The fact you only have one example shows how much you don’t like him. And then to suggest berg and Waddell get mins over him just shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.
You have hated him from day 1. He could average 50 and you wouldn’t like him cuz he doesn’t shoot 100% from the field.
I have no idea why you hate him so much. Not sure if he dunked on your kid in HS, took playing mins from him, stole his girl or just took his lunch money, but at least you’re consistent in your hate but it’s a tad ridiculous.
I don’t think he could be the best to ever do it, but I do see potential there. However, what you and others don’t seem to get is that he’s the 4th-5th option when he’s on the floor and no plays are run for him. Paint doesnt draw plays up for them to get the ball to score. It seems he is also told not to drive or look to be aggressive, as he has been quite timid to do those things. Him and Heide just look to pass to the big 3. His shot is off right now—in a slump, but he was off to quite the start to begin the year.
All good though.
You can take the word hate and shove it up your anal canal. Never suggested Waddell should play over him, another of your falsehoods. I almost think you're his dad the way you defend his inability to play at this level. Berg plays a different position, so he isn't tanking minutes from Myles. And there's a reason he's the fourth or fifth Smith or Loyer when Myles is on the floor...they don't even attempt to get him the ball because THEY KNOW he's probably going to be a wasted option.
That one example I gave you is just one of many he's screwed up and you know it. If you're his dad I can see your support for the kid. If not, then you aren't seeing the same game as I am. And if you are his dad, then you have to know he's not producing nearly enough.
As one who coached many years, I do understand players who do and do not get it and I'm sure there's some raw talent with Myles, but that's the problem...he's raw because he hasn't come close to adapting to a game that faster, stronger, bigger, and a lot better this his HS career. He has no consistency in his game. PERIOD!
And as I've posted many times for you, I wish the kid no ill will and would be thrilled...absolutely thrilled if one day he does get it and proves you right and me wrong. I'd take 12 from him every game and congratulate CMP for sticking with him. My guess if he doesn't improve drastically this year, he won't' be at Mackey next year or he'll be sitting toward the end of the bench. CMP isn't going to keep giving him chances that Myles keeps screwing up.
Again, take that hate bull and shove it sideways, barbed end first because it bears no truth whatsoever.
Oh, about that drawing up plays for him, plays are drawn up for Furst, Cox, and Harris, and even Heide. Why not Myles?