Is it your opinion that treaties and agreements should be entered by the US for the purpose of strengthening the US? or being liked? Like entering into a climate accord that nobody follows, the top polluters and your enemies dont have to follow, and the end result is your people get poorer. But better to be liked globally then prosper at home? And ask how our Latin American neighbors feel about us and the billions your guy is pouring into the cartels which human trafficking and drug smuggling. You ever pick up news from down there? Maybe MSNBC-X?
I also noticed that you glossed over the Afghan exit...which as highly detailed in the Washington Post....was the main reason Putin decided to invade. But i dont need Jeff Bezos to get into a fight with POTUS to start releasing held stories, because I (the dumb dumb in our debates) can read foreign press. And i am old enough to remember this being printed globally. August 2021. .
As for that handling of the Ukraine, after all that tough talk and aviator-wearing our NATO allies keep buying their at inflated prices ...which buys them (more) weapons...which keeps the war going...which kills more people and we send money and weapons to god knows who...but dont question cuz you if you do you are a Putin puppet. Think about it. Our NATO allies are sending him the money that buys guns to fight against the guns my daughters' future buys. Round and round we go.
And because i have independent thought, I'll just go on record and predict that after getting tired of sleeping with us and raiding our wallet Zelensky will have a new found courtship with Xi and give him access to the energy and wheat he needs as a gift for getting Putin to make a deal. Food is gonna be really $$ and scarce this winter. Like world revolt mid-evil famine. Xi aint going down like that.