On this impeachment thing

Interesting. I never knew Steele was AMERICAN law enforcement . Nor did I know the Democratic campaign that paid for that was law enforcement either. And basing FISA warrants off those claims is proper? Ok. I learn something new all the time here.

The AG from Connecticut(JD) is investigating as well as Barr, who I dunno, heads American law enforcement. They were just in Italy as well. Maybe hold an impeachment inquiry for that as well
BASING the FISA warrants PARTIALLY, but not EXCLUSIVELY, on the Steele Dosier did not result in the Trump Campaign being investigated BY a foreign law enforcement agency, are we in agreement ?? At such time as warrants are issued in connection with the alleged illegality of the FISA process....feel free to alert the board. 97, you're absolutely right about learning new things upon reading responses to your posts. Very observant.

And , likewise, please come to the board again at such time as A.G. Barr and the Conn. guy tie the entire " Deep State" conspiracy up in a tidy package, after shaking down Joseph Mifsud. We're on pins and needles.
Here, Twin. You may want to keep this as something to reference as more people get hauled off because of their association with Trump. I mean I know you won’t care because wrong is right in your world, but anyway.....,,

Twin, meet Dean
Are you high?

Nope. Just trying to help you before the nice men in white coats come for you. Also, interesting you ask that based on the various random-ass things you post on here that have nada to do with anything.
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Nope. Just trying to help you before the nice men in white coats come for you. Also, interesting you ask that based on the various random-ass things you post on here that have nada to do with anything.
And there we are. Personal attacks when you get OBE trying to follow a gen board thread...where's that lamer bill to call for the moderator? Rofl
I am astounded by the number of presumably bright and seemingly educated people on here who believe that what the Bidens did or didn't actually do has any bearing on whether the President did what he is accused of.
If Mr. Hoosier and I are mortal enemies and I rob a bank and am confronted with proof of it, it is absurd to think that anyone would consider overlooking what I did simply because I claim and prove that Mr. Hoosier is having sex with his donkey. He's bad. So what?
I understand the argument that whatever the President did doesn't arise to something for which impeachment is appropriate, but nobody really even approaches that argument, instead rely upon what amounts to no argument in reality, only a deflection toward a totally different issue.

Well maybe if the people accusing the president had an ounce of honesty or credibility or even just the finite ability to report fact without embellishment or political gain, then we could talk. You understand Hunter Biden is a crack addict right? You're defending the white privilege you say you hate.
This is precisely the type of reply to which I was referring. How does anything Hunter Biden is or does provide any defense to a single action of the President? They are two entirely different issues and each should rise and fall under its own weight.
Nope. Just trying to help you before the nice men in white coats come for you. Also, interesting you ask that based on the various random-ass things you post on here that have nada to do with anything.
And there we are. Personal attacks when you get OBE trying to follow a gen board thread...where's that lamer bill to call for the moderator? Rofl

Ohhh but you just were making fun of hunter Biden being a crack addict. Your world is just full of double standards isn’t it ?
This is precisely the type of reply to which I was referring. How does anything Hunter Biden is or does provide any defense to a single action of the President? They are two entirely different issues and each should rise and fall under its own weight.
To quote all the libs on here during the Russian collusion hoax, quit trying to discredited corruption investigations.
This is precisely the type of reply to which I was referring. How does anything Hunter Biden is or does provide any defense to a single action of the President? They are two entirely different issues and each should rise and fall under its own weight.
To quote all the libs on here during the Russian collusion hoax, quit trying to discredited corruption investigations.
In the vernacular- WTF????
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This is the absolute garbage that right wingers are consuming. They’re starting to panic.

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Donald Trump thinks he can ask commie countries to investigate his political rivals. No comment on that move?
D's did it to him in 2016. Told you then it was a dangerous precedent to weaponize the DoJ. I was not in favor of it then or now. This is stupid and useless and ultimately against the will of the people. It's the lowest level of political mud slinging. But everyone thought this was so grand a few years ago. Now you don't like it? Well DUH.
Donald Trump thinks he can ask commie countries to investigate his political rivals. No comment on that move?
D's did it to him in 2016. Told you then it was a dangerous precedent to weaponize the DoJ. I was not in favor of it then or now. This is stupid and useless and ultimately against the will of the people. It's the lowest level of political mud slinging. But everyone thought this was so grand a few years ago. Now you don't like it? Well DUH.

They did? Lol. Dude. Stop lying. You fully support a man who kept claiming Obama wasn’t born here and that’s fine. But now you’re upset that people are mad that trump asks commie countries for election interference? Gtfo of here with your whining and hypocrisy.
They did? Lol. Dude. Stop lying. You fully support a man who kept claiming Obama wasn’t born here and that’s fine. But now you’re upset that people are mad that trump asks commie countries for election interference? Gtfo of here with your whining and hypocrisy.
You were fine propagating election interference materials 3 years ago. We're all still waiting with baited breath for schiffs collusion evidence and the pee tape.
They did? Lol. Dude. Stop lying. You fully support a man who kept claiming Obama wasn’t born here and that’s fine. But now you’re upset that people are mad that trump asks commie countries for election interference? Gtfo of here with your whining and hypocrisy.
You were fine propagating election interference materials 3 years ago. We're all still waiting with baited breath for schiffs collusion evidence and the pee tape.

