On this impeachment thing

Sure am glad the "US is respected again" . Otherwise we might look silly, vindictive, paranoid and downright f****d up when our Attorney General is flying around the world asking foreign leaders for info on our own intel agencies from 3 years ago.
Americans might be a little worried about world respect, at this point, with Trump's approval ratings still in the TWENTIES among citizens of major European Allies.
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FOX keeps putting Rudy on TV.

Nancy says thanks.

The White House likes what Rudy's doing....because they think he's creating confusion by lying so much.

Always a great sign of being on the right side of an argument.
The White House likes what Rudy's doing....because they think he's creating confusion by lying so much.

Always a great sign of being on the right side of an argument.
I mean I guess you're right. But there's always the risk of saying something he shouldn't and making things worse in the impeachment hearing. I don't think it helps with the voters Trump needs to get to be able to win in 2020. Any president that has this guy for a lawyer cant be very appealing.
No, life'll be a lot better when Trump gets his walking papers.
Not until.
oh ya you've totally got 2/3 of the senate...
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oh ya you've totally got 2/3 of the senate...
It is time to take a vote and get this thing going. The country needs this in the open, the market needs it and whatever the results I hope there exists an interest in investigation into all that have grown wealth more than the salary exists...just for starters. Vote, get it out in the open!
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It is time to take a vote and get this thing going. The country needs this in the open, the market needs it and whatever the results I hope there exists interest in investigation into all that have grown wealth more than the salary exists...just for starters. Vote, get it out in the open!
The longer Pelosi/Nadler duo along with crooked Schiff can not vote on it, the more it wears on those easily influenced. We won't see a vote on it for three or four months.
Depends on how bad it gets. You're right that so far Republicans have shown no willingness to publicly show an ounce of integrity. We'll see if that continues.
why should they? their counterparts are insane. can we get another book writing barr accuser? how about a secret court warrant? oh that didn't work? get a special prosecutor. the left has brought the bar so low. No one has forgotten the integrity of the D party.
Maybe the Pub's ARE the one's with integrity. Take off the dark colored glasses and see the light.
Apparently Trump has no right to conduct an investigation into the 2016 election as to how the Mueller investigation got started. Seems he has asked his attorney, the justice department to inquire into Ukraine and other various foreign countries if they were contacted by FBI, CIA , or Democratic people requesting info on Trump. I guess it is ok to seek info on Trump but not on anybody else.
The longer Pelosi/Nadler duo along with crooked Schiff can not vote on it, the more it wears on those easily influenced. We won't see a vote on it for three or four months.
If they have what they say they have...take a vote. There are things they could be working on I'm sure if they have Trump in the bag. Don't stop there though...investigate ALL that might be doing a pay for play. I don't know how many post here that are in the market and have more than a few years to ride things out, but some I'm sure may not have the time to ride things out. I was going to wait until a year from now to determine what I might do in the market, but now that might be cut shorter...although it is green today. ;)

Seriously, it is time get off the pot and get to the heart of this. The country doesn't need another Russia duration
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Nope. The vote is not going to happen for months. Right now, despite the media being in a tizzy about things, we are only at the beginning stage where accusations have been made. Now comes the investigation period. If the democrats have any hope of flipping some Republicans, they have to do it completely by the book and prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Trump is guilty of an impeachable offense. Some of you may want to clamor to get the vote done now, but that is a mistake. Talk to the people who were the whistleblower sources. If they corroborate the story, then keep digging.

I'm starting to have a different opinion of what changed Pelosi's mind. I think it was Lewandowski. That circus act a few weeks ago where Lewandowski ripped the panel a new one was damaging to the Democrats credibility. Pelosi knew that the current plan of attack was not going to produce any results as long as Executive Privilege is in place. By taking things up to a formal Impeachment investigation, the refusal for subpoenas by the White House can now be spun as "feeding the coverup" and there is some precedence on her side by the Supreme Court during the Nixon impeachment to finally force the Republicans out of their stonewall defense.

