IU's 5 Star Mgbako Arrested at Taco Bell


True Freshman
Aug 13, 2020
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Karen behavior.

Cursing out employees, refusing to leave, ignoring cops orders... literally the same stuff you see on hundreds of Karen videos on YouTube.

Karen Mgbako
He’s an 18 yo kid at the end of the day. He made a mistake, like many of us have done at that age. He will face some consequences, hopefully learn from this all and move on.
He’s an 18 yo kid at the end of the day. He made a mistake, like many of us have done at that age. He will face some consequences, hopefully learn from this all and move on.
I definitely agree with being an 18 yo kid and making mistakes, but times are also different. I don't recall seeing so many people/kids blatantly disregarding police commands. If, we thought the cops were coming.....we were running.
He’s an 18 yo kid at the end of the day. He made a mistake, like many of us have done at that age. He will face some consequences, hopefully learn from this all and move on.
He'll be 19 in a couple weeks. Anyway you slice it, he behaved like an entitled Karen. Odds are the police body cam footage will be released thanks to the FOIA, and his Karen behavior will be on YouTube for the rest of his life.
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I definitely agree with being an 18 yo kid and making mistakes, but times are also different. I don't recall seeing so many people/kids blatantly disregarding police commands. If, we thought the cops were coming.....we were running.
In my youth I had plenty of interactions with the police. Once for possession of weed. All the other times were for parties being broken up, a car being pulled over, or a friend being cited/arrested. Never once did I or any friend ignore police commands. And if they gave us the opportunity to leave, we dang sure didn't pull a Karen and refuse.
I definitely agree with being an 18 yo kid and making mistakes, but times are also different. I don't recall seeing so many people/kids blatantly disregarding police commands. If, we thought the cops were coming.....we were running.
Well, he was stuck in the Taco Bell drive thru when they came 😂
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He'll be 19 in a couple weeks. Anyway you slice it, he behaved like an entitled Karen. Odds are the police body cam footage will be released thanks to the FOIA, and his Karen behavior will be on YouTube for the rest of his life.
lol ok either way he’s still a kid and will face the consequences everywhere he plays this year from all student sections and fans. Probably get a one game suspension (maybe?). Hopefully he learns and doesn’t have it happen again.
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In my youth I had plenty of interactions with the police. Once for possession of weed. All the other times were for parties being broken up, a car being pulled over, or a friend being cited/arrested. Never once did I or any friend ignore police commands. And if they gave us the opportunity to leave, we dang sure didn't pull a Karen and refuse.
If only everyone would have been like you…

But tbh, he probably will get an NIL deal with TBell once it all said and done
Karen behavior.

Cursing out employees, refusing to leave, ignoring cops orders... literally the same stuff you see on hundreds of Karen videos on YouTube.

Karen Mgbako
You good my dude? You’ve posted essentially the same thing in multiple threads on this board and IU board.
so what actually happened? I imagine just a misdemeanor. Probably a nothing if not someone of interest.
so what actually happened? I imagine just a misdemeanor. Probably a nothing if not someone of interest.
Correct. He was cussing out the Taco Bell drive thru, cops called, told to leave. Was leaving, but reversed and decided to park in a parking spot and cops came over to tell him he was under arrest for trespassing and then he wouldn’t get out to get cuffed. He locked his door and they broke the glass of his car and then he resisted arrest by holding onto his car. But yeah, misdemeanors.
Make all the excuses that you want. None of you were making hundreds of thousands of $ when you were 18. Hes being paid like an adult. Instead he’s acting like a spoiled entitled brat. Don’t be surprised if/when he’s in trouble again.
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You’re very concerned about Karens and you posted the same thing multiple times on here and IU board…which is giving off “Karen Like” energy on your end. 😂

Could be?
But "multiple times".....his profile only shows 4 messages @ this time, all in this thread.
Make all the excuses that you want. None of you were making hundreds of thousands of $ when you were 18. Hes being paid like an adult. Instead he’s acting like a spoiled entitled brat. Don’t be surprised if/when he’s in trouble again.
Not making any excuse. Just saying he’s a kid, and we have all made mistakes, especially at that age. He will hear about this mistake more than any of us ever would allll year. Hopefully, he learns from it.
Not to get all Psych 101 here, but is this really surprising? It's actually pretty difficult for people to adjust to an influx of money, notoriety and/or power. Everyone's probably been telling him how great he's been since he was a young kid. Now its being reinforced financially. I don't think its surprising that he thinks he deserves special treatment. It's the old "do you know who I am" phenomenon. I'm sure this plays out on a daily basis with college athletes, unfortunately for this guy, law enforcement was involved.

I'm hoping this incident helps him recalibrate his expectations of how he'll be treated off the court where he's just another customer getting a taco at 3:00 am.
Years?? Says you joined March of 2023 with only 4 messages.
And it says I joined Tar Heel Radar on September 17, 2020. It says I joined Devils Illustrated on Dec 29, 2022.

Neither is accurate. I was a premium member on Rivals using this account more than a decade ago. I posted on several boards over the years, including this one.

At some point over the past 10 years, Rivals changed board software and it reset my post history. Now each time I post on a Rivals board for the first time since the software change, it says I just joined. But this account was literally created on Rivals when Chappelle Show was still airing new episodes on Comedy Central.

Glad I could clear that up.
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