On this impeachment thing

Imho, given the concurrent release of the actual Volker texts/emails and the President's open pursuit of Ukraine and Chinese reelection assistance under the obvious guise of anticorruptionism (even though corruption is disregarded by the Administration as it relates to Saudia Arabia, Phillipines, Russia, China, israel, et al), opinion polling in the next week will define how both the impeachment issue and 2020 reelection ultimately play out. In the absence of an uptick in impeachment inquiry support and/or downtick in Presidential support in either one or both of the Independents or Republicans, impeachment will wallow around in the muck and reelection will remain a viable possibility. On the other hand, if the reverse occurs and there is moderate to significant movement of "anti-Trumpism" the gates have likely opened.
Pelosi can't impeach now...She'd have to have ol' Shifty to come up with more lies because there isn't enough to impeach. I'm tellin' you Boiler....this is going to backfire on the Dem's big time. I can see the RNC campaign ads now.
This is how it all really happened.

The plan was to engage covert allies around the world, use the most powerful office in the land for illegal spying, entrap a few random nobodies, cripple the Clinton campaign, and enrich Biden so that when Trump won he would be mired in fake oversight investigations.

The intel community was going to stopTrump by getting him elected and then making his life miserable. Because it’s the last thing anyone would be looking for.

Mind. Blown.
The President's tweets are just utterly irrational (apart from Schiff's parody actually being childish and buffoonish). Whether the whistleblower was the head of the Democratic Party, a bank robber, or anyone else, and whether his information was second hand, third hand or 55th hand, is totally irrelevant as to what occurred during the telephone conversation since the President's own White House provided its own notes as to what took place during the telephone call...
The man is having a melt down of immense proportions. His tweets just reinforce my belief that he is incapable of any critical thinking based on reality.

Playing out the play book. Took him a while to get there, but attack attack attack... truth, facts, law, integrity be damned.
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Imho, given the concurrent release of the actual Volker texts/emails and the President's open pursuit of Ukraine and Chinese reelection assistance under the obvious guise of anticorruptionism (even though corruption is disregarded by the Administration as it relates to Saudia Arabia, Phillipines, Russia, China, israel, et al), opinion polling in the next week will define how both the impeachment issue and 2020 reelection ultimately play out. In the absence of an uptick in impeachment inquiry support and/or downtick in Presidential support in either one or both of the Independents or Republicans, impeachment will wallow around in the muck and reelection will remain a viable possibility. On the other hand, if the reverse occurs and there is moderate to significant movement of "anti-Trumpism" the gates have likely opened.
The impending showdown between the White House and House Leadership over whether or not a Floor vote signifying an official Impeachment Inquiry HAS to preceed document transfers....will also be important. Trump's strategy of court delay isn't that easy to counteract.
1. not right now. We are not under an inquiry. Just a Pelosi decree. This whole thing stinks. If they wanted the info they could have had a inquiry vote and had the power to get some of these documents.
All in the course of time, TSB. Nothing stinks like the mountain of rotten ethics violations emenating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Imagine the Republican reaction if Obama had stood on the White House lawn and said that China should start an investigation into the Romneys.
Playing out the play book. Took him a while to get there, but attack attack attack... truth, facts, law, integrity be damned.
The above post could have been lifted from a transcript of conversations between Fred Trump, and son, Donald.
Read " Art of the Deal ".
DJT's Life Gameplan goes way, way back.........
No shit you get asked about it. It's the POTUS breaking the law, thought you might have an actual comment.......other than he's joking. FFS.
I wonder if this putz can tell us where we can buy the secret decoder ring that tells us when the president is serious or when he's joking.
No shit you get asked about it. It's the POTUS breaking the law, thought you might have an actual comment.......other than he's joking. FFS.
I wonder if this putz can tell us where we can buy the secret decoder ring that tells us when the president is serious or when he's joking.
Exactly my reaction.
Can only wonder what Rubio's calculation might be for the number of 12,000+ fact-checked inaccuracies and lies that Trump has uttered that were only "jokes".
….speaking of " Jokes "...…...
Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.

Holy crap, you're in deeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp with the propoganda.

I'm actually past having any sort of contempt for Trump supporters and now just pray that one day enlightenment will pull the sheep's cloth from their eyes.

Why would this poster be in deep with the propaganda?

Look, it has been a horrible few weeks for Schiff and Democrats in addition to Trump. Because it is not reported by much of the 'news' does not mean things did not happen.

