clear, I never said anything about Congressional seats either. But since you brought it up, the Congressional map obviously shows we are very much a divided nation.

Trump's a sitting POTUS who very likely won't win reelection, and as you stated, Biden did it without a Blue Wave. That's a pretty big failure. But back to Pence... Obama's Presidency lended itself well to Biden in his path to POTUS; Trump's to Pence potentially making a national run... not so much.

But here we are now... it's an uphill battle but a POTUS Biden will at least try to work with both parties to make Congress actually look like a functioning body. Instead of kicking over the table, and yelling out "It's Us Vs. Them!" like we've seen a lot of over the past 4 years, it will be refreshing to at least see Biden try and bring both sides to the table.

We all won't be singing Kumbayah, but at least we'll have some civility and decency back in DC.
OK, but Republican senators aren't national candidates. And to be clear, I never said anything about Congressional seats either. But since you brought it up, the Congressional map obviously shows we are very much a divided nation.

Trump's a sitting POTUS who very likely won't win reelection, and as you stated, Biden did it without a Blue Wave. That's a pretty big failure. But back to Pence... Obama's Presidency lended itself well to Biden in his path to POTUS; .
Don't take my word for it. Even CNN's Van Jones is saying it out loud. The pollsters/pundits were predicting a blowout win for Biden, senate control for dems (and perhaps even a bloodbath), and dems gaining house a repudiation of Trump. That simply didn't happen. Trump lost a close election, republicans likely held senate, and gained house seats.

Don't take my word for it. Even CNN's Van Jones is saying it out loud. The pollsters/pundits were predicting a blowout win for Biden, senate control for dems (and perhaps even a bloodbath), and dems gaining house a repudiation of Trump. That simply didn't happen. Trump lost a close election, republicans likely held senate, and gained house seats.

Trumpism is dead. Donald Trump is a loser.
I just heard a constitutional law professor on TV saying that stopping, preventing, or interfering with the counting of votes is completely illegal. He further said that Trump's lawyers almost certainly know that. I also saw Trump supporters being held back by policemen from entering the arena [Detroit I think] where votes are being counted.
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What does that have to do with anything? W never lost a Presidential election.

What does this have to do with anything?

In two years, magically, there will be nobody remaining supporting Trump and his stupid bullshit. All of the supposed "fake news" will be accepted as the reality it is, and his former supporters will pretend to have never actually supported him. Cowards.
What does this have to do with anything?

In two years, magically, there will be nobody remaining supporting Trump and his stupid bullshit. All of the supposed "fake news" will be accepted as the reality it is, and his former supporters will pretend to have never actually supported him. Cowards.
man you are bitter about your blue puddle.
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RIP Trumpism. Gonna suck for you to see Trump's EOs wound back in years 1 and 2, and our global alliances rebuilt, followed by the trifecta in 2022.
It’s going to be fun watching Pelosi/Biden push their socialist policies only to have them shut down in the Senate.

No Court Packing
No Raising Taxes
No New Green Deal
No Free College
No Lockdown Mandate
RIP Trumpism. Gonna suck for you to see Trump's EOs wound back in years 1 and 2, and our global alliances rebuilt, followed by the trifecta in 2022.
Biden going back to that global alliance with Iran? Even Joe Lieberman urged Biden to scrap that plan, and continue working on the Trump administration Middle East policy.

Biden back to his opinion that a "rising China is good for the world"?
  • Haha
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It’s going to be fun watching Pelosi/Biden push their socialist policies only to have them shut down in the Senate.

No Court Packing
No Raising Taxes
No New Green Deal
No Free College
No Lockdown Mandate
It be nice if I can’t get my SALT
What does this have to do with anything?

In two years, magically, there will be nobody remaining supporting Trump and his stupid bullshit. All of the supposed "fake news" will be accepted as the reality it is, and his former supporters will pretend to have never actually supported him. Cowards.

The reality of the Russia collusion? That reality? The reality that the New York Times (a NEWSpaper) has said they didn't cover a story because it wasn't in the news, that kind of fake news? What "reality" have I not accepted?

Are you ever going to accept that Democrats are pushing a platform that benefits only the elite, has failed every time its been tried, was founded 200 years ago but is somehow "progressive"?

But I am the coward because of something I didn't do, something about W (which is really relevant here guys), and something I won't do. Why would I pretend I didn't support President Trump? How weak minded do you think I am? Unlike a leftist, I am allowed and even encouraged to think for myself. Will Trump fade away? Sure, he is just a guy, I don't hold him on some pedestal like a savior. That is a leftist thing to do since government is the way, truth, and life.
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Looking like Senate majority might not be determined until January 5th. One Georgia Senate race in a runoff and the other one trending that way at 50.1% of vote.

With a couple hundred million spent by democrats to try and defeat Mitch and Lindsey Graham, can only imagine what will be spent on both sides of this battle.
It be nice if I can’t get my SALT

Mitch McConnell is unlikely to allow that as he is considered a financial conservative. 😕. BSIT - a question. Do you understand that the tax bill passed under Trump will raise taxes every year from 2021 - 2023 regardless of who is the president? If so, can you explain to me why people on this board keep posting about Biden raising taxes? It really puzzles me.
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