To our liberal, progressive friends on here...

Well before we even get there, you are aware that if a good candidate gets on the ballot, these two corporations sue them off the ballot everywhere they can right? So let’s not act like we have a “choice.”
Okay, so whatever that means aside, are you going to answer my question or no?
Nope, you’re not going to move the goalposts here. You and others enjoyed bashing on Biden and calling him a dementia patient etc and when asked a specific policy question, that was the answer Trump gave. So again, why does he get a pass from you?
Sorry, I don't recognize you as keeper of the goalposts.

I don't recall ever calling Joe a dementia patient because I don't know if he is being treated or for what. I have generally stuck with more accurate, verifiable descriptions (as verified in the Trump debate), such as blundering fool.

I said clearly above that Trump says many foolish things, but that his policies on the big issues were vastly better for the nation than Biden and the Vice Puppet. Only a blundering fool like Joe could think otherwise.
Sorry, I don't recognize you as keeper of the goalposts.

I don't recall ever calling Joe a dementia patient because I don't know if he is being treated or for what. I have generally stuck with more accurate, verifiable descriptions (as verified in the Trump debate), such as blundering fool.

I said clearly above that Trump says many foolish things, but that his policies on the big issues were vastly better for the nation than Biden and the Vice Puppet. Only a blundering fool like Joe could think otherwise.
One of the things you’re best at on here is moving the goalposts.

But I’ll play along. Trump was asked about a specific policy and babbled like my two year old niece. But supposedly he’s got better policies. Again, please reconcile that because it doesn’t square at all. He has no specific policies. Just sweeping generalities that you somehow pass off as policy but aren’t.
One of the things you’re best at on here is moving the goalposts.

But I’ll play along. Trump was asked about a specific policy and babbled like my two year old niece. But supposedly he’s got better policies. Again, please reconcile that because it doesn’t square at all. He has no specific policies. Just sweeping generalities that you somehow pass off as policy but aren’t.
I specifically listed his policies above as president on immigration, inflation, and foreign policy.

What big issues did I miss?
I specifically listed his policies above as president on immigration, inflation, and foreign policy.

What big issues did I miss?
lol you didn’t list any policies at all

You also keep deflecting from my question (shocking). With the word salad he gave yesterday regarding the question he was asked about child care, how do you square it with folks who said the same things about Biden’s mental state? I’m not talking about four years ago. I’m talking about now. Because that stream of verbal diarrhea should be very concerning.
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lol you didn’t list any policies at all

You also keep deflecting from my question (shocking). With the word salad he gave yesterday regarding the question he was asked about child care, how do you square it with folks who said the same things about Biden’s mental state? I’m not talking about four years ago. I’m talking about now. Because that stream of verbal diarrhea should be very concerning.
Didn't list any policies? Did you overlook the part about remain in Mexico, or tough sanctions on Iran.

You don't think those are policies?
Didn't list any policies? Did you overlook the part about remain in Mexico, or tough sanctions on Iran.

You don't think those are policies?
Oh you mean the policy the Supreme Court decided could be stopped because it was deemed to be inhumane? That was a good policy in your opinion? I know, I know, f*** those refugees. Yeah, tremendous policy stuff right there.

So back to my question. You gonna answer, or can I just tell you to move along so you can annoy someone else.
So meaning that if there’s a great choice, it’s converted into what looks like a meh choice when voting is done. Not because it’s not a good choice, but because those choices are sued off the ballot.

Right off the bat I’d go with dr. Shiva. You know you candidate is a joke if it’s one of the major candidates right
Wait, are you talking about this guy?
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So meaning that if there’s a great choice, it’s converted into what looks like a meh choice when voting is done. Not because it’s not a good choice, but because those choices are sued off the ballot.

Right off the bat I’d go with dr. Shiva. You know you candidate is a joke if it’s one of the major candidates right

Here's a picture of that guy being introduced at the Pillow-Guy conference!

Oh you mean the policy the Supreme Court decided could be stopped because it was deemed to be inhumane? That was a good policy in your opinion? I know, I know, f*** those refugees. Yeah, tremendous policy stuff right there.
I didn't hear about the inhumane part. This is what I heard about:

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Biden administration has the right to end a Trump-era immigration policy that forces asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico as their cases make their way through U.S. immigration courts.

In a 5-4 ruling, the justices ruled against Texas and Missouri, which had argued that the Biden administration violated the law by rescinding the program, and sent the case back to the district court to determine if terminating the policy violated any administrative laws.
Those are goals, not policies.
Trying to prevent illegals from coming into the country is not a policy to you?

