Since Sen. Tim Scott was not selected for Vice President

That’s the problem that I have with that gay stuff. Not only is it wrong in the eyes of God, but I don’t like it when the LGTQ community hijacked civil rights. Seem to have started back in the 90s. So no it’s not okay for you to call me the n-word as I said no derogatory name labeling the gay community. So that’s a false equivalent. If I did say any gay derogatory names then yes that would be bigotry and I did not. That’s all I’m going to say about this jacked discussion you started.
I think you need to look up the definition of bigot. You don't have to call them a derogatory name to be one.
Be careful Mr. HandyAndy is going to call you a racist for pointing this out. Or perhaps he is just picking on me.

This was the abridged version of my synopsis I said earlier. In my earlier post I mentioned about the parents, and in a lot of cases the single mother. The parents in a lot of cased do not value education. They don't make the child do homework. Don't check over the homework to make sure it is done and done correctly. A lot of these kids miss a lot of school. The parents don't get the out of bed and get them ready for school. No discipline in the home. All of that translates to the child not caring to learn. These parents do not read to the kids when there are young. That's why these kids are so behind in reading. I would bet the mother of this girl, that did not know what a musician was, never read to this girl when she was young.

There are as many, if not more whites on welfare. They aren't breaking the cycle either.
Can I ask you a seemingly off topic question? Do you think the American dream is real today? Explain your answer either way.
Were the slaves in the northern states free due to the Emancipation Proclamation?
No, I didn't say they were. Rather, you said no slaves were freed despite thousands being freed in the rebellion states.

How are you confused about the 'semantics' of that fact?
Did I say anything that was bigotry about the gay stuff?

a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

BNIBoiler direct quote:

You better believe the gay lifestyle is jacked up.

What do you think?

a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

BNIBoiler direct quote:

You better believe the gay lifestyle is jacked up.

What do you think?
You know darn well that you conservatives agree with me that the gay lifestyle is jacked up. Also that transgender crap. If I don't condone behavior like a dude, dressed as a woman being hired to perform at a daycare center with toddlers is a bigot then I guess I am a bigot and I ain't apologizing for it.

Do you believe in the gay lifestyle?
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You know darn well that you conservatives agree with me that the gay lifestyle is jacked up. Also that transgender crap. If I don't condone behavior like a dude, dressed as a woman being hired to perform at a daycare center with toddlers is a bigot then I guess I am a bigot and I ain't apologizing for it.

Do you believe in the gay lifestyle?
Bullshit. I don't agree with you. In fact, I have many gay friends. That isn't to say that there aren't Conservatives that think like you do. I know there are. But it's not as pervasive as the Left wants you to believe.

Someone dressing as a drag queen is one thing. Someone doing that and then reading or working with children is another. You can think something is wrong without being against the root issue which would be someone dressing in drag.
Bullshit. I don't agree with you. In fact, I have many gay friends. That isn't to say that there aren't Conservatives that think like you do. I know there are. But it's not as pervasive as the Left wants you to believe.

Someone dressing as a drag queen is one thing. Someone doing that and then reading or working with children is another. You can think something is wrong without being against the root issue which would be someone dressing in drag.
So should a biological dude compete on a female track or swimming team? Or on any female team?
Bullshit. I don't agree with you. In fact, I have many gay friends. That isn't to say that there aren't Conservatives that think like you do. I know there are. But it's not as pervasive as the Left wants you to believe.

Someone dressing as a drag queen is one thing. Someone doing that and then reading or working with children is another. You can think something is wrong without being against the root issue which would be someone dressing in drag.
You do know being gay is an abomination according to God, don't you? I have no gay friends. I don't want any gay friends. If any of my friends come out to be gay, you ain't my friend no mo. If that is a bigot, I don't care.
So should a biological dude compete on a female track or swimming team? Or on any female team?
I don’t. And a large percentage of gay men and lesbian women don’t think so either. You do realize that they have sister, nieces, cousins, friends, and even daughters. And unlike your belief that any black person who votes against the Democrats are grifters, I don’t affix monolithic views to any one group based upon their race, sex, orientation, or religion. Every person is an individual.
You know darn well that you conservatives agree with me that the gay lifestyle is jacked up. Also that transgender crap. If I don't condone behavior like a dude, dressed as a woman being hired to perform at a daycare center with toddlers is a bigot then I guess I am a bigot and I ain't apologizing for it.

