On this impeachment thing

You don't have to believe us.

We state facts which equate to reality.

You live in a world of fantasy and faith and look for things that can fit what you already "believe"

There in lies the difference between me and you.

There are facts and reality. And there are truths/beliefs. I can forego the latter and set mine aside and actually take a moment to comprehend and understand basic facts.

You dont' have to believe that the earth is a sphere, that we landed on the moon, or that the current depositions shouldn't be public.

The facts and reality are what they are ... but you go on believing your own truth.
You believe in ''facts'' you want to hope are true and not. Did you believe in facts when Obama and Hillary were lying for 8 years?
Normal people will have no issues with it. Those who want to find fault with everyone else, will. You're not normal so which group do you fit in
If it’s senility I’d feel bad for you because you can’t help it. If you choose to be a complete idiot, we’ll that’s on you. Either way you need some serious help. A fully functioning brain just doesn’t put stuff together the way that you do.
You believe in ''facts'' you want to hope are true and not. Did you believe in facts when Obama and Hillary were lying for 8 years?

Well considering Hillary I'll leave her out of this response.

As for Obama, he wasn't a perfect President or man, but I never doubted his patriotism or the fact that he was attempting to make hard choices even if they weren't always right.

And yeah he lied. Maybe even intentionally on occasion.

However I won't even try to compare him to the audacity of our current President. He serves his own self interest and will undercut our national security, our allies, and our republic to do it.

The man is a walking pile of lies that spits out adjectives, name calling, and falsities to his base and they lap them up like dogs (see what I did there)....

The man has destroyed the sanctitty of the office and it will take decades to repair our reputation in the world. If he wins in 2020, America won't be great again....we will likely push ourselves deeper in to a hole that likely won't allow us to climb out of in my lifetime.
If it’s senility I’d feel bad for you because you can’t help it. If you choose to be a complete idiot, we’ll that’s on you. Either way you need some serious help. A fully functioning brain just doesn’t put stuff together the way that you do.
No Dude, you need to get over your TDS. Soon. I worry for your health.
How does an even semi-educated person take any of these fools seriously?

You repeat a lie over and over again until it becomes their truth.

If you influence the viewer's perception, you can begin to rearrange their truth. Once you have control of where/how/etc they find their truths facts no longer matter.... you just ignore (or lie about) them and then just drill a marketing message of what you want your follower's truth to be.

Facts have been replaced with truth, and truth is all about one's perception.

The only way to counter it is for the viewer to recognize their own culpability and to seek information from a multitude of sources and make a concerted effort to learn the facts and ignore talking head, hyperbolas and sound-bite adjectives.
You repeat a lie over and over again until it becomes their truth.

If you influence the viewer's perception, you can begin to rearrange their truth. Once you have control of where/how/etc they find their truths facts no longer matter.... you just ignore (or lie about) them and then just drill a marketing message of what you want your follower's truth to be.

Facts have been replaced with truth, and truth is all about one's perception.

The only way to counter it is for the viewer to recognize their own culpability and to seek information from a multitude of sources and make a concerted effort to learn the facts and ignore talking head, hyperbolas and sound-bite adjectives.
I think that the two most applicable historical quotes are
  • "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" and
  • "It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise"
both of which are attributed to Joseph Goebbels in the 1930's.
I think that the two most applicable historical quotes are
  • "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" and
  • "It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise"
both of which are attributed to Joseph Goebbels in the 1930's.
How does the Republican Party come back to sanity? I just don't know how we can really handle any of the big issues we face with such a large percentage of the population and half the government either incapable or unwilling to be intellectually honest.
You can always tell who the adults are in the room by who quotes and likes Media Matters.
It's video directly from Fox can tell someone that doesn't think when they lazily attack the source rather than the content.
I know Media Matters is the boogeyman for Fox News because they actually fact check the lies.
Come on guys, put in a little research.

Here is another fact.

Trump didn't give a dog a Paw of Honor.
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Out of curiosity what specifically out of that mash-up did you have an issue with?