The WB made his report on Aug 12. Schiff denied any contact. But then his spokesperson came out and said the WB did contact the Intel Commmitte before filing report for 'guidance' lol. But Schiff spent the rest of August tweeting about Ukraine, election interference, Trump involvement with Ukraine, and spoke of and tweeted of elements of WB complaint that were in actually in complaint before complaint was known of or made public. Then in mid Sept he claims to have learned of the WB complaint. Hmmm. The IG himself said today he did not investigate this because he was not aware of the issue when complaint was filed-because the WB denied contact with anyone.

In addition to this, Pelosi said what the WH released was not news to her because she already knew about it.

If Schiff had anything solid, does he really come out with that parody?

If anyone is the least bit impartial or objective those issues raise questions. There are amny reasons WB are supposed to use CoC and IG, and not political committees. That is example 1A.

As for the WB attorneys that is slightly different. One, there are only so many equipped to handle it. And will say that the WB is CIA, and Bakaj is the person who basically wrote the book on WB guidelines for intelligence. So I understand if he was not lead counsel he would have likely been contacted. The issue is Bakaj gave money to Biden's campaign. He has also worked for prominent Dems. Zaid has been more anti-Trump than many on this board. The WB himelf is a democrat and has worked for Dems.

That in addition to the above raises more questions.

Then one has the entire issue with Schiff in handling Volker. Republicans were allowed no legal representation, limited staff, or ability to ask questions. Even with that, Democrats failed to get much going against Trump via Volker.

Want quid pro quo and play for play?

Schiff was not real active on Ukranian front even back in Obama Admin. Then a Soviet born defense contractor, has a fundraiser for Schiff, and Schiff begins pushing for Ukraine involvement and for it to increase. Now, that money was apparently frozen and threatened to be frozen by others Schiff is not happy about it. Contractor that supported Schiff has contracting deals close to 9 figures.

All fact. I find it ironic/sad/hypocritical that the sheeple themselves are telling others to pull the sheep's cloth from their eyes.
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Imho, given the concurrent release of the actual Volker texts/emails and the President's open pursuit of Ukraine and Chinese reelection assistance under the obvious guise of anticorruptionism (even though corruption is disregarded by the Administration as it relates to Saudia Arabia, Phillipines, Russia, China, israel, et al), opinion polling in the next week will define how both the impeachment issue and 2020 reelection ultimately play out. In the absence of an uptick in impeachment inquiry support and/or downtick in Presidential support in either one or both of the Independents or Republicans, impeachment will wallow around in the muck and reelection will remain a viable possibility. On the other hand, if the reverse occurs and there is moderate to significant movement of "anti-Trumpism" the gates have likely opened.

Opinion polling in the next week will determine how 2020 reelection and election will turn out?

I would just say that 13 months is a really long time in politics.

And the recent political polls do not indicate much IMO. Like last time, who cares about national numbers? Get numbers for FL, PA, OH, ,NC, WI, MI and have a conversation then. Pretty much known what every other state will do. Democrats and Republicans talk about making inroads in new states but it rarely happens.
Why would this poster be in deep with the propaganda?

Look, it has been a horrible few weeks for Schiff and Democrats in addition to Trump. Because it is not reported by much of the 'news' does not mean things did not happen.

The WB made his report on Aug 12. Schiff denied any contact. But then his spokesperson came out and said the WB did contact the Intel Commmitte before filing report for 'guidance' lol. But Schiff spent the rest of August tweeting about Ukraine, election interference, Trump involvement with Ukraine, and spoke of and tweeted of elements of WB complaint that were in actually in complaint before complaint was known of or made public. Then in mid Sept he claims to have learned of the WB complaint. Hmmm. The IG himself said today he did not investigate this because he was not aware of the issue when complaint was filed-because the WB denied contact with anyone.

In addition to this, Pelosi said what the WH released was not news to her because she already knew about it.

If Schiff had anything solid, does he really come out with that parody?

If anyone is the least bit impartial or objective those issues raise questions. There are amny reasons WB are supposed to use CoC and IG, and not political committees. That is example 1A.

As for the WB attorneys that is slightly different. One, there are only so many equipped to handle it. And will say that the WB is CIA, and Bakaj is the person who basically wrote the book on WB guidelines for intelligence. So I understand if he was not lead counsel he would have likely been contacted. The issue is Bakaj gave money to Biden's campaign. He has also worked for prominent Dems. Zaid has been more anti-Trump than many on this board. The WB himelf is a democrat and has worked for Dems.

That in addition to the above raises more questions.

Then one has the entire issue with Schiff in handling Volker. Republicans were allowed no legal representation, limited staff, or ability to ask questions. Even with that, Democrats failed to get much going against Trump via Volker.