Do you believe in the gay lifestyle?
What is the gay lifestyle? Living in or near BoysTown in the north side of Chicago I can attest that the gay lifestyle is really similar to the heterosexual lifestyle. Is there a subset that is jacked up? Yeah. And a subset of heterosexuals are jacked up. As well as a subset of religious people.

Tell you what. I’ve also met some gay guys who are way right than I am. There’s a big beautiful world out there . Find it.
You do know being gay is an abomination according to God, don't you? I have no gay friends. I don't want any gay friends. If any of my friends come out to be gay, you ain't my friend no mo. If that is a bigot, I don't care.
I will never ever understand this way of thinking. If your best friend came out to you, that would be it? Literally nothing would change as a result of you being told, but you would drop kick a lifetime of friendship because of something that doesn’t impact you in any way, shape or form? That’s just a sad way to live.

How can you expect to be taken seriously in any discussion regarding race on here when you’re turning around and being the exact same as what you’re accusing others of being. Make it make sense.
What is the gay lifestyle? Living in or near BoysTown in the north side of Chicago I can attest that the gay lifestyle is really similar to the heterosexual lifestyle. Is there a subset that is jacked up? Yeah. And a subset of heterosexuals are jacked up. As well as a subset of religious people.

Tell you what. I’ve also met some gay guys who are way right than I am. There’s a big beautiful world out there . Find it.
Are for or against gay marriage? I know conservatives are against it. I also know that I am.
Are for or against gay marriage? I know conservatives are against it. I also know that I am.
Conservatives are not monolithically opposed to gay marriage. You really got this thing of identity politics,

And the principle of conservatism is to “conserve” rights. Therefore, 2 non-heterosexual individuals who wish to make a life long commitment should be afforded the same opportunity to have the same benefits that heterosexuals. And as a conservative I understand that individuals who commit to life long partnerships improve society and their community. I don’t care who that is.

However, I also believe that a church should not be forced to conduct the ceremony (as a non-religious person I can believe in religious liberty). Nor should a business be forced to participate in the ceremony (you know, because the government shouldn’t compel speech). Because my principle says that the government should “conserve” their right. When you live by principle answers are pretty simple.
You do know being gay is an abomination according to God, don't you? I have no gay friends. I don't want any gay friends. If any of my friends come out to be gay, you ain't my friend no mo. If that is a bigot, I don't care.
And this is why you're a bigot.

I'm not religious. Religion has it's place, but it has it's flaws as well. Bigotry is a part of pretty much all religions because they are reflections of the men that wrote them.
And this is why you're a bigot.

I'm not religious. Religion has it's place, but it has it's flaws as well. Bigotry is a part of pretty much all religions because they are reflections of the men that wrote them.
Christianity has no flaws. You need Jesus Christ in your life.
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You do know being gay is an abomination according to God, don't you? I have no gay friends. I don't want any gay friends. If any of my friends come out to be gay, you ain't my friend no mo. If that is a bigot, I don't care.
Spoken like a true Democrat.

I have been accused of being MAGA but I have gay friends. You on the other hand are a liberal and are offended by gays. Do yourself a favor and don’t look deep into the politics of your political friends.
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Spoken like a true Democrat.

I have been accused of being MAGA but I have gay friends. You on the other hand are a liberal and are offended by gays. Do yourself a favor and don’t look deep into the politics of your political friends.
I’m offended by gays not because of liberalism. I’m offended because I’m a Christian.
And this is why you're a bigot.

I'm not religious. Religion has its place, but it has its flaws as well. Bigotry is a part of pretty much all religions because they are reflections of the men that wrote them.
This is very interesting. I make claim after claim of racism and y’all would deny as and deflect til no end. Then I make one phrase that I don’t like that gay stuff or whatever I said and now y’all label me a bigot. The one issue, perhaps that I agree with the conservatives on, I get push back by conservatives on this forum. Unbelievable.
I’m offended by gays not because of liberalism. I’m offended because I’m a Christian.
There’s no hate quite like Christian hate.