Honestly, I didn't watch it. I know why MM was founded. I know what they do, and I know that there is no reason to give them the time of day.

They are a political hit group. Basic research will yield the same result.

MM isn't going to uncover some profound fact that will sway anyone's thinking. They are a disinformation group, plain and simple. Their founding was premised on counter-media.
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I think that the two most applicable historical quotes are
  • "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" and
  • "It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise"
both of which are attributed to Joseph Goebbels in the 1930's.
If you believe in reincarnation, I've got a suggestion as to whom Goebbels' rebirth involved.
Honestly, I didn't watch it. I know why MM was founded. I know what they do, and I know that there is no reason to give them the time of day.

They are a political hit group. Basic research will yield the same result.

MM isn't going to uncover some profound fact that will sway anyone's thinking. They are a disinformation group, plain and simple. Their founding was premised on counter-media.
What a perfect example of what BleedinGold and 70boiler just posted. You admitted you didn’t even watch it. Truth is no longer truth to the right wing. The propaganda has destroyed so many minds on the right and preys on the ignorance. Fact checking and shining a spotlight on outright lies is not a political hit job or disinformation.
Honestly, I didn't watch it. I know why MM was founded. I know what they do, and I know that there is no reason to give them the time of day.

They are a political hit group. Basic research will yield the same result.

MM isn't going to uncover some profound fact that will sway anyone's thinking. They are a disinformation group, plain and simple. Their founding was premised on counter-media.
Compare , if you will, your description of Media Matters in comparison to the Daily Caller, RealClear & Breitbart . Thanks in advance.
Compare , if you will, your description of Media Matters in comparison to the Daily Caller, RealClear & Breitbart . Thanks in advance.


Now what? I mean, at least you put MM in the same hack category. Sooooo......I win?!

But, it isn't fair to put them in the same category. MM isn't the same as DC, etc. based on its funding and founding.

You know that, though. Quit playing dumb.

Now what? I mean, at least you put MM in the same hack category. Sooooo......I win?!

But, it isn't fair to put them in the same category. MM isn't the same as DC, etc. based on its funding and founding.

You know that, though. Quit playing dumb.
  • "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" and
  • "It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise"

Now what? I mean, at least you put MM in the same hack category. Sooooo......I win?!

But, it isn't fair to put them in the same category. MM isn't the same as DC, etc. based on its funding and founding.

You know that, though. Quit playing dumb.
Based on its " funding and founding " ??!! Huh ??
How 'bout the question of CONTENT ??!
You consider those right-wing outlets superior in their abilities to publish non-partisan reporting and opinion ???!!! Better sources ?? Better writing ??
Oh, win !! all-expense, 2-week Caribbean vacation with Sarah Huckabee Sanders......
What a perfect example of what BleedinGold and 70boiler just posted. You admitted you didn’t even watch it. Truth is no longer truth to the right wing. The propaganda has destroyed so many minds on the right and preys on the ignorance. Fact checking and shining a spotlight on outright lies is not a political hit job or disinformation.

Of course I didn't watch it. TIme is limited and online information is a fire hose. One must pick and choose where to direct their time. MM, given their founding and untrustworthy reputation, have been struck from the list of consideration. Just like I don't read Alex Jones, Breitbart, HuffPo, or DailyKOS (RIP).

Adults filter content based on trust.
Based on its " funding and founding " ??!! Huh ??
How 'bout the question of CONTENT ??!
You consider those right-wing outlets superior in their abilities to publish non-partisan reporting and opinion ???!!! Better sources ?? Better writing ??
Oh, win !! all-expense, 2-week Caribbean vacation with Sarah Huckabee Sanders......

I rest my case.
  • "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" and
  • "It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise"

This isn't Facebook, mom.
Here is a very sobering view suggesting the status of our politics.

Cornell Poli-Sci professor employed by the Brookings Institute.

Saved you a click.


Its the same dire wolf we have read for the past 200 years. It is only a "new phase" if it your side that you perceive as the victim. *Yawn*

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