On this impeachment thing

Believe it or not, Hannity was right on the collusion story from the beginning. Pretty smart for a fool
Dude, no he wasn’t. He’s lied endlessly about it. You’ve been entirely misled by right wing propaganda.
How did the Mueller report end up? Enough said
Did you read it? If you’re relying on Hannity’s take, he is a propagandist. The report does not back up what Hannity has been saying. He does not say things that even resemble truth.
Did you see Mueller in front of congress?
I’ll take that as a no, you didn’t read the report and are relying on the lies of a propagandist to decide your worldview. Step outside the bubble and join the real world where facts matter.

Here you go:

See what’s in the report and decide for yourself if you really care about our country. I know it’ll be more effort than watching a TV show, but it’s worth it.
Of course I didn't watch it. TIme is limited and online information is a fire hose. One must pick and choose where to direct their time. MM, given their founding and untrustworthy reputation, have been struck from the list of consideration. Just like I don't read Alex Jones, Breitbart, HuffPo, or DailyKOS (RIP).

Adults filter content based on trust.
" MM, given their founding and untrustworthy reputation, have been struck from the list of consideration"
Not " have". H-A-S . Media Matters is a singular entity.

"Grammar is nought but a poached crumpet"
--Nov. 1, 1827
Is Arthur Conan O'doyle, as you cite, any relation to Arthur Conan Doyle, born 1859, creator of Sherlock Holmes ??
How did the Mueller report end up?
Isn't that like saying How did the Bengazi hearings or the email investigation end up? Does that make Hillary less crooked? Look, the Mueller report doesn't give Trump a free pass every time he does something stupid. Like asking a foriegn government to investigate his political opponents.
I’ll take that as a no, you didn’t read the report and are relying on the lies of a propagandist to decide your worldview. Step outside the bubble and join the real world where facts matter.

Here you go:

See what’s in the report and decide for yourself if you really care about our country. I know it’ll be more effort than watching a TV show, but it’s worth it.
I watched the Mueller report live on TV. He was terrible witness for the Dems
My point is Mueller spent over 2 years and didn’t find enough to charge him. If there was there there, he would have reported it.
If your read the report instead of only relying on propaganda...

“When laying out why they chose not to make a conclusion on obstruction, the first thing prosecutors mentioned was the OLC decision.

The OLC found that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions," the report said.

"Given the role of the Special Counsel as an attorney in the Department of Justice and the framework of the Special Counsel regulations ... this Office accepted OLC's legal conclusion for the purpose of exercising prosecutorial jurisdiction," prosecutors said.”
Mueller's report lays out three main reasons why prosecutors didn't indict Trump or suggest he should be charged:

  • They adhered to the OLC's 1973 decision that a sitting president cannot be indicted.
  • They believed that if their report suggested Trump could face federal charges without actually bringing them, it would not be fair because there would be no trial, and he wouldn't have an opportunity to clear himself.
  • Mueller did not consider filing a sealed indictment against Trump out of fear that it would be leaked and significantly impede his ability to govern.
If your read the report instead of only relying on propaganda...

“When laying out why they chose not to make a conclusion on obstruction, the first thing prosecutors mentioned was the OLC decision.

The OLC found that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions," the report said.

"Given the role of the Special Counsel as an attorney in the Department of Justice and the framework of the Special Counsel regulations ... this Office accepted OLC's legal conclusion for the purpose of exercising prosecutorial jurisdiction," prosecutors said.”
Mueller's report lays out three main reasons why prosecutors didn't indict Trump or suggest he should be charged:

  • They adhered to the OLC's 1973 decision that a sitting president cannot be indicted.
  • They believed that if their report suggested Trump could face federal charges without actually bringing them, it would not be fair because there would be no trial, and he wouldn't have an opportunity to clear himself.
  • Mueller did not consider filing a sealed indictment against Trump out of fear that it would be leaked and significantly impede his ability to govern.
I read this part. What s your point? Trust me, if there was something there, the Dems would not have folded
I’d you want to be ignorant on the topics, that’s fine, but don’t pretend that your opinions carry any weight if you choose to not be informed.
Lol CNN agrees with you. Stay tuned to the FISA report along with the Barr and Durham report to see who will be proven ignorant
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I watched the Mueller report live on TV. He was terrible witness for the Dems

If your read the report instead of only relying on propaganda...

“When laying out why they chose not to make a conclusion on obstruction, the first thing prosecutors mentioned was the OLC decision.

The OLC found that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions," the report said.

"Given the role of the Special Counsel as an attorney in the Department of Justice and the framework of the Special Counsel regulations ... this Office accepted OLC's legal conclusion for the purpose of exercising prosecutorial jurisdiction," prosecutors said.”
Mueller's report lays out three main reasons why prosecutors didn't indict Trump or suggest he should be charged:

  • They adhered to the OLC's 1973 decision that a sitting president cannot be indicted.
  • They believed that if their report suggested Trump could face federal charges without actually bringing them, it would not be fair because there would be no trial, and he wouldn't have an opportunity to clear himself.
  • Mueller did not consider filing a sealed indictment against Trump out of fear that it would be leaked and significantly impede his ability to govern.