Trying to drive the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the mideast into bankruptcy is not a policy either?

They were goals, but became policy when the Trump admin took specific actions to achieve those goals. Right?
Yes. I really never will vote for any of these two parties again.

You do realize the biggest voting block is people who don’t vote followed by independents right? Nobody likes either party
Yeah but if this is the kind of person you actually think is a BETTER candidate, then whew. He’s an anti-vax conspiracy theorist who apparently hangs out with Trump leeches (aka the MyPillow guy) so you’re either blowing big time smoke or just crazy. Either way, you don’t seem to be actually serious here, so time for me to move along.
I didn't hear about the inhumane part. This is what I heard about:

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Biden administration has the right to end a Trump-era immigration policy that forces asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico as their cases make their way through U.S. immigration courts.

In a 5-4 ruling, the justices ruled against Texas and Missouri, which had argued that the Biden administration violated the law by rescinding the program, and sent the case back to the district court to determine if terminating the policy violated any administrative laws.
Oh I’m sure you did hear about the inhumane part. You just disagreed with that premise.
Okay printed 8 trillion dollars and signed terrible tax cuts

Obama let the banks keep foreclosed homes and get bailed out while they kicked 5.2 million families out of their homes
Took us from 2 wars to 7

You’re not seriously defending the record of the Democratic Party in office are you? Again, before you answer, I don’t like the republicans either and have a whole separate list for them.

Oh, dr shiva lie us into a war a la bush in Iraq? That’s the thing with you anti trump people. You try to act like George w bush has decency. Wasn’t he dancing with Ellen or something?
I mean, I could try to have a discussion with you if you didn’t pull up an absolute whacko as your benchmark for a legit candidate.

Your last paragraph is honestly schizophrenic. Where did I mention anything about Bush? Again, I can’t tell if you’re just clowning or what. Either way, you’re not a serious person.
Oh I’m sure you did hear about the inhumane part. You just disagreed with that premise.
How sure are you? Sure enough to back up your statement with a link about that Supreme Court ruling?

I can find nothing to back up your statement that "the policy the Supreme Court decided could be stopped because it was deemed to be inhumane". Who deemed it as such?

Please find something and post it so I can concede that you are correct -- as you would expect from a Purdue grad and gentleman when he has been proven wrong. ( Don't disappear like an IU grad would at this point.)
Trying to prevent illegals from coming into the country is not a policy to you?

Trying to drive the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the mideast into bankruptcy is not a policy either?
Those are goals with merit.

Almost every national candidate would sign on to those goals.
You’re an anything but Trump guy no? What has Trump ever actually done that’s as bad as bush? Now if your basis for disqualifying someone was that they hung out with bush donors, that would be persuasive.

The problem with Americans is that they’re the most propagandized people in the world, but they don’t know it.

I doubt you’ve read say Chris hedges, Thomas frank, Naomi Klein. And yet you still think you know something. Likely because you watch Rachel Maddow or the pod save America bs.

There have been many horrible things done to American people. But it’s all been by these two parties. For you to call others into question is rich.

You are aware that if real Americans try to run for city council on principle, big companies will spend tens of millions to make sure they don’t get anywhere right? Happened in Richmond CA with chevron.
You're making a lot of assumptions here, which, whatever, you're free to do. Like I said, come back with a candidate that isn't a total loon and we can talk. Until then, have fun in your echo chamber.
Those are goals with merit.

Almost every national candidate would sign on to those goals.
Trump took specific steps in pursuit of those goals: Remain in Mexico and sanctions against Iran.

Did Biden as a national candidate sign on to those goals? Does the Vice Puppet now?
How sure are you? Sure enough to back up your statement with a link about that Supreme Court ruling?

I can find nothing to back up your statement that "the policy the Supreme Court decided could be stopped because it was deemed to be inhumane". Who deemed it as such?

Please find something and post it so I can concede that you are correct -- as you would expect from a Purdue grad and gentleman when he has been proven wrong. ( Don't disappear like an IU grad would at this point.)
Apologies, I should have been more clear. The Supreme Court allowed the Biden admin to reverse the decision.

Human Rights groups deemed the policy inhumane. I'm posting the wiki because I'm lazy and it honestly doesn't matter what I would post for you anyway, so here: administration,dismiss the appeal as moot.
No let’s talk for what you stand for. I’ll have a separate conversation with conservatives here. The thing about not being beholden to a propaganda model is I never need people to stop talking about politics.