The problem, once again, is that you are behaving the exact same way you claim others are on here. Labeling an entire group of people as (insert your preferred adjective here). Why? Because you were taught to. Bigotry is taught. So is racism. Once again, you’re telling us that if someone close to you came out to you, you’re done with them. How is that different than someone saying they hate black people just because they’re black? It’s not. It’s also not very Christian at all.

Look, there’s another thread on here labeled “dumbocrats”. I’m not even going to click into that one. Why? Because of the same thing. Someone is clearly trolling an entire segment of the population of this country. That’s not effective either.

I’m honestly not trying to pick on you; I understand if you feel differently. But I saw that you were trying to hold your own, saw the comment you made about gay people, and it immediately made me stop reading anything else you had to say because it invalidated any other point you were trying to make. And then you just kept doubling down.
Spoken like a true Democrat.

I have been accused of being MAGA but I have gay friends. You on the other hand are a liberal and are offended by gays. Do yourself a favor and don’t look deep into the politics of your political friends.
Your first sentence isn’t helpful either, though. You’re also labeling a wide swath of the population, 99.9999% of whom you don’t know, and it’s no different than what BNI is doing.

I know i waded into something here and it’s clear there’s a history with some folks based on what someone else said, but you both might as well be talking to a wall if that’s how you talk to each other.
And this is why you're a bigot.

I'm not religious. Religion has it's place, but it has it's flaws as well. Bigotry is a part of pretty much all religions because they are reflections of the men that wrote them.
Whew. Couldn’t agree more on the religion sentiment. Recovering Catholic here. Agree that religion has a place (I fully believe in a higher power; I can’t believe that we’re born, live and die and that’s it) but your last sentence is exactly why I left. Actually, almost my entire family has stopped going to church (mainly because of the priest cover-up, which was the last straw).
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This is very interesting. I make claim after claim of racism and y’all would deny as and deflect til no end. Then I make one phrase that I don’t like that gay stuff or whatever I said and now y’all label me a bigot. The one issue, perhaps that I agree with the conservatives on, I get push back by conservatives on this forum. Unbelievable.
This is a perfect example of how little you really understand about the Right as a whole and how out of touch you are with reality.
Whew. Couldn’t agree more on the religion sentiment. Recovering Catholic here. Agree that religion has a place (I fully believe in a higher power; I can’t believe that we’re born, live and die and that’s it) but your last sentence is exactly why I left. Actually, almost my entire family has stopped going to church (mainly because of the priest cover-up, which was the last straw).
I went to a Catholic high school as a non-Catholic and was amazed at all of the pagan rituals, idols, and graven images of Christ.

As an adult I became non-denominational as we started going to a non-denominational church, an Evangelical mega church. Later realized that they preach the prosperity doctrine. We stopped going there and we study on our own. Still non- denominational.

I say all of this to say that the Bible, King James Version, is the true word of God. Yes written by man but their written words are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

There are several scriptures in the Bible that condemns homosexuality. If calling that lifestyle out labels me a bigot, then so be it. Again, I said no derogatory names at all.

Remember the Bible says that the path to Salvation is narrow and only a few will find it.
I went to a Catholic high school as a non-Catholic and was amazed at all of the pagan rituals, idols, and graven images of Christ.

As an adult I became non-denominational as we started going to a non-denominational church, an Evangelical mega church. Later realized that they preach the prosperity doctrine. We stopped going there and we study on our own. Still non- denominational.

I say all of this to say that the Bible, King James Version, is the true word of God. Yes written by man but their written words are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

There are several scriptures in the Bible that condemns homosexuality. If calling that lifestyle out labels me a bigot, then so be it. Again, I said no derogatory names at all.

