Since Sen. Tim Scott was not selected for Vice President

I appreciate the clarification, although I respectfully say I can't say I agree. Statistically, trans people are not any kind of threat. I'm not sure what a 'trans children drag show' is, but there's nothing out there that backs up the fear people have of trans people. I probably sound a bit defensive here on this, so please understand that I'm not in any way trying to disparage what you've said. But I have a cousin who is trans, and all she cares about is living her life. That's it. Same as you and me. So it's very hurtful to see her painted as some awful person when it couldn't be further than the truth. I think people are scared of the unknown, and I chalk a lot of the anti-trans movement up to that. She literally fears for her life on an almost daily basis.

I don't think anyone is asking for special treatment either. Like I said, there's a history behind things like pride month. And there is very real fear in the gay community that things like marriage rights will be taken away from them. That isn't hyperbole either. Maybe it's not quite as prevalent as it once was, but it does happen. So you're right, they probably don't want to be treated any differently, but they still are, and until they aren't, they will continue to spotlight those things until it stops. I get that. And re: corporations. Corporations will blow whichever way funnels the cash in, so what they do one year could be totally different than the next if they think it's going to help their bottom line. They don't call it corporate greed for nothing. LOL

Anyway, I appreciate the back and forth. Gotta run and catch a flight for work blah blah blah.
As a girl dad, I have a problem with a trans man wanting to use the woman's locker room. I'm sorry, that you feel in your head that you're a woman, but if all your parts are male, then you don't get to use the women's locker room. It's not a matter of fairness. Life ain't fair. Get used to it. Sorry that your cousin is dealing with what she's dealing with but unfortunately, when you're different, you get treated differently. Again, life ain't fair.

As for the gay marriage thing. Personally, I don't care about it, but plenty of people hold very strong religious or moral convictions on the subject. Why should they have to change there stance when in their heart, they believe opposing gay marriage is what's right? Now, gay couples adopting, I'm not a fan of.
By calling you a bigot. I knew as soon as I read your post h me going to say something about it. I knew he was going to have some issue with it.
I've been called much worse.... you, of all people, know it doesn't bother me.
Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I'm "anti" whatever.
Do I care if someone is gay? No. But I don't want to see two guys making out either.
I didn’t call him a bigot. Also, you admitted to being a bigot, so there’s that.
This is your exact quote.
“Your last sentence is about as bigoted as it gets, though, and just like with BNI, negates any other point you're attempting to make.”

I never admitted ro being a bigot. I said something like if what I said is being a bigot then so be it.

All I said was “gay lifestyle” and you got your pantries in a bunch. I said no gay derogatory names. I knew you must have some skin in the game.
I’m more interested whether or not the woman who, no one has seen before, that showed up at the repub debate is a sham. If it is a sham, is the engagement off since he did not get selected as VP.
You obsess over stuff that is so far removed from important issues, and then blow them up as if they are the most important issues in your life. Statues, unflattering words for the VP, and now the unknown white woman being dated by a black man. This post is just weird. Not only do you continue to come across as a die-hard racist, but now you appear to be stalking Senator Scott.
This is your exact quote.
“Your last sentence is about as bigoted as it gets, though, and just like with BNI, negates any other point you're attempting to make.”

I never admitted ro being a bigot. I said something like if what I said is being a bigot then so be it.

All I said was “gay lifestyle” and you got your pantries in a bunch. I said no gay derogatory names. I knew you must have some skin in the game.
In one of your posts above you said if it makes you a bigot then so be it. So yes, you did.
As a girl dad, I have a problem with a trans man wanting to use the woman's locker room. I'm sorry, that you feel in your head that you're a woman, but if all your parts are male, then you don't get to use the women's locker room. It's not a matter of fairness. Life ain't fair. Get used to it. Sorry that your cousin is dealing with what she's dealing with but unfortunately, when you're different, you get treated differently. Again, life ain't fair.

As for the gay marriage thing. Personally, I don't care about it, but plenty of people hold very strong religious or moral convictions on the subject. Why should they have to change there stance when in their heart, they believe opposing gay marriage is what's right? Now, gay couples adopting, I'm not a fan of.
So I’m on almost a three hour delay thanks to this software meltdown stuff and have some more time.

