What the hell is going on in Portland?


They aren't wrong.

Never thought I'd be reading threads where Trump supporters are celebrating unmarked, federal paramilitary units being deployed in American cities/states (against city/state leadership wishes), and the "cracking skulls" of American citizens and justifying who are executing their right to protest and assemble.

When will you protest supporters start distinguishing between peaceful protesters and violent protesters, rioters and looters?

Walking in the street, carrying signs, chanting, singing, etc is fine, knock yourself out.
Blocking traffic, assaulting people. Spray painting graffiti, rioting, looting, destroying property is not fine.
There's a difference between the two but you supporters aren't willing to acknowledge that.
Protesters are going to have a hard type generating support and empathy because most of their 'protests' now turn violent.
I know you're all in on "the revolution" but there's much more than protesting and assembling here. Nobody has the "right" to destroy federal property.

And speaking of paramilitary units, ANTIFA is the paramilitary unit of the Democrat Party. That's why Democrats (and specifically Biden/Pelosi) won't denounce any of this chaos. These are Biden and Democrat voters. Destroy, destroy, destroy and stop at nothing to get Trump out.

Democrats saying nothing shouldn't surprise anybody however, that's how desperate they are for power. Want to destroy federal property? Go for it. We won't say anything. Just make sure you vote blue.

Are the people in this video even old enough to vote? They look like high school kids out vandalizing. Is this the big and bad antifa that you guys are all up in arms about? They look less like a political group and more like bored kids that are misdirecting their attention.
Are the people in this video even old enough to vote? They look like high school kids out vandalizing. Is this the big and bad antifa that you guys are all up in arms about? They look less like a political group and more like bored kids that are misdirecting their attention.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a press to ask some questions and find out? No matter what age they are, they don’t have the right to destroy federal property.

You’re a smart guy, I don’t doubt that. This is not just people exercising their right to assemble and protest.
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But you are though, so........
Yeah, I sprint around calling people racists, misspelling the f bomb on purpose, and using “lol” and “lmao” at every turn like a 13 year old who forgot to take his Ritalin. When I hit my 40s and I’m posting the crazy crap you do, I’ll go ahead and label myself insane. All while constantly crying about a President. Thankfully, that’ll never happen.
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Yeah, I sprint around calling people racists, misspelling the f bomb on purpose, and using “lol” and “lmao” at every turn like a 13 year old who forgot to take his Ritalin. When I hit my 40s and I’m posting the crazy crap you do, I’ll go ahead and label myself insane. Thankfully, that’ll never happen.

Why wait? You tick all the boxes already.
Oh heavens. I just got called a loser by a message board troll. I really hope i can find the strength and courage to go on with my life. I wonder what Andy Ngo would do in this situation.
Atl definitely seems like a loser. I wonder how much he pays for Andy Ngo's OnlyFans account every month?
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Oh heavens. I just got called a loser by a message board troll. I really hope i can find the strength and courage to go on with my life. I wonder what Andy Ngo would do in this situation.
Probably something similar to what the lunatics at mEdIa MaTtErS would do but I don’t follow Ngo or any of those hyenas on Twitter so I’m honestly not sure!
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this. There is a ton of fear in your post that just isn't true. Lay off the Wahington Times.
I'm not backing 4 more years of Trump and his enablers. This is not what we need right now.
Never has a president been so divisive on purpose. He spews hate and those aren't values I want my kids to learn. Simple as that.
Sounds like you fear Trump. Trump gets attacked from all sides - sometimes he brings it on himself, but the mainstream media has made no bones about it - they are left-wing cheerleaders. They hate Trump because he’s going against what the powers that be want the agenda to be. Biden will totally enable the agenda of the powers that be - the globalists. If he gets elected, this country is eff’d.

I do not want Biden in office. He is definitely NOT what the country needs right now. We will have agree to disagree.
Probably something similar to what the lunatics at mEdIa MaTtErS would do but I don’t follow Ngo or any of those hyenas on Twitter so I’m honestly not sure!

I mean you only copy/pasted a Twitter post of his but whatever you say, boss.
I mean you only copy/pasted a Twitter post of his but whatever you say, boss.
Somebody I follow and I can’t remember who quote tweeted it. Probably because Ngo is one of the very few tweeting out videos of what’s going on? Not sure. I don’t know much about the guy other than you starting to get bent out of shape when I posted that.
Somebody I follow and I can’t remember who quote tweeted it. Probably because Ngo is one of the very few tweeting out videos of what’s going on? Not sure. I don’t know much about the guy other than you starting to get bent out of shape when I posted that.

