What the hell is going on in Portland?

Weak sauce. I'm a hardcore libertarian and I support the protesters 100%. This is government overreach plain and simple and clearly a political stunt. The inly people who can't see this have their lips glued to Trump's puckered asshole.
no you're not. you came on here pretending to be a repub and then quickly switched sides. you're just another short lived sock puppet who everybody can see right through.
What are you going to post next....a bunch of anti-Trump people marching in San Francisco? What a shocker.
You think the optics of the moms marching and getting gassed helps Trumps case or something? White, suburban women are seeing exactly where they stand in the eyes of the Trump administration.
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no you're not. you came on here pretending to be a repub and then quickly switched sides. you're just another short lived sock puppet who everybody can see right through.
Are you saying that other Libertarians do not feel this way currently about the protests or something? Libertarians that typically voted Republicans are leaving in droves.
Weak sauce. I'm a hardcore libertarian and I support the protesters 100%. This is government overreach plain and simple and clearly a political stunt. The inly people who can't see this have their lips glued to Trump's puckered asshole.

Well Tommy Boy, I'll ask that you post your address as well (we're still waiting on Bob's) so we can see how long you're willing to tolerate protesters peacefully camped out in front of your house.
Something tells me your "100%" support will be somewhat diminished when it starts impacting you personally.
Well Tommy Boy, I'll ask that you post your address as well (we're still waiting on Bob's) so we can see how long you're willing to tolerate protesters peacefully camped out in front of your house.
Something tells me your "100%" support will be somewhat diminished when it starts impacting you personally.
Where exactly is this happening? Your dumb argument falls woefully short and you want people to engage you seriously?
Republicans have become walking-talking examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Go back to the ideals of the Republican party I used to know and then I'll return. Until then, keep doubling down on Trump and see where you end up.
Are you saying that other Libertarians do not feel this way currently about the protests or something? Libertarians that typically voted Republicans are leaving in droves.
Leaving the Rs in droves to vote for the Progressives? How eff’d up is that? They are voting for Socialism/Marxism because because they despise Trump? You want more Sotomayor’s and Kagan’s on the USSC? Globalism? Open Borders?
Just to clarify: You're saying it's 'Patriotic" to destroy property, loot, riot and attack law enforcement? (or is it only OK if it supports the social justice warrior cause?)

No. But go ahead and tear up that strawman.

But 99.9% of the protestors aren't doing that. Get out of the right-wing FEAR FEAR FEAR bubble and you might see that. I also know you have an issue with wishing violence on people so it doesn't really matter what's happening, you just want to feel like a big man watching cops beat up Navy Vets, moms, and all the 'others' you despise.
Leaving the Rs in droves to vote for the Progressives? How eff’d up is that? They are voting for Socialism/Marxism because because they despise Trump? You want more Sotomayor’s and Kagan’s on the USSC? Globalism? Open Borders?
My priorities lie on keeping my family healthy, safe, and my personal freedoms. One of those personal freedoms I cherish is the right to protest. Current admin isn't keeping my family healthy. Covid response couldn't have been messed up more if the administration tried. Personal views also believe that police reform is needed. Policies and practices need to change and aggression and overreach isn't the way.
You aren't bothered by the Earn-it act proposed by Graham or Federal troop overreach? The 53 year old Navy veteran getting beaten for expressing 1st amendment rights doesn't bother you? Strange. These are dealbreakers for me but that's just how I think. Portland is a political stunt plain and simple. People that always opposed government overreach are now lapping it up?
I see way more protection for personal freedoms coming from the left currently. Hell has frozen over in my household that I actually found myself agreeing with AOC's bill that Federal troops must have badges and identify themselves.
Ditch Trump, regroup, and try and come back in 2024. That seems to be the way Republicans (Romney, Kasich, etc) that still hold ideals are headed. Of course, I'd love to see a legitimate Libertarian candidate but they keep stepping on their dicks too.
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Leaving the Rs in droves to vote for the Progressives? How eff’d up is that? They are voting for Socialism/Marxism because because they despise Trump? You want more Sotomayor’s and Kagan’s on the USSC? Globalism? Open Borders?
They have been brainwashed and don’t realize the path they are being lead down.
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No. But go ahead and tear up that strawman.