I had to read this through a few times to understand it. And again, I appreciate you articulating it. First of all, the bathroom obsession is, quite frankly, silly. People are going into the bathroom to use the bathroom. Why aren’t you singling out men in general who could also go into a women’s bathroom? If you aren’t going to make that a cause for concern, then I’m not sure what your point really is aside from singling out a very very time segment of the population. And you’re right, life isn’t fair. I could use that same point right back against your own argument here, right?

Curious as to why you aren’t a fan of gay couples adopting. Again, what harm are they causing you? Are you saying that you’d rather a single mom struggle with raising a baby through addiction or poverty over a stable and providing home? What about two men or two women raising a child bothers you so much? I’m genuinely curious because when something doesn’t impact me at all or it provides a net benefit then I see that as an overall positive. Again, I think it’s fear of the unknown here because the trans bathroom thing isn’t founded on actual facts and I would just like more information on the adoption thing because I don’t see how it’s bad to have a child be in a two parent household when that household is stable and providing.
So I’m on almost a three hour delay thanks to this software meltdown stuff and have some more time.

I had to read this through a few times to understand it. And again, I appreciate you articulating it. First of all, the bathroom obsession is, quite frankly, silly. People are going into the bathroom to use the bathroom. Why aren’t you singling out men in general who could also go into a women’s bathroom? If you aren’t going to make that a cause for concern, then I’m not sure what your point really is aside from singling out a very very time segment of the population. And you’re right, life isn’t fair. I could use that same point right back against your own argument here, right?

Curious as to why you aren’t a fan of gay couples adopting. Again, what harm are they causing you? Are you saying that you’d rather a single mom struggle with raising a baby through addiction or poverty over a stable and providing home? What about two men or two women raising a child bothers you so much? I’m genuinely curious because when something doesn’t impact me at all or it provides a net benefit then I see that as an overall positive. Again, I think it’s fear of the unknown here because the trans bathroom thing isn’t founded on actual facts and I would just like more information on the adoption thing because I don’t see how it’s bad to have a child be in a two parent household when that household is stable and providing.
What men are going into a women's bathroom? Because no, I'm not OK with a man dressed as a man, or a man dressed as a woman going into a women's bathroom.
And no, you can't use that argument against me. Why? Because I'm not going to allow a man in the women's lcckeroom when my children are in there. Someone can't say "tough luck, life aint fair" and walk in anyway because as the provider for and protector of my children, I take that responsibility seriously and above all else. Someone's feelings about which bathroom they feel they should be able to use is of little consequence. Call me an internet tough guy, it's OK.

As for the gay adoption thing. I think children need both paternal and maternal influences. Children learn different things from a male and female. It's what I believe, and I just think a kid growing up with two moms or two dads is going to have a tough time in kid society.
Now, the single mom crackhead in the hood is a totally different discussion.
Sounds like something a loving god would do. Make it so only a small few can find it.
God is a loving and full of mercy. But He gives the gift of free will.
John 3:16 says it all.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God is a loving and full of mercy. But He gives the gift of free will.
John 3:16 says it all.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Yes, gives you free will, but hides the path to him from billions of people. So loving.
Yes, gives you free will, but hides the path to him from billions of people. So loving.
Let me help you. The narrow path to salvation is not hiding. If you read the Bible, the New Testament, the Bible specifically spells out clearly on how to be saved and go to heaven. The Bible clearly states in several scripture verses that the path of Salvation is believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. So it’s no secret. Works alone does not lead to Salvation.
I’m more interested whether or not the woman who, no one has seen before, that showed up at the repub debate is a sham. If it is a sham, is the engagement off since he did not get selected as VP.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory being peddled without evidence
That played a part somewhat. Them MAGA crazies ain’t going to let Tim Scott be VP. They had a hissy fit Monday night when Ms. Rose spoke. Another factor was that they know that Scott’s engagement was a sham. Similarly with Lindsey Graham, Scott is well into his 50s and never been married. Never seen in public with a woman. Then all of a sudden this chick shows up in public at the GOP debate. I just wonder if they still through the wedding next month.

