Sleepers sux

While I agree with most of this, my only point was we don't need to bash every media outlet that questions Painter's perfection. It is fair for non Purdue media talking heads to question the handling of a situation that the end result is a highly rated player leaving the program last minute and him not having a lot of options. Obviously this is more likely more on KC than Painter, but it's still fair to question what changed between his NLI and the precipice of arriving to campus.

It was common knowledge that KC thought of himself as a one and done, and common knowledge that Painter does not hand people roles, they are earned. Both sides knew the other side, and there was still not only a commitment but an NLI signed. It's fair to question what happened and both sides having some blame. No one really knows the situation fully, and we've only heard one side of it.

It is my opinion that this is still a bad look to recruits as a whole. Maybe not the current players (of course they'd be happy with less competition for minutes, especially being over signed), but obviously there was a disconnect between Painter and KC, and as a young recruit, when you make a commitment you don't want to have many doubts. Huge red flag? no. But a concern either way.

I'm also of the opinion, you occasionally need to sprinkle in highly rated talented with your blue collar, chip on your shoulder guys to have a serious NC contender, and it sucks seeing your top recruit of the cycle go, regardless of the reason, if only from a talent perspective.
Agreed with a a lot of what you said. I think this situation was a bit different, as in, we had a lot of guys at his position coming back and therefore, he would have had to really compete for mins. Other years, he probably wouldn’t have and could have been that one and done.

Paint will probably adjust more to the transfer portal and NIL once Smith, TKR and Loyer are gone. He will also need to get used to recruiting those guys (top 30-40) like you mentioned, if success is sustained at a high level by his teams over the next 5 years because Purdue will gain attention from those top recruits. Now, he may not want to incorporate them into the team still, but I’m sure he’s taking a look. Even for next year and the year after, he’s offered some guys that are up there in rankings (if that matters haha). So we will see where he is able to take the program in the next 5-10 years with all these changes(that have no regulations essentially haha).
While I agree with most of this, my only point was we don't need to bash every media outlet that questions Painter's perfection. It is fair for non Purdue media talking heads to question the handling of a situation that the end result is a highly rated player leaving the program last minute and him not having a lot of options. Obviously this is more likely more on KC than Painter, but it's still fair to question what changed between his NLI and the precipice of arriving to campus.

It was common knowledge that KC thought of himself as a one and done, and common knowledge that Painter does not hand people roles, they are earned. Both sides knew the other side, and there was still not only a commitment but an NLI signed. It's fair to question what happened and both sides having some blame. No one really knows the situation fully, and we've only heard one side of it.

It is my opinion that this is still a bad look to recruits as a whole. Maybe not the current players (of course they'd be happy with less competition for minutes, especially being over signed), but obviously there was a disconnect between Painter and KC, and as a young recruit, when you make a commitment you don't want to have many doubts. Huge red flag? no. But a concern either way.

