What the hell is going on in Portland?

I’m not sure what your point is. You’re shrieking about George Soros and you want to go down some rabbit hole about him. Have at it.
My point is that I’m right and you’re wrong. It’s not a “conspiracy theory” like you labeled it. It’s fact. There’s no rabbit hole to go down.

Again, good Kanye comp. Keep trying to punch up, junior.
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My point is that I’m right and you’re wrong. It’s not a “conspiracy theory” like you labeled it. It’s fact. There’s no rabbit hole to go down.

Again, good Kanye comp. Keep trying to punch up, junior.

What are you even right about? You’re not even making a point.

But, since you want to claim some kind of victory on a random message board, go get your cookie and enjoy it.
What are you even right about? You’re not even making a point.

But, since you want to claim some kind of victory on a random message board, go get your cookie and enjoy it.
You’re like the old @doubleyous, would never admit when you’re wrong. To refresh your extremely short term memory...

“No one reports this because it’s a conspiracy theory that dumbasses like you fall for. Add another layer of tinfoil to your hat.“ Purdue (you bring us all down) Fan1

No, Soros funding Krasner’s campaign was not a conspiracy theory that “dumbasses” like me fall for as seen in the other links I provided. He funded his campaign.
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George Soros, Bill Gates, the protesters in Portland, the Philly DA, even all makes sense! This is exactly what Q was talking about!!!
No coincidence that Atl starts posting the day after Qanon accounts get banned from twitter.
You’re like the old @doubleyous, would never admit when you’re wrong. To refresh your extremely short term memory...

“No one reports this because it’s a conspiracy theory that dumbasses like you fall for. Add another layer of tinfoil to your hat.“ Purdue (you bring us all down) Fan1

No, Soros funding Krasner’s campaign was not a conspiracy theory that “dumbasses” like me fall for as seen in the other links I provided. He funded his campaign.

Okay. Again, what’s your point? He put money into a campaign. So what?

Actually, nevermind, it doesn’t matter. You need whatever victory you think you have. Enjoy it.
George Soros, Bill Gates, the protesters in Portland, the Philly DA, even all makes sense! This is exactly what Q was talking about!!!
No coincidence that Atl starts posting the day after Qanon accounts get banned from twitter.
I posted here months before whatever happened with Twitter silencing Q accounts. Not much of a poster anymore around these parts though. One can handle only so much stupidity and the same Trump hate conversation over and over and over again.
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I posted here months before whatever happened with Twitter silencing Q accounts. Not much of a poster anymore around these parts though. One can handle only so much stupidity and the same Trump hate conversation over and over and over again.
Cool. I just laugh when people start talking about conspiracies with Soros. Those fringe wackos that blame everything on Soros seem sane to you? You appeared to be stable earlier on in the conversation but alcohol or something must've taken over.
Cool. I just laugh when people start talking about conspiracies with Soros. Those fringe wackos that blame everything on Soros seem sane to you? You appeared to be stable earlier on in the conversation but alcohol or something must've taken over.
Understood. When I saw the story and the name Larry Krasner, I figured it was something radical and out in left field because I remembered hearing about the Soros connection and some of the wacky stuff Krasner has done since being elected. Knowing how many left wing groups that Soros has funded, I always expect the worst. Arresting federal agents? Yep, crazy.

Nah, sober and stable. It’s too easy to get the excitable posters really excited though. Once they get going, they have a hard time keeping things straight.
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Trump is getting slaughtered in the suburbs so we have to stoke some fear for all the gullible dipshits, right? He said they want to destroy the suburbs next.

Remember the "Caravan" around midterms?

Trump and Republicans are just flailing around like a dying animal at this point.

the enemies
2017: muslims
2018: mexicans
2019: chinese
2020: americans
Understood. When I saw the story and the name Larry Krasner, I figured it was something radical and out in left field because I remembered hearing about the Soros connection and some of the wacky stuff Krasner has done since being elected. Knowing how many left wing groups that Soros has funded, I always expect the worst. Arresting federal agents? Yep, crazy.

Nah, sober and stable. It’s too easy to get the excitable posters really excited though. Once they get going, they have a hard time keeping things straight.

Thought I saw someone besides the Philly DA say the same thing about arresting the officers too. I'll keep looking.

Some legitimate campaign finance reform would do us all a world of good moving forward. But, that ain't gonna happen.
Thought I saw someone besides the Philly DA say the same thing about arresting the officers too. I'll keep looking.

