Dude, you are taking what was really said majorly out of context when you make comments like this. I know where you're going with this and it's dishonest. If you'd take the time to listen to the full context of the comments people like Candice and others you constantly call gumbo/sambo then you might learn something.Yes to all those questions. When was the last time you heard a Jewish person say that the Holocaust was good? When was the last time you heard a Japanese person say that the WW2 Japanese internment camps were good?
They never said slavery, the institution, was a good thing. Not once did they try to say that. What they were implying is that because of slavery, it brought a lot of black people to the US where they live in what they believe to be the greatest, most free, least racist country in the world. If slavery didn't exist, all of those people that live here because of it would be living in poverty/war/starvation/slavery in Africa still. They are saying that these decedents today are living in a better place because of it. It's not a hard concept to comprehend, but people like you take it out of context all the time.