If you're going to jump in you need to stay on point gramps.
Bone posted "Giveaways and buying votes is right out of the democrat playbook."
Tell me in 10 paragraphs or less how those aren't giveaways and buying votes. I'm sure Thomas has an opinion.
And despite these giveaways being talked about during the campaign and on this board, not one of you "republicans" here .......nor any of the MAGA stooges in congress........has explained how trump is going to make up the revenue that's going to be lost. I guess the party platform doesn't stand for fiscal responsibility anymore unless it's to hold up legislation you don't like. The interest on the debt will be ONE TRILLION DOLLARS next year. And before one of you deflects to the dems spending like a drunken sailors because that's all you know how to do, they are no better than you are. Neither party gives a damn because they're too busy giving people sh/t to get re-elected.
Let me hep you out little brother, if you really want to know..
1. Drill. Drilling and producing oil or natural gas allows revenue to come into the US treasury from it's sale. By doing that, you take part of the profits and pay down the debt.
2. Tariffs. To even the playing field, tariffs do just that and bring revenue to the US treasury.
3. Lower the cost of fossil fuel in the US allows folks to keep more of what they make, and allows them to buy more feeding other industries in the US.
4. Lowering taxes on corporations that bring business BACK to the US allows and encourages more goods to be made in country, lowering costs for all.
There are plenty more things that can and will be done under DJT's second go around that will help you, me, and BNI. It's about supply and demand, chapter one in Econ 101.