Some legitimate campaign finance reform would do us all a world of good moving forward. But, that ain't gonna happen.
Again, it was Krasner’s name that stuck out because I typically don’t care about big city DAs. Just rang a bell for some reason and then I remembered the connection.

And you’re not lying regarding campaign finance reform. In fact, there’s a lot involving finances that need reformed!
I think by now the protesting has made changes and its points have been made. Many people are getting tired of this going on everyday blocking streets and hampering businesses. Hasn’t it gone on long enough and time to return to some normalcy? I have no issues with peaceful protesting. The peaceful protesting has now turned to destruction and violence. If this protesting continues with violence and lawlessness, Trump just might win this election.

good point. Since the rioting is now ongoing and becoming more violent it has Totally distracted from the main mission of the protests. There hasn’t been any news of changes to eliminate racism in the police departments other than defunding them for weeks. Anarchists have totally hyjacked the noble efforts of the protestors.
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good point. Since the rioting is now ongoing and becoming more violent it has Totally distracted from the main mission of the protests. There hasn’t been any news of changes to eliminate racism in the police departments other than defunding them for weeks. Anarchists have totally hyjacked the noble efforts of the protestors.
“People will do what they do.” Democrat Nancy Pelosi
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Mayor Ted Wheeler getting in on the action tonight.

The mayor got gassed? Did he get tuned up as well? Good!

Here's the deal: If you're going to participate in the 'peaceful protests' and the person next to you at the 'peaceful protest', along with hundreds of others, starts throwing rocks at the cops, attacking them with pipes, throwing molotov cocktails, then I'm sorry if you end up getting gassed, knocked with a baton or hit with rubber bullets. Yes, you're guilty by association.
What should the cops response be when they're being attacked?
Yep, just a bunch of goofball high school kids and adolescents executing their right to protest and assemble.

racist much? why do you think asians are liars?
That's a good question. He also called him a "troll" last night. Check out the definition of troll. Is he a dwarfist too? Unreal how insensitive this is to dwarfs.

"a mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance."
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I know one thing. If I had thrown frozen water bottles at a cop or spray painted a public building my Mom would have beat the crap out of me. Next, I would have had to face Dad when he got home from work.

Bruce, I've seen your posts a handful of times and you seem like a straight shooter. Question if you feel comfortable answering. I assume you have kids? Probably grown up now? Did you take the same approach to raising your children? Parents take different approaches that align or differentiate from how they were raised. It's alway interesting to see how the approach varies from one generation to the next.
I certainly experienced heavy handed discipline growing up but my father was a Marine.
Bruce, I've seen your posts a handful of times and you seem like a straight shooter. Question if you feel comfortable answering. I assume you have kids? Probably grown up now? Did you take the same approach to raising your children? Parents take different approaches that align or differentiate from how they were raised. It's alway interesting to see how the approach varies from one generation to the next.
I certainly experienced heavy handed discipline growing up but my father was a Marine.

I don’t call it heavy handed at all, Tom. My mom or dad never hurt me with their discipline. There was never any abuse. I was talked to very sternly and a few times received a spanking. Kids need discipline and leadership. I raised my kids the same but their generation was taught in the schools to be more permissive and more like their child’s friend. We are now paying a huge I price. I learned early on that my dad was my dad, not my friend. He did a lot of really good father son activities but they were always learning experiences.
Yep, just a bunch of adolescents and high schoolers.

I don’t call it heavy handed at all, Tom. My mom or dad never hurt me with their discipline. There was never any abuse. I was talked to very sternly and a few times received a spanking. Kids need discipline and leadership. I raised my kids the same but their generation was taught in the schools to be more permissive and more like their child’s friend. We are now paying a huge I price. I learned early on that my dad was my dad, not my friend. He did a lot of really good father son activities but they were always learning experiences.
Easy bucko. Never implied your parents abused you. I never used the term heavy handed until I described my experience.
Thanks for sharing.
"Peaceful protestors" Fish, "peaceful protestors". Don't forget that. They're just exercising their right to assemble and protest.

What a crock.

Yeh, the bleeding heart libs on this forum will die on the hill supporting these "Peaceful protesters". They never speak up about the violent protesters (because according to Bob, they only represent .1% of the total).

For our lib/lefty friends here, if you're not willing to condemn the rioters, looters and those attacking LE, then YOU'RE part of the problem.