I wasn't referring to gays as pedophiles, what I meant was more of the trans crowd, which I realize is totally separate from the gay crowd, but unfortunately, gays are lumped into the alphabet soup. But, specifically, what I meant was the trans story time, trans children drag shows, that kind of stuff. Children don't need to be exposed to that.
As for the pandering comment, that's more of a commentary on people wanting special treatment because they're 'different'. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, man, woman, gay, straight, whatever,...I judge people on their character and qualifications. A gay or black person shouldn't want or expect to be treated any differently than anyone else. Companies adorning their logos with a rainbow flag says what? But to your point, did you read about Target this year cutting back on their pride month displays and involvement? Why? Because of money. The focus on pride month wasn't worth the negative financial impact they incurred. So yeh, it's about the money, not ideaology.