Since Sen. Tim Scott was not selected for Vice President

"Just because morons follow you, doesn't mean you support them." But with Goldwater and now Chump, their rhetoric gives aid and comfort to the crazies and racists/white supremacists.
WTF are you talking about? Please give examples for Trump. As I said before, I don't think you can because you're talking out of your media master's asses.

For Goldwater, again, it came down to Constitutionality. He didn't believe it was Constitutional for the Federal Government to be able to tell businesses what they can and cannot do. Per the Constitution, that was supposed to be a state power, thus why he didn't support title 2 or title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
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Calling someone a racist because you have a different opinion of how they think or believe is pretty offensive. Just my opinion, you seem to have a very inclusive interpretation of what a racist person is.
Having a different opinion of how people think or believe is not racist. What are you talking about? If it offends you, perhaps. But it ain't racism.
Yes I do because it's fairly well documented. Johnson himself called the Civil Rights bill the "N word bill". In fact, LBJ used the N word a LOT.
I figured that you would think LBJ was a racist. I knew that you would. Are there any racist republicans in your mind? If so who?
Are you insinuating he is a black gay because (a) he is a conservative or (b) because you are against gays - or (c) both?
I hesitate to call the man gay. But a dude well into his 50s that is not married raises flags. Nobody has seen him on public with a woman. Same goes for Lindsey Graham.
I hesitate to call the man gay. But a dude well into his 50s that is not married raises flags. Nobody has seen him on public with a woman. Same goes for Lindsey Graham.
So what if he is? Are you against gays?

Why did you even bring it up?
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So what if he is? Are you against gays?

Why did you even bring it up?
Yeah I don’t go for that gay stuff.

But I brought it up because after all these years some woman shows up at the debate this past Jan as his girlfriend. I suspected that she is not his real girlfriend and he is trying to appear presidential. Or in case he is selected as VP. They did get engaged and set a wedding date for August. Since he did not get selected as VP I was wondering if he is go to still go through with the engagement if it is indeed a sham.

You don’t think that is odd that a 55ish man that never married all of a sudden has a girlfriend just in time for him to run for president?
I figured that you would think LBJ was a racist. I knew that you would. Are there any racist republicans in your mind? If so who?
So LBJ using the N word all the time doesn't make him racist? Jesus, you yourself just called the man a stone cold racist. Now you're trying to play as if he's not? Try to get your story straight.

If not racist he was at least evil. He sent soldiers to die in Vietnam while he profited greatly from the military industrial complex. He had multiple people killed including JFK (if you believe his associate that came out and said as much).

From 1937-1957 Johnson voted with the South and the South's interests. It wasn't until 1957 that he finally switched and championed Civil Rights.

Yes, I'm sure there were some racist Republicans. Darrell Leon McClanahan had ties to the KKK. I know there were some, although small numbers, that were involved with the KKK. You had Strom Thurmond who did the filibuster of the 1957 Civil Rights act.

I'm not going to go on a full list, but I know there were some. To believe otherwise would be incredibly ignorant.
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Yeah I don’t go for that gay stuff.

But I brought it up because after all these years some woman shows up at the debate this past Jan as his girlfriend. I suspected that she is not his real girlfriend and he is trying to appear presidential. Or in case he is selected as VP. They did get engaged and set a wedding date for August. Since he did not get selected as VP I was wondering if he is go to still go through with the engagement if it is indeed a sham.

You don’t think that is odd that a 55ish man that never married all of a sudden has a girlfriend just in time for him to run for president?
Where did you even get the idea to question these things about Scott? This has never crossed my mind and never would have until I read it from you. First of all because I do not give a rip about the dude's personal life. If he's married or not. Gay or not. I don't care. He's a good man. That's all I care about.
So LBJ using the N word all the time doesn't make him racist? Jesus, you yourself just called the man a stone cold racist. Now you're trying to play as if he's not? Try to get your story straight.

If not racist he was at least evil. He sent soldiers to die in Vietnam while he profited greatly from the military industrial complex. He had multiple people killed including JFK (if you believe his associate that came out and said as much).