But 99.9% of the protestors aren't doing that. Get out of the right-wing FEAR FEAR FEAR bubble and you might see that. I also know you have an issue with wishing violence on people so it doesn't really matter what's happening, you just want to feel like a big man watching cops beat up Navy Vets, moms, and all the 'others' you despise.

What % of the protesters in Chicago over the weekend do you think were involved in injuring over 50 cops who were protecting the Columbus statue from being vandalized/torn down?
According to you, only .1% were throwing rocks, bottles, bricks, etc.
I know it doesn't support the narrative to believe that a good % of the protesters are violent, but keep telling yourself that.
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They have been brainwashed and don’t realize the path they are being lead down.
You might not understand Libertarians then. Find me one that is completely fine with uninvited, unmarked Federal Troops in Portland. I can assure there are lots that are coming to their senses on this.
Trump lost a good amount of us with his response and dishonesty about the protests. Feel free to check out any Libertarian message board. Don't worry there are still some that still plan on voting for Johnson or Trump.
Lots of different groups that typically vote Right are turned off by the response to the protests.
I don't support what he has done but even people like Ammon Bundy realize what is happening currently.
You might not understand Libertarians then. Find me one that is completely fine with uninvited, unmarked Federal Troops in Portland. I can assure there are lots that are coming to their senses on this.
Trump lost a good amount of us with his response and dishonesty about the protests. Feel free to check out any Libertarian message board. Don't worry there are still some that still plan on voting for Johnson or Trump.
Lots of different groups that typically vote Right are turned off by the response to the protests.
I don't support what he has done but even people like Ammon Bundy realize what is happening currently.
My response was about Republicans being brainwashed going to now vote for progressives. Anyway defunding police as the video states the government takes the money and sends it to police to enforce the laws as they see fit. That may be true, but we need to enforce some sense of law as this lawlessness we are starting to experience is scary. I am paying police to protect myself and family. I am not in favor of having to sit on my porch with guns loaded to defend my home. Things are starting to go that way and if people don’t see it then they are not paying attention.
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They aren't wrong.

Never thought I'd be reading threads where Trump supporters are celebrating unmarked, federal paramilitary units being deployed in American cities/states (against city/state leadership wishes), and the "cracking skulls" of American citizens and justifying who are executing their right to protest and assemble.
My response was about Republicans being brainwashed going to now vote for progressives...
They aren't voting "for progressives" or for anything related to progressivism. They are voting against craziness and for a return to some form of normal political thought coupled with an historically structured institutionalism with its "protections" to provide an operable system.
My priorities lie on keeping my family healthy, safe, and my personal freedoms. One of those personal freedoms I cherish is the right to protest. Current admin isn't keeping my family healthy. Covid response couldn't have been messed up more if the administration tried. Personal views also believe that police reform is needed. Policies and practices need to change and aggression and overreach isn't the way.
You aren't bothered by the Earn-it act proposed by Graham or Federal troop overreach? The 53 year old Navy veteran getting beaten for expressing 1st amendment rights doesn't bother you? Strange. These are dealbreakers for me but that's just how I think. Portland is a political stunt plain and simple. People that always opposed government overreach are now lapping it up?
I see way more protection for personal freedoms coming from the left currently. Hell has frozen over in my household that I actually found myself agreeing with AOC's bill that Federal troops must have badges and identify themselves.
Ditch Trump, regroup, and try and come back in 2024. That seems to be the way Republicans (Romney, Kasich, etc) that still hold ideals are headed. Of course, I'd love to see a legitimate Libertarian candidate but they keep stepping on their dicks too.
I appreciate you detailing your p.o.v.

I have no problem with peaceful protestors. I do have problems with anarchists in Portland and Seattle appropriating personal and government property as their own. I have a problem with anarchists burning buildings, destroying property, beating people, injuring and killing policemen. What happened to the Navy vet was inexcusable. He put himself in that position, but he didn’t deserve to be injured.