Want quid pro quo and play for play?

Schiff was not real active on Ukranian front even back in Obama Admin. Then a Soviet born defense contractor, has a fundraiser for Schiff, and Schiff begins pushing for Ukraine involvement and for it to increase. Now, that money was apparently frozen and threatened to be frozen by others Schiff is not happy about it. Contractor that supported Schiff has contracting deals close to 9 figures.

All fact. I find it ironic/sad/hypocritical that the sheeple themselves are telling others to pull the sheep's cloth from their eyes.

The tangled web you can weave and the dots you can connect without any corroborating evidence when you're working on a theory that you want to believe in.

When Trump admits to crimes on video and there's corroborating evidence of call recordings and text messages, that's when you're just not sure if there's anything there. Give me a break. Fox News is not a news organization, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll know what's actually happening.
Why would this poster be in deep with the propaganda?

Look, it has been a horrible few weeks for Schiff and Democrats in addition to Trump. Because it is not reported by much of the 'news' does not mean things did not happen.

The WB made his report on Aug 12. Schiff denied any contact. But then his spokesperson came out and said the WB did contact the Intel Commmitte before filing report for 'guidance' lol. But Schiff spent the rest of August tweeting about Ukraine, election interference, Trump involvement with Ukraine, and spoke of and tweeted of elements of WB complaint that were in actually in complaint before complaint was known of or made public. Then in mid Sept he claims to have learned of the WB complaint. Hmmm. The IG himself said today he did not investigate this because he was not aware of the issue when complaint was filed-because the WB denied contact with anyone.

In addition to this, Pelosi said what the WH released was not news to her because she already knew about it.

If Schiff had anything solid, does he really come out with that parody?

If anyone is the least bit impartial or objective those issues raise questions. There are amny reasons WB are supposed to use CoC and IG, and not political committees. That is example 1A.

As for the WB attorneys that is slightly different. One, there are only so many equipped to handle it. And will say that the WB is CIA, and Bakaj is the person who basically wrote the book on WB guidelines for intelligence. So I understand if he was not lead counsel he would have likely been contacted. The issue is Bakaj gave money to Biden's campaign. He has also worked for prominent Dems. Zaid has been more anti-Trump than many on this board. The WB himelf is a democrat and has worked for Dems.

That in addition to the above raises more questions.

Then one has the entire issue with Schiff in handling Volker. Republicans were allowed no legal representation, limited staff, or ability to ask questions. Even with that, Democrats failed to get much going against Trump via Volker.

Want quid pro quo and play for play?

Schiff was not real active on Ukranian front even back in Obama Admin. Then a Soviet born defense contractor, has a fundraiser for Schiff, and Schiff begins pushing for Ukraine involvement and for it to increase. Now, that money was apparently frozen and threatened to be frozen by others Schiff is not happy about it. Contractor that supported Schiff has contracting deals close to 9 figures.

All fact. I find it ironic/sad/hypocritical that the sheeple themselves are telling others to pull the sheep's cloth from their eyes.
Let's see if little Biden declared all that income legally.
The tangled web you can weave and the dots you can connect without any corroborating evidence when you're working on a theory that you want to believe in.

When Trump admits to crimes on video and there's corroborating evidence of call recordings and text messages, that's when you're just not sure if there's anything there. Give me a break. Fox News is not a news organization, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll know what's actually happening.

I do not watch FOX or any cable news outside the business channels.

If one would care to respond to what I said, and what was false, please engage. That was gathered off of twitter and CNN. Not that that they reported it like that but all of the information came from there. I agree it is a tangled web only because the aforementioned people in the post created it.

The Euro Ambassador and Vocker are clear in their statements that an investigation was requested to Ukraine without quid pro quo.

Biden is not off limits to investigation because he is running for President. Especially since his conduct occurred as VP. Being off limits cause he is a political opponent is a joke-look at Trump in 2016. Or is this one of do not investigate Dems but Trump is fair game?

If one is referring to Biden on tape then I see your point. Unless of course the tapes were released from White House and it is clear Trump demanded investigation for aid? If that happened I was unaware.

Really, not to wrapped up in Schiff or Pelosi or even the WB. If the tapes get released and we hear them that will be deciding factor for me. If not, not so much. Anyway, I think the Dems likely vote for impeachment but do not think it gets through the Senate.
I do not watch FOX or any cable news outside the business channels.