From 1937-1957 Johnson voted with the South and the South's interests. It wasn't until 1957 that he finally switched and championed Civil Rights.

Yes, I'm sure there were some racist Republicans. Darrell Leon McClanahan had ties to the KKK. I know there were some, although small numbers, that were involved with the KKK. You had Strom Thurmond who did the filibuster of the 1957 Civil Rights act.

I'm not going to go on a full list, but I know there were some. To believe otherwise would be incredibly ignorant.
I've always said that LBJ was a racist. Not sure how you interpret my post that I'm playing as if he is not.

During the Jim Crow era just about everyone was racist both democrats and republicans. When a country like the US allow racist methods like separate water fountains and bathrooms for their citizens is beyond me. For so many years no doubt is beyond me. After the the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights Acts were passed it sent the racists basically underground. Racists since then are still overt in some ways but now mostly use code words and more subtle methods for their racism.
Where did you even get the idea to question these things about Scott? This has never crossed my mind and never would have until I read it from you. First of all because I do not give a rip about the dude's personal life. If he's married or not. Gay or not. I don't care. He's a good man. That's all I care about.
Just simple and obvious observations of both Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham for that matter over the years. Tim Scott is 58 and Lindsey Graham is 69. Don't you think that is odd for both of them not to be married? No one has seen them attend functions with any significant others. Then all of a sudden Tim Scott is greeted by this woman seemingly out of nowhere at the repub presidential nominee debate. Even though being married is not a requirement to be president, there is an image of a family that gets attention for candidates. Obviously if they are in love and it is a real engagement the wedding next month will go on as planned. If their union is not real I don't see how the engagement can go on.
You are as bad as the Boneman. You just like argue just to argue. They are already attempted to be educated. You can’t educate kids that have behavior problems. You can’t educated kids who are constantly talking and not staying on their seats. Talking back to the teachers. If I was teaching high school in these underperforming schools, I would be in jail in one week. These kids are distractions to the kids on the class that do want to learn.
And what are you doing for the kids "that do want to learn"? You are forcing them to stay in that same classroom with the kids that are distractions. You don't see it?
I've always said that LBJ was a racist. Not sure how you interpret my post that I'm playing as if he is not.

During the Jim Crow era just about everyone was racist both democrats and republicans. When a country like the US allow racist methods like separate water fountains and bathrooms for their citizens is beyond me. For so many years no doubt is beyond me. After the the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights Acts were passed it sent the racists basically underground. Racists since then are still overt in some ways but now mostly use code words and more subtle methods for their racism.
Seperate schools? lol

Some racists certainly are overt. But they try to cover it up by protesting meaningless topics, such as statues and unflattering words to describe a VP's sexual history.
I've always said that LBJ was a racist. Not sure how you interpret my post that I'm playing as if he is not.

During the Jim Crow era just about everyone was racist both democrats and republicans. When a country like the US allow racist methods like separate water fountains and bathrooms for their citizens is beyond me. For so many years no doubt is beyond me. After the the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights Acts were passed it sent the racists basically underground. Racists since then are still overt in some ways but now mostly use code words and more subtle methods for their racism.
If the Republicans were just as racist as the Democrats then why did Republicans fight and die to free the slaves? I swear sometimes I wonder if you ever stop and think about what you're saying.

The methods like separate water fountains and bathrooms was only in the South. So no, the entire country isn't liable for it happening. Like it or not, right or wrong, it was a state by state issue because that's how our government was designed to perform. Not at the federal level.

Racists didn't go underground. They still did what they were going to do in the open while they were alive. But what people tend to not remember is that the people that lived and committed most of these atrocities are no longer alive. Their youth, and the youth of non racist people that had moved to these ares are the one's that moved the South toward Republicans. Yes, some racists did too because they had no home to in which to vote for their racist wants, but not as many as you'd think. That's why the South took decades to finally flip red.

This article will explain a lot, although I'm 100% certain you will either not read it or dismiss it because you're too entrenched into the lie.