It's a gamble on her part, but it's probably a better strategy than what they were doing before.
Apparently Trump has no right to conduct an investigation into the 2016 election as to how the Mueller investigation got started. Seems he has asked his attorney, the justice department to inquire into Ukraine and other various foreign countries if they were contacted by FBI, CIA , or Democratic people requesting info on Trump. I guess it is ok to seek info on Trump but not on anybody else.

So we're investigating the investigators? I can't wait until we have investigators who investigate the investigators of the investigators......
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Apparently Trump has no right to conduct an investigation into the 2016 election as to how the Mueller investigation got started. Seems he has asked his attorney, the justice department to inquire into Ukraine and other various foreign countries if they were contacted by FBI, CIA , or Democratic people requesting info on Trump. I guess it is ok to seek info on Trump but not on anybody else.
He absolutely has the right to do it........ But his personal attorney should not be involved when investigating a ............ Government investigation.
It's clear Trump is pissed about the Mueller investigation, is looking to make others pay for daring to investigate him, and is willing to use any and all government resources necessary to accomplish that.

We already have an IG investigation pending, another with John Durham, and now we have the AG running around the globe talking to foreign governments. Seems like a bit much.......and I'm not sure it's appropriate use if the AG.
What it means is Trumpers don't get to complain about money spent on investigations or talk about getting back to the business of running the country. A finding ng of no "collusion" wasn't enough, time for some payback. Very Trumpian.
Maybe the Pub's ARE the one's with integrity. Take off the dark colored glasses and see the light.
This is an insane view. How would Republicans have acted if Obama had done a fraction of things that Trump has done? That's how you know that the the Republicans are not acting with any integrity or honesty.
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He absolutely has the right to do it........ But his personal attorney should not be involved when investigating a ............ Government investigation.
It's clear Trump is pissed about the Mueller investigation, is looking to make others pay for daring to investigate him, and is willing to use any and all government resources necessary to accomplish that.

We already have an IG investigation pending, another with John Durham, and now we have the AG running around the globe talking to foreign governments. Seems like a bit much.......and I'm not sure it's appropriate use if the AG.
What it means is Trumpers don't get to complain about money spent on investigations or talk about getting back to the business of running the country. A finding ng of no "collusion" wasn't enough, time for some payback. Very Trumpian.
Again, the State Dept. requested Mayor G's service. I'm guessing you'd say no.
Nope. The vote is not going to happen for months. Right now, despite the media being in a tizzy about things, we are only at the beginning stage where accusations have been made. Now comes the investigation period. If the democrats have any hope of flipping some Republicans, they have to do it completely by the book and prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Trump is guilty of an impeachable offense. Some of you may want to clamor to get the vote done now, but that is a mistake. Talk to the people who were the whistleblower sources. If they corroborate the story, then keep digging.

I'm starting to have a different opinion of what changed Pelosi's mind. I think it was Lewandowski. That circus act a few weeks ago where Lewandowski ripped the panel a new one was damaging to the Democrats credibility. Pelosi knew that the current plan of attack was not going to produce any results as long as Executive Privilege is in place. By taking things up to a formal Impeachment investigation, the refusal for subpoenas by the White House can now be spun as "feeding the coverup" and there is some precedence on her side by the Supreme Court during the Nixon impeachment to finally force the Republicans out of their stonewall defense.

It's a gamble on her part, but it's probably a better strategy than what they were doing before.
If I'm the RNC, I'm putting clips of Lewandowski hammering the libs in that hearing on all channels fifteen times a day. Then, I play one of Mueller testifyng there was no proof of collusion right after it.
Apparently Trump has no right to conduct an investigation into the 2016 election as to how the Mueller investigation got started. Seems he has asked his attorney, the justice department to inquire into Ukraine and other various foreign countries if they were contacted by FBI, CIA , or Democratic people requesting info on Trump. I guess it is ok to seek info on Trump but not on anybody else.
It was okay for Obama to do the same, but not Trump.
Nope. The vote is not going to happen for months. Right now, despite the media being in a tizzy about things, we are only at the beginning stage where accusations have been made. Now comes the investigation period. If the democrats have any hope of flipping some Republicans, they have to do it completely by the book and prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Trump is guilty of an impeachable offense. Some of you may want to clamor to get the vote done now, but that is a mistake. Talk to the people who were the whistleblower sources. If they corroborate the story, then keep digging.

