What the hell is going on in Portland?

Here we come Bob.....

I bet Bob lives in a more upscale neighborhood....
Yeah, he has likely been screwing people over using inferior materials and pocketing the difference for years . He totally seems the type. Probably had someone else build his house too.
Certainly many of the reasons for actions are questionable, at best.
Read my above post about the Annapolis grad accompanied by video and consider the following.
This is a section from an early article by a Portland station...(the entire article is available HERE )
"I just happened to be wearing black on a sidewalk in downtown Portland at the time," Pettibone said. "And that apparently is grounds for detaining me."

If this and the attack on the NAVY veteran don't open people's eyes, nothing will. This is SHAMEFUL ! Just one more example of what Trump is willing to do, if he is elected again. (ie Private police) It's starting to remind me of the people recruited for Selma Alabama.

I also assume the posters who defend this shit will be ok with Biden doing the same in the south to clean up the white supremacists groups after he is elected. If so, . . maybe we should force them to go back to the countries which THEY came from and the rest of us will be better off. (They sure aren't Native Americans ! )
If this and the attack on the NAVY veteran don't open people's eyes, nothing will. This is SHAMEFUL ! Just one more example of what Trump is willing to do, if he is elected again. (ie Private police) It's starting to remind me of the people recruited for Selma Alabama.

I also assume the posters who defend this shit will be ok with Biden doing the same in the south to clean up the white supremacists groups after he is elected. If so, . . maybe we should force them to go back to the countries which THEY came from and the rest of us will be better off. (They sure aren't Native Americans ! )
Biden isn’t going to win.

I thought the optics of the beating the Navy vet took were bad and his injuries are certainly bad. I will also say that this guy started yelling at cops and put himself in harms way by showing up in the middle of the riot zone and “trying to ‘reason’” with officers being attacked by a mob at that very instant. Probably not the brightest thing to be doing at that time and in that place.

Should he have gotten injured? No. Is what happened entirely the fault of the officers? No. He is culpable too.
Biden isn’t going to win.

I thought the optics of the beating the Navy vet took were bad and his injuries are certainly bad. I will also say that this guy started yelling at cops and put himself in harms way by showing up in the middle of the riot zone and “trying to ‘reason’” with officers being attacked by a mob at that very instant. Probably not the brightest thing to be doing at that time and in that place.

Should he have gotten injured? No. Is what happened entirely the fault of the officers? No. He is culpable too.

(Biden) Keep telling yourself that ! - The ONLY hope he has is for his Russian buddies to rig the election. There is NO WAY the school re-openings will go well and the economy will continue to slow. I can't think the storm troopers will help his cause either.

That said, I give you credit for at least recognizing an illegal and unprovoked beating.

One question though: HOW is he culpable? Don't we , as Americans, have a right to peaceful protests? If we start justifying beatings of the innocent based on a few, then all hell will break out soon. I am starting to think that is the aim of the storm troopers (i.e. incite a riot, for political reasons
(Biden) Keep telling yourself that ! - The ONLY hope he has is for his Russian buddies to rig the election. There is NO WAY the school re-openings will go well and the economy will continue to slow. I can't think the storm troopers will help his cause either.

That said, I give you credit for at least recognizing an illegal and unprovoked beating.

One question though: HOW is he culpable? Don't we , as Americans, have a right to peaceful protests? If we start justifying beatings of the innocent based on a few, then all hell will break out soon. I am starting to think that is the aim of the storm troopers (i.e. incite a riot, for political reasons
I think by now the protesting has made changes and its points have been made. Many people are getting tired of this going on everyday blocking streets and hampering businesses. Hasn’t it gone on long enough and time to return to some normalcy? I have no issues with peaceful protesting. The peaceful protesting has now turned to destruction and violence. If this protesting continues with violence and lawlessness, Trump just might win this election.
(Biden) Keep telling yourself that ! - The ONLY hope he has is for his Russian buddies to rig the election. There is NO WAY the school re-openings will go well and the economy will continue to slow. I can't think the storm troopers will help his cause either.

That said, I give you credit for at least recognizing an illegal and unprovoked beating.

One question though: HOW is he culpable? Don't we , as Americans, have a right to peaceful protests? If we start justifying beatings of the innocent based on a few, then all hell will break out soon. I am starting to think that is the aim of the storm troopers (i.e. incite a riot, for political reasons
So government officers are “Storm Troopers”? The people inciting riots are the rioters (should I say, anarchists).
Great ! good for you and this makes your opinion
I think by now the protesting has made changes and its points have been made. Many people are getting tired of this going on everyday blocking streets and hampering businesses. Hasn’t it gone on long enough and time to return to some normalcy? I have no issues with peaceful protesting. The peaceful protesting has now turned to destruction and violence. If this protesting continues with violence and lawlessness, Trump just might win this election.