Just simple and obvious observations of both Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham for that matter over the years. Tim Scott is 58 and Lindsey Graham is 69. Don't you think that is odd for both of them not to be married? No one has seen them attend functions with any significant others. Then all of a sudden Tim Scott is greeted by this woman seemingly out of nowhere at the repub presidential nominee debate. Even though being married is not a requirement to be president, there is an image of a family that gets attention for candidates. Obviously if they are in love and it is a real engagement the wedding next month will go on as planned. If their union is not real I don't see how the engagement can go on.
No I don't think it's odd. Why? Because I don't care. Their private life is their private life. I don't care and neither should you, or anyone for that matter.
If the Republicans were just as racist as the Democrats then why did Republicans fight and die to free the slaves? I swear sometimes I wonder if you ever stop and think about what you're saying.

The methods like separate water fountains and bathrooms was only in the South. So no, the entire country isn't liable for it happening. Like it or not, right or wrong, it was a state by state issue because that's how our government was designed to perform. Not at the federal level.

Racists didn't go underground. They still did what they were going to do in the open while they were alive. But what people tend to not remember is that the people that lived and committed most of these atrocities are no longer alive. Their youth, and the youth of non racist people that had moved to these ares are the one's that moved the South toward Republicans. Yes, some racists did too because they had no home to in which to vote for their racist wants, but not as many as you'd think. That's why the South took decades to finally flip red.

This article will explain a lot, although I'm 100% certain you will either not read it or dismiss it because you're too entrenched into the lie.

I told y'all several times that the republicans didn't become the party of racism until the mid 1960s when Barry Goldwater evicted blacks from the republican party in 1964, that you failed to believe, not during the civil war. The racist dixiecrats loved Goldwater and passed the racist torch over to the republicans. Even prior to the 60s, the republicans was just as complicit in Jim Crow as much as the dixicrats.

Speaking of the repubicans during the Civil War era, the only republican that was any good to blacks at time was President Grant. Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln was not too fond of black people as he considered sending them to Haiti or back to Africa after the war. Republican president Rutherford B. Hayes undid what Grant implemented and removed the federal troops that were protecting black people in that bs compromise with the southern democrats in order to be elected president.
Speaking of the repubicans during the Civil War era, the only republican that was any good to blacks at time was President Grant. Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation.
He certainly did. Where do you get your vast collection of incorrect information?

Here are the words:

"...all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom...."
He certainly did. Where do you get your vast collection of incorrect information?

Here are the words:

"...all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom...."
Yeah, that’s what we were taught in K-12. However, when you take college level history class you get into more detail. You will learn that the Emancipation Proclamation was only a military document. This document allowed the slaves in the south to come fight for the Union army. The slaves in the northern states were still slaves.
There is nothing that I’ve said that was racist or homophobic. Even if I said something that was homophobic I don’t care because that lifestyle is jacked up.
I'm new to this whole site and made the clear mistake of finding this board, and while I have a whole host of issues with most of what's being said in this thread, I do have to ask how you think you're making any kind of point here.

From what I can tell in this thread, you're an army of 1 here. IDK if that's good or bad. But how is a post like this going to solidify any valid points you might be otherwise making? Your bigotry is in no way, shape or form any better than the racism you're accusing others of. Admittedly, most of the posts I've read here are your standard garden-variety trolling and honestly not worth the effort you're putting in with your responses, but you instantly lose any iota of credibility if you're going to cry racism while hiding behind bigotry. You become the exact same person you're trying to stand up against.
Yeah, that’s what we were taught in K-12. However, when you take college level history class you get into more detail. You will learn that the Emancipation Proclamation was only a military document. This document allowed the slaves in the south to come fight for the Union army. The slaves in the northern states were still slaves.
Your statement was, "Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation."

Do you now concede you were wrong in that he did free some slaves?
Your statement was, "Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation."

Do you now concede you were wrong in that he did free some slaves?
"As the U.S. army advanced and expanded its reach, more enslaved people came into its lines. In fact, historian and author William Harris estimates that more than one million enslaved people had been freed by the war’s end."