Were you for Obama allowing banks to kick 5.2 million families out of their homes while they got bailed out?
I think you need to take a deep breath, regroup, step back through the door called 'Reality' and try again. First, you railed about the candidates of both parties. Whatever. Then you trotted out some absolute loon as your preferred candidate (and I suspect others on here that I pretty much disagree with on everyone would actually agree with me on this one). And now pivoting to and ranting about Bush and now Obama because reasons. Doesn't really matter. Like I said, you aren't a serious person. It's Friday. Go to Happy Hour and relive 2008. Knock yourself out.
You think this has been done in the name of leftism? Harris and Biden signed legislation crushing a railroad strike. Because the railroad workers would have won. They’re George w bush republicans who are down with gay marriage and abortion.

I've never smoked a joint in my life, and if that shit you're smoking makes you believe Bedpan and Kammi are the same as Bush, it's screwed the heck out your thought process.
When the media asked Julian passage about the left media in America he mockingly asked “who? You mean Jimmy dore and Lee camp”. Ask yourself what these democrats have to do with those two.

But yeah, in the name of a bunch of nefarious crap the democrats have appointed their third straight candidate. They don’t have elections, they have selections…

Of people like Biden… who made sure you couldn’t file bankruptcy on student loan debt and somehow you think that’s being a lefty. Real Franklin Roosevelt that Biden lol.

Again...that shit you're smoking needs to be out of your house. Biden and Harris are left wing radicals as proven by Biden's switch to the far left and Harris' proposed legislation if she gets elected.
Apologies, I should have been more clear. The Supreme Court allowed the Biden admin to reverse the decision.

Human Rights groups deemed the policy inhumane. I'm posting the wiki because I'm lazy and it honestly doesn't matter what I would post for you anyway, so here: February 2021, the administration,dismiss the appeal as moot.
No problem. Human rights groups also said the Obama and Trump cages for kids were inhumane, but given that many illegals show up at the border with no ID or proof the kids with them are actually theirs, the cages are needed to protect kids from the adult illegals.

Of course, the problem is reduced with a secure border (along with many other problems).

As it is, the feds have lost track of 320,000 kids since Biden took office, which is a crime against children and humanity. How could anyone vote for these people?

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No problem. Human rights groups also said the Obama and Trump cages for kids were inhumane, but given that many illegals show up at the border with no ID or proof the kids with them are actually theirs, the cages are needed to protect kids from the adult illegals.

Of course, the problem is reduced with a secure border (along with many other problems).

As it is, the feds have lost track of 320,000 kids since Biden took office, which is a crime against children and humanity. How could anyone vote for these people?

The NY Post isn't exactly a reliable source. Have anything different than that?

I've said it before....both sides kick the can down the road on the border. Look at bipartisan border bill. Kicked. And it was bipartisan. Wasn't perfect. It was something. Kicked. And it's barely mentioned (that I can see). Fingers can be pointed, but a lot of times it's semantics because no one truly shows much interest in it.
I think you need to take a deep breath, regroup, step back through the door called 'Reality' and try again. First, you railed about the candidates of both parties. Whatever. Then you trotted out some absolute loon as your preferred candidate (and I suspect others on here that I pretty much disagree with on everyone would actually agree with me on this one). And now pivoting to and ranting about Bush and now Obama because reasons. Doesn't really matter. Like I said, you aren't a serious person. It's Friday. Go to Happy Hour and relive 2008. Knock yourself out.

we can start anywhere you want.

Look, the largest voting group is people who don’t vote followed by independents. So knock of this high ground routine like the average American views either of these candidates or parties as something other than what you’re stuck with.

Americans have no choice.

You’re calling a guy a loon for who he hangs out with, as if terrible things that you do in office aren’t much worse than that.

Who that guy hangs out with never decimated my hometown. Never turned It from a great working class place to a complete shitshow. Reagan, Clinton, bush and Obama did though.

Your entire model is to give people two corporate pro bank pro war choices who offer the average working American nothing, then tell anyone who isn’t into Rachel Maddox or Tucker Carlson that they aren’t serious.

Who do you stand for? Who is an example of what you think is right with government as a president?