According to reports I have read about Portland, protests were definitely slowing down. Sending Federal Troops has given the protesters a new wind. Not sure what Trump’s goal is with this. Does he want to create a true rebellion? Chaos? Does he want to appear as the “law and order”
candidate? I consider it madness to send Federal Troops to Chicago as absolutely nothing can come of it except disasters.. Unlike Portland Chicago has guns in the hands of lots of citizens with and without carry licenses.
According to reports I have read about Portland, protests were definitely slowing down. Sending Federal Troops has given the protesters a new wind. Not sure what Trump’s goal is with this. Does he want to create a true rebellion? Chaos? Does he want to appear as the “law and order”
candidate? I consider it madness to send Federal Troops to Chicago as absolutely nothing can come of it except disasters.. Unlike Portland Chicago has guns in the hands of lots of citizens with and without carry licenses.
So the alternative is 60 more people shot and in body bags this weekend? Chicago is an absolute $hit$how right now. You honestly think sending federal officers in there will make it worse?
So the alternative is 60 more people shot and in body bags this weekend? Chicago is an absolute $hit$how right now. You honestly think sending federal officers in there will make it worse?
You think federal agents are going to stop any of those murders? How are they going to do that when they are protecting federal property? Or are you saying that isn't or shouldn't be their mission?
Portland’s Wall of Moms Joined by Dads With Leaf Blowers Against Trump’s Police

Looks like things are escalating to me, due to the federal police actions.

Don't need this kind of nonsense in cities like Chicago.

Trump needs to pull his goons back or resign. He is tearing this country apart, and sadly, some of you apparently like that.

US Attorney For Oregon Calls For Investigation Into Portland Protester Arrests

UPDATE (4:21 p.m. PT) — U.S. Attorney Billy Williams said Friday he wants an investigation into actions of federal officers who have pulled Portland protesters off the street and into unmarked vehicles.

Federal officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection have come under significant scrutiny after OPB first reported Thursday that they were involved in constitutionally questionable arrests in Portland., Ore.,street and into unmarked vehicles.

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You think federal agents are going to stop any of those murders? How are they going to do that when they are protecting federal property? Or are you saying that isn't or shouldn't be their mission?
In Chicago federal officers can protect federal property AND get killers off the streets. The lunatic mayor is too yellow to even attempt to stop the carnage. The Police Union is begging for help and to be allowed to do their jobs.
Bob, still waiting on your address for the camp out/peaceful protest.

I haven't read anything about protestors blocking driveways in Portland. I'm sure it's happened but not sure why you are so obsessed with it.

If I owned a business downtown in downtown Portland I wouldn't be happy.........and the protests are just downtown, contrary to what some here are saying. Portland has been a city of protests for decades with active right and left wing groups going at each other. The city has taken the approach, agree or disagree, that letting the protests die out on their own is the best method.

It was working until Trump sent in his federal agents, now it's blowing up again. I'm not a explain to me how sending federal "police" in.........that create more violence.......will help with protestors WHO ARE PROTESTING POLICE VIOLENCE? How the hell does that help anything? It doesn't and it wasn't intended to. It's meant to make trump look like a tough guy and.......he him win an election. Trump isn't doing a damn thing for the people of Portland, he's making it worse for his own benefit.

If the city or state asked them to come or the feds coordinated their activities with the local authorities, that would make sense. That didn't happen. The government all you people say we need guns to protect ourselves from are proving you you idiots won't or can't recognize it.

All that probably went over your head so let me speak in terms you can understand. I won't be replying to you anymore.......I'm terrified that some off the scum might rub off. You, the person who enjoys "The screaming from the people wondering why they're getting a baton across the head" are not deserving of the acknowledgment a simple reply might give you. I hope someday you understand what a vile, disgusting person that statement shows you to be, whether in this life or the next. I don't think it fits with WWJD, so you might want to give it some thought.

You and Trump think the same way. Force and violence is the answer to most problems.......whether you're whacking your kid over a tantrum or he's using his troops to clear Lafayette Square by force, it's all the same mindset. It makes you feel better about yourself. You have to win, and win through force and violence........because there's no self esteem inside you that would allow you to use another approach. Talking and negotiation shows weakness........and it doesn't allow you to claim victory and the glory. I don't understand how people like you are wired and want nothing to do with your type.......even on a message board.

