Harris ad triggers the MAGA chauvinists

That was Harris' word salad about democracy. Next, her profound insights regarding time:

"The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. What we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children."
Those are significant insights that will withstand the passage of time.
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Captain Obvious here....

We are on the fast track of a 0.5 and eleven record.

Will Walters remain as HC for the rest of the season and risk the few commitments we have?

Will Bobinski fire Walters tomorrow and focus on the future?

Keeping Walters is a major sign of disrespect for the fans, especially those who have filled the seats of RA for every disappointing game this year. I expect the PSU game to be a sea of blue in two weeks.

Future score predictions:

@OSU 56-3
PSU 48-7
@MSU 35-14
@IU 70-10

Final record: 0.5-11

Criteria for next HC

I wanted to trust and believe in Walters, but I believe he's lost this team and they've quit on him. That's extremely difficult to recover from.
That said, if MBob were putting together a criteria list for the next HC, what would it be:
Mine are:
1) HC experience, preferably at a P5 school, not a service academy and not someone who got lucky for 1 year (Hazell). Sorry, no more coordinators without HC experience.
2) Recruiting: values speed and athletes. Tiller took athletes and found a position for them, even if it wasn't what they were originally recruited for. Bunch of these types made the NFL.
3) Embraces NIL. It is what it is. You have to use it and it can be an equalizer to some extent.
4) Test consistently competitive and rarely get blown out. You play hard every down of every game, regardless of the score. Yeh, blowouts will happen, but a team quitting is a different story.
5) Doesn't believe in the notion that Purdue is at any sort of disadvantage.
Until the University makes a commitment to have a good football program, nothing will change!
