First of all, Stephen A. Smith although not a black grifter will at times display rhetoric depending on which way the wind blows.
The FBI informants being at Jan 6 is old news. We discussed that here many times. What I see many folks doing is conflating FBI informants with actual FBI undercover agents. FBI informants like the ones involved in Jan 6 as well as on the streets of Chicago helping the FBI bust drug dealers are regular folks not employed by the FBI. The bottom line is that most of these FBI informants are shady characters on the ground helping the FBI in hopes of getting a reduced sentence or even some cash to help their cause. It's always been well documented that the leader of the Proud Boys that was present and involved in the Jan 6 mayhem was an FBI informant. Again, not an FBI agent.
So, if y'all are hoping that this will somehow lessen the sting or exonerate of the rest of 2,000 crazy MAGA Flavor Aiders jacking up the Capitol, you are mistaken. These FBI informants are crazy MAGA Flavor Aiders like the rest of them.
Absolutely nothing has changed. There were still 2000 crazy MAGA Flavor Aiders trying to stop VP Mike Pence from certifying the 2020 election.
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