My last one is probably FDR, though Carter did want to clean some things up and Nixon did do a few good things for the American people out of fear.
The NY Post isn't exactly a reliable source. Have anything different than that?
I am surprised you missed this story (or maybe not surprised if you stick to the regime media) on the IG report:

I've said it before....both sides kick the can down the road on the border. Look at bipartisan border bill. Kicked. And it was bipartisan. Wasn't perfect. It was something. Kicked. And it's barely mentioned (that I can see). Fingers can be pointed, but a lot of times it's semantics because no one truly shows much interest in it.
And I have said it before that it is not a repub-dem issue, but working class and poor v. the establishment.

Not just dems, but plenty of establishment repubs wanted that "bipartisan' bill because it keeps the flow of cheap and illegal labor for their corporate lobbyist/owners. Trump, very much to his credit, is strongly opposed to that exploitation along with the crime, drugs, and child/sex trafficking that comes with it.

Biden and Harris ended Trump's remain in Mexico policy, completely opening the border. it really was a crime against children and humanity. Keep that in mind if you really do plan to vote for Kam.
we can start anywhere you want.

Look, the largest voting group is people who don’t vote followed by independents. So knock of this high ground routine like the average American views either of these candidates or parties as something other than what you’re stuck with.

Americans have no choice.

You’re calling a guy a loon for who he hangs out with, as if terrible things that you do in office aren’t much worse than that.

Who that guy hangs out with never decimated my hometown. Never turned It from a great working class place to a complete shitshow. Reagan, Clinton, bush and Obama did though.

Your entire model is to give people two corporate pro bank pro war choices who offer the average working American nothing, then tell anyone who isn’t into Rachel Maddox or Tucker Carlson that they aren’t serious.

Who do you stand for? Who is an example of what you think is right with government as a president?

My last one is probably FDR, though Carter did want to clean some things up and Nixon did do a few good things for the American people out of fear.
First of all, I didn't make the initial comments about who he hangs out with. That was someone else.

Second, I know that lots of folks don't vote and/or are Independent. What's your point? Again, not everyone is ever going to be happy so it frankly doesn't matter who the candidate is, you will always have voter apathy or folks who sit out completely because they truly don't feel seen.

Third, YOUR GUY was affiliated with the Republican Party until/through 2023 and gee, now he's an Independent. So maybe get off of YOUR high ground routine like he's been out there championing for the folks in the middle for years and like you actually give a shit.

The rest of your post is just incoherent rambling that honestly has no bearing on anything. You want to sit there and be mad about stuff from Reagan, then sit there and be mad. But there's no need to paint yourself as some left-behind victim here when you're not, especially when the guy you are propping up as someone you think would be the most appealing is an absolute doorknob.

I am surprised you missed this story (or maybe not surprised if you stick to the regime media) on the IG report:

And I have said it before that it is not a repub-dem issue, but working class and poor v. the establishment.

Not just dems, but plenty of establishment repubs wanted that "bipartisan' bill because it keeps the flow of cheap and illegal labor for their corporate lobbyist/owners. Trump, very much to his credit, is strongly opposed to that exploitation along with the crime, drugs, and child/sex trafficking that comes with it.

Biden and Harris ended Trump's remain in Mexico policy, completely opening the border. it really was a crime against children and humanity. Keep that in mind if you really do plan to vote for Kam.
That link is right back to the NY Post article, FYI.

The border also isn't completely open, no matter how much you say otherwise. You can try to argue semantics with me, and each time I'm going to come back and tell you that it's a bipartisan FAILURE as long as both parties continue to keep on kicking the can down the road.
That link is right back to the NY Post article, FYI.

The border also isn't completely open, no matter how much you say otherwise. You can try to argue semantics with me, and each time I'm going to come back and tell you that it's a bipartisan FAILURE as long as both parties continue to keep on kicking the can down the road.
I am agreeing with you that it is a bipartisan FAILURE to protect those children, who represent collateral damage to the lobbyist/corporate types who own dems and many repubs in Congress and demand cheap labor to keep prices down for the working class and poor in the US.

Yet, you are not agreeing with me that Trump tried to stop it with remain in Mexico, which Biden and his Vice Puppet immediately cancelled on the orders of the lobbyist/corporate establishment that helped them get elected. Why are you sticking up for this disgraceful and corrupt policy by Biden/Harris? I am betting you didn't fully understand it since it was not highlighted in the regime media - but now that you do, I am betting you will stop inadvertently supporting these crimes against children and humanity.

I am agreeing with you that it is a bipartisan FAILURE to protect those children, who represent collateral damage to the lobbyist/corporate types who own dems and many repubs in Congress and demand cheap labor to keep prices down for the working class and poor in the US.