The Covid-19 response has been uneven. This is not like anything we’ve seen before. Trump’s response has not been as bad as some make it out to be. We have the usual, necessary friction between states/cities vs. federal government. I don’t believe a one-size fits all solution works for this pandemic. It’s very complex.

You are a libertarian, which I respect. I don’t agree with you that RINOs are the answer. People like Bush, Romney, Kasich and McCain are part of the reason why we have Trump now. People are damn tired of RINO and D politicians promising all sorts of things and then almost never delivering. Tired of the status quo. At least Trump has tried to do what he said he’s going to do. The left and the RINOs have been fighting him since he took office. Why do you think that is? Could it be that they are all beholden to the same globalist masters???? The Bushes and the Clintons had different ideas about how to do things, but in the end the country ended up in the same spot - screwed. Open borders, unfettered free trade (bad for America and kowtowing to China and the EU, etc.), adoption of international rules and standards to the detriment of US citizens......

They aren't wrong.

Never thought I'd be reading threads where Trump supporters are celebrating unmarked, federal paramilitary units being deployed in American cities/states (against city/state leadership wishes), and the "cracking skulls" of American citizens and justifying who are executing their right to protest and assemble.
I know you're all in on "the revolution" but there's much more than protesting and assembling here. Nobody has the "right" to destroy federal property.

And speaking of paramilitary units, ANTIFA is the paramilitary unit of the Democrat Party. That's why Democrats (and specifically Biden/Pelosi) won't denounce any of this chaos. These are Biden and Democrat voters. Destroy, destroy, destroy and stop at nothing to get Trump out.

Democrats saying nothing shouldn't surprise anybody however, that's how desperate they are for power. Want to destroy federal property? Go for it. We won't say anything. Just make sure you vote blue.

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I appreciate you detailing your p.o.v.

I have no problem with peaceful protestors. I do have problems with anarchists in Portland and Seattle appropriating personal and government property as their own. I have a problem with anarchists burning buildings, destroying property, beating people, injuring and killing policemen. What happened to the Navy vet was inexcusable. He put himself in that position, but he didn’t deserve to be injured.

The Covid-19 response has been uneven. This is not like anything we’ve seen before. Trump’s response has not been as bad as some make it out to be. We have the usual, necessary friction between states/cities vs. federal government. I don’t believe a one-size fits all solution works for this pandemic. It’s very complex.

You are a libertarian, which I respect. I don’t agree with you that RINOs are the answer. People like Bush, Romney, Kasich and McCain are part of the reason why we have Trump now. People are damn tired of RINO and D politicians promising all sorts of things and then almost never delivering. Tired of the status quo. At least Trump has tried to do what he said he’s going to do. The left and the RINOs have been fighting him since he took office. Why do you think that is? Could it be that they are all beholden to the same globalist masters???? The Bushes and the Clintons had different ideas about how to do things, but in the end the country ended up in the same spot - screwed. Open borders, unfettered free trade (bad for America and kowtowing to China and the EU, etc.), adoption of international rules and standards to the detriment of US citizens......

Looks like we are both wary of the government and rightly so. Who was the last honest president? They have all been painting alternate realities for years. However, Trump is on 20,000+ fact checked lies and counting so far.
It's easy to see why people fell for it in 2016. He was an outsider and promised to drain the swamp. That's appealing to a lot of people. But, the evidence points to more of the same and it's become too authoritarian for me. I want less.
There's too much there with Trump to support him anymore personally. Can't get in to it all right now as I have work but there needs to be a change in the party for me. Who will provide the schism? Don't know but it's needed.
Andy Ngo is a known shit stirrer and makes shit up. Why am I not surprised you post his nonsense?
Coming from the child who posts mEdIa MaTtErS tweets. Did Andy Ngo use CGI to create that video, you think? It looks pretty real to me, given ones opinion on Andy Ngo or not.
They won’t answer because this isn’t happening. Orange Man Bad
Of course they won't and crazy PF1 followed the playbook. Attack the poster of the tweet and the person who tweeted/took the video. Of course, there was no acknowledgement of what was happening in the video itself. Nothing new when you're nuts.
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Coming from the child who posts mEdIa MaTtErS tweets. Did Andy Ngo use CGI to create that video, you think? It looks pretty real to me, given ones opinion on Andy Ngo or not.

