Trump Tariffs.....good or bad?

Many blacks were offended with that foolinsh statement of a black job by Chump.

I said it was stupid on here 3 times.

But as you can see from my post above, all people have a choice between feckless word salads or actual great policies that would help their families.

Many folks of all races, even blacks that find Ts past statements offensive are holding their nose & choosing the latter...... because they are smart and know what's best for their families.
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I said it was stupid on here 3 times.

But as you can see from my post above, all people have a choice between feckless word salads or actual great policies that would help their families.

Many folks of all races, even blacks that find Ts past statements offensive are holding their nose & choosing the latter...... because they are smart and know what's best for their families.
Still waiting to find out what these said policies are though.
Do some reading on your own outside of msnbc. Don't expect others to hold your hand.

I recommend the Wall Street Journal.
From Trump. Waiting for him to actually articulate a policy, riveting. Just one. He knows more than anyone about everything, right? You’d think he’d be able to clearly articulate just one.
From Trump. Waiting for him to actually articulate a policy, riveting. Just one. He knows more than anyone about everything, right? You’d think he’d be able to clearly articulate just one.
Here's one: reinstate remain-in-Mexico.

Pretty clear, right?
Do some reading on your own outside of msnbc. Don't expect others to hold your hand.

I recommend the Wall Street Journal.

Policy wise it is a landslide for Trump middle class family policies with a few exceptions. Policy is easily decipherable & out there everywhere for Trump.

K2....once you wade through the word salads and feckless rambles of drunk Hallmark, one can see little policy that really helps most middle class (more than Trump's) families beyond the extra $1,000 for new babies. Many of her policies won't work or/& have reverse negative effects.
Policy wise it is a landslide for Trump middle class family policies with a few exceptions. Policy is easily decipherable & out there everywhere for Trump.

K2....once you wade through the word salads and feckless rambles of drunk Hallmark, one can see little policy that really helps most middle class (more than Trump's) families beyond the extra $1,000 for new babies. Many of her policies won't work or/& have reverse negative effects.
Maybe the Vice Puppet should propose $2,000 for each abortion.
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I gave you a holistic view of his vision for tariffs. Does a holistic look only count for Dems.? I understand it's all the rage. You know....holisticly

Apparently, you disagree with T on tariffs. Since you are not voting for him why are you so concerned?

Scenario 1 ....I'm correct on what he is planning.
Scenario 2 ....I'm wrong.

Either way you're not voting for him under either scenario.....and under both you are going to believe what lib media tells you anyway . That's my holistic look at it you know. LOL
Is this the way it's gonna be now? That's three times you've been asked to offer some kind of link or factual explanation for your statements and you've replied with a post mocking Harris. It almost seems like you have no answer, nothing to back up your statement, and are deflecting to making fun of a democrat. That's just like trump........only you have no audience to laugh and cheer at your childish remarks that would help them forget you didn't answer the question.

Why am I concerned that the possible future president didn't answer the policy question? UHHHHHHHH. Lol. Could you be more hypocritical? You and the other MAGA geniuses say the same thing about Harris multiple times EVERY DAY on this board.

You're not going to vote for Harris. Why do you care so much about her policies or whether she explains them? Could you be more clueless.......or have less self awareness? Unbelievable that you would post such garbage without realizing you are contradicting yourself. Never ceases to amaze me.
Is this the way it's gonna be now? That's three times you've been asked to offer some kind of link or factual explanation for your statements and you've replied with a post mocking Harris. It almost seems like you have no answer, nothing to back up your statement, and are deflecting to making fun of a democrat. That's just like trump........only you have no audience to laugh and cheer at your childish remarks that would help them forget you didn't answer the question.

Why am I concerned that the possible future president didn't answer the policy question? UHHHHHHHH. Lol. Could you be more hypocritical? You and the other MAGA geniuses say the same thing about Harris multiple times EVERY DAY on this board.

You're not going to vote for Harris. Why do you care so much about her policies or whether she explains them? Could you be more clueless.......or have less self awareness? Unbelievable that you would post such garbage without realizing you are contradicting yourself. Never ceases to amaze me.

Logic and Dem voter have never gone together well. You have demonstrated it once again.

You asked for a link. I provided one. If you don't like that link and are still concerned, as you claim, it's incumbent on you to use Google if you are interested further.

As far as mocking Harris....She makes people uncomfortable every time she opens her mouth. That's on her.
Why am I concerned that the possible future president didn't answer the policy question? UHHHHHHHH. Lol. Could you be more hypocritical? You and the other MAGA geniuses say the same thing about Harris multiple times EVERY DAY on this board.
Price controls, free sex changes for convicts and illegal aliens. What more do you need to know about the Vice Puppet?
Yes the tariffs hurt the Soybean farmers. That's why the money collected from the tariffs went to the Soybean Farmers.
It helped the steel industry.
Trump has also addressed this in his speeches. He will hold China to their agriculture products purchase agreement.
Trumpwashing history here...

He had to bailout farmers to the tune of $19 billion. Tax dollars. Not tariff dollars.

Of coarse, he steered most of that money to corporate farms and left the little guys to go pound rocks. It wouldn't shock me if he took some of that money since he keeps goats at Bedminster.

As a result there was a spike in rural farm bankruptcies, and rural farmer suicides.

In short

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Generally Tariffs are a "tax" on goods. Can be bad as Harris inflation "tax", but not quite.

But not what Trump is talking about.

As I understand Trump's Tariffs he wants Tariffs on specific, targeted incoming items ONLY where America makes the product & makes a plethora of it well. An example would be foreign cars. Another example would be John Deere moving business to Mexico where he wants them to stay here. In other words if America makes the product well, he wants American companies to compete on an even field.

It should be noted that if American companies want to sell cars in most other countries, the other country charges a Tariff. So T's specific, targeted Tarrifs seem more fair and good for America & American companies & workers.

What wouldn't be good for anyone if Trump charges Tariffs on say Chinese production where we do not have the same product being produced here. Haven't heard of him wanting to do that, but as much as he hates China, certainly is a possibility. That would be terrible.

Broad reaching tariffs cause trade wars and are bad for everyone.....whereas there is less chance with specific targeted Tariffs.

Bottom line......huge difference between specific targeted Tariffs VS. broad ranging Tariffs. The former reasonable people should understand & be ok with.......the latter be 100% against.
Trump tariffs are great because that means he defeated Comrade Kammi and her tampon boy.

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