You and your mental adolescents can have your fun at my expense, you just expose your inadequacies even more. You think you're a smart guy......I'm sure you can figure out who I am and where I live. C'mon down to NC and park in front of the driveway and we'll take it from there.

The next time you here from me will be if Joe beats the reformed masked man.........and it will be relentless.
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In Chicago federal officers can protect federal property AND get killers off the streets. The lunatic mayor is too yellow to even attempt to stop the carnage. The Police Union is begging for help and to be allowed to do their jobs.
Tell me how they can legally go in and arrest people that are not protesting near or damaging federal property. Are they just gonna march into gang country and start arresting people? Cause I hate to tell you but they aren't going to round up all the killers in Grant Park or downtown.

They don't have jurisdiction to go wherever they want in the city and arrest people. Explain to me why they do.

I haven't read anything about protestors blocking driveways in Portland. I'm sure it's happened but not sure why you are so obsessed with it.

If I owned a business downtown in downtown Portland I wouldn't be happy.........and the protests are just downtown, contrary to what some here are saying. Portland has been a city of protests for decades with active right and left wing groups going at each other. The city has taken the approach, agree or disagree, that letting the protests die out on their own is the best method.

It was working until Trump sent in his federal agents, now it's blowing up again. I'm not a explain to me how sending federal "police" in.........that create more violence.......will help with protestors WHO ARE PROTESTING POLICE VIOLENCE? How the hell does that help anything? It doesn't and it wasn't intended to. It's meant to make trump look like a tough guy and.......he him win an election. Trump isn't doing a damn thing for the people of Portland, he's making it worse for his own benefit.

If the city or state asked them to come or the feds coordinated their activities with the local authorities, that would make sense. That didn't happen. The government all you people tell we need guns to protect ourselves from are proving you you idiots won't or can't recognize it.

All that probably went over your head so let me speak in terms you can understand. I won't be replying to you anymore.......I'm terrified that some off the scum might rub off. You, the person who enjoys "The screaming from the people wondering why they're getting a baton across the head" are not deserving of the acknowledgment a simple reply might give you. I hope someday you understand what a vile, disgusting person that statement shows you to be, whether in this life or the next. I don't think it fits with WWJD, so you might want to give it some thought.

You and Trump think the same way. Force and violence is the answer to most problems.......whether you're whacking your kid over a tantrum or he's using his troops to clear Lafayette Square by force, it's all the same mindset. It makes you feel better about yourself. You have to win, and win through force and violence........because there's no self esteem inside you that would allow you to use another approach. Talking and negotiation shows weakness........and it doesn't allow you to claim victory and the glory. I don't understand how people like you are wired and want nothing to do with your type.......even on a message board.

You and your mental adolescents can have your fun at my expense, you just expose your inadequacies even more. You think you're a smart guy......I'm sure you can figure out who I am and where I live. C'mon down to NC and park in front the driveway and we'll take it from there.

The next time you here from me will be if Joe beats the reformed masked man.........and it will be relentless.
Bob seems triggered! What do you actually build bob?
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I think by now the protesting has made changes and its points have been made. Many people are getting tired of this going on everyday blocking streets and hampering businesses. Hasn’t it gone on long enough and time to return to some normalcy? I have no issues with peaceful protesting. The peaceful protesting has now turned to destruction and violence. If this protesting continues with violence and lawlessness, Trump just might win this election.

My answer: No way in hell !

He will rightfully get blamed for corruption, nonexistent leadership on COVID which impacted millions of American families, for feeding the racism in this country and for causing economic pain for millions and millions of people.

NONE of that will change before November. I know his storm troopers have an agenda to make it "look" like protestors are violent, etc.. but people already know the real Donald Drumpf. (Noone is going to buy the lies this time)

If you need another big reason, just look at Texas, Florida and Arizona which are in the middle of a 5 alarm fire and he has to win those states. Their pain in early Nov. will be VERY current and not easy to forget. They will not only be looking for radical change and healthcare, but someone to save their family's lives. Just wait
So government officers are “Storm Troopers”? The people inciting riots are the rioters (should I say, anarchists).

When they weren't requested and when they went outside of their scope, they became storm troopers looking for a fight for political reasons. (No different than the national guard which Trump used for a bible raising PR stunt in D.C.)

You and I know they were there to pick a fight and to make it look like the protestors were anarchists, yet the Navy veteran who was viciously attacked made clear their intentions.

It WASN'T to stand by and protect the few Federal buildings which they are responsible to protect, it was to foment a narrative which they thought would be good for Trump's reelection efforts and bad for the Black Lives Matter movement.

It won't work - it's just proving the police brutality and overreach by the people in Washington DC and galvanizing a movement which will NOT stop anytime soon.