On this impeachment thing

Man, you have those talking points down pat. I applaud you for the deception. Looks like the swamp creatures are inside the White House. Drain the swamp huh, right.

Huh? Go read the WB complaint. One does not need an intel official or analyst to conclude the WB was given info by several people. They admit it.
For balance...
Even if you don't agree with it, it's still a pretty well made cartoon. I especially like Wile lighting his own tail on fire.
(I still suck at message board computer-ese, so I can't link the photo directly)

Here ya go!!

For balance...
Even if you don't agree with it, it's still a pretty well made cartoon. I especially like Wile lighting his own tail on fire.
(I still suck at message board computer-ese, so I can't link the photo directly)


To which I would say as I have elsewhere -
The problem with investigating sans impeachment investigation is that the Administration has actively stonewalled all attempts. They've made their bed as a result and the Dems recognize that the Courts are going to give them far more ability to pursue information in an impeachment arena because of the ruling in US v Nixon. All of the Repubs talk of Dems overplaying their hand when, in fact, one looks at how things are actually unfolding it is the Administration's penchant for hardball "F- you and whatta ya gonna do about it?" approach to everything that is proving to be far overplayed.
Ukraine envoy Volker resigns. Same guy that Rudy has texts from.

Volker is actually well respected on both sides and has a great reputation in foreign policy circles. People were surprised he went to work for this admin but he felt strongly about helping Ukraine.
This is one to watch. He's not a Trump guy. No "executive privilege" either.
There is an analysis in today's Washington Post that, imho, should be read by every Republican and taken to heart, although I doubt most will do so, addressing the need to carefully consider and to distinguish 1) the need for impeachment and removal from office, with 2) condonation of the President's acts.
There is an analysis in today's Washington Post that, imho, should be read by every Republican and taken to heart, although I doubt most will do so, addressing the need to carefully consider and to distinguish 1) the need for impeachment and removal from office, with 2) condonation of the President's acts.

It kind of goes back the only way to stop a bully is to fight back as much as you don't want to or they will just keep crossing the line.
If I hear the president say one more time that his phone call was perfect I'm going to lose it. JFC, does he think he's going to convince anybody by saying that?
Will convince 95 % of his base. Of course, if he told his base that the Tooth Fairy was on the call, he'd still have the 95 %.
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In what is likely no surpise to most, I suspect that this Washington Post article about the State Dept. now investigating Clinton emails will be the roadmap to the President's re-election campaign and/or impeachment inquiry defense - "But what about Hillary/Biden/Obama?"
70, he won't need that. He has the actions of Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff that will get him elected, and with a larger margin than before.
70, he won't need that. He has the actions of Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff that will get him elected, and with a larger margin than before.
You're confusing the reaction to Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff by REPUBLICANS to that of Independents and democrats.
If Adam Schiff SNEEZED at the wrong time, you'd probably figure the D's would lose 5 points.
You'd be wrong.
As usual.
If the GOP were smart , they would get on board with this impeachment . Let's face it, you put into office one of the most unpopular president in history. You all have given him a pass and he hasn't learned a thing. He could have went in there and acted presidential from the start and would have possibly been one of the most popular presidents of all time
Instead he is constantly pissing people off with his rudimentary behavior, and possibly breaking the law in the process. All of his primary opponents warned you of the results of putting this man in office and you laughed it off. The bell is about to toll.
My suggestion is get his sorry ass out of office as soon as you can, through any means possible. If not , the results will be a liberal president and Congress. The only reason he won 3 years ago was he was running against the worst presidential candidate in history. That won't be the case this time. Your looking at a landslide defeat across the board because this President can't grow up and act like an adult.
Impeach him quickly and get someone running that has some moral values before it's too late.
Besides Biden, the field is worse. Hillary would be in the lead if she ran again.
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You're confusing the reaction to Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff by REPUBLICANS to that of Independents and democrats.
If Adam Schiff SNEEZED at the wrong time, you'd probably figure the D's would lose 5 points.
You'd be wrong.
As usual.
No, if he sneezed he'd lose the remaining brain cells he has. I've never seen a politician lie more...GOP or Dem.
Yes you are. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to seeking help and a possible cure.
I don’t get where your confidence comes from. Someone that gets proven wrong constantly continues to talk like he knows anything at all. How can you even begin to talk about someone lying more than Trump. He sets the standard for dishonesty.
No, if he sneezed he'd lose the remaining brain cells he has. I've never seen a politician lie more...GOP or Dem.
Give us a break.
Do you have any conception whatsoever about the reaction to the statement:
(fill in name of Dem. politician) "lies more than (anyone you've ever seen) " ?
Your brain function includes the disappearance of everything connected to Donald Trump ??? How can anybody be THAT lucky ??
Your 2,684th reminder: There's nobody ON EARTH that lies as much as this President. Don't make it 2,685.
Everyone should probably check out Chris Wallace's interview with Stephen Miller and Jake Tapper with Jim Jordan from the Sunday shows.