If Chump wins the election, he still may choose Scott for a cabinet, UN Ambassador, or somewhere in the administration. Scott kissed so much tail to not be placed somewhere in the administration.

Kinda feel sorry for him for not being selected VP. He sure tried hard. The VP would have been very interesting.
I would, as a white guy, much rather have the black "grifter" Donalds in a cabinet position than Scott. But I do like both, but believe Donalds has a much brighter future in politics and can see him on the GOP ticket in four years.

How's that float your boat?
I would, as a white guy, much rather have the black "grifter" Donalds in a cabinet position than Scott. But I do like both, but believe Donalds has a much brighter future in politics and can see him on the GOP ticket in four years.

How's that float your boat?
Wouldn’t that be DEI? Scott and Donald’s are no more qualified than Harris.
What men are going into a women's bathroom? Because no, I'm not OK with a man dressed as a man, or a man dressed as a woman going into a women's bathroom.
And no, you can't use that argument against me. Why? Because I'm not going to allow a man in the women's lcckeroom when my children are in there. Someone can't say "tough luck, life aint fair" and walk in anyway because as the provider for and protector of my children, I take that responsibility seriously and above all else. Someone's feelings about which bathroom they feel they should be able to use is of little consequence. Call me an internet tough guy, it's OK.

As for the gay adoption thing. I think children need both paternal and maternal influences. Children learn different things from a male and female. It's what I believe, and I just think a kid growing up with two moms or two dads is going to have a tough time in kid society.
Now, the single mom crackhead in the hood is a totally different discussion.
Well, there is some internet tough guy stuff going on but it’s your opinion and you’re of course entitled to it. My point though is that you’re saying you’re specifically scared of a man dressed as a woman going into the women’s restroom. But you’re ignoring that any man could go into a woman’s restroom and do something. I get your point, I really do. But to single out one without acknowledging the entire picture is, frankly, disingenuous. Again, you’re entitled to your thoughts about but I would also argue that the chances of a trans person ever even being in the bathroom at the same time as your daughter are infinitely smaller than a straight man going in.

Re the family values aspect. I’m going to assume, and correct me if I’m wrong, that you’ve never been around a same sex couple raising a family. I keep going back to this fear of the unknown because I get the impression you’ve never been exposed to it and your opinion has been carried with you for your entire life. That’s fine. I respect that. But what about when a divorce happens? Or a spouse dies? Aren’t they missing a paternal or maternal influence as well? People grow up in single parent households and flourish. That’s no secret. And in many cases one of those influences isn’t there. Yeah I’m playing a bit of devils advocate here and not trying to be argumentative with you at all but life isn’t a one size fits all. It never has been.
Well, there is some internet tough guy stuff going on but it’s your opinion and you’re of course entitled to it. My point though is that you’re saying you’re specifically scared of a man dressed as a woman going into the women’s restroom. But you’re ignoring that any man could go into a woman’s restroom and do something. I get your point, I really do. But to single out one without acknowledging the entire picture is, frankly, disingenuous. Again, you’re entitled to your thoughts about but I would also argue that the chances of a trans person ever even being in the bathroom at the same time as your daughter are infinitely smaller than a straight man going in.

Re the family values aspect. I’m going to assume, and correct me if I’m wrong, that you’ve never been around a same sex couple raising a family. I keep going back to this fear of the unknown because I get the impression you’ve never been exposed to it and your opinion has been carried with you for your entire life. That’s fine. I respect that. But what about when a divorce happens? Or a spouse dies? Aren’t they missing a paternal or maternal influence as well? People grow up in single parent households and flourish. That’s no secret. And in many cases one of those influences isn’t there. Yeah I’m playing a bit of devils advocate here and not trying to be argumentative with you at all but life isn’t a one size fits all. It never has been.
I'm not scared of a man dressed as a woman going into the women's restroom. I just wouldn't allow it if my daughter were in there. Same as a man dressed as a man. I would assume all the fathers on this forum would have a problem with that and intervene.