If one would care to respond to what I said, and what was false, please engage. That was gathered off of twitter and CNN. Not that that they reported it like that but all of the information came from there. I agree it is a tangled web only because the aforementioned people in the post created it.

The Euro Ambassador and Vocker are clear in their statements that an investigation was requested to Ukraine without quid pro quo.

Biden is not off limits to investigation because he is running for President. Especially since his conduct occurred as VP. Being off limits cause he is a political opponent is a joke-look at Trump in 2016. Or is this one of do not investigate Dems but Trump is fair game?

If one is referring to Biden on tape then I see your point. Unless of course the tapes were released from White House and it is clear Trump demanded investigation for aid? If that happened I was unaware.

Really, not to wrapped up in Schiff or Pelosi or even the WB. If the tapes get released and we hear them that will be deciding factor for me. If not, not so much. Anyway, I think the Dems likely vote for impeachment but do not think it gets through the Senate.

Biden isn't off-limits to investigation as a presidential candidate.
Just tell us what UNITED STATES investigatory agency is going to be doing the " investigation" !!!!! And under what authority.
The Trump CAMPAIGN's personnel was investigated in the 2nd half of 2016 by AMERICAN law enforcement. With the appropriate judicial authority.

At some point...perhaps within the next ten years...concepts like these might occur to you.
We can hope.
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It will be interesting to see what spin is given to Fox News reporting that Republican Senator Ron Johnson says Sondland told him Ukraine military aid was contingent on their initiating an investigation about the '16 election and that thereafter President Trump wouldn’t allow him to tell Ukraine the aid was on its way
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It will be interesting to see what spin is given to Fox News reporting that Republican Senator Ron Johnson says Sondland told him Ukraine military aid was contingent on their initiating an investigation about the '16 election and that thereafter President Trump wouldn’t allow him to tell Ukraine the aid was on its way
There are already documented texts from sondland that direct absolutely no QPQ...
There are already documented texts from sondland that direct absolutely no QPQ...

Even you have to understand that Sondland was simply trying to cover his ass with that text, right?

Taylor asks Sondland about aid & meeting being contingent upon an investigation. Sondland responds: "call me".

A week later, whatever was said on that phone conversation doesn't seem to have assuaged Taylor's concern.

Taylor: "As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign"

5 hours later, Sondland responds with his texts about quid pro quo. He's trying to cover his ass, which is why he wanted the conversations moved to phone instead of text messages.
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Biden isn't off-limits to investigation as a presidential candidate.
Just tell us what UNITED STATES investigatory agency is going to be doing the " investigation" !!!!! And under what authority.
The Trump CAMPAIGN's personnel was investigated in the 2nd half of 2016 by AMERICAN law enforcement. With the appropriate judicial authority.

At some point...perhaps within the next ten years...concepts like these might occur to you.
We can hope.

Interesting. I never knew Steele was AMERICAN law enforcement . Nor did I know the Democratic campaign that paid for that was law enforcement either. And basing FISA warrants off those claims is proper? Ok. I learn something new all the time here.

The AG from Connecticut(JD) is investigating as well as Barr, who I dunno, heads American law enforcement. They were just in Italy as well. Maybe hold an impeachment inquiry for that as well
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If ron johnson felt out of line, he has a choice in the matter. Trump ordered no qpq, on the record.
A self-serving CYA text by Sondland that is 180 degrees deviation from the entirety of the rest of the "Volker - Taylor" texts hardly serves of clear proof of anything. It is at least equally capable of demonstrating that the Administration knew that the situation had percolated to an untenable level and was about to become public knowledge so it was time to start the dissembling campaign.
A self-serving CYA text by Sondland that is 180 degrees deviation from the entirety of the rest of the "Volker - Taylor" texts hardly serves of clear proof of anything. It is at least equally capable of demonstrating that the Administration knew that the situation had percolated to an untenable level and was about to become public knowledge so it was time to start the dissembling campaign.
Sure. Ya. Trump is a strategic evil genius...
I am astounded by the number of presumably bright and seemingly educated people on here who believe that what the Bidens did or didn't actually do has any bearing on whether the President did what he is accused of.
If Mr. Hoosier and I are mortal enemies and I rob a bank and am confronted with proof of it, it is absurd to think that anyone would consider overlooking what I did simply because I claim and prove that Mr. Hoosier is having sex with his donkey. He's bad. So what?
I understand the argument that whatever the President did doesn't arise to something for which impeachment is appropriate, but nobody really even approaches that argument, instead rely upon what amounts to no argument in reality, only a deflection toward a totally different issue.
I am astounded by the number of presumably bright and seemingly educated people on here who believe that what the Bidens did or didn't actually do has any bearing on whether the President did what he is accused of.
If Mr. Hoosier and I are mortal enemies and I rob a bank and am confronted with proof of it, it is absurd to think that anyone would consider overlooking what I did simply because I claim and prove that Mr. Hoosier is having sex with his donkey. He's bad. So what?
I understand the argument that whatever the President did doesn't arise to something for which impeachment is appropriate, but nobody really even approaches that argument, instead rely upon what amounts to no argument in reality, only a deflection toward a totally different issue.
Well maybe if the people accusing the president had an ounce of honesty or credibility or even just the finite ability to report fact without embellishment or political gain, then we could talk. You understand Hunter Biden is a crack addict right? You're defending the white privilege you say you hate.
Well maybe if the people accusing the president had an ounce of honesty or credibility or even just the finite ability to report fact without embellishment or political gain, then we could talk. You understand Hunter Biden is a crack addict right? You're defending the white privilege you say you hate.
So what facts that have been reported do you not believe?
So now Trump is throwing Rick Perry under the bus for the Ukraine call. Even though the call was perfect. Sounds about right.