I'm also of the opinion, you occasionally need to sprinkle in highly rated talented with your blue collar, chip on your shoulder guys to have a serious NC contender, and it sucks seeing your top recruit of the cycle go, regardless of the reason, if only from a talent perspective.
There is no discernable difference in players ranked 25-80. To believe that a higher high school ranking means a better player is to have never followed Purdue hoops. There are 10, maybe 15 "difference makers" most years. Sometimes less. And by difference maker that ONLY means good enough to play now. Doesn't mean your TEAM will be better because of them being there. Ego. No D. Not physically ready. Not mentally ready. Doesn't know the plays. won't play in the system. Hunts shots. etc etc
DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER TEAM with one of those 5 stars.
Heck just getting to be a 5 star (how many? 10?) usually means you play for a high profile team or in a high profile area where lots of people see the given player. OR you dominate weak competition.
30 something is not "elite", top 10 is. He think's he's top 10, but he's not.
Disagree it's a bad look. He stood up and said "no" to a silly kid with bad ideas.
Showed honesty and a willingness to stand on his convictions even when it costs him.
Hard for me to see this as anything but a huge affirmation of Matt Painter and the way he coaches.
Every kid in the country that isn't a 5 star wants to play for a coach like that.
And I bet you a lot of those kids worry about playing WITH a guy with the attitude of KC.
Haven't we seen personally the silliness of ranking high school kids nationally when NO PERSON IN AMERICA has seen them all play........
See: Edey, Zachary... among countless other former Boilers.
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There is no discernable difference in players ranked 25-80. To believe that a higher high school ranking means a better player is to have never followed Purdue hoops. There are 10, maybe 15 "difference makers" most years. Sometimes less. And by difference maker that ONLY means good enough to play now. Doesn't mean your TEAM will be better because of them being there. Ego. No D. Not physically ready. Not mentally ready. Doesn't know the plays. won't play in the system. Hunts shots. etc etc
DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER TEAM with one of those 5 stars.
Heck just getting to be a 5 star (how many? 10?) usually means you play for a high profile team or in a high profile area where lots of people see the given player. OR you dominate weak competition.
30 something is not "elite", top 10 is. He think's he's top 10, but he's not.
Disagree it's a bad look. He stood up and said "no" to a silly kid with bad ideas.
Showed honesty and a willingness to stand on his convictions even when it costs him.
Hard for me to see this as anything but a huge affirmation of Matt Painter and the way he coaches.
Every kid in the country that isn't a 5 star wants to play for a coach like that.
And I bet you a lot of those kids worry about playing WITH a guy with the attitude of KC.
Haven't we seen personally the silliness of ranking high school kids nationally when NO PERSON IN AMERICA has seen them all play........
See: Edey, Zachary... among countless other former Boilers.
Highly rated doesn't necessarily mean one and done or top15. Purdue would still be better from a talent perspective with KC than without. There was a reason Painter wanted him in the first place. You could make a team chemistry argument and I wouldn't question the validity, speaking mainly on talent. KC would have either lived up to some of the hype or not been able to go to the NBA and could have still been in the program another year.

Most NC winners if not all, have had a 5 star or NBA early entrant player on the team. It doesn't make you instantly or automatically better. But it certainly seems to help win championships in the grand scheme of things

And I don't think its a bad look that Painter would tell a recruit he has to earn his spot.

I think its a bad look that a kid you recruited for two years signs an NLI and it falls apart last minute. Either you vastly misjudged his character or there was not good communication. Its not the worst thing in the world, but acting like good talent leaving is a good thing isn't really true either.
It is my opinion that this is still a bad look to recruits as a whole. Maybe not the current players (of course they'd be happy with less competition for minutes, especially being over signed), but obviously there was a disconnect between Painter and KC, and as a young recruit, when you make a commitment you don't want to have many doubts. Huge red flag? no. But a concern either way.
IMO this is exactly why MP came out and made the comment publicly last week that he 'can't annoint a role out of thin air'. MP has a long history of being upfront and transparent with recruits, perhaps to a fault. KC's family has said nothing other than Kam's priorities changed from the time that he signed with Purdue. I dont' follow at all how that hurts Purdue with they type of recruit they're looking for.

Keep in mind that Catchings was not a top-100 recruit when he signed with Purdue so the immediate playing time and one and done issues that came up later were not an issue at the time. Maybe MP should have walked away when KC decommitted a year ago when his family swooped in to smooth things over?

I agree with you that it's not worth getting upset or defensive about media outlets questioning Painter or the program. On the flip side, it's completely fair to say that those guys are 1) a source of entertainment whose top priority is driving clicks 2) relatively ignorant as to what is actually happening 3) willing to say things that they may not even believe in order to drive clicks and debate.
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IMO this is exactly why MP came out and made the comment publicly last week that he 'can't annoint a role out of thin air'. MP has a long history of being upfront and transparent with recruits, perhaps to a fault. KC's family has said nothing other than Kam's priorities changed from the time that he signed with Purdue. I dont' follow at all how that hurts Purdue with they type of recruit they're looking for.

Keep in mind that Catchings was not a top-100 recruit when he signed with Purdue so the immediate playing time and one and done issues that came up later were not an issue at the time. Maybe MP should have walked away when KC decommitted a year ago and his family swooped in to smooth things over?

I agree with you that it's not worth getting upset or defensive about media outlets questioning Painter or the program. On the flip side, it's completely fair to say that those guys are 1) a source of entertainment whose top priority is driving clicks 2) relatively ignorant as to what is actually happening 3) willing to say things that they may not even believe in order to drive clicks and debate.