Rudy on Stephanopoulos was equally entertaining.

Nice to see journalists not going for all the BS this admin and it's followers are throwing out.

Just a couple clips.

Everyone should probably check out Chris Wallace's interview with Stephen Miller and Jake Tapper with Jim Jordan from the Sunday shows.

Rudy on Stephanopoulos was equally entertaining.

Nice to see journalists not going for all the BS this admin and it's followers are throwing out.

Just a couple clips.

You know it's not going well when the three people rolled out to defend Trump are Giuliani, Stephen Miller and Jim Jordan. They can't say 2 sentences without a blatant lie.
Everyone should probably check out Chris Wallace's interview with Stephen Miller and Jake Tapper with Jim Jordan from the Sunday shows.

Rudy on Stephanopoulos was equally entertaining.

Nice to see journalists not going for all the BS this admin and it's followers are throwing out.

Just a couple clips.

You know it's not going well when the three people rolled out to defend Trump are Giuliani, Stephen Miller and Jim Jordan. They can't say 2 sentences without a blatant lie.

I can’t even bring myself to watch because whatever Crazy Grandpa and Hitler Jr say is just a bunch of gibberish but I am curious whether liddle Adolf wore spray on hair this time. Lmao. God what a sad representation of the Republican Party when you trot folks like that out.
I can’t even bring myself to watch because whatever Crazy Grandpa and Hitler Jr say is just a bunch of gibberish but I am curious whether liddle Adolf wore spray on hair this time. Lmao. God what a sad representation of the Republican Party when you trot folks like that out.

Yes, Stephen Miller who once jumped into a women's track meet in high school to prove that male's are athletically superior.....and who's always railing against the "coasts", elite education, etc.....he grew up in Santa Monica, California and attended an East Coast private school in Duke.
Thank you. Was aware. Not finished but want to recommend a book that would be good for a LOT of people to read to promote questions in their minds when they see number comparisons on various subjects. I'm aware of such in general, but seeing some examples dealing with income, housing and education in races and between races might help question things rather than linking another's misunderstandings.

Seriously, it is good to have questions in more thorough understanding of how data through misinterpretation, intentional bias and "omissions" can alter some understandings

Amazon product ASIN 1541645634
I'll read you link as it may add to my awareness.
Thank you. Was aware. Not finished but want to recommend a book that would be good for a LOT of people to read to promote questions in their minds when they see number comparisons on various subjects. I'm aware of such in general, but seeing some examples dealing with income, housing and education in races and between races might help question things rather than linking another's misunderstandings.

Seriously, it is good to have questions in more thorough understanding of how data through misinterpretation, intentional bias and "omissions" can alter some understandings

I'll read you link as it may add to my awareness.
In less words, you're saying, thank you, I need a fallacy to believe in and argue. I'll tell people it's me thinking deeply about the topic to try and give it weight.
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Everyone should probably check out Chris Wallace's interview with Stephen Miller and Jake Tapper with Jim Jordan from the Sunday shows.

Rudy on Stephanopoulos was equally entertaining.

Nice to see journalists not going for all the BS this admin and it's followers are throwing out.

Just a couple clips.

One of the most notable putdowns in recent Congressional television viewing history occurred during a Judiciary Committee hearing convened for then Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Congressman Jim Jordan was turning red and barely avoiding table-pounding level rage when addressing the A.G. about the need to investigate the Republican wet dream known as Uranium One.
The instant Jordan finished his rant, Sessions calmly looked at him and replied, " we'll investigate if there's ever enough evidence to justify an investigation ".....and immediately turned his head back towards the ranking committee chairman while changing the subject.
The pubs in Congress be like
Absoutely....defense of what? As much as you all want him gone, he's done nothing wrong an this investigation is but another waste of taxpayer dollars, and time the roads could be getting fixed and drugs could have their prices lowered.

He had two years of full republican control to do those things and hasn’t. Try again