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I'm new to this whole site and made the clear mistake of finding this board, and while I have a whole host of issues with most of what's being said in this thread, I do have to ask how you think you're making any kind of point here.

From what I can tell in this thread, you're an army of 1 here. IDK if that's good or bad. But how is a post like this going to solidify any valid points you might be otherwise making? Your bigotry is in no way, shape or form any better than the racism you're accusing others of. Admittedly, most of the posts I've read here are your standard garden-variety trolling and honestly not worth the effort you're putting in with your responses, but you instantly lose any iota of credibility if you're going to cry racism while hiding behind bigotry. You become the exact same person you're trying to stand up against.
Bni has some fellow libs on here from time to time, but several have fled recently in shame at having been duped about Biden by the regime media.

Bni is duped about a lot of things, but to his credit he hasn't run off like the others. Still, he is unable to admit when he is wrong - as in the case of his post about Lincoln above. He has consistently made that same absurd comment repeatedly for several years - and will likely continue to for years to come.
I'm new to this whole site and made the clear mistake of finding this board, and while I have a whole host of issues with most of what's being said in this thread, I do have to ask how you think you're making any kind of point here.

From what I can tell in this thread, you're an army of 1 here. IDK if that's good or bad. But how is a post like this going to solidify any valid points you might be otherwise making? Your bigotry is in no way, shape or form any better than the racism you're accusing others of. Admittedly, most of the posts I've read here are your standard garden-variety trolling and honestly not worth the effort you're putting in with your responses, but you instantly lose any iota of credibility if you're going to cry racism while hiding behind bigotry. You become the exact same person you're trying to stand up against.
Again y’all call me racist or in your case a bigot without saying how. What did I say that is bigotry?
I told y'all several times that the republicans didn't become the party of racism until the mid 1960s when Barry Goldwater evicted blacks from the republican party in 1964, that you failed to believe, not during the civil war. The racist dixiecrats loved Goldwater and passed the racist torch over to the republicans. Even prior to the 60s, the republicans was just as complicit in Jim Crow as much as the dixicrats.
The problem is that you're wrong. This is a made up narrative by the progressive left with little supporting evidence. Did you even take the time to read the link I gave you? My guess is no by your repeated non-factual response here.
Speaking of the repubicans during the Civil War era, the only republican that was any good to blacks at time was President Grant. Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln was not too fond of black people as he considered sending them to Haiti or back to Africa after the war. Republican president Rutherford B. Hayes undid what Grant implemented and removed the federal troops that were protecting black people in that bs compromise with the southern democrats in order to be elected president.
Once again, like you do with EVERYTHING. You're looking at things from a surface level. Lincoln wanted to ship the blacks back because he knew that even when they were free, there would be contention over it. Lincoln didn't hate blacks, but he didn't want a divided country either.
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Again y’all call me racist or in your case a bigot without saying how. What did I say that is bigotry?
Let me rephrase it a bit then, because I don’t know you and apologize for calling you a bigot.

However, you made an extremely bigoted statement by saying that “lifestyle” is jacked up or however you said it. It’s not any different than if someone displays blatant racism and it most certainly does not help make any case that you think you’re making in this thread.
Bni has some fellow libs on here from time to time, but several have fled recently in shame at having been duped about Biden by the regime media.

Bni is duped about a lot of things, but to his credit he hasn't run off like the others. Still, he is unable to admit when he is wrong - as in the case of his post about Lincoln above. He has consistently made that same absurd comment repeatedly for several years - and will likely continue to for years to come.
Like I said, he’s wasting his time. No one is saying anything substantive in this thread anyway.
Let me rephrase it a bit then, because I don’t know you and apologize for calling you a bigot.