Remember the Bible says that the path to Salvation is narrow and only a few will find it.
Convenient of you to use religion as an excuse for your bigotry, but at least you admit to being a bigot. You’re also still a hypocrite, though. Your religious beliefs don’t excuse you from that.
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I told y'all several times that the republicans didn't become the party of racism until the mid 1960s when Barry Goldwater evicted blacks from the republican party in 1964, that you failed to believe, not during the civil war. The racist dixiecrats loved Goldwater and passed the racist torch over to the republicans. Even prior to the 60s, the republicans was just as complicit in Jim Crow as much as the dixicrats.

Speaking of the repubicans during the Civil War era, the only republican that was any good to blacks at time was President Grant. Lincoln, the so called emancipator did not free any slave during this Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln was not too fond of black people as he considered sending them to Haiti or back to Africa after the war. Republican president Rutherford B. Hayes undid what Grant implemented and removed the federal troops that were protecting black people in that bs compromise with the southern democrats in order to be elected president.
Revisionism at its worst. More grandstanding to cover your own racist attitudes. Democrats have not changed. They still have their plantations. Republicans haven't changed. They are still trying to free them.
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You know darn well that you conservatives agree with me that the gay lifestyle is jacked up. Also that transgender crap. If I don't condone behavior like a dude, dressed as a woman being hired to perform at a daycare center with toddlers is a bigot then I guess I am a bigot and I ain't apologizing for it.

Do you believe in the gay lifestyle?
While I agree with you on the transgender stuff and will back you on that, the gay stuff is a different issue.
Most conservatives aren't against gays, they just don't wan to make special accommodations or feel the need for month dedicated to gayness.
Do what you want with who you want, just keep it in your own bedroom and keep children out of it
What is the gay lifestyle? Living in or near BoysTown in the north side of Chicago I can attest that the gay lifestyle is really similar to the heterosexual lifestyle. Is there a subset that is jacked up? Yeah. And a subset of heterosexuals are jacked up. As well as a subset of religious people.

Tell you what. I’ve also met some gay guys who are way right than I am. There’s a big beautiful world out there . Find it.
Used to live on Newport between Halsted and Sheffield. 1/2 block from the heart of boystown. It was much less political back in the 90's. The dems have weaponized them.
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While I agree with you on the transgender stuff and will back you on that, the gay stuff is a different issue.
Most conservatives aren't against gays, they just don't wan to make special accommodations or feel the need for month dedicated to gayness.
Do what you want with who you want, just keep it in your own bedroom and keep children out of it
That's what I am saying. If you are against, like most conservatives, gay pride month then you are against that lifestyle. Then the the way you put it, which is accurate, "month dedicated to gayness" would put you in the category of being a bigot in the minds of the gay apologists in this forum.

Again, all I did was raise a question about Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham not being married as they are in their 50s and 60s respectively. And I was alleging that Tim Scott's so called engagement is a sham since he was trying to be president and subsequently VP.

What say you about some woman all of a sudden showing up as Tim Scott's girlfriend at the Jan repub debates?
That's what I am saying. If you are against, like most conservatives, gay pride month then you are against that lifestyle. Then the the way you put it, which is accurate, "month dedicated to gayness" would put you in the category of being a bigot in the minds of the gay apologists in this forum.

Again, all I did was raise a question about Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham not being married as they are in their 50s and 60s respectively. And I was alleging that Tim Scott's so called engagement is a sham since he was trying to be president and subsequently VP.