Who got bent out of shape? I just called him out for what he is. He’s a troll. I see why you like him.
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Trump has gotten results. More than Obama and Bush in their first terms.
I agree about seeing results. They're just not good ones.

But you are satisfied with "At least Trump tried". That left us with nothing better with China after your favorite "if they don't do what we want we'll hit 'em with tariffs" foreign policy. Or the "show love to the dictators" policy in NK that has made things worse and legitimized a monster. Then there's his healthcare policy.......what was that again? Oh, the one we'll see after the election.

"At least Trump tried to stop Covid" should be his campaign slogan. Go with that. Maybe give him a MAGA participation trophy for trying.
He’s a troll because he’s a troll. This isn’t complicated.
No reasoning behind it and all emotion. Quite standard coming from you.

You’re right, this isn’t complicated. How dare that troll post that video! What a troll move! It’s a video of what’s going on in reality and not through the lens of mEdiA mAtTeRs or the New York Times!
No reasoning behind it and all emotion. Quite standard coming from you.

You’re right, this isn’t complicated. How dare that troll post that video! What a troll move! It’s a video of what’s going on in reality and not through the lens of mEdiA mAtTeRs or the New York Times!

But I’m the emotional one. Got it.
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Wait wait wait, you keep trying to bag On
Me because I posted a link from media matters and then in the next post you post a link to the Inquirer, which is a tabloid, and you try to pass that off as news? Woo boy. We got a live one here. The Kanye of the message boards.
No reasoning behind it and all emotion. Quite standard coming from you.

You’re right, this isn’t complicated. How dare that troll post that video! What a troll move! It’s a video of what’s going on in reality and not through the lens of mEdiA mAtTeRs or the New York Times!

Fyi, looks like Andy Ngo is linked to Patriots Prayer. Oregon's version of the kkk. Just in case you want to be avoid getting linked to any alt right watchlist or something Atl. You seem better than that.
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Fyi, looks like Andy Ngo is linked to Patriots Prayer. Oregon's version of the kkk. Just in case you want to be avoid getting linked to any alt right watchlist or something Atl. You seem better than that.
Thanks Tommy! Although I know Rolling Stone is as left wing rag as it gets, I‘ve learned more about Ngo tonight than I never knew. Glad I’ve never done anything more than post a video of his on a message board.
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Wait wait wait, you keep trying to bag On
Me because I posted a link from media matters and then in the next post you post a link to the Inquirer, which is a tabloid, and you try to pass that off as news? Woo boy. We got a live one here. The Kanye of the message boards.
This actually has factual information. Lunatics like you and the comrades at mEdIA mAtTeRs don’t live in that world. Did Soros fund Krasner’s campaign or not?

Kanye? Good comp. I’m up here, you’re down there.

Keep pounding. You’re doing great! You’ll be at it all night tonight and then back at it early tomorrow morning and throughout the weekend with all of your best friends in the sandbox. Trump doesn’t know what to do with himself given how much free space he owns in your head.

How sad it must be to have been driven crazy by a President.
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This actually has factual information. Lunatics like you and the comrades at mEdIA mAtTeRs don’t live in that world. Did Soros fund Krasner’s campaign or not?

Kanye? Good comp. I’m up here, you’re down there. Keep pounding. You’re doing great! You’ll be at it all night tonight and then back at it early tomorrow morning and throughout the weekend. Keep up the good work.

You posted a link to a tabloid. Come on, atl. Someone else said you’re smarter than that. Prove that statement right for a change. I mean really. A tabloid?
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You posted a link to a tabloid. Come on, atl. Someone else said you’re smarter than that. Prove that statement right for a change. I mean really. A tabloid?
Did Soros fund his campaign or not? And I didn’t first hear about this in the Philly Enquirer. It’s sad I even have to post from these kinds of publications. You know why I had to? Nobody in the MSM would ever report this. Ever. The Democrat Party press would never say a negative thing about one of their heroes.
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Did Soros fund his campaign or not? And I didn’t first hear about this in the Philly Enquirer. It’s sad I even have to post from these kinds of publications. You know why I had to? Nobody in the MSM would ever report this. Ever. The Democrat Party press would never say a negative thing about one of their heroes.

No one reports this because it’s a conspiracy theory that dumbasses like you fall for. Add another layer of tinfoil to your hat.
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