No disagreement with the last paragraph. Just saying its not outlandish to question the situation. It might not be a "bad look" in your opinion, which is fine, but losing a recruit that late is at least odd. And it makes it more noteworthy when it's one of your highest rated recruits ever.
No disagreement with the last paragraph. Just saying its not outlandish to question the situation. It might not be a "bad look" in your opinion, which is fine, but losing a recruit that late is at least odd. And it makes it more noteworthy when it's one of your highest rated recruits ever.
Here is Brian talking about it. Worth a listen if you have time

Please look up the definition of hyperbole. Big words don't win you an argument. Although I'm not even sure me and you are arguing about anything.

My only point is you can take or leave, Sleepers. But there are lot of folks on here that simply pat Painter on the back no matter what he does, and assumes our side is blameless no matter what. Painter runs a "clean program" and does it the "right way" therefore never does anything

and if some random media source (not even a news source, a basketball youtube program) dares to say Painter might be lying about something, rabble rabble, they suck, they are hurting the program, rabble rabble.

Painter is not without his faults. Terrance Crump ran over someone intoxicated and was suspended one season. No program will ever have 100% squeaky clean players. But every time an recruitment is bungled and half this board just says "We didn't want him anyways, we dodged a bullet, Painter is a genius" the other half does a collective eye roll
You think hyperbole is a big word? That explains why you missed the point.
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No, Those three are simply sour grapes and Painter missing on a recruit. But there are still the "we didn't want him anyways" crowd. In my opinion, this is a lot worse on Painter than anyone wants to admit. To be over-signed with no explanation, and then having a recruit bail days before practice even starts? He allegedly has a system to weed out "bad character" and "non Purdue" types. Wasn't that the issue back right after the Baby Boilers when Purdue temporarily was pathetic again? Bade, Tacos, Jeff Robinson (the academic non qualifier), Ronnie Johnson, Kelsey Barlow, etc etc. Anthony Johnson........the list goes on. Allegedly went after non program kids and he stopped that method of recruiting?

Painter recruited this kid through alleged locker room issues, a commitment, a de-commitment, a re-commitment, etc etc. Pardon me for any skepticism that there is more to the situation than we'll ever know. I don't really care at the end of the day that Catchings didn't make it here. He probably wasn't ready to start on this team right away, and wanting to be a one and done, wasn't going to contribute much. But to act like this is some brilliance by Painter by dodging some bullet is ridiculous spin. All parties handled this whole thing poorly. That doesn't make either a bad player or coach, but it was handled poorly. Sleepers speculation that things may not be exactly the picture painted by Painter isn't really all that outlandish.
Why include Tacos in that list? You keep throwing out names of players with no apparent context.

You are offended by supposed comments that "we didn't want him anyway" and "Painter dodged a bullet". Why not address those triggering posts directly, to the people making the comments, rather than making blanket statements whining about the pages and pages of comments in this thread? A thread that you revived and continue to lengthen.
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No disagreement with the last paragraph. Just saying its not outlandish to question the situation. It might not be a "bad look" in your opinion, which is fine, but losing a recruit that late is at least odd. And it makes it more noteworthy when it's one of your highest rated recruits ever.
Agree that it's an unusual situation for Purdue but given how his recruitment and development shook out, I can't say that it's surprising.

If KC or family were saying that MP promised something and moved the goalposts I'd agree that it could be concerning for recruiting. They're not saying that at all, in fact they're saying the opposite.
Why include Tacos in that list? You keep throwing out names of players with no apparent context.

You are offended by supposed comments that "we didn't want him anyway" and "Painter dodged a bullet". Why not address those triggering posts directly, to the people making the comments, rather than making blanket statements whining about the pages and pages of comments in this thread? A thread that you revived and continue to lengthen.
My favorite part about you and every other grandpa on this board, is saying I'm offended or triggered........just like hyperbole, you throw out words that you don't even use correctly and then question my context?

Listen, I know Fox News has taught you terms like "woke" "triggered" "offended" and "snowflake" and you can't wait to try to fit them into a sentence to try and burn someone. But I don't think you appreciate the irony of someone posting about a media show sucking because of allegedly being negative to Purdue, and a few people say "hey we should be better as a fan base than to constantly whine about anyone who says something negative, even if they are mostly positive" and then what somehow gets spun into "you're the whiner, you're whining at my whining!"

I know irony is another term that certain posters here don't understand. But the true "snowflakes" are those who can't handle other people's opinions. My opinion of a we're better as fanbase than to act like every time we miss on a recruit with "we're better off without him, we dodged a bullet" is hardly me being "triggered" or "offended." As Mr. Whiplash stated the the person throwing out these terms is usually the most guilty of them.
My favorite part about you and every other grandpa on this board, is saying I'm offended or triggered........just like hyperbole, you throw out words that you don't even use correctly and then question my context?