What say you about some woman all of a sudden showing up as Tim Scott's girlfriend at the Jan repub debates?
"All I did was raise a question....." and that questionimplied that a good black man was gay because he'd never found the right trophy blonde until he wanted to become the President. He apparently didn't need a "beard" to get elected to the Senate but you implied he needed it now. Why not hope that a good Christian man who has worked long and hard to rise to his current position has found a partner that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and hope that they find that life together? As far as Lindsey Graham goes, who cares about his sequel preferences? In my 72 years, I've cone to the belief that some people are better off being alone than living in a bad marriage. What I question the most is how you blindly support the Democrat administration that currently has more openly gay persons than any previously? If Sen. Scott bothers you so much, you must twitch constantly while viewing your beloved Dems.
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"All I did was raise a question....." and that questionimplied that a good black man was gay because he'd never found the right trophy blonde until he wanted to become the President. He apparently didn't need a "beard" to get elected to the Senate but you implied he needed it now. Why not hope that a good Christian man who has worked long and hard to rise to his current position has found a partner that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and hope that they find that life together? As far as Lindsey Graham goes, who cares about his sequel preferences? In my 72 years, I've cone to the belief that some people are better off being alone than living in a bad marriage. What I question the most is how you blindly support the Democrat administration that currently has more openly gay persons than any previously? If Sen. Scott bothers you so much, you much twitch constantly while viewing your beloved Dems.
I’m more interested whether or not the woman who, no one has seen before, that showed up at the repub debate is a sham. If it is a sham, is the engagement off since he did not get selected as VP.
That's what I am saying. If you are against, like most conservatives, gay pride month then you are against that lifestyle. Then the the way you put it, which is accurate, "month dedicated to gayness" would put you in the category of being a bigot in the minds of the gay apologists in this forum.

Again, all I did was raise a question about Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham not being married as they are in their 50s and 60s respectively. And I was alleging that Tim Scott's so called engagement is a sham since he was trying to be president and subsequently VP.

What say you about some woman all of a sudden showing up as Tim Scott's girlfriend at the Jan repub debates?

Here you go again. What I said was that I don't care if you're gay. Have at it with whoever you want. But not believing you need a special month and companies have to alter a corporate logo to virtue signal is not hating gays (which is how any lib lefty describes anything a conservative disagrees with: "hate").
Do I hate blacks because I disagree with BLM and affirmative action?
While I agree with you on the transgender stuff and will back you on that, the gay stuff is a different issue.
Most conservatives aren't against gays, they just don't wan to make special accommodations or feel the need for month dedicated to gayness.
Do what you want with who you want, just keep it in your own bedroom and keep children out of it
Your last sentence is about as bigoted as it gets, though, and just like with BNI, negates any other point you're attempting to make.

You're equating gay people to pedophiles. Maybe that wasn't your intent in that last sentence, but the gay community is constantly vilified as being a bunch of child molesters, which of course statistics do not bear out. It's a fallacy that is used to bully people in that community, as is your statement about 'keeping it in your own bedroom'. I mean that couldn't that sentiment be said about anyone? Why are you singling out gay people? If I misinterpreted what you said, I apologize, but your message as read says otherwise.

I did chuckle about your other comment, though, regarding corporations and pandering, because it's true. But that also works both ways. Corporations of course are in it to make money, so you bet they will target anyone who has money, and that demographic has loads of it. On the flip side, so what if they do pander? The folks they're pandering to are also just as happy to take corporate money/donations to further their causes as well, just like with any other cause. It goes both ways.

As for pride month, so what? There is a history behind it why it exists. I've never understood why people get so up in arms about something that doesn't impact the vast majority of people. Same with any other month that's out there. No one is prying anyone's eyes open and forcing them to watch anything gay-related for an entire month, or for any other cause, and everyone is free to ignore it and move on with their daily activities. I mean it's July 22. Is pride month lingering and taunting folks? My guess is no because once that calendar flips, everyone is on to the next thing to be mad about. It's the world we live in.
Your last sentence is about as bigoted as it gets, though, and just like with BNI, negates any other point you're attempting to make.

You're equating gay people to pedophiles. Maybe that wasn't your intent in that last sentence, but the gay community is constantly vilified as being a bunch of child molesters, which of course statistics do not bear out. It's a fallacy that is used to bully people in that community, as is your statement about 'keeping it in your own bedroom'. I mean that couldn't that sentiment be said about anyone? Why are you singling out gay people? If I misinterpreted what you said, I apologize, but your message as read says otherwise.

I did chuckle about your other comment, though, regarding corporations and pandering, because it's true. But that also works both ways. Corporations of course are in it to make money, so you bet they will target anyone who has money, and that demographic has loads of it. On the flip side, so what if they do pander? The folks they're pandering to are also just as happy to take corporate money/donations to further their causes as well, just like with any other cause. It goes both ways.

