
Bush 43 was certainly one of the worst, in my view. Obama was pretty bad, also.

Yes, Bush 43 and Obama weren't the best, but I am merely noting a historical scale that takes into account each President we've had. I feel like too many people are too quick to label a President as "the worst ever."
Yes, Bush 43 and Obama weren't the best, but I am merely noting a historical scale that takes into account each President we've had. I feel like too many people are too quick to label a President as "the worst ever."
Agree, good point - but you don't have to go back beyond the last two to find two that were worse.
Ah yes, Trump is worse then President Woodrow Wilson, who sought to curb African American success anytime he could. The man even wrote a history textbook supporting the idea of segregation and the KKK. Wilson also violently disagreed with the of Era of Reconstrution, calling it a "burden on the white man." Not to mention the Sedition Act of 1918 which basically made it illegal criticize the U.S government.

Or you could even look at Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, or any other figure who either incited the Civil War with horrible decisions or opposed many Reconstruction policies.
America is an idea based on laws and evolution, the Constitution and immigration/growth. Exploiting laws, challenging laws... pushing the envelope, yep, those have and will continue to happened. Name one POTUS how used delusions and lies to incite insurrection, defy the Constitution, other than Trump?
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Trump makes Obama look like Abraham ****ing Lincoln.
Nice mature touch there with that middle name.

Lincoln would never have done anything as dumb as Russia reset, fake red line in Syria, idiot intervention in Libya, ISIS 'jv' team, etc.
Any info about that clip, because it provide no info - pretty much like you?

Details such as, what was the purpose of it being there - and was anybody on the ground hurt?

Is that all you can come up with?

You met my expectations. Make up a claim, not be able to back it up, but don't admit it.
I realize this has been a rough stretch for you ... but man, you’ve lost it ... or you’re just a professional troll.
I haven't been watching it on tv at the time. You said he has not done anything to stop it. A reasonable question then is, aren't the police stopping it?

What makes you imagine it has been a rough stretch for me? Has Trump been a rough stretch for you? It's just politics - interesting, but nothing to get too worked about.
Are you saying you are sure Trump is deliberately inciting violence?
Yes. I didn’t think I was mincing words before, but you appear too damn dense to figure that out so I’ll just put it there in plain English. The President incited violence to sooth his ego.

By the way, being called immature by a Trump supporter is about the most excellent hypocrisy I can imagine. Kudos to you. You’ve taken this place to a whole new low with your idiocy. And that’s saying something considering some of the guys we’ve had around here in the past.
You interpret those ignorant statements, if true (Tapper not being trustworthy without verification) as inciting idiots to charge into
Not aware of anything more
Are you saying you are sure Trump is deliberately inciting violence?

Go to and read Trump’s speech to the protesters just before they left for the Capital building. ABC reported that Ivanka, Jerod Kushner et al pleaded with Trump to speak forcefully against the violence and he would not do it.
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Vermont Governor, a Republican, calls for Trump to resign or asks for removal.
Sounds like another MacBeth fan...
My job isn't to educate you.

I gave you enough information to fill in any gaps you have questions about.

Take some personal responsibility.
Take personal responsibility to back up statements you make? You are confused about personal responsibility, or have been taking lessons from BS or bni. If you can't back up your own statements, as in this case, then it is obvious you just made it up.
Yeah, like that. Especially since I explained what I meant. You just can't let anything go. You live for the back and forth about today for instance.
Sure your did, after weeks of trying to think of some convoluted bs explanation rather than just do the decent thing and admit you made it up. That's what you mean by minutia - when you make things up and someone calls you out on it.
Go to and read Trump’s speech to the protesters just before they left for the Capital building. ABC reported that Ivanka, Jerod Kushner et al pleaded with Trump to speak forcefully against the violence and he would not do it.
Before I do, are you saying that speech will show Trump incited violence by the idiots who went inside the Capitol?
How omniscient...
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