Post your right wing Trump wack jobs here

You leave me no choice either Bob
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Not something she did recently, and maybe this has been shared earlier in the crazy-long thread:

I’m telling you, I bet you these Qanon jackasses are flat earthers. Got to be.
Welcome to the modern Republican Party. It’s sad the party embraces these trailer park wackos. Now you see why the democrats just took complete control of DC.
The new face of the post Trump republicon party. The modern day anti America do nothing Republican Party has more in common with isis than they do with the democrats.

It’s time for the vocal minority to stfu for a few years while we repair and restore this great Country from the damage they created. 🇺🇸🦅
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The new face of the post Trump republicon party. The modern day anti America do nothing Republican Party has more in common with isis than they do with the democrats.

It’s time for the vocal minority to stfu for a few years while we repair and restore this great Country from the damage they created. 🇺🇸🦅
This crazy ass chick is one of the biggest POS I’ve seen in Congress on my life. She has to go. I can’t believe they still have her 2 committee assignments. At least take her committee assignments away from her. Then put her office in a closet somewhere.
This crazy ass chick is one of the biggest POS I’ve seen in Congress on my life. She has to go. I can’t believe they still have her 2 committee assignments. At least take her committee assignments away from her. Then put her office in a closet somewhere.
I agree with you and put ‘tis POS with her.

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Why invite the guy on and basically don’t let him speak. They muted the mic and talked over him. They certainly knew what he was going to say yet his voice and beliefs were suppressed. Free speech is under siege if one disagrees with the left.

Newsmax is the left?