As for my exposure to same sex couples with children: We lived next to a same sex couple in Chicago. They were both dancers for the Joffrey Ballet (I'm not kidding). They were cool. We hung out, had drinks with them, etc. They didn't have children.
But to your point, yes, unfortunately, some children end up in situations of divorce, death of a parent, etc. But that's still different than having 2 moms or 2 dads.
Do you have children?
Let me help you. The narrow path to salvation is not hiding. If you read the Bible, the New Testament, the Bible specifically spells out clearly on how to be saved and go to heaven. The Bible clearly states in several scripture verses that the path of Salvation is believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. So it’s no secret. Works alone does not lead to Salvation.
It is to Billions because they don't have or follow the bible.
I'm not scared of a man dressed as a woman going into the women's restroom. I just wouldn't allow it if my daughter were in there. Same as a man dressed as a man. I would assume all the fathers on this forum would have a problem with that and intervene.

As for my exposure to same sex couples with children: We lived next to a same sex couple in Chicago. They were both dancers for the Joffrey Ballet (I'm not kidding). They were cool. We hung out, had drinks with them, etc. They didn't have children.
But to your point, yes, unfortunately, some children end up in situations of divorce, death of a parent, etc. But that's still different than having 2 moms or 2 dads.
Do you have children?
I have two children, yes. Boy and a girl. Empty nester here. Not in a hurry for grandkids just yet; mine are really just getting started. Both went to Purdue as well.

I can see where you’re coming from. The world is scary. We’ve talked about it all. I know it’s anecdotal, but my daughter is far more worried about being assaulted by a drunk guy than a trans person. She said there are a lot of creepers out there, period. So I don’t really make a distinction I guess. Like I said, anecdotal but I extrapolate from there.

I’m still confused about what’s so bad about having two moms or two dads. Your neighbors sounded like good people. I’m not sure how that equates to them being potentially bad parents.
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It's all from men.
But your concern has been addressed.

If you read the New Testament, you will understand that none of these people profited from what you might think was a great hoax. Many were tortured and murdered for refusing to deny what they saw. You have to ask yourself, "Why?"

Things that have happened in the church since then are horrible and it is completely natural that good people would be disillusioned and angry. But those acts were committed by evil men, apart from God.
I have two children, yes. Boy and a girl. Empty nester here. Not in a hurry for grandkids just yet; mine are really just getting started. Both went to Purdue as well.

I can see where you’re coming from. The world is scary. We’ve talked about it all. I know it’s anecdotal, but my daughter is far more worried about being assaulted by a drunk guy than a trans person. She said there are a lot of creepers out there, period. So I don’t really make a distinction I guess. Like I said, anecdotal but I extrapolate from there.
For clarification, it's not so much the risk of a physical assault, it's more the assault on privacy, comfort and womanhood. A little girl or young woman doesn't need to see a man in their locker room with their junk hanging out (and if you don't believe that happens, read up on Riley Gaines). Their not comfortable with it and as father and protector, neither am I.
I’m still confused about what’s so bad about having two moms or two dads. Your neighbors sounded like good people. I’m not sure how that equates to them being potentially bad parents.
This is more of a philosophical and ideological belief on my part. I'm sure some same sex couples make fine parents. My concern is how a child reconciles that situation because they're going to be an outlier in school, they're going to be picked on (kids are a-holes), they're going to be made to feel different. Some adopted children may truly resent being adopted by a same sex couple because they don't have the traditional, nuclear mom and dad family.
But your concern has been addressed.

If you read the New Testament, you will understand that none of these people profited from what you might think was a great hoax. Many were tortured and murdered for refusing to deny what they saw. You have to ask yourself, "Why?"
I'm sure they believed, but that doesn't mean it is real. There are thousands of things that we can easily explain away today because we know the science behind it where as back then they would think it's magical.
Things that have happened in the church since then are horrible and it is completely natural that good people would be disillusioned and angry. But those acts were committed by evil men, apart from God.
My departure from the church has nothing to do with the evil acts of it's leaders. I just see it how it is. A man made story.
I'm sure they believed, but that doesn't mean it is real. There are thousands of things that we can easily explain away today because we know the science behind it where as back then they would think it's magical.