I’m not saying the video isn’t real but omg an awning was on fire? But no comment about unarmed folks being arrested etc for no reason? Okay. I mean the dude made up a lie about being hit by a concrete milkshake and has adopted a faux British accent the last few years so yeah, let’s just accept his narrative.
Of course they won't and crazy PF1 followed the playbook. Attack the poster of the tweet and the person who tweeted/took the video. Of course, there was no acknowledgement of what was happening in the video itself. Nothing new when you're nuts.

Lol why don’t you cry about it some more.
Looks like we are both wary of the government and rightly so. Who was the last honest president? They have all been painting alternate realities for years. However, Trump is on 20,000+ fact checked lies and counting so far.
It's easy to see why people fell for it in 2016. He was an outsider and promised to drain the swamp. That's appealing to a lot of people. But, the evidence points to more of the same and it's become too authoritarian for me. I want less.
There's too much there with Trump to support him anymore personally. Can't get in to it all right now as I have work but there needs to be a change in the party for me. Who will provide the schism? Don't know but it's needed.
Going Progressive isn’t going to give you what you want at all. It will only get worse. If you are truly worried about individual freedom then why vote for Progressives who want more globalism, reduction in 2nd Amendment rights, lobotomized press that only spews the approved Pravda message, Open Borders and giving rights to non-citizens to the detriment of actual citizens.....?

Trump is crude, not good at stepping on his own message, mercurial, etc., etc. He’s also exposed both parties and their largess, their illegal actions (some against him and his 2016 campaign), he’s fought for 2A rights, bringing back manufacturing jobs, fighting China and their horrendous policies and rogue behavior, fighting the Open Borders/Open Society cartel, illegal immigration, putting judges on the bench who interpret the Constitution as written ......I view Trump as the better of two imperfect choices. Biden has failing mental faculties and his VP will definitely be far left of him. The VP candidate is who the Progressives really want in office. Biden will not last very long in office. She will be Obama on steroids. It would be hellish.
Going Progressive isn’t going to give you what you want at all. It will only get worse. If you are truly worried about individual freedom then why vote for Progressives who want more globalism, reduction in 2nd Amendment rights, lobotomized press that only spews the approved Pravda message, Open Borders and giving rights to non-citizens to the detriment of actual citizens.....?

Trump is crude, not good at stepping on his own message, mercurial, etc., etc. He’s also exposed both parties and their largess, their illegal actions (some against him and his 2016 campaign), he’s fought for 2A rights, bringing back manufacturing jobs, fighting China and their horrendous policies and rogue behavior, fighting the Open Borders/Open Society cartel, illegal immigration, putting judges on the bench who interpret the Constitution as written ......I view Trump as the better of two imperfect choices. Biden has failing mental faculties and his VP will definitely be far left of him. The VP candidate is who the Progressives really want in office. Biden will not last very long in office. She will be Obama on steroids. It would be hellish.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this. There is a ton of fear in your post that just isn't true. Lay off the Wahington Times.
I'm not backing 4 more years of Trump and his enablers. This is not what we need right now.
Never has a president been so divisive on purpose. He spews hate and those aren't values I want my kids to learn. Simple as that.
I’m not saying the video isn’t real but omg an awning was on fire? But no comment about unarmed folks being arrested etc for no reason? Okay. I mean the dude made up a lie about being hit by a concrete milkshake and has adopted a faux British accent the last few years so yeah, let’s just accept his narrative.
I used to follow that guy on twitter a while back. The accent thing was so weird. Total incel mentality in the way he carries himself. Seems like he's just trying to cash in.
These peaceful protests are looking more like Burning Looting Murdering around the country than the actual cause of Black Lives Matter. Anyway back to defunding police and attacking law enforcement officers.
This entire thing stopped being about race roughly 24 hours after Mr. Floyd was wrongly murdered.
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I used to follow that guy on twitter a while back. The accent thing was so weird. Total incel mentality in the way he carries himself. Seems like he's just trying to cash in.

Yep. Very self serving. It doesn’t take much research on him to figure out what he’s up to.