On this impeachment thing

Maybe the Pub's ARE the one's with integrity. Take off the dark colored glasses and see the light.
Oh, it goes without saying that any number of GOP elected officials, past and present, possess integrity. Some, in abundance.
Tell us why, even with a pack of bloodhounds, few of them can find and display it today, if Trump is involved.
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Are Dems playing a game and being coy here, actually trying to time the hearings with the election?

Were they at first delaying on obstruction and Trump now gave them a gift?
Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.
Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.
And the Whitehouse release of the call notes fully confirmed what the Whistleblower stated. IT WAS CONFIRMED BY THE WHITE HOUSE!!!
Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.

Holy crap, you're in deeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp with the propoganda.

I'm actually past having any sort of contempt for Trump supporters and now just pray that one day enlightenment will pull the sheep's cloth from their eyes.
Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.
Since it was a NY Times article that disclosed the situation, let me take a wild guess that you haven't actually read the circumstances as actually portrayed and reported, but rather are relying on some headline or similar source.
If not and you have any actual interest in what actual information is available, here is a LINK so that you might do so.
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Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.
Incidentally, have you considered that the matter was investigated by the Trump appointed Intelligence Community Inspector General who determined it to be credible and of urgent concern - TRUMP APPOINTED.
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We'll see the Fox News propaganda in full swing with this. They'll say a bunch of completely untrue stuff, the base will believe it completely without caring to know what actually happened.

The C.I.A. officer approached a House Intelligence Committee aide with his concerns about Mr. Trump only after he had had a colleague first convey them to the C.I.A.’s top lawyer. Concerned about how that initial avenue for airing his allegations through the C.I.A. was unfolding, the officer then approached the House aide. In both cases, the original accusation was vague.

The House staff member, following the committee’s procedures, suggested the officer find a lawyer to advise him and meet with an inspector general, with whom he could file a whistle-blower complaint. The aide shared some of what the officer conveyed to Mr. Schiff. The aide did not share the whistle-blower’s identity with Mr. Schiff, an official said.
I suspect that you're right, I don't give much weight to those Stanford and Harvard Law School degrees either...

Snake in the grass Adam Shift most likely added all the legalese to the spy’s, err, WB report. The spy met with Shift’s people before meeting with the ICIG.
I watched that presser in real time. Trump says he just heard about it, babbles a little, then says Schiff wrote the complaint. IMHO, he just let America see how he makes these conspiracies up in real time, then expects, then demands, conservative media and his cronies back him up.
Rudy has been consulting with imprisoned Manafort on Ukraine.

That's a great look.
Rudy's toast.

I saw him speak at a conference in Indianapolis about a year after 9/11 and thought him to be an extremely intelligent man. I don't know what has happened to him since then, but he has lost it.
So I guess the SOS serves at the pleasure of the president's personal lawyer.

God I love Rudy.

I'm glad SOMEBODY loves Rudy !! (tic)
His new moniker in Washington is The Bus Driver......he's thrown so many people under it....the latest being Pompeo.
One thing that I took note of during the extensive comments by the President in today's press opportunities was his repeated assertion that there exists a full, word for word transcription of the Ukraine call. If so, it will be extraordinarily interesting to 1) see if the Congressional Committees can wrangle it from the White House and 2) if so, what all was actually said given the ellipses in the released limited version as well as why it was approximately a 30 minute call but with the limited notes requiring only about 10 minutes to read aloud.
One thing that I took note of during the extensive comments by the President in today's press opportunities was his repeated assertion that there exists a full, word for word transcription of the Ukraine call. If so, it will be extraordinarily interesting to 1) see if the Congressional Committees can wrangle it from the White House and 2) if so, what all was actually said given the ellipses in the released limited version as well as why it was approximately a 30 minute call but with the limited notes requiring only about 10 minutes to read aloud.
In a related matter, as a result of a citizen ethics group lawsuit, the Justice Department has instructed the White House to preserve records and notes taken in concert with Presidential telephone calls with other world leaders.
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Thank you Mr. President. Also for publicly asking China to investigate your political opponent. That's two now.

He's also taking a preemptive strike against the former ambassador to Ukraine.....who is testifying next week.......with his patented "I heard very bad things".

Would you like to exit the WH by the front door or the back?

Thank you Mr. President. Also for publicly asking China to investigate your political opponent. That's two now.

He's also taking a preemptive strike against the former ambassador to Ukraine.....who is testifying next week.......with his patented "I heard very bad things".

Would you like to exit the WH by the front door or the back?
He just can't help himself.
One thing that I took note of during the extensive comments by the President in today's press opportunities was his repeated assertion that there exists a full, word for word transcription of the Ukraine call. If so, it will be extraordinarily interesting to 1) see if the Congressional Committees can wrangle it from the White House and 2) if so, what all was actually said given the ellipses in the released limited version as well as why it was approximately a 30 minute call but with the limited notes requiring only about 10 minutes to read aloud.
1. not right now. We are not under an inquiry. Just a Pelosi decree. This whole thing stinks. If they wanted the info they could have had a inquiry vote and had the power to get some of these documents.
Trump asked a socialist country, with whom we are in a trade war, to investigate a political and possible election opponent in our Democratic republic.

All good SD?
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I suspect that you're right, I don't give much weight to those Stanford and Harvard Law School degrees either...
Of course, if one needs a descriptive breakdown of a school whose degree has a universally recognized enormous amount of " weight "....
Check Wikipedia for TRUMP UNIVERSITY.....
There is a very interesting read from ABC News that is headlined as:
'Crazy to withhold security assistance' to Ukraine for political campaign: Top US diplomat
which essentially suggests that text messages show that the top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine expressed concerns about the Trump administration withholding aid to the country for political purposes.
There is a very interesting read from ABC News that is headlined as:
'Crazy to withhold security assistance' to Ukraine for political campaign: Top US diplomat
which essentially suggests that text messages show that the top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine expressed concerns about the Trump administration withholding aid to the country for political purposes.

Indeed they do - Not that reading them will change the minds of any Republicans on this board. They actually documented the quid pro quo, which would be laughable if it weren't so goddamned sad.

*edit - Bill Taylor may be one of the players history looks upon kindly.

Document of texts
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Indeed they do - Not that reading them will change the minds of any Republicans on this board. They actually documented the quid pro quo, which would be laughable if it weren't so goddamned sad.

*edit - Bill Taylor may be one of the players history looks upon kindly.

Document of texts
Yep, Bill Taylor knew what was happening and was making sure to keep a paper trail. “As I said on the phone”, he was making sure the illegal actions Sondland was talking about on the phone made it to their text conversation.
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Imho, given the concurrent release of the actual Volker texts/emails and the President's open pursuit of Ukraine and Chinese reelection assistance under the obvious guise of anticorruptionism (even though corruption is disregarded by the Administration as it relates to Saudia Arabia, Phillipines, Russia, China, israel, et al), opinion polling in the next week will define how both the impeachment issue and 2020 reelection ultimately play out. In the absence of an uptick in impeachment inquiry support and/or downtick in Presidential support in either one or both of the Independents or Republicans, impeachment will wallow around in the muck and reelection will remain a viable possibility. On the other hand, if the reverse occurs and there is moderate to significant movement of "anti-Trumpism" the gates have likely opened.
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