I'm starting to have a different opinion of what changed Pelosi's mind. I think it was Lewandowski. That circus act a few weeks ago where Lewandowski ripped the panel a new one was damaging to the Democrats credibility. Pelosi knew that the current plan of attack was not going to produce any results as long as Executive Privilege is in place. By taking things up to a formal Impeachment investigation, the refusal for subpoenas by the White House can now be spun as "feeding the coverup" and there is some precedence on her side by the Supreme Court during the Nixon impeachment to finally force the Republicans out of their stonewall defense.

It's a gamble on her part, but it's probably a better strategy than what they were doing before.
So are you suggesting the dems don't have what the media suggest for this to take months? Hope it doesn't take months...
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In your socialist mind it is. In the real world, it's not.
With the amount of times you've been proven wrong with a quick google search. Where do you even being to have that confidence? If I'd posted a bunch of stuff that was refuted so easily it would make me think about where I was getting my info and if I was correct in my assertions. You just brush it off and haven't learned anything.
With the amount of times you've been proven wrong with a quick google search. Where do you even being to have that confidence? If I'd posted a bunch of stuff that was refuted so easily it would make me think about where I was getting my info and if I was correct in my assertions. You just brush it off and haven't learned anything.
Only you libs have attempted to refute anything. You know, you're not going to change my mind, and I'm not going to change yours. All we're doing is eating up cyber space.
Again, the State Dept. requested Mayor G's service. I'm guessing you'd say no.
Lol. That makes it ok.
Take it a few steps further.
Giuliani can't work for the government and be Trump's personal attorney. Trump's interests are not the same as the matter how much he wants it to be. There's a conflict of interest.
Funny that we didn't know it was the case until Rudy said it.......and he's been traveling to Ukraine for months.
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Nope. The vote is not going to happen for months. Right now, despite the media being in a tizzy about things, we are only at the beginning stage where accusations have been made. Now comes the investigation period. If the democrats have any hope of flipping some Republicans, they have to do it completely by the book and prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Trump is guilty of an impeachable offense. Some of you may want to clamor to get the vote done now, but that is a mistake. Talk to the people who were the whistleblower sources. If they corroborate the story, then keep digging.

I'm starting to have a different opinion of what changed Pelosi's mind. I think it was Lewandowski. That circus act a few weeks ago where Lewandowski ripped the panel a new one was damaging to the Democrats credibility. Pelosi knew that the current plan of attack was not going to produce any results as long as Executive Privilege is in place. By taking things up to a formal Impeachment investigation, the refusal for subpoenas by the White House can now be spun as "feeding the coverup" and there is some precedence on her side by the Supreme Court during the Nixon impeachment to finally force the Republicans out of their stonewall defense.

It's a gamble on her part, but it's probably a better strategy than what they were doing before.
I agree but I don't think it takes any spinning at all. This admin has refused to honor congressional subpoenas for months, using executive privilege in cases where it doesn't apply......and just plain refusing to testify. This is ignoring Congress's constitutional mandate to check the executive branch. By promising to add obstruction to the articles of impeachment if it continues, the Congress is doing it's job. I hope they follow through......cause Trump is going to test them.
So are you suggesting the dems don't have what the media suggest for this to take months? Hope it doesn't take months...
The dems have accusations. They do not have "proof". Despite what the white house is stating though, what they DO have is enough to warrant an investigation. There's sufficient Republican support out there (albeit quietly) for letting the facts come out in this situation. Heck, when you have a Republican Senator from Kentucky saying that he has concerns about phone calls going into the code-word access database, that should be a pretty good indicator that even Republicans feel that this particular investigation goes a little beyond the standard "witch hunt" response.