Yet, you are not agreeing with me that Trump tried to stop it with remain in Mexico, which Biden and his Vice Puppet immediately cancelled on the orders of the lobbyist/corporate establishment that helped them get elected. Why are you sticking up for this disgraceful and corrupt policy by Biden/Harris? I am betting you didn't fully understand it since it was not highlighted in the regime media - but now that you do, I am betting you will stop inadvertently supporting these crimes against children and humanity.
The daily signal is a right wing publication. Sorry, you’re going to have to do better.

I’m not defending anything. Not sure how you get that from me repeatedly saying both parties have failed. Kind of the opposite of defending. And if you want to go there, why didn’t republicans fix it all when they had full control of everything for two full years when Trump was in office? If you’re going to sit here and accuse me of defending one over another when I’ve done no such thing, then right back at you. Instead, we should both be lamenting that no administration has truly ever made an effort to make effective, permanent, beneficial changes.
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My point is that thinking that anyone outside of the duopoly is not serious is problematic. The two parties aren’t dominating because they are doing the best. It’s because they are a duopoly who keeps good candidates off the ballot or coops them.

I don’t hold past affiliation with a major party against anyone. I can’t support RFK because I disagree with him on Gaza. I will only ever support anyone who is against all war. Plus, endorsing Trump isn’t what I’m looking for from a candidate either. That leaves shiva and air. Unless you think Cornell west is actually running. I don’t.

I liked Bernie but we saw what your selection never election process did to that.

It probably is to you. Noam Chomsky spoke of allowing vigorous debate but only inside of a specific box. Typically between two choices. I think you probably understand this quite well. What you say vs what the republicans on this board say.

Anything else is likely mania to you lol.
My point is that Shiva is a nut job and you propping him up as a viable alternative invalidates whatever the fukk else you continue to yammer on about.
I don't care. I don't pick the person who will get my vote based on who's closest to Bill Clinton, and distance from Bill Clinton is not the standard by which we measure radicalism.

My whole point here is that I can say, "I don't think these are radical," and that's the end of the discussion, because that would just be my opinion. You think they ARE radical, and that's, similarly, just your opinion. It's subjective and doesn't matter. You're trying treat radical-ness as if it's some sort of objective measure, and treating radical-ness as if it's inherently negative, when it's simply neither. It's a useless conversation to have. I also don't understand the question "which do you think are not radical, and which do you agree with," because it seems to imply that I couldn't agree with something that I also consider to be radical. An idea being radical does not, in itself, make it bad.
Radical-ness IS a rather subjective measure when compared to the standard of the last 10-20-50-100 years. How far something deviates from that standard by definition makes it radical. All the things listed above that you claim aren't radical would definitely be on the fringe even just 10 years ago and in fact are today. The fact that you don't think that they are tells me that you don't have a firm grip on what is normal.
No it doesn’t. The system gives you no alternative. Bernie should have been viable but he was cheated and the Democratic Party argued in court that they don’t have to have a fair primary.

I never said shiva was viable. I’m just voting my conscious. But when you say viable, you must know that any good candidate who runs outside of the parties will be sued by the parties. What does that leave? Kennedy would be my choice, but he’s not because of his stance on Gaza and because I’m not down with him endorsing Trump either.

You think someone is a nut job because they know a guy or said this once. I have countless examples of terrible things every president has done to the American people.

Again, something someone said that you think is nutty?



One decimated the town I grew up in. The other is you watching a podcast.

If Kennedy was really anti war, he’d be my guy, as Bernie was. But Kennedy isn’t anti war.

Again, you don’t want to have a long discussion about what policies you stand for, because you’ll be shown to not be the swell guy you think you are.

We can start anywhere you want.

Were you down with Obama allowing banks to kick 5.2 million families out of their homes while they got bailed out?

Yes or no
No. I just don’t want to have a long discussion with you because you’ve ranted against the establishment, which is fine, but then trot out someone worse as an alternative. You like him. I don’t. (Oh and again, let’s not forget that your guy was very recently a Republican. Gonna skip right over that huh?) Sound familiar? It’s no different than how you feel. There’s actually nothing to discuss.

But again, you’re obviously free to keep coming back and ranting about Reagan or Clinton or whoever. Like I said, enjoy your echo chamber.
No. I just don’t want to have a long discussion with you because you’ve ranted against the establishment, which is fine, but then trot out someone worse as an alternative. You like him. I don’t. (Oh and again, let’s not forget that your guy was very recently a Republican. Gonna skip right over that huh?) Sound familiar? It’s no different than how you feel. There’s actually nothing to discuss.