However, you made an extremely bigoted statement by saying that “lifestyle” is jacked up or however you said it. It’s not any different than if someone displays blatant racism and it most certainly does not help make any case that you think you’re making in this thread.
You better believe the gay lifestyle is jacked up. God says in the Bible that it is an abomination. Then add in that transgender crap. So you don’t mind if a biological dude calls himself a chick and participate in woman’s sports? I side with the conservatives on this topic.
You better believe the gay lifestyle is jacked up. God says in the Bible that it is an abomination. Then add in that transgender crap. So you don’t mind if a biological dude calls himself a chick and participate in woman’s sports? I side with the conservatives on this topic.
So you are a bigot. You’re literally no different than when someone yells the n word, which also makes you a hypocrite. Kind of wild that you spend most of your time in this thread talking about racism and then toss out some bigotry and stand behind it while failing to recognize the irony. Keep screaming into the void.
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So you are a bigot. You’re literally no different than when someone yells the n word, which also makes you a hypocrite. Kind of wild that you spend most of your time in this thread talking about racism and then toss out some bigotry and stand behind it while failing to recognize the irony. Keep screaming into the void.
You still haven’t told me what I said was of a bigot.
Your statement was, "Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation."

Do you now concede you were wrong in that he did free some slaves?
Were the slaves in the northern states free due to the Emancipation Proclamation?
"As the U.S. army advanced and expanded its reach, more enslaved people came into its lines. In fact, historian and author William Harris estimates that more than one million enslaved people had been freed by the war’s end."

That article you posted basically corroborates, perhaps it’s a matter semantics. The EP did not free the alaves in the north.
I did. You just don’t think you’re a bigot. Rest assured that with your statements, you are.
If you say that I’m a bigot for saying that the gay lifestyle is jacked up then you must be part of that lifestyle and got offended. I can’t believe that I’m arguing with someone about homosexuality and bigotry. You are just an old troll with your at least 6 forum handles now.
If you say that I’m a bigot for saying that the gay lifestyle is jacked up then you must be part of that lifestyle and got offended. I can’t believe that I’m arguing with someone about homosexuality and bigotry. You are just an old troll with your at least 6 forum handles now.
You can think what you want, I don’t care. It’s lazy thinking on your part but you do you.

Racists don’t think they’re racists and bigots don’t think they’re bigots. You’re one and the same. If I struck a nerve then maybe you should reevaluate how you’re approaching your discussions in here because otherwise you’re just crying wolf.

By the way, what if I was “part of that lifestyle?” I take it you’re black based on other posts of yours I read. You’d be okay with me calling you the n word? That’s what you’re effectively saying. Do you not see the disconnect with that? I think this thread is full of idiots but I can’t really argue against the pile-on against you because you aren’t arguing in good faith.
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You can think what you want, I don’t care. It’s lazy thinking on your part but you do you.

Racists don’t think they’re racists and bigots don’t think they’re bigots. You’re one and the same. If I struck a nerve then maybe you should reevaluate how you’re approaching your discussions in here because otherwise you’re just crying wolf.

By the way, what if I was “part of that lifestyle?” I take it you’re black based on other posts of yours I read. You’d be okay with me calling you the n word? That’s what you’re effectively saying. Do you not see the disconnect with that? I think this thread is full of idiots but I can’t really argue against the pile-on against you because you aren’t arguing in good faith.
That’s the problem that I have with that gay stuff. Not only is it wrong in the eyes of God, but I don’t like it when the LGTQ community hijacked civil rights. Seem to have started back in the 90s. So no it’s not okay for you to call me the n-word as I said no derogatory name labeling the gay community. So that’s a false equivalent. If I did say any gay derogatory names then yes that would be bigotry and I did not. That’s all I’m going to say about this jacked discussion you started.
That’s the problem that I have with that gay stuff. Not only is it wrong in the eyes of God, but I don’t like it when the LGTQ community hijacked civil rights. Seem to have started back in the 90s. So no it’s not okay for you to call me the n-word as I said no derogatory name labeling the gay community. So that’s a false equivalent. If I did say any gay derogatory names then yes that would be bigotry and I did not. That’s all I’m going to say about this jacked discussion you started.
You actually started it with your initial comments, but semantics I guess. I’m just calling you out on it. The religion cop out is also laughable. I’m not religious but doesn’t Jesus preach about the golden rule and treating others as you want to be treated? Pick a lane.

I just find it pretty effed up that you’re in this thread up in arms about race and being treated differently yet you would do the exact same thing that you’re attempting to call others out on.