The committee will try to go as fast as possible because the longer it takes, the longer that the White House will have to coalesce a united response. Right now, they are all over the board, but I haven't seen a legitimate response to the question of "why did you withhold the money". There's been a generic response of "Well, we were telling them to root out corruption", but as far as I can tell, the only case of corruption that they have been investigating is concerning the Bidens. If they were to show a list of cases that they wanted further investigation on beyond the Bidens and could back that up with emails or texts, this impeachment inquiry goes away in a heartbeat.

As fast as they want to rush it though, they can't cut corners. Let's face it, the majority of us here arguing back and forth here on this forum are not lawyers and don't have one freaking clue about the rules and procedures that the intelligence community follows. This is not your standard court room / Judge Judy episode. Trump is going to have a team of lawyers trying to poke holes in this process, and any single slip up or short cut is going to have them either having the whole thing thrown out, or at the very least, going through some process that will delay things as much as possible. It's kind-of a weird dichotomy of defense strategy. The Trump defense lawyers would LOVE for the house to vote tomorrow on impeachment because they can make the legitimate claim that the impeachment is being vote on based upon accusations alone, but at the same time, they know that the longer this process takes, the more that the public will burn out from coverage / oversaturation of the story.

The one irony in all of this is that the Trump team can't destroy evidence. 50% of the reason that he won the last election was because he was able to paint Hillary as untrustworthy because of her email scandal. If some intern is ordered to bleach-bit one of their servers or phones, Trump is going to be raked over the coals mercilessly by the media and whomever emerges on the Democrat side.
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Only you libs have attempted to refute anything. You know, you're not going to change my mind, and I'm not going to change yours. All we're doing is eating up cyber space.
You do have quite a fact filter setup. Nothing penetrates the bubble. Keep believing the propaganda and living in your fantasy world, but don’t expect to be taken seriously.
If I'm the RNC, I'm putting clips of Lewandowski hammering the libs in that hearing on all channels fifteen times a day. Then, I play one of Mueller testifyng there was no proof of collusion right after it.
Hilarious. The House Judiciary Committee Chairman's staff went on record,as of today, in stating that they called Lewandowski to testify for the purpose of demonstrating the obstruction involvement on the part of the Trump White House........KNOWING how Corey would behave in denying to give testimony.
Are you also of the belief that clips from Trump rallies illuminating his various personality disorders will be helpful in attracting independent voters in 2020 ??
Is it any wonder the Trumpers act like they do when you have a member of the Trump admin saying this stuff on TV? I know we've gotten numb to it but JFC.

Is it any wonder the Trumpers act like they do when you have a member of the Trump admin saying this stuff on TV? I know we've gotten numb to it but JFC.

Fox News is the biggest danger to modern society. Right wingers lap that shit up without a single thought. How do you even begin to reason with people that believe this crap.
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Is it any wonder the Trumpers act like they do when you have a member of the Trump admin saying this stuff on TV? I know we've gotten numb to it but JFC.

The sheer and utter stupidity of posing the question "Should the impeachment process be used to depose a duly elected President who they couldn't defeat at the ballot box" is shocking... what would Presidential impeachment be used for other than that? My god, he is solving our trade issues...
It was okay for Obama to do the same, but not Trump.
WHAT ???

Tell us again, using specifics, what Barack Obama "DID" that was the same as what Trump is in the process of doing. You DO know that Obama effectively stopped using the DOJ for investigative purposes BEFORE the Nov. 2016 election, don't you ?

You DO have access to a calendar , right ??
Hint: start checking DATES of events as they relate to the two presidents.
I'm at a loss,
Malignant brain tumor ???
Please man, no jokes about malignant brain tumors. I went through that for nine months with my wife before she passed. Joke about anything but that.[/QUOTE]
I recall you mentioning that before, Twin, so it's very disappointing that I failed to remember something so terribly sad.
You have my sincere apology, and again, condolences.
His ABC interview where he pretended not to know anything about the call looks even worse than it did at the time. He’s fully implicated in all of this. He’s also trying to get officials to refuse to testify. Just keep racking up the charges.