(And we know, we know, TSB, just because every news outlet is reporting it doesn’t mean it’s true because we all know trump never lies, other than the 12k plus since he’s been president )
So now Trump is throwing Rick Perry under the bus for the Ukraine call. Even though the call was perfect. Sounds about right.

(And we know, we know, TSB, just because every news outlet is reporting it doesn’t mean it’s true because we all know trump never lies, other than the 12k plus since he’s been president )
Oh you're a Rick Perry fan now? Right...btw "Secretary Perry absolutely supported and encouraged the president to speak to the new president of Ukraine to discuss matters related to their energy security and economic development," Perry's spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes said
So now Trump is throwing Rick Perry under the bus for the Ukraine call. Even though the call was perfect. Sounds about right.

(And we know, we know, TSB, just because every news outlet is reporting it doesn’t mean it’s true because we all know trump never lies, other than the 12k plus since he’s been president )
uh oh. What's Twin going to do?
So what facts that have been repor
So now Trump is throwing Rick Perry under the bus for the Ukraine call. Even though the call was perfect. Sounds about right.

(And we know, we know, TSB, just because every news outlet is reporting it doesn’t mean it’s true because we all know trump never lies, other than the 12k plus since he’s been president )
Oh you're a Rick Perry fan now? Right...btw "Secretary Perry absolutely supported and encouraged the president to speak to the new president of Ukraine to discuss matters related to their energy security and economic development," Perry's spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes said

I don’t give two shits about Rick Perry. He’s an idiot. I just find it comical that a) Trump is now throwing him under the bus even though Trump said it was a “perfect call” and b) how much you contort yourself to defend the indefensible. You must be double jointed everywhere.
So now Trump is throwing Rick Perry under the bus for the Ukraine call. Even though the call was perfect. Sounds about right.

(And we know, we know, TSB, just because every news outlet is reporting it doesn’t mean it’s true because we all know trump never lies, other than the 12k plus since he’s been president )
uh oh. What's Twin going to do?

He did exactly what I thought he would do.
I don’t give two shits about Rick Perry. He’s an idiot. I just find it comical that a) Trump is now throwing him under the bus even though Trump said it was a “perfect call” and b) how much you contort yourself to defend the indefensible. You must be double jointed everywhere.
Nothing to worry about here. Biden took the short straw on this one. Congrats to Schiff on destroying the front runner.
I don’t give two shits about Rick Perry. He’s an idiot. I just find it comical that a) Trump is now throwing him under the bus even though Trump said it was a “perfect call” and b) how much you contort yourself to defend the indefensible. You must be double jointed everywhere.
Nothing to worry about here. Biden took the short straw on this one. Congrats to Schiff on destroying the front runner.

The alternate universe you live in must really be something.
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So now Trump is throwing Rick Perry under the bus for the Ukraine call. Even though the call was perfect. Sounds about right.

(And we know, we know, TSB, just because every news outlet is reporting it doesn’t mean it’s true because we all know trump never lies, other than the 12k plus since he’s been president )
Oh you're a Rick Perry fan now? Right...btw "Secretary Perry absolutely supported and encouraged the president to speak to the new president of Ukraine to discuss matters related to their energy security and economic development," Perry's spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes said

Here, Twin. You may want to keep this as something to reference as more people get hauled off because of their association with Trump. I mean I know you won’t care because wrong is right in your world, but anyway.....,,

Twin, meet Dean