Where did I say I was fine with anything? Yet another lie from you. Every post from you is yet another lie.

So now he's accusing the Speaker of the House of Treason.

How low are you people going to go for this man? Do you have a threshold? The man doesn't even know the definition for treason, gets it wrong every time.......yet he throws it around like it's nothing.
This is not normal, this is dangerous. This is insane.

So now he's accusing the Speaker of the House of Treason.

How low are you people going to go for this man? Do you have a threshold? The man doesn't even know the definition for treason, gets it wrong every time.......yet he throws it around like it's nothing.
This is not normal, this is dangerous. This is insane.

The man is making a mockery out of the foundation of this country and his supporters should be ashamed and embarrassed.
The man is making a mockery out of the foundation of this country and his supporters should be ashamed and embarrassed.
We're just waiting on the dam to break and the swamp gets drained. And to be fair, there's a few GOP folks who need to go too.

Your comment has two things in common with the nonsense trump is prattling about tonight: jack and shit. Either make a goddamned point about what we are talking about or get your stupid rambling ass the fukk out of here. Oh, and if you wanna cry about me insulting you, then how about not being a stupid rambling ass for a change. To go through life as willfully stupid as you are is truly a feat.
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Your comment has two things in common with the nonsense trump is prattling about tonight: jack and shit. Either make a goddamned point about what we are talking about or get your stupid rambling ass the fukk out of here. Oh, and if you wanna cry about me insulting you, then how about not being a stupid rambling ass for a change. To go through life as willfully stupid as you are is truly a feat.
you know, you aren't insulting're making a total jack ass out of yourself with your ranting and name-calling. You know you are eventually going to lose this discussion, that Trump will not be forced from office, and he'll still be your Prez no matter how many bogus witnesses come forward.

Now tell me again how Pence is the boogy man.
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Your comment has two things in common with the nonsense trump is prattling about tonight: jack and shit. Either make a goddamned point about what we are talking about or get your stupid rambling ass the fukk out of here. Oh, and if you wanna cry about me insulting you, then how about not being a stupid rambling ass for a change. To go through life as willfully stupid as you are is truly a feat.
you know, you aren't insulting're making a total jack ass out of yourself with your ranting and name-calling. You know you are eventually going to lose this discussion, that Trump will not be forced from office, and he'll still be your Prez no matter how many bogus witnesses come forward.

Now tell me again how Pence is the boogy man.

I know I’m not insulting you. Calling a stupid rambling ass a stupid rambling ass is the opposite of an insult.

But I’m past giving you any breaks. When your main goal is to “own the libs “ vs caring about the mockery he’s making out of his presidency and our standing in the world, then you have some issues. At the end of the day, that’s on you and does nothing more than show that you don’t really care about this country. As for the rest of the nonsense you posted, you can wad it up, shove down your throat and choke on it.
We're just waiting on the dam to break and the swamp gets drained. And to be fair, there's a few GOP folks who need to go too.
Oh wait....we're sorry.....the dam that's going to be breaking and the swamp that's going to be draining are full of DEMOCRATS ???
You might want to do some catch-up studying on dams and swamps in your spare time...
When the White House opens back up after the EXTERMINATORS rid the place of trash.....
It won't be Republicans doing the redecorating...
I know I’m not insulting you. Calling a stupid rambling ass a stupid rambling ass is the opposite of an insult.

But I’m past giving you any breaks. When your main goal is to “own the libs “ vs caring about the mockery he’s making out of his presidency and our standing in the world, then you have some issues. At the end of the day, that’s on you and does nothing more than show that you don’t really care about this country. As for the rest of the nonsense you posted, you can wad it up, shove down your throat and choke on it.
It's not me that is making a mockery of anything. It's you and the other Trump haters doing that. He's done nothing impeachable, yet you continue to bitch, moan, and lie about POTUS and Mike Pence. Your hatred and fear of anything out of your acceptance is pathetic. As for this country, I love every part of it....and once again you just pull it out of your ass

Oh, one other thing....
At least 25 Democrats in the House have indicated publicly they would vote to impeach Trump. Separately, at least 227 House Democrats publicly have supported opening an impeachment inquiry into the president.

In 1998, the House of Representatives approved two of four articles of impeachment against then-President Bill Clinton, sending them to the Senate where they were defeated.
Democrats could vote differently on various impeachment articles against Trump, were they to be brought forth.
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I know I’m not insulting you. Calling a stupid rambling ass a stupid rambling ass is the opposite of an insult.

But I’m past giving you any breaks. When your main goal is to “own the libs “ vs caring about the mockery he’s making out of his presidency and our standing in the world, then you have some issues. At the end of the day, that’s on you and does nothing more than show that you don’t really care about this country. As for the rest of the nonsense you posted, you can wad it up, shove down your throat and choke on it.
Take your meds dude