But again, you’re obviously free to keep coming back and ranting about Reagan or Clinton or whoever. Like I said, enjoy your echo chamber.
What makes him worse? Again, said something wild or took us from two wars to seven

The way politics works is, you’re supposed to come get my vote. You’re supposed to offer me something.

The democrats thing is

> I offer you NOTHING
> I get to select a nominee without a fair primary
> Trump and anyone else you like is a lunatic; and that’s why I don’t need to offer you anything, I need only point out that the other guy is a lunatic

It’s a tired playbook as tired as your propagandized lack of awareness of anything.

Why didn’t Obama codify roe v wade when he ran On that and then had a super majority.
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The daily signal is a right wing publication. Sorry, you’re going to have to do better.
This is a great illustration of how the left-wing media -- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT, etc -- cover up news that hurts their dem candidates and partners in service to the corrupt DC establishment. I cannot find coverage by any of those sources on these massive crimes against children caused by Biden/Harris in their zeal to enact corporate orders to supply more cheap labor.

I will add that your comment about the NY Post not being trustworthy on this story indicates you have forgotten or never knew that NYP published the story about Hunter's laptop, which was covered up by the same regime media sources - in conjunction with the Biden campaign and its fake letter signed by 51 intelligence "professionals". Of course, it was revealed the NYP story was true -- but not until after the election. Wake up, 95!

Do you trust this source:

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Way to completely ignore what I actually said. To reiterate, they blocked one specific relief program, not the entire concept of debt forgiveness. And you've provided a link that actually proves ME right, so I guess you didn't read it, but thanks! Nothing in this SCOTUS ruling prevents the subsequent forgiveness that has been provided.

"The good news for Biden is that, for the past year, wages have been growing faster than overall prices, and this trend is likely to continue. More Americans should start to feel better soon."

Real wages are, in fact, higher now than they were in February 2020 (you know the end of the whole "pre-pandemic" part of Trump's presidency that Republicans are actually willing to count on his record?). And real wages didn't grow 15-ish percent under Trump, they grew about 7%:

January 2017: $10.65/hour

January 2021: $11.43/hour

And that second number may in inflated because it was generally lower-wage folks that lost their jobs during COVID, so the average may have skewed up.

I get it, we were upside down for awhile as the entire economy of the world restarted. It was inevitable that was going to happen. Without American Rescue Plan do we flip back the right way a certain number of months earlier? Maybe. But again, impact on inflation is not the only measure of a law's success. You're looking at inflation in a vacuum as if nothing else matters.
Real wages from 2020 as cherry picked by you are up. But if you’re going to hold Trump accountable for the spending his administration did, then he should reap the benefits of the handouts that were given out.

REAL WAGES ARE DOWN since Biden took over due to his inflation. SEE 4th Graph.

The article summary…

Nevertheless, in each of the three macroeconomic metrics we’re using to evaluate purchasing power, Scott is correct that the typical American’s income and wages have failed to keep pace with inflation since Biden entered the presidency.

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This is a great illustration of how the left-wing media -- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT, etc -- cover up news that hurts their dem candidates and partners in service to the corrupt DC establishment. I cannot find coverage by any of those sources on these massive crimes against children caused by Biden/Harris in their zeal to enact corporate orders to supply more cheap labor.

I will add that your comment about the NY Post not being trustworthy on this story indicates you have forgotten or never knew that NYP published the story about Hunter's laptop, which was covered up by the same regime media sources - in conjunction with the Biden campaign and its fake letter signed by 51 intelligence "professionals". Of course, it was revealed the NYP story was true -- but not until after the election. Wake up, 95!

Do you trust this source:

I don’t care about Hunter Biden. Ring me up when he runs for office.
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What makes him worse? Again, said something wild or took us from two wars to seven

The way politics works is, you’re supposed to come get my vote. You’re supposed to offer me something.

The democrats thing is

> I offer you NOTHING
> I get to select a nominee without a fair primary
> Trump and anyone else you like is a lunatic; and that’s why I don’t need to offer you anything, I need only point out that the other guy is a lunatic

It’s a tired playbook as tired as your propagandized lack of awareness of anything.

Why didn’t Obama codify roe v wade when he ran On that and then had a super majority.
You unsurprisingly deflect from me pointing out that your guy recently became an independent last year after being a republican like I’m going to forget.

I honest to god have no idea what you’re going on about. At all. You seem batshit to me so I’m just going to leave you alone to rail on about whatever you’re still mad about from 1987. Enjoy!
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