As for pride month, so what? There is a history behind it why it exists. I've never understood why people get so up in arms about something that doesn't impact the vast majority of people. Same with any other month that's out there. No one is prying anyone's eyes open and forcing them to watch anything gay-related for an entire month, or for any other cause, and everyone is free to ignore it and move on with their daily activities. I mean it's July 22. Is pride month lingering and taunting folks? My guess is no because once that calendar flips, everyone is on to the next thing to be mad about. It's the world we live in.
I wasn't referring to gays as pedophiles, what I meant was more of the trans crowd, which I realize is totally separate from the gay crowd, but unfortunately, gays are lumped into the alphabet soup. But, specifically, what I meant was the trans story time, trans children drag shows, that kind of stuff. Children don't need to be exposed to that.

As for the pandering comment, that's more of a commentary on people wanting special treatment because they're 'different'. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, man, woman, gay, straight, whatever,...I judge people on their character and qualifications. A gay or black person shouldn't want or expect to be treated any differently than anyone else. Companies adorning their logos with a rainbow flag says what? But to your point, did you read about Target this year cutting back on their pride month displays and involvement? Why? Because of money. The focus on pride month wasn't worth the negative financial impact they incurred. So yeh, it's about the money, not ideaology.
I wasn't referring to gays as pedophiles, what I meant was more of the trans crowd, which I realize is totally separate from the gay crowd, but unfortunately, gays are lumped into the alphabet soup. But, specifically, what I meant was the trans story time, trans children drag shows, that kind of stuff. Children don't need to be exposed to that.

As for the pandering comment, that's more of a commentary on people wanting special treatment because they're 'different'. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, man, woman, gay, straight, whatever,...I judge people on their character and qualifications. A gay or black person shouldn't want or expect to be treated any differently than anyone else. Companies adorning their logos with a rainbow flag says what? But to your point, did you read about Target this year cutting back on their pride month displays and involvement? Why? Because of money. The focus on pride month wasn't worth the negative financial impact they incurred. So yeh, it's about the money, not ideaology.
I told you bruh. I knew he was going to get cha.
I wasn't referring to gays as pedophiles, what I meant was more of the trans crowd, which I realize is totally separate from the gay crowd, but unfortunately, gays are lumped into the alphabet soup. But, specifically, what I meant was the trans story time, trans children drag shows, that kind of stuff. Children don't need to be exposed to that.

As for the pandering comment, that's more of a commentary on people wanting special treatment because they're 'different'. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, man, woman, gay, straight, whatever,...I judge people on their character and qualifications. A gay or black person shouldn't want or expect to be treated any differently than anyone else. Companies adorning their logos with a rainbow flag says what? But to your point, did you read about Target this year cutting back on their pride month displays and involvement? Why? Because of money. The focus on pride month wasn't worth the negative financial impact they incurred. So yeh, it's about the money, not ideaology.
I appreciate the clarification, although I respectfully say I can't say I agree. Statistically, trans people are not any kind of threat. I'm not sure what a 'trans children drag show' is, but there's nothing out there that backs up the fear people have of trans people. I probably sound a bit defensive here on this, so please understand that I'm not in any way trying to disparage what you've said. But I have a cousin who is trans, and all she cares about is living her life. That's it. Same as you and me. So it's very hurtful to see her painted as some awful person when it couldn't be further than the truth. I think people are scared of the unknown, and I chalk a lot of the anti-trans movement up to that. She literally fears for her life on an almost daily basis.

I don't think anyone is asking for special treatment either. Like I said, there's a history behind things like pride month. And there is very real fear in the gay community that things like marriage rights will be taken away from them. That isn't hyperbole either. Maybe it's not quite as prevalent as it once was, but it does happen. So you're right, they probably don't want to be treated any differently, but they still are, and until they aren't, they will continue to spotlight those things until it stops. I get that. And re: corporations. Corporations will blow whichever way funnels the cash in, so what they do one year could be totally different than the next if they think it's going to help their bottom line. They don't call it corporate greed for nothing. LOL

Anyway, I appreciate the back and forth. Gotta run and catch a flight for work blah blah blah.