Listen, I know Fox News has taught you terms like "woke" "triggered" "offended" and "snowflake" and you can't wait to try to fit them into a sentence to try and burn someone. But I don't think you appreciate the irony of someone posting about a media show sucking because of allegedly being negative to Purdue, and a few people say "hey we should be better as a fan base than to constantly whine about anyone who says something negative, even if they are mostly positive" and then what somehow gets spun into "you're the whiner, you're whining at my whining!"

I know irony is another term that certain posters here don't understand. But the true "snowflakes" are those who can't handle other people's opinions. My opinion of a we're better as fanbase than to act like every time we miss on a recruit with "we're better off without him, we dodged a bullet" is hardly me being "triggered" or "offended." As Mr. Whiplash stated the the person throwing out these terms is usually the most guilty of them.
I think I've seen you mention snowflake at least 3 times in this thread. No one else did. You clearly identify with the term. And you are so clearly triggered, you failed to answer the question about Tacos.

As for those who can't handle other people's opinions, every single one of your posts have indeed been about you whining about other people's opinions. Irony indeed. Your funniest post was you whining about someone using "big words". lol
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I think I've seen you mention snowflake at least 3 times in this thread. No one else did. You clearly identify with the term. And you are so clearly triggered, you failed to answer the question about Tacos.

As for those who can't handle other people's opinions, every single one of your posts have indeed been about you whining about other people's opinions. Irony indeed. Your funniest post was you whining about someone using "big words". lol
I guess to the elderly everything people say is whining. I don’t care if you use “big words” just use them correctly 🤷‍♂️😂😂
I guess to the elderly everything people say is whining. I don’t care if you use “big words” just use them correctly 🤷‍♂️😂😂
Nice change in your story. You complained about "big words". And you complained about Tacos. And you complained about the term snowflake, even though you are the only one in the thread to have used it. Multiple times. Sounds like a personal problem. lol
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Nice change in your story. You complained about "big words". And you complained about Tacos. And you complained about the term snowflake, even though you are the only one in the thread to have used it. Multiple times. Sounds like a personal problem. lol
I loves tacos, im not sure when I complained about them…..or him. But people prefer to just make up the conversation instead of actually addressing what’s actually said. There are three people in the thread doing the same thing, liking each others stuff, and I’d wager age isnt the only common thing. Enjoy your own personal echo chamber 😂
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Thread kind of derailed, but for those interested, Braden is supposed to make a guest appearance on Sleepers for an NBA draft live show.
They said they are waiting for a reply from him 100% confirming it. At last that's what they said on this mornings show.
Well haven’t listened to this but assume ppl won’t like this episode:

It's really not that bad. Indiana has way more proven players so they ranked them above all Purdue players except for Braden. Totally makes sense. Illinois is going to suck this year. IU will probably suck too even though they have talent. They still have Woodson so that drops them alot.
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It's really not that bad. Indiana has way more proven players so they ranked them above all Purdue players except for Braden. Totally makes sense. Illinois is going to suck this year. IU will probably suck too even though they have talent. They still have Woodson so that drops them alot.
According to Illinois Twitter/x, they are going to be DANGEROUS and are so young and talented. They act like they’ll get back to the E8…. 😂
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According to Illinois Twitter/x, they are going to be DANGEROUS and are so young and talented. They act like they’ll get back to the E8…. 😂
Well I for one have now resigned myself to finishing a distant 3rd 🥉 to IU the obvious champions and young dangerous superstar Illini team that is Uber talented.
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I loves tacos, im not sure when I complained about them…..or him. But people prefer to just make up the conversation instead of actually addressing what’s actually said. There are three people in the thread doing the same thing, liking each others stuff, and I’d wager age isnt the only common thing. Enjoy your own personal echo chamber 😂
So you don't even pay attention to your own posts. You not only fail with context, but you also fail to follow your own content. It was obvious that you were so triggered, you lost what little focus you had.

Please keep deflecting with your definitions for words like trigger and snowflake. It's cute when children make up their own definition for words that have been around for centuries. It's even cuter when these same children act like they know more than the adults because of their made-up definitions. Very cute. lol
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