Just wanna put it on record that I am AGAINST cancelling student debt.
First of all, I just don't think the President have the power to forgive something like half a trillion of debt with a signature. Even Pelosi said so. And just to think of it, I don't want any President, Biden or Trump or anyone, to have that kind of power.
Second, I don't agree with retroactively forgiving debt when the underlying issue isn't solved. If the issue is that the debt were predatory, then we should make them not so going forward. The real issue that needs to be addressed is why are American university so damn expensive in the first place. Tackling that would do much more than forgiving debt.
For one, it is absurd that the highest paid public employee is typically the football coach. Now if you say, but he brings in the money, so he deserves to be paid. Fine, I agree that if a coach generates $9M that the university otherwise wouldn't have, then paying him $10M is still worth it. But if that is the case, why are so many athletic department running in red? And don't forget, IU basketball or Nebraska football is still generating money with sh!tty coaches.
The outrageous price of a U.S. degree is unique in the world.
Third, I believe in personal responsibility. If you voluntarily take out a debt, you should be held liable for it, esp. if you are taking a gamble on yourself that the college degree will enhance your future income potential. Unlike Republican congressmen, I didn't take out any PPP loan, so I don't feel any hypocrisy in saying so.
The White House on Thursday called out Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) criticism of President Biden’s plan to forgive some student loans, noting that the congresswom…
If we truly care about student debt, look at the sources. Figure out why the cost is so damn high and work on that. Help the current and future generations.