You really cannot be this ridiculously uneducated.
I read this part. What s your point? Trust me, if there was something there, the Dems would not have folded
Apparently you really can...
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Lol CNN agrees with you. Stay tuned to the FISA report along with the Barr and Durham report to see who will be proven ignorant
It's the same thing. Barr handed it off to Durham and then decided to get involved personally, flying all over the world to ask our our allies how the department he is now in charge of tried to screw the president.
It's a sure bet they come up with or make up something. But I'm afraid of your tribe's predictions of Clapper and Brennan and Comey.......and anybody else Trump doesn't like............. going to jail will not happen. I thought the Horowitz report was going to do that?
BTW, why didn't Mueller and the 13 angry dems just follow the wishes of their deep state brethren and find Trump guilty? No one seems to be able to answer that.
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" MM, given their founding and untrustworthy reputation, have been struck from the list of consideration"
Not " have". H-A-S . Media Matters is a singular entity.

"Grammar is nought but a poached crumpet"
--Nov. 1, 1827
Is Arthur Conan O'doyle, as you cite, any relation to Arthur Conan Doyle, born 1859, creator of Sherlock Holmes ??

Are you aware of the upcoming FISA and Barr and Durham report’s that will be forthcoming? We’ll see how educated you will be then
It must be wonderful for you to have so much advanced knowledge of the content of unfinished possible reports.
Perhaps you may wish to make note of this Charlotte Bronte quote for future reference -
Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.
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Are you aware of the upcoming FISA and Barr and Durham report’s that will be forthcoming? We’ll see how educated you will be then
Sigh, if you just want to be a Fox News lemming go ahead. The right wing needs useful idiots since the facts are never on their side.
My point is Mueller spent over 2 years and didn’t find enough to charge him. If there was there there, he would have reported it.
Mueller himself explicitly stated that FBI precedents precludes him from charging the President. He did not say it did not find enough to charge the President
Mueller himself explicitly stated that FBI precedents precludes him from charging the President. He did not say it did not find enough to charge the President
You’ll have to excuse BSIT, he only knows what Fox News tells him.
Haha, doesn’t work that way. The facts do not support your positions in any way, not even close. Fox News propaganda has done a real doozy on you.
How about you bet me $500 to our charity of choice to see if I’m correct about the upcoming FISA and Barr and Durham report? If they find no Dem wrongdoing you win. If not , I win. As a reminder, I’ve yet to lose a $ bet on this board.
How about you bet me $500 to our charity of choice to see if I’m correct about the upcoming FISA and Barr and Durham report? If they find no Dem wrongdoing you win. If not , I win. As a reminder, I’ve yet to lose a $ bet on this board.
Let's see, this thread is entitled "On this Impeachment Thing" and you want to repeatedly direct it to that anticipated but heretofore unexamined future issue. What is it that they call that????
Oh, yes, D-E-F-L-E-C-T-I-O-N. Now let's all say it together ...
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Let's see, this thread is entitled "On this Impeachment Thing" and you want to repeatedly direct it to that anticipated but heretofore unexamined future issue. What is it that they call that????
Oh, yes, D-E-F-L-E-C-T-I-O-N. Now let's all say it together ...

It's because there really is no defense. Trump continues to describe his call as "perfect" despite the growing evidence strongly suggesting this was not the case.

Republicans have no choice but to deflect and smear because defending President on the substance alone is impossible. BSIT, whose handle is missing the "ull h", is just playing his part in the obfuscation tune.
It's because there really is no defense. Trump continues to describe his call as "perfect" despite the growing evidence strongly suggesting this was not the case.

Republicans have no choice but to deflect and smear because defending President on the substance alone is impossible. BSIT, whose handle is missing the "ull h", is just playing his part in the obfuscation tune.
This PBS news hour interview with Michael Steel, GOP strategist who previously served as press secretary for Speaker John Boehner, shows there actually are some rational Republicans who could mount a decent impeachment defense given the opportunity.
This PBS news hour interview with Michael Steel, GOP strategist who previously served as press secretary for Speaker John Boehner, shows there actually are some rational Republicans who could mount a decent impeachment defense given the opportunity.

I saw that - It was telling that the Newshour had 50 requests to Republicans in congress & all 50 were turned down.

Michael Steel came across very well, but I'm sure he'd be smeared as a never-trumper, RINO, or some other brainless slur.
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It's because there really is no defense. Trump continues to describe his call as "perfect" despite the growing evidence strongly suggesting this was not the case.

Republicans have no choice but to deflect and smear because defending President on the substance alone is impossible. BSIT, whose handle is missing the "ull h", is just playing his part in the obfuscation tune.
What is ironic is the Dems are deflecting the root cause of the impeachment. It was started by them with the Steele dossier and improper FISA warrant and is about to boomerang back at them
What is ironic is the Dems are deflecting the root cause of the impeachment. It was started by them with the Steele dossier and improper FISA warrant and is about to boomerang back at them
The real root cause was that the President had so little sense, so little actual political and government acumen that he chose to attempt to coerce Ukraine for political favors through authorized funding when Nancy Pelosi had already clearly signaled that she was uninterested in implementing, pursuing or even allowing any House impeachment actions.
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The Trumpers need to pray that something substantial comes out about the FISA warrants..........or they all have to STFU about anything else. JFC I'm tired of hearing the predictions of gloom and doom.
Its all a vast conspiracy because Trump is just so damn good at his job lol.