My departure from the church has nothing to do with the evil acts of it's leaders. I just see it how it is. A man made story.
As a scientist with a Ph.D., I can tell you that no scientist can, with a straight face, "explain away" the Bible. In fact, the more we learn, the closer science gets to biblical descriptions that were once ridiculed. The creation event is a perfect example. Scientists used to believe the universe was eternal -- was always there and will always be there. The more they learned, the more they had to accept that their was indeed a "Beginning" before which time did not exist. Many scientists, including Isaac Newton, saw their job as studying and explaining God's creation. The more Albert Einstein learned, the more his belief in God strengthened.
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As a scientist with a Ph.D., I can tell you that no scientist can, with a straight face, "explain away" the Bible. In fact, the more we learn, the closer science gets to biblical descriptions that were once ridiculed. The creation event is a perfect example. Scientists used to believe the universe was eternal -- was always there and will always be there. The more they learned, the more they had to accept that their was indeed a "Beginning" before which time did not exist. Many scientists, including Isaac Newton, saw their job as studying and explaining God's creation. The more Albert Einstein learned, the more his belief in God strengthened.
Oh goodie. The creators of the bible guessed right. The choice is binary, there either is a beginning or there isn't. Just because they guessed right (which is most logical, because to believe that everything just always existed is a hard concept to really grasp) doesn't mean the bible is real.

There are so many things the bible does get wrong scientifically. This example you give is by no means proof. Especially if you consider that the timeline and explanation of everything is just flat out wrong. The things we know about human history, evolution, genetic diversity, how languages have evolved, etc makes the stories of the bible impossible. The descriptions of the heavens and the Earth in the bible only work on a flat Earth theory as such:

The Sun and the Moon are described as the two lights (or if you get closer to the Hebrew translation, lamps). We all know that the Moon does not have light, but reflects it. Only man with no understanding of this would think otherwise.

Genealogies within the bible make zero sense and in many places have major contradictions.

So God creates Adam and Eve and they get expelled from Eden and have Cain and Abel. Then Cain kills Abel, one of the (apparently) four people on Earth, and then this happens:


[4:16] Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
[4:17] Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and named it Enoch after his son Enoch.
[4:18] To Enoch was born Irad; and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael the father of Methushael, and Methushael the father of Lamech.
[4:19] Lamech took two wives; the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.
[4:20] Adah bore Jabal; he was the ancestor of those who live in tents and have livestock.
[4:21] His brother's name was Jubal; he was the ancestor of all those who play the lyre and pipe.
[4:22] Zillah bore Tubal-cain, who made all kinds of bronze and iron tools. The sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah.
[4:23] Lamech said to his wives: "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me.
[4:24] If Cain is avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy-sevenfold."
[4:25] Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, for she said, "God has appointed for me another child instead of Abel, because Cain killed him."
[4:26] To Seth also a son was born, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to invoke the name of the LORD.

So, where did all those wives and others come from?

There is no evidence at all of a great exodus of Jews from Egypt. NONE.

Matthew 27:52-53 claims that when Jesus died graves were opened as zombies rose from them and this was seen by many people. If a city under Roman occupation was invaded by zombies don't you think at least one contemporary historian would have written about it? Needless to say, there is not one historical documentation of an actual zombie uprising.

The resurrection story has tons of contradictions in it depending on which author you read.

Many of the contradictions include:

-the time of day the tomb was found to be empty
-who discovered the empty tomb
-if the stone was already removed or not
-the number of days it took before Jesus showed himself
-where Jesus first showed himself
-who Jesus first presented himself to
-the number of days Jesus stuck around after being resurrected

These are just a few highlighted issues within the resurrection story.


Oh! I almost forgot my favorite part! The fact that there were almost a dozen other figures in history that predates Jesus that has a very similar story as Jesus. Asclepius, Emperor Vespasian and Apollonius of Tyana just to name a few.
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For clarification, it's not so much the risk of a physical assault, it's more the assault on privacy, comfort and womanhood. A little girl or young woman doesn't need to see a man in their locker room with their junk hanging out (and if you don't believe that happens, read up on Riley Gaines). Their not comfortable with it and as father and protector, neither am I.

This is more of a philosophical and ideological belief on my part. I'm sure some same sex couples make fine parents. My concern is how a child reconciles that situation because they're going to be an outlier in school, they're going to be picked on (kids are a-holes), they're going to be made to feel different. Some adopted children may truly resent being adopted by a same sex couple because they don't have the traditional, nuclear mom and dad family.
I started to reply to this yesterday, then got caught up in more travel fiascos, and just realized I never finished. the bathroom thing. Well, I mean no one wants their privacy and comfort 'assaulted'. I get that. Again, this is anecdotal, but I went to a Taylor Swift concert in Tampa last year. As you can imagine, it's overwhelmingly women, which meant the men's bathrooms were pretty open. Which also meant women were coming into the men's room to use the restroom. Everyone dealt with it just fine. I realize that's totally anecdotal but I mean everyone was in there to use the restroom and be on their way.

I get the concern about the marriage thing. I just can't reconcile it. Kids of straight couples get bullied too. Isn't the key there to not raise a bully? That's what parenting is about to me. I told my kids that if I ever heard of them saying one bad thing about another kid, there would be hell to pay. Are there challenges with having same-sex parents? Potentially. But I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to them to be able to have tough conversations with their children around that vs assuming the worst.
I started to reply to this yesterday, then got caught up in more travel fiascos, and just realized I never finished. the bathroom thing. Well, I mean no one wants their privacy and comfort 'assaulted'. I get that. Again, this is anecdotal, but I went to a Taylor Swift concert in Tampa last year. As you can imagine, it's overwhelmingly women, which meant the men's bathrooms were pretty open. Which also meant women were coming into the men's room to use the restroom. Everyone dealt with it just fine. I realize that's totally anecdotal but I mean everyone was in there to use the restroom and be on their way.

I get the concern about the marriage thing. I just can't reconcile it. Kids of straight couples get bullied too. Isn't the key there to not raise a bully? That's what parenting is about to me. I told my kids that if I ever heard of them saying one bad thing about another kid, there would be hell to pay. Are there challenges with having same-sex parents? Potentially. But I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to them to be able to have tough conversations with their children around that vs assuming the worst.
women using the mens room at a Taylor Swift concert is totally different than a guy in the women's locker room standing there with his junk hanging out for all the world to see, including young girls. Again, I suggest reading up on Riley Gaines experience with trans in the women's locker room.

As for bullying, yeh, it sucks. But it's the nature of hierarchy in adolescence and children. Yes, children learn a lot of that from their parents, (and some parents who grew up as bullies probably remain bullies). I agree that teaching kids not to be bullies is the key, but once the peer pressure starts pressing, most kids aren't going to choose to be the victim if they have a choice of which side to be on.
To end the men’s versus women’s restroom discussion, since the left hates binary gender, I propose the following:

Have a vagina restroom (designed to protect little girls) and a penis/other restroom when there are two restrooms. When there are 3 restrooms, keep the vagina restroom and divide the penis/other into two restrooms.

I’m not sure what anyone would complain about with that set up.
To end the men’s versus women’s restroom discussion, since the left hates binary gender, I propose the following:

Have a vagina restroom (designed to protect little girls) and a penis/other restroom when there are two restrooms. When there are 3 restrooms, keep the vagina restroom and divide the penis/other into two restrooms.

I’m not sure what anyone would complain about with that set up.
You know someone will find something to complain about. Nobody rational, but someone will.
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Scott’s engagement was a sham.......Scott is well into his 50s and never been married. Never seen in public with a woman. Then all of a sudden this chick shows up in public at the GOP debate. I just wonder if they still through the wedding next month.

A sham huh....?
Do you ever tire of being wrong?

A sham huh....?
Do you ever tire of being wrong?

Come on Buck...BNI's not always wrong. There's a time a while back that he was right about something though I can't remember what it was.

Oh wait minute...that was someone else;)

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